A storm rages outside an island facility at nighttime.
Terminus Island, Philippine Sea
0300 Hours
The scene goes to interior. A security guard is sitting at his control deck platform viewing camera feeds. All monitors are active. A recording of the poem "Boots" by Rudyard Kipling, spoken by Taylor Holmes, is played out loud. A close-up of the monitors shows the Strike team within their prison cells after the portal separated them into different cells.
Aiden, Arya Tsoi, Agent K and Agent Q are seen sitting on their different cells calmly. The scene changes to Krig 6, who is doing push-ups in his cell as the recording plays.
Krig 6: 44, 45...
The scene changes once more to AK-15, who is also doing push-ups in her cell.
AK-15: 46, 47,...
The scene shifts to C58 who is examine the writings on the walls that left previous prisoners including Girgori Weaver while the chanting continues to play. C58 studied numerus marks carved on it. He noticed a carving drawing symbol of Requiem logo and the word called "RICHTOFEN" carved in the middle.
C58: *mumble* Richtofen? Who is this guy?
However, M8A1 is seen calming down AN-94, who was almost having a mental breakdown after they end up on their cells after the portal close.
AN-94: *desperate* Please! I can't take this anymore.
M8A1: 94! *confort her* Calm down! Don't listen to those voices. Take deep breaths.
The security guard raises his eyebrows, then leans forward and turns the volume knob up. A rock song being to play. Next see shift to Vargo 52 who is lying on his bed playing with a ball.
Vargo 52: *smirks* Finally, a good song.
Next see AK-12 who is in her another cell after hearing his word.
AK-12: *smirk* I've had enough of that mind breaking crap.
Vargo 52: *chuckles* Come on Wolfy, you serious hate that song, because I love rock song, Ramirez told me everything.
AN-94: *sigh* It's over.
M8A1: *smiles* That's more like it.
Aiden and Arya: *smirks* You could say that again.
The security guard sits back. As the lights in the room behind him flicker, a mysterious figure approaches him in silence. The figure pulls out a Karmbit Knife, then grabs the guard and slits his throat. Blood splatters on the control deck. The figure then turns down the volume. Agent K can be seen on the camera feed.
Agent K: Hey, who turned off the music!
The figure then hits the red Emergency Release button, which opens the cell doors of the Requiem members. C58 turns to his side as his cell door opens as Strike team members begin to exit their cells. The woman walks past everyone, then turns around revealing her face to be as Maiko Takenaka.
Aiden: *suspicious* Who the hell are you?
Maiko looks to her left as Tara, Boris, Maxim, Yuri, Eugen, Yosef and other Strike team, with the help of Ridge and even brought some guns back including AN-94, AK-12, AK-15, M8A1, Vargo 52, Krig 6, and C58 own weapons and the random guns aswell brought from weapon room.
Tara: This is Maiko Takenaka.
Boris: She's with us.
The figure removed his hood revealed as George Ridge.
Ridge: Breaking you out was our plan. So you're welcome.
Krig 6 rushes forward and grabs Ridge, then pins him to the wall.
Krig 6: *enraged* Ridge. You sick son of a bitch! You're supposed to be dead!
Ridge: Relax, Antonov. All of us here have a common enemy. The guy who locked you up. The guy who stole my life's work. Sergey Khristenko.
Boris: We can continue to bark at each other or we can join forces to hunt down Khristenko.
Ridge: What do you say we find him and kill him. huh?
Ridge nods downard. Krig 6 looks at his direction, noticing the bag from earlier, which is packed with clothing guns. Suddenly the lights go out, then turn red as alarm blare A voice can be heard on the Intercom.
Aiden: Let's get out of here.
DEFY and Eagle flyer got their guns as for Aiden, ad Arya begin to get changed. As zombie moans and gunfire are heard from outside, Maiko approaches Ridge.
Maiko: *outraged* That wasn't the fucking deal! We're not going anywhere until we find my brother!
