
Logan: *voiceover* 9 years ago, there was a war tch not just World War III, but a Civil War.

Logan: *Voiceover* Yeah it started in 2045, the war's broken out here plenty of times before. The countries struggle to fight for their survival for mankind...

... Luck was never on their side, though. The Nuclear War was fail, due to malfunction Satellite except for LOKI it survived collapse radiations. Their victories didn't last long. 

Logan: *Voiceover* In 2047, American armies launch in landfall in Europe to prevent Neo-Soviet Union from completing their conquest of the Old Continent and establishing a long-standing front line, eventually Soviet Union Tactical Dolls, successfully crushed American offsenives on Berlin in August. NATO lost the European front during Operation Tradewind and both military rach and domestic of the US had been rapidly crumbling...

... In 2051, the Engulf in a New American Civil War begun, Several American members Aurora Scientist and LAB42 flet to Europe.

In 2053, the East Coast American Rossartrist Alliance held a demonstration in front of the Center City Hall of Philadelphia claiming that Rossartre was killed by those protecting private corporate and political interest, this faction was part of the broader for upcoming URNC and yeah... that was nine years ago.

... As war in chaos in America, another faction rose up to reunite the United States while ECARA controlled the remnants of the fractured government and followed the ideology so called Rossartrism, the Union Continental was created in North take place in Maryland, vowing to reclaim the US territory in rebirth.

The world was once again in struggle of recovery themselves, as European clean up the war with Warsaw pact help.

...And thanks to them, it seemed it would last forever.

Andrew Air Base, Maryland, USA

Logan: *Voiceover* In the place in Maryland, Virgina, this place was now holds by Union Continental led by upcoming President soon. Soon or later the New Civil War ingulf into chaos, the ECARA was still held in Philadelphia.

And the Civil War goes on...

The fighter jet flies above the skies, in the background of the base.

Girls Frontline: New American Civil War

???: Red Alert

The sky change in first person flying the jet, as Logan voiceover.

Logan: *Voiceover* A young pilot was in the sky preparing to engage the enemy factions in America in the viewfinder from the seat of the lead plane. A young man in his seat bowling at the earth below, his name is Marco Flogger and his buddy was photographer getting every stories.

Marco: *sigh* Gimme a break! I'm babysittin' nugget up here!

Union Command: *COMMS* Command room to Warlord squadron. We have enemy aircraft type is unknown. They're attack military target bearing 278 to 302. Captain Flagger, your flight is the only group close enough to make the intercept.

Stone: Copy that Command, we'll proceed on the target.

Stone: Macro, Desert, Lancelot. Four of us will go high and engage the bandits.

The four pilots were Marco his name, the three has codenames, Stoner, Lancelot and Desert pilot the F-16V.

Stone:  *COMMS* All other aircraft stay low and out of the fight and then engage.

The photographer records the scene looking above the cockpit glass was an F-16 above. The Warlord Squadron began to engage the enemy before the command give orders. Inside the cockpit, the pilot check both side inside the cockpit awaiting for go from Stoner. Now Four squadron flies above the clouds, as the photographer record the pilot controlling the plane.

Logan: *Voiceover* The world turned upside down, and my stomach turned inside out.

A photographer appeared on behind the cockpit, while Marco flies his plane, now the warlord squadron engage the enemy aircraft from various faction in America, as the scene faded black and back to Andrew Air force base, as the pilot Marco Flogger walking and behind him is a photographer name Hans BushFord, he is involving every stories within in the Civil War.

Marco: *apology* Sorry about this.

The pause as Hans narrated.

Hans: *Narrated* Sorry for this, I'm Hans BushFord I'm a photographer and the press reporter, I was involved in the Civil War in America, I tried to get every story of history. And this Captain name Marco Flagger his callsign is Tlaloc, name after Atzec Mythology. *continue the scene while narrating* The Captain's apology to me seemed misplaced. One of his instructor Stoner had survived the fight but crashed on landing. The other one was killed in action high up in the cloud leaving two of the trainee pilots left.

Marco, and Hans were walking, behind those two was a handsome American-british man in age 29, walking behind, his hair is blonde and orange strike, his name is Hermes Smart.

