Chapter 5 Before Outbreak

In 2031, during the Shallow of Death Incident, at her home, with a desperate Mina Dalton screaming in despair and trashing the room at what her father did to her family, then Jordan and Emily Wilson came into the room, went to check on her and calm her down.

Emily: *worried* Is she okay?

Jordan: *shrugged* I don't know, after hearing her brother was dead including witness her mother aswell.

Jordan opens the door slowly and seeing Mina crying on the floor.

Jordan: *concerned* Miss Dalton!

Mina: *desperate and teary* MOM!!!! RAMSAY!!!!

Emily: *concerned* Mina!

Mina: *desperate and teary* DADDY!! HOW COULD YOU?!?!

Jordan: *concerned* Miss Dalton! Calm down!

Mina: *desperate and teary* YOU KILLED MY FAMILY!!!!!!!

Mina collapsed on her knees sobbing again, while Emily and Jordan comforted her.

Emily: *comforting* It's okay, Mina.

Mina: *teary* Oh god!

Jordan: *concerned* Why are you crying?

Mina: *teary* It was my father... He used me and Emily to lure General Arthur Clark.

Emily: *gasps* The bombing at Las Almas!

Mina: *teary* He revealed the Ghost's hideout in Las Vegas to Rorke.

Jordan: The resulted in Elias Walker's death.

Mina: He revealed Los Serpientes Blancos's base to Almagro and Rorke.

Jordan: *glaring* So he's the traitor. He's the one Robert and Director Reese worried about.

Mina: He used Ramsay as a human bomb to kill your father and Camilo. *sobbing* When my found out, he killed her.

Jordan: And blackmailed me by threatening Jane, to give him Camillo's body.

Emily: *comforting* Look I understand how you feel about your dad, maybe you should--

Mina: *angry* Feel?! He didn't feel anything for his wife! He didn't feel anything for his son, nor for her daughter! *Breathing deeply and glaring* So I don't feel anything about him. I'll help you make him pay.

Jordan: *Softly* Are you sure? You don't have to do this. He's still your father.

Mina: *glaring* He's not my father. Not anymore.

Present day

Augusburg, Democratic German Republic, Union of Rossartrist Nations Coalition (URNC)

40 minutes before Vladimir and White Forest retrieve the old Aetherium vials.

Meanwhile on the road

The truck drove in the middle of the forest near to the city, a young German or Rossartrist driver while drinking his coffee.

Shadowless: *Radio* Ever since the United States withdrew URNC, due to... undistributed ideology, since the Civil War ended. We come op to the reporter, about the man who is attack by the woman is crazy coming through live in Augsburg district of Bavaria.

Reporter: *Radio* Thank you, and know here outside the city alleyway, the police shot the woman as she violently attacks the cops, while the man remain uninjured as the ambulance, came. *Injured man* Sir, tell me everything.

Injured man 1#: *Radio and scared* Okay, I saw this with my own eyes.

Reporter: *Radio* *comfort* Okay, calm down, there's no need to be scared. Just tell us a story.

Injured man 1#: *radio* okay, it was last night - I was walking home from the work... and I noticed a woman in the alleyway, the woman is started coming towards me... She was staggering, you know... So, I, I figured she was drunk.

Reporter: *Radio* Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, Ok. Tell us, be honest, how did know she was drunk?

Injured man 1#: *Radio* I-I-I-I don't know, I barely had a buzz on from my work. She got closer, I got a good look at her... You had to see her eyes, her nose... her whole face... looked like it was rotting!

Reporter: *Radio* Are you talking about the ELID infected?

Injured man 1#: *Radio* No-no is not! I am telling you, that is not ELID infected!

Reporter: *Radio* So what is it?

Injured man 1#: She is not like ELID, she was infected, I realized I watched western zombie's movie or even the video games. Like a corpse, a walking corpse!

Driver: *chuckles* Sounds like my wife.

Passenger: Yeah, no way the people believe to be undead, come on, there no such thing ELID infected right?

Driver: Of course not, Michael, URNC placing the purification walls set up across the Europe, and the plans for the North America, Sout America, Africa and Asia and even United States withdrew the URNC, but US president is okay to let URNC do purification walls in North America.

Michael: What about the Middle East?

Driver: Well, pretty sure Middle East is okay, URNC is still progress for Middle East due to AQ threats.

While driving at night, in the forest, a mysterious purple crystal came out of nowhere, unlike the Collapse, this strange crystal was very mysterious, it pop out of nowhere, as the essence of purple light looming around the forest, but just a single, as the bird tap the crystal, suddenly, it began to crack, causing the small smoke of the Aetherium to spread around the area.

