Chapter 4 Rendezvous

Brief room 

Atom: Attention! You all maggots Listen up. The biggest mistake between the Florida Alliance and East Coast American Rosstarist Alliance made in their blitz attack is that it had failed to sink any of our aircraft carriers.

GASA//I.C.A. System Activated

Atom: We'll evacuate all intact carriers in Delaware after the invasion against ECARA, then use them as a base to rebuild our counterstrike force.

Atom: You've been called to service on very important operation people. So keep that in mind out there.

GASA: Today, at 1500 hours, three carriers from the 2nd UC Naval Fleet will Rendezvous at Delaware to the open ocean after UC successfully invasion in Delaware against enemy faction ECARA.

The pictures shows three supercarriers, UC Falcon, UC Mcdonnell, and UC Vulture.

GASA: These supercarriers are Vulture, McDonnell and Falcon which has successfully invaded Delaware. Your mission is to coordinate with the UC Falcon and provide cover for all carriers during rendezvous.

GASA: Should you encounter enemy attack, defend the three supercarriers at all cost. The situation is fluid, so be sure to choose an aircraft with good defensive capabilities against both air and ground-based threats.

Meanwhile at the hanger

Marco and squadron were in the hanger full of aircraft and spare aircraft that the UC smuggle the Soviet cargo ship contains aircraft.

Marco began selected the aircraft that the officers offer to select new aircraft capabilities. Marco choose F-36 Kingsnake, Marco tell Akeno and Hermes to get F-36 Kingsnake and Omah only chose SU-24.

(For Marco, Hermes and Akeno plane)

Hermes: So lad, we're going up in this formation?

Marco: Yep, and we're good to go.

Hermes: Tch, alright, Warlord Squadron launch and ready!


At Delaware Memorial Bridge (UC liberated)

O the scene sees Three UC Supercarrier alongside four Destroyers DDGX escorted out of the water from Delaware to the sea.

Hermes: *voiceover* It was nothing. Easiest mission in the world. That's what it was supposed to be...

Above the sky, was a Warlord squadron with help support with Captain Natasha's F-15EX Eagle II

...Tch, It wasn't just us, but everyone they could get their hands on. General mobilization, lads. Our planes filled the sky like a huge aluminium cloud and rain of tears. There was no way the enemy could attack. We've got it made in the shade now.

Warlord Squadron flew above the skies and three supercarrier make their way out of the openwater.

Beakeye: *COMMS* This is Beakeye. We've arrived outside the range of enemy air attack. Hold above the carrier for the tanker aircraft.

Hermes: Everyone is leaving, can we go there yet?

Beakeye: *COMMS* Warlord squadron, I told you to wait for the tanker plane above the carrier.

Hermes: Awww I swear...

Violet: *COMMS* Don't get so tried and lazy Hermes, beside once we finished escorting the three supercarrier, we could get enough time.

As five fighters flew in formation, Hermes noticed on the radar, seeing fritz.

Hermes: *COMMS* Hey... what is that? Is my radar on the fritz?

And so with Omah aswell on his cockpit.

Omah: *COMMS* Mine too.

Violet: Where is it come from?

Hermes: I hope that bloody Beak-eyeball didn't notice? *to Marco as the camera switch to Marco* *COMMS* Yo, Marco!

Omah: *COMMS* Actually... Hermes, you should call him "Captain" now.

Marco: Hermes, I am the captain now, after Captain Hayes went missing.

Hermes: Relax, Omah. Hey, you think we oughta report this?

Marco: *COMMS* Maybe

Akeno: *COMMS* I could say-

Marco looked closer on the cockpit, and he do, he is shocked seeing three aircrafts confirmed to be Harriers, the ECARA old Harriers.

Suddenly, Beakeye heard on their Comms.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Enemy approaching! All units, return to your Combat Air Patrol Stations! Protect the supercarriers!

Marco: Roger Beakeye, engaging the targets, all planes take them down!

Akeno: *COMMS* Shino Engaging!

Omah: *COMMS* Bayek Engaging!

Hermes: *COMMS* Hermes Engaging!

Violet: *COMMS* I'll defend the three carriers!

The four warlord squadron shoot down the enemy harriers and Violet seen high-medium altitude beside the UC Falcon.