Han: *narrated* It wasn't his fault that the unidentified aircraft fired on us without warning. Nor was it his fault that the low altitude area where his instructor sent him and trainees was directly in front of the enemy 10 people died because the Command Room had misplaced some zeroes.

Hermes: *British accent* No way the pilot Number five was amazing. *to Hans* I mean, you shouldn't recording this fight. *to Marco* Did you see her fight back?

Marco: *sigh* I couldn't bear to watch.

Marco turned around to number five pilot, and warnings to her.

Marco: Keihachi you keep flying like that and you'll die real soon!

Hermes and Hans turned around to pilot number five name Akeno Keihachi standing behind her plane.

Akeno: I won't die, sir.

Hermes only to gaze her appeared, seeing her beauty appeared, while Hans observed her looks.

Hans: *Narrated* The only surviving trainee's voice was those two, the two were almost a whisper.

While Hermes still gazing and his eyes sparkling at her, it must be Hermes got a crush on that beautiful woman, while Hans has his camera on his hand.

Marco: *concern* Are you sure? You like you couldn't hurt a fly.

Marco walked back to the command post, leaving Hans and Hermes standing right at her behind her plane as Hans take a picture and Akeno with a small smile looked towards those two

Hans: *Narrated* Her face was beautiful, and pale but she still managed to smile a bit for the camera. Hermes told me about her, she is originally from Japan before the First Belian Island incident, she left home to America, and then First Belian Island start, she moved to Georgia and join the air force by age 18. In aftermath the war, the New American Civil War begun fragmented weakened the state, Akeno who is part of the members of UC air Force.

*Snap a picture*

Hans: *Narrated* The photo, along with my camera was confiscated by Base Security. It was as if our little undeclared war never happened.

Back in the Command Base - Andrew Air Force

Hans: *Narrated* I came to this Andrew Air Force base, this is the home of the remnants of US Military because after the New American Civil War started putting United States faced significant turmoil and devastation.

Another new instructor Cpt. Alex "Falcon" Hayes his replaced for Stoner after his death in the crash leaning on his chair on his tired and stressed about hearing losses of one trainee and instructor Stoner.

Hans: *Narrated* A New Instructor name Alex Hayes the replace for Stoner. I didn't realize he was this unique though. This bad mouth good-natured old fireband could take the greenest of rookies and forge him into a fearsome fighter pilot. Of course, that possibility vanished with today's encounter.

Meanwhile on the door Logan Walker and Simon Irons shows up in front of Simon Irons and Logan Walker as the crew of pilots get to their seats.

Hans: *Narrated* The only crew he had left now were Marco, Hermes, Akeno Keihachi  and the few pilots that happened to be on the ground that day.

 snapped out by Simon and gets up.

Hayes: *sigh* What's the deal?

Logan: Well I heard you lost ten people in the sky?

Hans: *Narrated* That's Logan Walker, the legendary Veteran of the Federation War, he is the members of Security Company called, G.H.O.S.T. and his subordinate, Simon Irons, he is the last family members of Irons, he lost his mother, and his brother. His father was arrested and put him in the jail leaving him was a last members.

Simon: *look at his tablet* Well considered this Hayes, you are simply a new instructor of the UC for... replace for stoner.

Hayes: Uhuh... alright, I take the role for those rookies.

Logan: *nod* Good, the command, got serious trouble about this fight against unidentified aircraft.

Hayes: About your PMCs, how's your dealing with?

Logan: My bro got sent a Dolls to attack and engage another various factions in Delware.

Hayes: I see... *to his remaining pilot* Alright, we're on short on people. Starting tomorrow, all of you nuggets are gonna be sittin' alert.

Marco: That's what I said!

Hayes: Zip it Flagger!

Marco: *groaning* Yes sir...

Hayes: If we launch, stay glued to me up there. *to Akeno* Keihachi

Akeno: Yes sir.

Hayes: You're flying Number two on Marco wing. Hermes you'll be flying number four.

Hermes: Yes sir!

Hayes: Gotta keep an eye on you two or who knows what you'll get yourself into. Flagger.