Boris: Let's not forget my sister, Kaylee.
Vargo 52: *reassuring* Look. It'll take some time to get their helo spun up and we do kind of hope.
AK-12: 52 is right. We need to work together.
Aiden: Okay Shadow 2-4. Go locate the LZ. Ridge, Yosef, hold up in the guard station. I want Khristenko's coordinates. We'll restore power then locate Maiko's brother and Kaylee.
Gunfire and screaming can be heard from outside. Boris nods his head backward, singaling the crew to move out. Eugen, Yosef, Ridge, AK-12, Vargo 52 move per's direction, then the rest turns around follows them, with AN-94, M8A1, C58, AK-15, Krig 6, Agent K, Agent Q, Aiden and Arya accompanying them, the latter of the rest also armed with weapons.
At the next room, The crew noticed DM56, Springfield, VLK Rogue, FR Avancer, XM4 and Aliana seen clearing out zombies in this room who got the first AMP online.
M8A1: *surprised* Ramirez!
XM4: Hey guys *wave his hand*
M8A1: You goddamn bastard, your alive!
XM4: Yeah, me and Aliana wasn't participate this outbreak.
Krig 6: *curious* Wait the second, how the hell you two get here with the rest?
XM4: Well...
The door opens see VLK Rogue, FR Avancer peak inside the room seeing XM4 sleeping with Aliana (SCAR-L) cuddle him intertwined her legs with his and her arms wrape around him, her hair got mess as both sleep peaceful.
VLK Rogue: *whisper* Okay, Duke, hand me a speaker.
FR Avancer: And why exactly?
VLK Rogue: *whisper* Because the boss want to them to join us to help Anna and Maxim on the next mission after the Strike team got captured.
FR Avancer: You seriously, want them?
VLK Rogue: Of course, Duke, its gonna work.
Rogue press on button of the microphone, and attach with long wire with tape connect.
VLK Rogue: *chuckles* This is gonna work Duke, watch. *cough*
Inside the room, while XM4, and Aliana still sleeping together, the speaker heard so loud made XM4 and Aliana screech.
VLK Rogue: *laughing* Oh my god, Duke that hellariuse right!
FR Avancer: *glance* I totally, think you made them mad. *step back*
VLK Rogue: *stop laughing* W-what do you mean Duke, I made them to wake them up right? *nervous* R-right?
VLK Rogue felt somebody behind him. His face began to sweat, he didn't turn but the camera turn behind VLK Rogue, were XM4 and Aliana surrounding by a menacing aura two couples appeared to be mad.
XM4: *angry* So, you think could wake us up, Ajax?
Aliana: *angry* And you made us to interrupt our peaceful nap.
VLK Rogue: *laugh nervously* Oh dear.
XM4 pull out his gun and Alian called Sam and Uncle as VLK Rogue shivered.
Flashback end
C58: Meirda, so you just keep shooting at him after he just wake you guys up?
Aliana: Yes. *glaring* And he ruining our peaceful times.
VLK Rogue: *gulp nervous*
Ridge: *COMMS* Hey, are you guys done chit-chatting we got work to do.
Yosef: *COMMS* And our problem was the lights goes out!
Burno: *COMMS* The Guard station computer cannot access the central database while the network is down. Honestly, this place appears to be old, who built this place?
Agent K examine the Guard station.
Agent K: Yeah, to be honest, I never visit this place before, it looks like it was abandoned.
Romy: *COMMS* Well, looks like though, all I see is 200 year old ww2 Turret sitting on the platform and the old Phalanx.
Aiden: And where are we exactly Ridge?
Ridge: *COMMS* According to this map, we are in Pacific Ocean and that ocean we were is Philippine Sea, for that island, this island could-
Boris: The Terminus *sigh*
AN-94: *confused* Terminus?
Springfield: What Terminus?
Boris: Well guys, this island is where my great-grandfather and his requiem team were imprisoned by Edward Richtofen's orders. And where they stop the mess that happened here in 1991, while the US and the coalition were fighting the Gulf War, and Frank Wood's team were hunting down the Pantheon.