Beakeye: *COMMS* We have three supercarriers and four destroyer. Don't let them sink even one of our carriers!

Violet: *COMMS* This is Violet, I had visual on enemy carriers heading towards Vulture, engaging!

Violet's F-15EX Eagle II release the engine thruster to shoot down another Harriers.

As the Warlord Squadron and Violet engaging enemy Harriers, another Squadron coming from the carrier contact them.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* I can't take off. Shoot down those enemy planes for me!

Hermes: Okay. I'm coming. Hold on.

Hermes turned towards the enemy harriers who were attacking the supercarriers successfully shoot them down.

ECARA Squadron: *COMMS* It's impossible for them to evade us out here.

Marco engage another Harriers coming from behind, shoot them down under the Delaware bridge memorial.

UC fleet: *COMMS* Hurry up and launch the carrier jets.

The UC Jets were take-off from their carriers engaging enemy aircraft. Akeno realized, this wasn't good enough for carrier to be undetected, but it was a trap.

Akeno: Visibility and rain are both poor. It's the perfect time and place for a surprise attack.

Marco: *COMMS* Your right, everything those ECARA set up a trap for the three supercarriers.

Akeno: Yeah, I can't help but feel like everything's working against us.

Omah on his Su-24 tried to shoot down the enemy Harriers, but it keep missing.

Omah: *COMMS* C'mon, I can do this. I've been through a real battle before back in Egypt.

Violet: *COMMS* Don't waste your ammo Bayek. We've got another Harriers coming towards in the front.

Omah and Violet engage another harriers on the front.

Omah fire the first missiles followed by Violet firing the missiles, destroyed two Harriers.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* Scott, give me the enemy's position and their number!

One of the UC Squadron pilot goes by the name Scott aboard the ship part of 2nd Fleet.

UC fleet: *COMMS* Unknown. We're not sure of the situation ourselves.

Akeno looked around the around but everywhere is full of cloud and rain, she didn't aware of how enemy appeared out of site.

Akeno: I don't understand, How did the enemy know when to attack?

Omah: *COMMS* I have no idea but something strange here, but I'm not sure what. Is that what an enemy attack is usually like?

Violet: *COMMS* Maybe they were preparing after the invasion in Delaware.

Marco scout the area, checking if more Harriers nearby, he heard of the UC Squadron on the Radio.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* It's too far we can't make it!

Marco: I'll deal with it.

Violet: *COMMS* I'm coming with you!

Marco's F-36 Kingsnake and Violet's F-15EX Eagle II, thrust their jet fast as Harriers in medium altitude fire the missile, when Captain of this fleet shout.

UC Fleet: *COMMS* Evade! Move it!

The 2nd Fleet evasive maneuver from the missiles, and two jets shoot down the two Harriers. Another appeared on the radar show two F-15B.

Violet: *COMMS* There a lot of them. I suggest we disperse.

Marco: Yes, you take that one and I'll take the other one.

Violet: *COMMS* Roger, engaging.

ECARA Squadron: *COMMS* Watch your altitude comrades, while executing your mission.

Fortunately for the enemy, they were shot down by Marco and Violet.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Bandit show down!

 On the radar, enemy aircraft approaching and one missile impact on the destroyer bridge, cause their Captain injured.

UC fleet: *COMMS* The Captain's hurt! Where are the medics?!

The Warlord squadron, Violet and UC Squadron across the area engaging ECARA aircraft in different areas shooting down the rest.

UC Falcon: *COMMS* Full speed ahead. Rendezvous with the remaining two supercarriers ASAP.

On the flight deck of Falcon, the F/A-XX took off by Captain Bendixen.

Hermes: *COMMS* The planes are airborne.

Bendixen: *COMMS* All right, I'm airborne. Come up and get me.

Bendixen's F/A-XX fire the laser destroyed five Harriers and F-15B, Hermes was relief to see some reinforcement arrived from the Carrier.

Hermes: *COMMS* Finally, there here. What took you guys so long?

Bendixen, Violet, Warlord Squadron and UC Squadron destroyed more enemy aircraft, Beakeye heard on the radio.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Warning! Enemy fighters within range to fire anti-ship missile! Defend the supercarrier!

Marco: Copy, Warlord engage enemy fighters.