Back with the truck, the radio suddenly disrupted, as the small dark purple gas covers the road as the woman came out of nowhere, suddenly, felt the symptoms of the Aetherium, causing her to cough, as she turned herself as she struggles to control herself as the dark purple consuming the area and herself.

Driver: *groaning* Great, the radio is jammed.

Michael: Well, try something- *shocked* OH FUCK!

Michael Panic seeing the woman, as driver looked up, the woman got hit, as the driver break the peddle, to make the truck came to halt.

Following the aftermath, Michael and the driver rushed to woman when she was hit, Michael examine her condition, but fortunately, she's dead making the driver and Michael and panic and disbelief.

Driver: *panic* Oh my god... what have I done...

Michael: Easy, Eren... *looked around* There's no people around alright, we'll think the plan.

Michael and Eren are talking as they were panic, unaware the woman rose and her head bend down soon the scene faded black for unknown to Eren and Michael, however, the Dark purple gas consumed the area.

Back with black hummer with a hover driving in the road, a man wearing a jacket in silver, driving towards the gas station. A young man who is 21 years old, his hair color is dark orange, his eyes were cyan comes out from the car. fuel his car. He realized there's no people around as he checks.

???: *confused* Strange... no one's around...

???: Totally, they went home...

The man turned a woman, with a brown short hair, leaning against someone's car as she smokes.

???: Umm who are you?

???: I'm just investigating something...

The man checks the woman as she walks towards the empty police car as the car opened wide empty, the man confused his cop buddy was not there, maybe he was investigating while that woman is checking something.

???: Umm, I don't know exactly who are you, madam? I need your name!

Tara: It's Tara, Tara Redfield. And yours?

Eugen: It's Eugen Zed Phönix.

Suddenly, the two heard a glass broken coming from inside.

Eugen: What was that?

Tara: It's coming from the store.

Eugen and Tara went to check the gas station store, upon approaching to the door, Eugen witness a blood stain footprint all over the ground.

Eugen: *shocked* What the hell?

Tara: Those are blood stain, whatever it is... something could be ELID symptoms.

Tara and Eugen Walk towards the door, and Eugen opens it, but the lights goes off, Eugen call anyone who is in there.

Eugen: Hello? Anybody there!?

Tara: No one there... *notice a flashlight*

Tara knee down, grabbed someone's flashlight, she looked around notice few more blood stains.

Tara: Something is not right...

However, the two heard a grumbling sound, coming from another room.

Eugen: Uhh, what is someone there?

Tara: Not much... but maybe...

The two check around the store, there they find a man who holding his neck, notice there's a blood on his hand, the two rushed to injured man.

Eugen: You okay? J-just stay here, we'll be right back.

The two walked into the next corridor, seeing the light flickering and the door suddenly opened.

Eugen: Something tells me... that was not ELID infections.

Tara: It doesn't come from Contaminated area in Dead Sea.

The two approached to the door, slowly opens the door. Claire use her flashlights, towers the cop who is struggling to the man?

Eugen: Officer... is there something wrong? You need help?

The German Polizei officer turned to the two, as he struggle to hold that man.

Polizei: *struggle to hold the man* Stay back, you two, I got this.

Unfortunately for the Polizei officer, he was bitten by the man as he screams in pain.

Eugen: Hey, hey! Get off him, right now! 

Polizei:*scream in pain* Help me...

Tara: *shocked* What the fuck...

Eugen: *shocked* Mein Gott!

The man looked up, towards the two, as Eugen and Claire witness the man features look, his face was rotten, and eyes glowing yellow.


Tara: *curse* Shit!

Tara pulls out a handgun while Eugen also pulls out a pistol. Eugen use to work as Polizei in Augusburg.

Eugen: Freeze...! This is Polizei or I'll shoot!

The zombie walks towards the two slowly, Eugen has no choice is to pull the trigger, shoot the zombie until took a shot on the head and then died.

Tara: *shocked* What the heck are those things.

Eugen: *shocked* I don't know, they don't look like ELIDs, they look somehow... different. Check the office, I'll examine the body.

Tara: Okay.

Tara uses her pistol and the flashlight to check the office, while Eugen examine the dead body.

Eugen: *thought* What in Gods name is going on there?

Tara: I got the keys!

Eugen see Claire's hand holding the key.

Eugen: Alright, let's get out of here.