Tara: I see, so this island where your great-gramps and his team survive the island.
Ridge: *COMMS* Alright people, no time for chit-chat, we got clean-up to do. We break out Maiko's brother, Naruki, and then we go hunt that asshole down.
M8A1: Yeah, we'll get right on it - assuming these fucking cadavers don't eat us first! *shoot the last zombie with his Heckler & Koch USP*
Eugen: Luckily, we got the first power back on we should contact Shadow 2-4 and white wolf.
Yosef: *COMMS* Shadow 2-4, do you copy?
Vargo 52: *COMMS* Loud and clear, Voldka. Me and 12 found the LZ site, so far I tried to contact Fire.
Xyu: *COMMS* This is fire, you guys are alive, good to see you guys made out in one piece. I'll keep the light switch off and don't worry for the EXFIL.
The group exit the guard prison, they find they were in the island.
The crew uttered silence, they realize they were now in the island, no land but the endless oceans except for the small island nearby.
AK-15: Well that's bullshit!
M8A1: We're stuck in the island, 12 and Vargo should be back any seconds.
Aiden: Hold up, something is not right, since you all here, were all the others?
Nika: *COMMS* My sister, Polina with Tasha alongside Lion force, 40 and Squad 404 they were somewhere in this island.
Yosef: *COMMS* Kraken alongside Percival team and Springfield team were also somewhere in the cave, that leads to the facility somewhere beneath the island.
Arya: Well that's the brightest idea, who's gonna find them first?
Tara: I suggest we go for the old fashion way that me and Eugen did.
Boris: You're right, let's split ups, I'll find Polina, Tasha, with Lion, 40 and Squad 404 somewhere beneath the island.
Yosef: *COMMS* Umm, Boris, you haven't forget about Konni Squad, there somewhere in small island like one in the ruin's temples.
Boris: *wince* Of course, what about Yuri?
Yuri: *COMMS* I'm already at the Frequency Boris. I've try to contact my two best Dolls but the power went out.
Boris: Okay, so anyway, Aiden, Maiko, Arya, you guys and the rest of the dolls find Kraken your squad Jack, Percival and the rest of GnK Dolls at the cave.
Maiko: *determined* I have my brother, he's out there in this island.
Boris: And the rest of you K and Q and stay position on this Guard station.
Agent K: I will.
Agent Q: We'll gather every information about this island.
They all nod, eventually, the team venture the old abandoned blacksite Terminus. Starting to investigate whatever lies within secrets.
Aiden, Angelia II, Maiko, Vargo 52, Krig 6, M8A1, XM4, Aliana and DEFY check the computer room. Maiko point her submachine gun.
Maiko: Let's move.
The group enter the computer room, and then they find a guard was eaten by the zombie before he died.
AN-94 shot the zombie on the head, and Arya check the man.
Aiden: What is it?
Arya: *sigh* It's the R.S.S.A.
Maiko: *cursed* Damn rats, there here on this island!
AK-12: Why are they here on this abandon island?
Chernikov: *COMMS* Frankly, I'm not sure which is worse: you guys are being out there at abandoned island with the wretched undead, or stuck in here with you Ridge.
Ridge: *COMMS* Tch, yeah, well you guys smell like a ELID infections, nursing home, Vodka smell, bedpan, and worst of all... who in the heck had a perfume in it?!
WA2000: *COMMS* *nervous* That will be me...
All: *COMMS* Ridge?
Ridge: *COMMS* But at least you guys don't bite.
Aiden: Can I remind you crybaby fucks that we're in the eye of a force-ten shitstorm?!
Arya: And still no Collapse storm in the middle of ocean only in Yellow zone in Europe.
Burno: *COMMS* However, there's one scientist who is the member of Exoscientific Phenomena.
Romy: *COMMS* And who exactly are we dealing with?