Marco: Yes sir!

Hayes: You will be Flying number one aside with Keihachi number 2 wing got it?

Marco: I'll do my best on those two rookies, sir!

Hayes: Very well... now I would like to introduce from Security Company, Logan Walker and Simon Irons. 

Simon Irons step forward while Logan Walker stands behind him watching.

Simon Irons: As you all know, we're have situation reports from unidentified aircraft, our satellite revealed to be a Mig plus an F-18 Hornet nest.

Simon activates a hologram map, in aftermath battle, as unidentified aircraft flying back to Delaware and the other flies back to Pennsylvania.

Simon: We are still engaging with East Coast American Rosstarist Alliance one of various factions in fragments of states, the other one whoever this unidentified aircraft come form could face worst, it happened long time ago, we had battles with Southern Republic State America, while we gained, Maryland, Virgina and West Virgina.

Hans: *Narrated* This happened when Simon Irons was the command of G.H.O.S.T. and UC. It all started three years ago.

"How did the Civil War happened?"

Three years ago

Aftermath World War III and Civil War begun

- 2051

A V-280 Valor hovering in the states of New York, as the remnants of the US military commence operations, when the United States faced significant devastation and subsequent war.

- First was Collapse Fluid Contamination, led widespread contamination, severely affected the Western part of the United States, rendering it largely uninhabitable. 

-Second Division of the Country, a massive exclusion wall was constructed, effectively splitting the country in half stretches from Winnipeg to Port Arthur.

-Third was impacted on population, it resulted in a significant loss of life and displacement of survivors. Many people from the Western regions attempted to move to the Eastern "Green zone" before the wall completed

- And finally Political and Social Changes: The chaos and devastation led to the rise of new ideologies and factions such as Rossartrism, which gain some foothold in the US.

The New York led the city in chaos and heavy fighting, burnings from buildings as Remnants of US prepare to evacuate many civilians and US Armies to the Carrier. The fighter's flies above the skies dogfighting.

Reporters: Which highlight in Chaos, the states had been divided into various factions, across the state, the remnants of US Army commence all civilians and armies to evac to the Maryland their last stronghold.

Reporter: The chaos has struck through city, buildings on fire, fighting and everything else.

Inside the V-280 Valor were AMR9, TR-76 Geist and P890

AMR9: Holy damn, that's lots of chaos.

P890: Yeah, the US has been divided, into various factions.

TR-76 Geist: So many chaos, the armies are fighting against another, and the factions too.

As the three S T-Doll observing the site of the New York City.

Pilot: Alright your three, our situations is this. Two days we lost contact with President Elizabeth Harper, she's on routine trip to New York as the War ends, the states began divided into various faction and foothold our states. The armies and security are protecting our upcoming President Harper, she and her convoy was surrounded by Factions attacking her.

TR-76 Geist: So what's our objective?

Pilot: Your objective is to take President and her convoy to the port as far civilians was there to evac to the Maryland. Yesterday we also contact  to our two PMC, Shadow Company and that's were you three around security Company starts.

Pilot: The Shadow Company will handle the Evac choke point as civilians boarded the LCAC back to the USS Arthur Clark, so your job is to get president out of her, and we'll get your payment.

P890: Deals the deals!

Pilot: On the other hands, the Marines led Jason alongside our Rangers 75th Tex, Ramirez and Andrii with his team aswell are on the ground, they confirmed a deal about the various faction objective.

AMR9: What kind of objective?

Pilot: They're goal is blame the government of private corporate and political interest and gain new doctrine ideals, including this, civil unrest across the East Coast, so short story. Get the president and back to the extraction for this, got it? To Repeat objective regroup with Marines and Rangers, rescue the president and head back to exfil got it?

P890: Understood.

TR-76 Geist: We'll get there and regroup Marines and Rangers, at City Town Square.

AMR9: And let's go.

The V-280 Valor descending on the ground where all US Armies and Shadow Company prepare to evac civilians to the Maryland getting them out safety. Three S T-Doll P890, AMR9 and TR-76 Geist march on foot as soldiers run to the battlefield engaging factions.