Akeo: *COMMS*

Omah: *COMMS* Got your back.

Marco, Akeno and Omah engage enemy aircraft carrying the anti-ship missiles and destroyed it. One of the Captain of UC Falcon name Blackwood contact Captain Bendixen

Blackwood: *COMMS* Captain Bendixen, you're responsible for the air defense effort.

Bendixen: *COMMS* Roger, Captain, I won't let you down. All right, gentlemen, it's time to clean house!

Bendixen and the squadron support, Violet, and Warlord Squadron in dogfight against enemy Harriers and enemy aircraft across the Delaware. Hermes could tell those ECARA's planning.

Hermes: *COMMS* Blood hell, those bastards think they can just come in and start circling us, huh?

Marco: I definitely, your right Hermes, the ECARA are up to target our carriers, luckily, we have more Supercarriers, but now three carriers were joined too.

Bendixen: *COMMS* Whatever you say, Captain, the ECARA are not gonna let my carrier to be destroyed.

ECARA Squadron: *COMMS* All aircraft, disperse and proceed to your target. Remember, comrades. We shall foresaw what Mr Rossartre did. So Carry out your mission to the end.

The UC air squadron, Violet and Warlord squadron engage and destroyed enemy aircraft across Delaware. AWACs Beakeye support Warlord Squadron, Captain Violet to face warning radar, of multiple enemy bandits. 

Marco and Hermes flies in front towards the cloud and rain, Hermes can think of those enemy aircraft had carrying anti-ship missiles.

Hermes: *COMMS* Captain, it seems some of these guys are packing anti-ship missiles. Can you see any?

Marco scanned the area, but the cloud and rain covered the area, because of fog. He signal Hermes on the cockpit to thumb down.

Hermes: Me either, but it'll be trouble, if they are out there. We'll take 'em before they can approach the ships.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Enemy fighters closing in on supercarrier.

Marco: I got visual three aircraft, its another Eagles. Engaging three eagles.

UC Fleet: *COMMS* Don't repeat the mistakes we made last time.

Three F-15 Eagles fire the anti-ship missiles, and Hermes flies towards enemy F-15s and so with Marco.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Warning! Enemy fighters within range to fire anti-ship missile! Defend the carrier!

Marco: Copy Fox 2!

Hermes: *COMMS* Fox 2!

The missiles fired from Marco's F-36 Kingsnake and Hermes fire the last one, destroying three Eagles, the missiles hits the UC Vulture on the bow.

UC Vulture: *COMMS* This is the UC Aircraft carrier Vulture. Missile strike off our bow. Severe shockwaves.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* This is Nomader 2. Have the three-supercarrier met up yet? 

UC Falcon: *COMMS* This is the Falcon. It'll be a little longer before we meet.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* Roger don't take too long.

After the UC Squadron, Captain Natasha and Warlord squadron took out all enemy harriers down, the carriers meet up.

Beakeye: *COMMS* All enemy attack planes confirmed destroyed. Area sanitized.

Bendixen: *COMMS* *chuckles* Nice one, Warlord.

Violet: *COMMS* Well done Captain!

Marco could do is to smile, after his victorious, he looked at cockpit seeing a the reflection image of giant bird wings flap and the thunder claps, Marco could feel his imagination.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Warlord, your air-defense mission is complete. Hold for the tanker aircraft above the Kestrel and resupplied.

As the three supercarrier made it out to the open Ocean from Delaware, suddenly, something on the radar noticed as one of the officer panic.

Officer of UC fleet: *COMMS* Ballistic missile incoming!

Omah: *COMMS* A Ballistic missile? Where'd they launch that from?

On the sky a ballistic missile flew right above the skies causing the ignition, the bright light explode from the ballistic missile.

UC Fleet: *COMMS* Hey... what's that?

After it ignition, they could hear some pilots got shot down or destroyed, what it could tell that Ballistic missile took out the UC Squadron.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* Allied squadron wiped out! What happened?!

UC Squadron: *COMMS* The carrier, the supercarrier's hit! It's tipping!

One of the Sister ship, UC Mcdonnell suffer hit and she sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Akeno: *COMMS* Someone! Anyone! What's happening?

Violet: *COMMS* What's going on?! Any fleet left?!

Bendixen: *COMMS* I don't know! Everything below 5,000 feet was just annihilated!