Burno: *COMMS* One of the members of the R.S.S.A Exoscientific Phenomena is Tamanaka Krafka.
Ridge: *COMMS* *surprised* Krafka? Tamanaka Krafka?! I only know her by reputation, she one of my Exoscientific Phenomena members, but the sick shit she's done to people...? Fuck.
Maiko: That doesn't sound good for Naruki. Let's hurry up and find him.
Boris: We got your back Maiko.
The group exit the computer room and only to find is outside, walking down headed to the wooded house but it still intact.
AK-15: No wonder why it still intact after it was still abandoned?
Krig 6: Probably R.S.S.A clean up the dirty mess in the island.
Aiden wield a Shotgun KRM-262 reload, Arya open the door slowly, use her AK to peak at the wooded house, and finds nothing.
Arya: Still clear no sign of the dead.
The group enters, Vargo 52 finds the Jauggernog. He presses the button, grabbed the can and drinks it.
Vargo 52: Hunh. If you kicked me in the balls right now, I wouldn't even feel it.
AK-12: Really? *kick into his nut*
Vargo 52 felt that pain on his groin until he feel nothing no pain.
Vargo 52: *wince and regain normal* I definitely, I could drink some... *handed a can to AK-12* Wanna try?
AK-12: Sure... *drink the Jauggernog* Huh, nothing I could feel no pain.
Maiko finds another AMP Generator, she activates causing to attract the dead.
Janus P.A. System: AMP unit activated. Please stand by.
Sora: *COMMS* Huh? That's weird, that voice sounds familiar in 20th.
Yuri: *COMMS* What do you mean, Millenium?
Sora: *COMMS* *realized* I figured that out! That voice module the AMP Generators, I think that belongs to the organization called Project Janus.
All: *confused* Project Janus?
Kaylee: *COMMS* Project Janus is a secret organization run by former Requiem Director Edward Richtofen. They're goal to use Aetherium to manipulate spacetime and the one to secure the Sentinel Artifact for unknown purpose.
XM4: So that Richtofen guy who is the head of Project Janus who responsible arrest your great-grandaddy?
Boris: *COMMS* Yeah, he's the one who arrest my great grandfather and the rest of the Requiem Handler.
Romy: *COMMS* *confused* What is Sentinel Artifact?
Ridge: *COMMS* We'll get to that point later, right now we need to power this generator first, however you attract the dead, defend it and don't bust it!
Aiden: Yeah, yeah, we'll get to that!
Arya: He's still annoying isn't it?
Agent Q: Yeah...
The zombies attracted the generator, going to bust it, Maiko grabbed the zombie pin down, shot it on the head. AN-94 and AK-12 handle the zombies at the stairs, Krig 6 and M8A1 hold off the zombies outside the wooden house at Southern North Island against the zombie waves. AK-12 and Vargo 52 engage the zombies at the broken window.
Vargo 52: Jeez how many guys are there?
XM4: I don't know, probably came from the ground or...
Aliana: Maybe its the employees! They must get infected! *shoot the zombies*
After taking a while to defend, the AMP Generator was online a massive medium wave took out few zombies
Janus P.A. System: AMP unit energized. Area two online.
Yosef: *COMMS* *Impressed* Good work.
Burno: *COMMS* Hey I found something... according to Wave with his drone, Dr Krafka recovered Dr Peck's Inversion warheads the remains, that she found...
Ridge: *COMMS* *shocked* You bloody what! She had Dr Peck's Inversion Warheads! She cannot have it!
Chernikov: *COMMS* Correct, but they AREN'T your Warheads, that's Dr Peck's warheads. But technically, they are Dr Krafka's now.
Krig 6: *chuckles* Get rekt.
Boris: And I remind you Ridge, *sarcastic* you act like Dr Peck, who obessed Aetheriums.
Ridge: *COMMS* And here I thought, you act like your great old man Grigori.
Sora: *COMMS* *annoyed* Kids these days, that's enough you two.
Maiko's group enter the workshop leads to another section building.