TYR: *COMMS* Control, this is Tex, I have visual on President and our agent Jack Mason who were heavily fired from faction army, the security escorted them to the Grand Central Terminal by our recon team.

P890: TYR, you hear me?

TYR: *COMMS* 890 your there? where are you?

P890: We were deployed by our Commander Hesh, our objective is to rescue President and regroup with you guys.

Jason: *COMMS* Hell yeah, man, looks like our reinforcement have arrived.

P890: Copy that, are you two, on me.

The three rushed through the street activate their camouflage, avoid the gunfight between US Army and factions engaging. The US Tank and the gunner opened fire on militia factions, and shells reload destroyed enemy truck. In the town city squares, gunfight in chaos, fires across the streets and buildings, after the three S T-Doll avoid the enemy and enter the command post in the centre city time square which heavily fortifed walls and the group began to evact. As they move towards the command post, they deactivate their cloak, stating their allies, the US Arm and tanks enters the battlefield, while soldiers move towards the battlefield or defend. P890 then approaches the command post's officer.

Kean: Who the hell are you guys?

P890: We're the Security Company. Providing support for Marines Demon Dogs and 75th Rangers!

Kean: They're already move to the grand central terminal! You need a hoverbike to get there.

AMR9: What was their position?

Kean: seven clicks SouthEast at 42nd Street!

P890: Alright, we're on the moving!

The US Army gives the Hoverbike to three S T-Dolls.

P890: Hope on Geist.

TR-76 hopped on his own Hoverbike while AMR9 and P890 got their own bike. 

A Hud appeared with a map in the top left corner of the HUD screen showing the route to the Grand Terminal were they will regroup with Marines and 75th Ranger.

Ares: *COMMS* Agent Richtofen, this is command Ares from the Shadow Company. The president and her security includes Jack Mason were pinned down by enemy factions. Clock's ticking.

P890: Copy, Ares. Hitting checkpoint out.

They arrive at a gate with hoverbike. Two US ASTs are guarding the gate. the ASTs stop them.

AST: Name and order number.

P890: Agent Richtofen, order 7790

TR-76 Geist: *whispered to AMR9* Never thought AST exist used by US Army, I thought Atlas disband?

US Soldier approached Geist hearing about question about AST.

US Soldier 1: Not a first time to see AST, some S T-Doll knows about AST, and includes Unnmaned Units Goliath same as AST. 

AMR9: Why AST still there?

US Soldier 1: Don't you remember new Manufacturered called Militech, they are the one to recreate Atlas' equipment, EXO-suit, AST and includes military vehicles aswell.

AST: Hold on. Got three operatives confirmed Dolls on bikes heading in. Mission orders 7790. Ok, you're good. Open it up.

The gate opens and they ride out while AST clear out some enemy Militia and Soldiers includes Robots.

P890: Ares, agent Richtofen. Moving past street lines. Stay locked on.

While driving in the street a UAV shows up above the air, and the COMMS came from the pilot who fly V-280 Valor.

Pilot 1: Okay, I got visual on President Harper, use the UAV while you guys heading to the terminal.

The COMMS switch to the drone pilot

Drone pilot: *COMMS* Agent Richtofen, this is upgraded Dragonflies drone. It can orbit the battlefield, pin point any locations. Stay close with the drone. I'll upload to you three a command post to the drone, now.

Their HUD appeared on the left side of the screen which shows a battlefield, controlling the drone.

Drone pilot: Alright, the president, Marines, Rangers and Security last known location was to pinpoint at designation, locate the spot in your tactical map. The UAV to move and scanned that spot.

While they were driving their hoverbike, P890 hud control the map, pin point the target at the last known location in Grand Central Terminal.

P890: Okay, I got pin that location, 9, Geist, sending you know.

P890 gives a map shows a location of pinpoint at the grand Central Terminal

They ride through the city street past buildings, everything was ruined and burning.

AMR9: Can't believe this is chaos.

TR-76 Geist: Hasn't changed that much.

The ride into a hallways parked their bike were Marines and 75th Ranger's Humvee and vehicles parked.

P890: It must those groups, lets move.