Beakeye: *COMMS* Second missile incoming!

Marco: Where that missile coming from?!

Bendixen: *COMMS* Dammit! Listen up, if you wanna survive, then climb above 5,000 feet before that thing hits! All units, move it! Falcon, evasive action!

Hermes: *COMMS* What're we gonna do, Kid? I'll follow you.

They climb up to 5,000 feet to avoid the ballistic missiles, as they climb, Omah talk to Marco.

Omah: *COMMS* Captain are you sure we're going to climb up to 5,000 feet?

Marco: Yeah, Omah, we have to climb, followed Bendixen orders.

Omah: *COMMS* Alright. I'll follow you, Captain.

Marco looked down inside his cockpit saw Falcon and Vulture and their strike groups on the open ocean while allied squadron confused whether climb or what will they do? Violet saw horrified seeing the crew spilling off the decks as the carrier sunk.

Violet: *COMMS* People are spilling off the decks!

Marco: That missile hit our one of our three carriers, this is bad...

Hermes saw another ship sank aswell.

Hermes: *COMMS* There goes another ship!

Beakeye: *COMMS* 10 seconds to next impact. 8, 7...

Marco: Everyone climb faster! Make sure your safe distance!

Bendixen: *COMMS* You heard the captain of Warlord squadron, climb!

Warlord squadron, Violet and few allied squadron climb fast while Beakeye make a countdown as the ballistic missile prepare to impact.

Beakeye: *COMMS* 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 impact!

The ballistic missle impact create more explosions, the second out of three supercarriers, Vulture was Baldy damage and she sunk, and the squadron aswell, leaving Falcon the last surviving supercarrier. The pilots were scared and horrified to see the weapon of destruction, ever since the nuclear war during World War III, EMPS generated the nuclear explosion damaged or disabled many satellites and communications system in result of significant loss of connectivity and control over various technological assets, including satellites except for LOKI. The LOKI survived the EMP blast, by moving to other location avoid the EMP blast, destroyed nuclear missiles in prevent of the damange of LOKI. In the end, the LOKI survived.

UC Squadron: *COMMS* *scared* Oh no, another one!

UC Squadron 2: *COMMS* The Vulture took a direct hit! She's sinking!

Bendixen: *COMMS* How... how could this happen to our fleet?

The squadron heard the crew and command on the ship which they prepare to extinguish fire and abandon ship.

UC Fleet: *COMMS* Heavy damage! All hands, abandon ship!/What the hell was that attack? It was like molten steel raining down on us!/What's going on? Somebody tell me!

UC Squadron: *COMMS* H-how did we come to this?

Violet: *COMMS* Oh my god...

Suddenly on the radio, one of surviving fleet, UC Falcon responds to surviving aircraft.

UC Falcon: *COMMS* This is the Falcon. All surviving aircraft, respond.

Marco: This is Warlord Squadron, thank god you survive.

Violet: *COMMS* This is Captain Natasha, I can see you Falcon.

Bendixen: *COMMS* This is Snowball. I managed to stay alive... Looks like the Warlord and Violet made it, too.

Following the aftermath impact of both Ballistic missiles, UC Falcon survived the impact, two of Supercarriers, UC Mcdonnell and UC Vulture were both sunk, leaving the last sister, Falcon the sole survivor.

Omah: *COMMS* Two aircraft carriers lost... *sigh* I can't believe this is all that's left of our force.

Hermes: *COMMS* And we don't have enough fuel to get back to base, either.

Beakeye: *COMMS* Warlord Squadron, we can't get a tanker aircraft over to you. Proceed to Dover Air base, land and refuel.

Marco: Roger, going to Dover Air base, how much left Beakeye?

Beakeye: *COMMS* About 30 minutes before you head to New Jersey Air base.

Hermes: Hey kid!

Omah: *COMMS* *Glance* You really should start, calling him "Captain."

Hermes: *COMMS* Quit it. If he's a Captain, then i want him to start trash-talkin' like a Captain.

Akeno: *COMMS* *wince* You sound like Captain Hayes.

Hermes: *COMMS* *sigh* I'm missing that voice real bad now...

Violet: *COMMS* And you could called him Captain as you call him kid, I would call him Captain instead.