XM4: Kinda looks a fishing hut cabin, that we're in.
They group began investigating the area, and upon arrived at another section, they find a looking old ww2 Battleship cannon with two advanced cannon.
M8A1: *notice* Hey, you guys seeing the old ww2 battleship cannon?
Aiden touch the 193-year-old ww2 battleship-like cannon.
Aiden: Kinda, looks like 16 inch cannon, but the rail guns, I think that's America's cannon Mark 15 or nothing much like USS Texas cannon with combination of Mark 15 16-inch cannon.
AK-15 and Krig 6 check inside the control room near close to the 193 year old cannon, Krig 6 finds a document files. He dust it off, see a logo of Project Janus.
Krig 6 check the files it finds four subjects, he realized he's reading is Boris's great grandfather's group.
Interrogation Progress Brief
Subject: Weaver, Grigori
Interrogator: Ernst Duffer
Initial Intake Status:
Blames himself for incarceration of Requiem. Brainstorm ways to exploit.
Act as an anchor for the rest of his team. Keeping him separated from Grey and Strauss may give us an advantage.
Th Director wants this one to suffer.
Current Status:
Without a clear purpose, Weaver has become a broken, bitter man.
Physical labor will continue to take place before our sessions - it makes more malleable.
He flips another to Dr Elizabeth Grey
Subject: Grey, Elizabeth
Interrogator: Ernst Duffer
Initial Intake Status:
Impudent and willful in session but footage from holding cell suggests she is putting on a brave face.
Repeatedly stated during intake that someone would come looking for her and other members of Requiem
Current Status:
Acts ambivalent in regard to her own safety, no longer responds to threats of physical harm.
Has stated she no longer believes anyone is coming for her.
Interrogator: Carver, Mackenzie
Interrogator: Ernst Duffer
Initial Intake Status:
Trained to counteract interrogation tactics. Time to get creative.
He boosts morale for the group. Break him, break them all.
Current Status:
Has resorted to shutting down via dissociation during interrogation.
Careful to conserve his energy in my presence.
Running physical training sessions with his companions has kept him stable. Considering isolation.
Subject: Strauss, Oskar
Interrogator: Ernst Duffer
Initial Intake Status:
Clings to strignent moral standards
Pragmatic core will take time to crack
Is aware his knowledge is integral to our objective.
Current Status:
Welfare of teammates and curiosity keeps him on task.
Grip on reality has loosened considerably.
Has become very adept at misdirection. Exercise caution.
Krig 6: Well I'll be damn... that must the old requiem handlers.
AK-15 came to him saw some files contained of four Requiem handlers.
AK-15: Are those?
Krig 6: That must be Weaver's old crew, I think they had interrogation by Ernst in the orders of Director himself.
Krig 6 noticed a picture behind the folder.
AK-15: What is this?
Krig 6 shows a picture of Scientist members of Project Janus.
AK-15: Those are the scientist members of Project Janus.
Krig 6: I guess, no wonder that guy *confused* What is it?
AK-15: You mean Richtofen?
Krig 6: Yeah, that guy, he recruited the scientist member of Project Janus, they somehow had experiment of subject patients turning into monster, *turn to AK-15* According to this, they don't possess Relic Technology they possess the Aetherium.
AK-15: *place her finger on her chin* I get it, so Richtofen's objective was to use the Aetherium, what was his goal?
Krig 6: *shrugged* I don't know what Richtofen working on, but I don't know what his objective was. After the Relics Arm Limitation Treaty, the Soviet's Omega Group going to focus on Aetherium while the American's Requiem do the same thing without the needs of Relic due to the rate of ELID infections.
AK-15 and Krig 6 looked at the picture of Scientist members of Project Janus, AK-15 noticed a woman who looked exactly familiar.
AK-15: Who is that woman? She's familiar to me?
Krig 6 HUD, Scanned the woman what AK-15 question about that woman.