They pass over by enemy militia vehicle and milita groups. They reach to the Grand Central Terminal with a bunch of dead civilians and Security.

AMR9: Shit. Those Milita factions cared about their own ideology or social.

P890: Stay focus *reload his pistol* Nothing we do for them now. 

P890 ready his pistol, AMR9 and TR-76 Geist ready their guns once their inside the terminal, with place is empty. Suddenly, a milita pop out from their covered before they fired, suddenly a breaching the roof by Shadow Company, killing Milita. As TR-76 Geist takes aim but...

AMR9: Check fire! Blue, blue!

P890: ID Yourselves.

The Shadow Company forces were Vale, Ronin, Viper and Bristol, they are team Ravens

Vale: We're Shadow Company PMC rescue force, Raven team. We're transporting the remaining civilians.

P890: How's the city?

Viper: Everything is fucking' mess. Chaos across the city. Better odds taking the them to the transport VTOL.

A military appeared rushing with a blade, Ronin then use his magnetic Katana, killed him on sight, and the magnet blade return to blade, with S T-Doll astonished surprised.

All: Whoa!

Ronin: Don't mind, this is magnet Katana, I had my wrist to control it like a boomerang.

Vale: Good luck. *to Raven team* Let's move.

P890: On me.

The group walked down the stairs, turn on their flashlight, as the tunnel was dark. Suddenly, an ambushed surprised by Marines and Rangers.

US Ranger 1: *threaten* Stay the fuck down! *using his pistol at P890*

US Marine 4: *Threatened* Don't move! *as other Marines pointed their guns at TR-76 Geist and AMR9*

Jason: Wait! Wait!

P890 saw Jason Griggs on his US marine uniform, behind him were TYR, Tempus Razorback and XM4 walking includes Jack Mason.

Jack: There on of ours.

P890 gets up grabbed his own pistol, walked towards Jack.

P890: Jack

Jack: Good to see you Richtofen, how's the hold up?

P890: Pretty back, city was on chaos, we're on route for the president to evac to Maryland.

Liz: Oh thank god... Agent Abolisher, agent Andrii and Agent Richtofen you finally show up.

Outside from the shadow reveals a woman in mid 30 with her two remaining Security. Her name is Liz Harper, she's a friend with Jack Mason.

All: Madam/Liz (by Jack)

Liz: Any situation on Jason?

Jason: Real bad madam, city was on chaos. The Military is falling back to Maryland. However we were overrun by Militia.

Liz: *sigh* This happened about that war, I was elected after this, but... election was interrupted by civil unrest killing the second president who current on the way to Florida.

US Soldier 1: That means your now president.

P890: Okay, you guys ready for evac to the port, we have on last boat on the port, we have get fast, as the Military to fall back to the Maryland. Got it?

They acknowledge, P890 contact Ares.

P890: Ares, we have the president, I say again we have the president.

Ares: *COMMS* Okay, be advise we send one Apache to supported you for exfil.

P890: Roger that, Jack let's go before we missed our chance.

Jack acknowledge to him.

Jack: Alright everyone, let's go, our exfil is our way ticket home! Let's move

US Marines and Rangers: Hoorah!

The US Marines, and Rangers and two securities escorted the president walked out from the Grand central, with Jack Mason and S T-Doll.

The scene switch to a Squadron of AH-64E Apache one of which is callsign Lion, hovering through street.

Ares: *COMMS* Lion this is command Ares from Shadow Company, we have visual on the group heading to the port for the exfil, your objective is to protect from enemies' threat.

Lion: Copy, what bout command post in City Square.

Ares: *COMMS* They are already in the evac, meet them in the Grand central terminal.

Lion: Copy on my heading to 42nd Street.

AH-64E Apache break off with his squad to meet up with escort groups, hovering through street.

The lone AH-64E Apache, Lion scanned the street and building with no sign any militia movements.

Ares: *COMMS* Lion, US Military and security escorted the president safety with the help of our dolls support to help ground units there. They have six remains vehicles and three hoverbikes, they need you to support. Please switch to their frequency.

Lion: Roger that Ares. Agent Richtofen, this is Lion, how do you copy?