Omah: *COMMS* He's got us back alive from battle for the second time. As far as I'm concerned, he's our Captain now.

Marco: *smiles* Thanks guys, you all always got my back.

Akeno: *COMMS* *determined* That's right. I'll never lose my lead plane again. No matter what.

Marco: *concern* Just like Captain Hayes words.


Mission Complete

GASA: The enemy attack squadron has withdrawn from the area in Delaware. The two aircraft carriers Vulture and Mcdonnell were sunk by a powerful burst-missile attack.

GASA: According to hydrophone data analysis, we have determined that the attack was carried out by the submersible carrier's name Rusalka. The Neo-Soviet Union underwater attack submersible carrier. 

GASA: The specs of this ship are unknown, but its existence confirm that the advanced shipbuilding efforts of the Neo-Soviet Union during Neo-Soviet Union part of World War III have been going on unabated since the previous war.

GASA: Rusalka is a serious threat to our objectives. We believe East Coast American Rosstarist Alliance, gain alliance with Neo-Soviet Union in support using Rusalka.

GASA: Emergency transmission from Central.

GASA: Our faction army has decided to deploy weapon supplied of Orbital bombardment LOKI to neutralize the grave threat posed by this new enemy submarine.


New Jersey Air base (New Jersey part of UC)

Sep 30 2053

1929 hours

Akeno: *Voiceover* We set off for the Eastern Coast to fuel. This place was once a battlefield in aftermath compared to what's further ahead. Beyond on the site on Delaware...

... 9 years ago, the world war III cause the major nuclear destruction across major targets all over the country entombing ourselves to the East.

Akeno: *voiceover* That history should've been enough of a lesson for us all.

The scene shows one of the nuclear site on Delaware was taken photo by Pilot.

Akeno: *Voiceover* nine cities across the US region states were vaporized and the local area is still highly radioactive turning in apocalyptic site. The Union Continental, vow to rebuilt our cities and our cultures.

The scene change to Devor Air base, F-36 Kingsnake, F-15EX Eagle II and SU-29 landed on the runway.

Akeno: *Voiceover* Our landing point was in the New Jersey air base on New Jersey, formerly of pre-country of United States, and part of East Coast of American Rosstarist alliance rule but now Union Continental taken.

Akeno: *Voiceover* If your refer to it by that name on the local, thought I could tell you that this is pre-country United States of the states Delaware.

Akeno: *Voiceover* Our flight training took place here on this airfield in New Jersey air base

The scene change to junior cadets on New Jersey air base running and on the background shows a wall of all news and papers.

Akeno: *Voiceover* We were surrounded by junior cadets eager to hear war stories.

The scene shows a picture of four cadets pilots, Marco, Hermes, Omah and Akeno and behind were F-16V.

Akeno: *Voiceover* The newspaper article about us written by that Journalist Gwenivere made it here faster than we did.

On the background shows junior cadets listened to Hermes's war stories and Omah listened aswell. Omah smiles right towards him, while Akeno giggles. Violet beside Marco smiled while they listened to Hermes's war story.

Akeno: *Voiceover* We had become the most experienced pilots in the entire civil war. Us, Captain Hayes's nuggets.

The scene changes to F-36 Kingsnakes, F-15EX Eagle II pilot by Violet and SU-29 pilot by Omah, with air fleet behind them.

Akeno: *Voiceover* We were directed to take these inexperienced pilots back with us to Andrew Air base when we returned.

UC Pilot 1: *COMMS* Man we'd better thanks to Herch for this.

Omah: *COMMS* Why's that?

UC Pilot 1: *COMMS* Cuz he's the guy who pounded basic fighters maneuver into us. Now we can lord it over all these guys.

Violet: *COMMS* *giggles* Herch is one our best allied with us, helping the pilots to basic trainings.

Akeno: *Voiceover* You said it. These pilots had only a tenuous grasp of flying, much less mid-air refueling, so we had to land at every base along the way. I can't believe we have to send them off to guard the Eastern coastline of our UC mainland...

Akeno: *Voiceover* Ever since the First Belian incident show up, the Japanese government abandoned 120 millions in Tokyo, I was lucky to survive, but the US West Coast was full of ELID disease... but someday, I will bring peace to this Eastern coast.

to be continued.

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