Krig 6: According to this, one of Project Janus Scientist member she worked with Doctor Modi is... *stunned* Oh Blyat...
AK-15: What is it?
Krig 6: *stunned* Huh... 15... y-your not gonna like this. *gulp*
AK-15: Just tell me?
Krig 6: *sigh* That woman appears to be looked like Shaw, that... that's her grandmother, Klavdiya Yemelyanov.
AK-15: *stunned* Wait... this can't be joking 6, Shaw doesn't have her relative?
Krig 6: Well, its true, according to this picture she is exactly like her.
AK-15: *chuckles* No... it wasn't but *enraged* IT WASN'T WHAT SHE LOOK LIKE SHAW! SHE IS NOT LIKE HER, SHE DOESN'T HAVE RELATIVE!
Krig 6 stunned see AK-15 anger, her eyes went rage like hell.
Krig 6: *comfort* 15, listen, I know Shaw who she was, I mean maybe she is her grandmother, but only realize her record were nowhere to be seen in files. But that like Shaw you were created... Helga met her at the very beginning.
AK-15: What?
Krig 6: *empathetic* Unlike your creator Shaw, Helga used be fierce and and rebellious, *chuckles* she loves punching somehow who stand against her way. Unlike you had a fight against 12, me and Vargo 52 draw their knives each other and only we were beaten by Ramirez, leading him to be a leader of Eagle Flyer team.
AK-15: XM4, you mean he was the leader of Eagle Flyers? I thought Vargo was the lead?
Krig 6: Well... no XM4 proved to be leader due to experience in WW3 and the former Ranger Regiment 75th members. When me, Ramirez and Vargo had punishment by Simon, Aiden intervened, he invited us for the train to perform the art of CQC and he taught us about true meanings of discipline, that way, Aiden made us change to learned about Freedom, that's why Aiden taught us about his master Martin, that's why we became friends.
AK-15 surprised, to his creator, Krig 6 alongside Vargo 52, M8A1 were created except XM4 and C58, XM4 proved to be a leader and C58 used to be expert Engineering technician S T-doll, just like she did with AN-94 in the incident, they were like the same path. Krig 6 grabbed her hand and console her.
Krig 6: *empathetic* There's no need to be mad about Shaw's grandmother, whatever secret lies about Project Janus work, we all of us should investigate what lies beyond this area.
AK-15: Your right... I always knew *smiles* Thanks for telling me.
As two continue to looked at the folder, and finds an record. AK-15 grabbed it from the ground, she press the play button. The two listened the audio logs. They hear Edward Richtofen voice.
Richtofen: AH! Doctor Yemelyanov, do you know why I call you?
Klavidya: Well, what's wrong director, did I do something wrong in the lab for patients or it was an accident?
Richtofen: Mmpphh, No, Yemelyanov, I am here about important mission in Mediterranean Coast Guard.
Klavidya: *confused* What, sir, I don't understand, why do you want me to go to the Mediterranean Coast Guard?
Richtofen: Because your going to Avalon, your heading to the Citadelle, I have my contract of French Syndicate, handle the deal with the Artifact.
Klavidya: *confused* Artifact, you mean Relics?
Richtofen: No, I did not meant about Relics, I meant the ancient Artifact somewhere held in Avalon, I advise you Klavidya, Franco will pick you up at the boat and take you to the Castle. I hired him and his Syndicate to interrogate that Professor Krafft of wareabout Artifact. And once you found the wareabout of the Artifact, you will study the ancient artifact. Don't fail me Doctor Yemelyanov.
Audio end
Krig 6 and AK-15 silence hearing Shaw's "real" Grandmother had conversation with Richtofen the director, they learn she is headed to Avalon to retrieve the artifact that Kaylee mention name Sentinel Artifact. AK-15 and Krig 6 were confused, they didn't know what the Sentinel Artifact was, or what lies the power of Sentinel Artifact works.
Krig 6 and AK-15 continue to investigate the Terminus Island and regroup the others.
to be continued
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