P890: *COMMS* Lion. We hear you well. We have the president; however the factions had attempted to blockade our exit, I need you to clear our path before they go after the president.

Lion on Apache hovering above six convoy vehicles to protect the president, in the streets.

Ares: *COMMS* Ares to Lion, US Marines and Ranger units approaching the Milita.

Lion: Roger that.

Lion fire the missiles onto the enemy vehicles and milita on the street, leading them to the escape path.

Jason: *COMMS* We got enemy armor vehicle marching right towards us!

Lion: Roger that. Moving to engaging.

Lion fire another barrage of missile launchers at the enemy armor vehicles and machines.

Enemy Milita: *COMMS* They got our asses up!

Enemy Milita 2: *COMMS* We have to take out that helicopter then we kill the president!

Ares: *COMMS* Lion, be advised, I intercept their comms, their planning to shoot at you. Take out those rocket launcher users.

Lion: Roger, target enemy launchers and then find our targets.

The Apache is hovering the sky, followed the convoy in the street, heading to the last escape route, the milita on the other hand enemy rocket launcher shoot the apache, Lion got warnings on radar, he dodge the rockets, fire the gatling guns on the rocket launchers in streets, buildings and roof.

The Apache continue the convoy, thus they met with NYPD on their cars.

NYPD officer 1: *COMMS* This is NYPD, we'll cover your escape route, go!

Tempus Razorback: *COMMS* Thanks you officer!

The NYPD police and SWAT engage the malitia as the factions sense the president escaping, they use their own vehicles.

P890: *COMMS* Lion, be advise, we got enemy vehicles, they're going to attack our men.

Lion: Roger that, agent Richtofen, engaging.

Lion took out all the enemy vehicles and one Humvee was destroyed with five marines was killed.

Rigo 1: *COMMS* This is Riga 1, we've safe for your boat, you guys are almost there to the boat.

The AH-64 "Lion" turned around engage the enemy militia and armored vehicles who were trying towards the last boat. the Rigo battalion and AH-64 "Lion" Repelled enemy forces and Rigo battalion joined the last boat and finally escaped from the enemy milita. AH-64 also escape heading back to USS Arthur Clark.

Ares: *COMMS* All remaining personnel, the president was successfully on the boat. I repeat the president was secured returned to Maryland.

The boat then later headed straight to the USS Arthur Clark, however the pilot forgot something.

Pilot: *COMMS* *panic* NO! The package! We can't leave the package!

Jack: *COMMS* Relax Pilot, we don't need a package, everything is fake the real one is with us.

Liz: *sigh in relief*

AMR9: *COMMS* You don't have to be relief madam, your safe right now, we're going to Maryland.

Liz: *COMMS* *worried* My people had turn into civil unrest chaos across the states. There's nothing we can do.

Jack: *COMMS* Then we have to find our way to bring back peace.

Onboard the USS Arthur Clark

The Crew rushes to the Captain and President Elizabeth "Liz" Harper who were having conversation in the bridge about the America civil Unrest, and turmoil turning into Fragmented weakened State.

Crew: Captain, Madam President we got incoming video in Maryland. 

Captain: Show me?

The Crew, Captain and Madam President includes Jack Mason and P890 were on the TV News they watched.

Reporters: A moments ago, the East America States has turned into Choas... there were dozens of Factions across states, attacking against another. We don't know many are there, it cause rages attacks. The active warzone were in Austin, outside the wall.

The news change to the General Wido Jones on the video

Wido: *comms* Madam President.

Liz: General Jones, what's going on?

Wido: *COMMS* We just receive words from our recon team, the active war in Austin, Texas outside the wall. However, we're in the Pentagon in Virginia, we managed to create a blockade the militia however, the D.C was under heavy fire against enemy threats.

Liz: General what are they fighting?

Wido: *COMMS* They're fighting for resources after the skirmish in World War III. Madam, you need to fix this, the world think United States is Weakening, but I ask you Madam President, what's your order?

Liz: *sigh* Wido, prepare to deploy in DC, retake the White House and I will dress the people by two years.

Wido: *nod* Understood madam. 

to be continued.

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