The two exited the door, back at the store, however, they witness the true nightmare. The bang heard when Tara lit up her flashlight to the left seeing the "Zombie" show up banging the object down.

Zombie 2: *groaning*

Eugen: What the fuck! *Shooting the zombie in the head*

Tara lit her flashlight towards the man, that they encounter was now turn into zombie, started going closer to her.

Tara: *threaten* Stay back! *Shooting at the man? *

The two clear out the two zombies, Tara and Eugen then escape the gas station store, but they were surrounded by the few zombies.

All Zombies: *groaning*

Tara: *shock* Holy shit.

Eugen and Tara raise their pistols at the number of zombies. Eugen notice the police car.

Eugen: Come on!

Eugen and Tara dodge the zombie attack, the two enter the car. Eugen start up the Eugen, release the peddles in speed, escape the few zombies while it still roaming around in gas station. Claire looked back at the few zombies in the distance.

Eugen: *sigh in relief*

Tara: What the hell is going on?

Eugen: I don't know, they don't look like ELID infections, hopefully they'll have some answers at the police station.

Tara: *realize* Wait you're a cop?

Eugen: Simply, yes I'm part of Polizei station in Augsburg. What is your business here? Are you one of the CIA?

Tara: Yeah, How did you know?

Eugen: I notice your badge on your jacket, I thought the America went in civil war, I thought they're gone.

Tara: No... the US won the Civil War, rebellion against that suppression ideology government.

Eugen: Oohh, right the news. Ok, why are you here?

Tara: Looking for the missing person

Tara shows the picture to Eugen of the girl smiling at the camera.

Eugen: Huh... relative of yours?

Tara: No, but this is my friend's sister. I came here to search for her.

Eugen: Oh... well, it's good thing we found each other. I didn't know what to expect anymore...

Then suddenly, a dark gas exploded coming from the city, making little shockwave, causing Tara and Eugen to brace themselves, but the car still moving as he drives.

Eugen: Tara... what's going on?

Tara: *confused* Was that explosion, can't tell... could be the collapse.

Eugen: Let's just hope, our guys still okay.

Eugen drives onwards to the Augsburg, to meet up with the other Polizei, however, the city was now consumed by the Dark Aether.


Meanwhile at the apartment

(10 minutes before Zakhaev unleashed the Atherium vial cause the Outbreak)

The scene sees people went riots, cops' sirens, Firefighter, VTOL or drones hovering the area. People gathering around while the reporter came from USSR TV aswell as the purple explosion from Augsburg after Vladimir Zakhaev throw the vial unleashed the outbreak causing the zombies to roam around the Augsburg.

Reporter: This report of large pandemic has spread faster than any disease in history. According to that explosion, the URNC official reported a purple gas seen outside the city apartment, local reports of hearing moaning sound, people went crazy.

Reporter 1: According to the research agency, the purple gas seems to be not as Collapse fluids, but some reports, believe many people who gone turning into-

Next camera focus on the Police force as the officer raise the speaker to demand people to back away as they got baton, shield and shotgun with rubber bullet.

URNC Police 1: *speaker* You need to disperse immediately!

Reporter 3: Angry Mobs roam the city, burning buildings-

The scene sees the automunus Ambulance seen and the building burning in Augsburg after the purple gas explosion, then the riots attack the police, as police with Aegis engage As hearing new reporters said.

URNC Spokesmen: The URNC European Emergency Response Division has quarantined the Southwest-east region of GDR-

Next sees a hallway and the logo of the R.S.S.A of with URNC background logo behind.

Male Scientist: Commitment, honsty, integrity. These are the core values that create the foundation of Rossary Sigma Science Agency (R.S.S.A.). To keep Mankind, against the ELID disease to find a perfect cure for humanity, and the hope of shining beacon of new World.

Next shows a DNA suddenly change to red, and the scientist research on "Voglium" essence dust.

Male Scientist: It's this foundation that will continue to build a brighter future for all of mankind that remains and to the people of Rossartrist.

Finally, it shows some doctors who were operation surgery and engineering, something with the essence of "Voglium" (Dark Aether) another one injecting the serum of the essence of Aetherium liquid. Causing the strange humanoid beast wakes up but strapped with chains around both hands.

As the scene faded black, focus on the location in Sweden clearly in Yellow zone after Nordic country collapse due to the Northern Light incident in 2035.

The scientists who were in gas suit, carrying the large package into the VTOL carrying the large package at the end with the label word of R.S.S.A and codename: Abezuthibou soon faded in black...

Then we see in POV shows a young woman who is lying on the bed open her eyes, there she gets up after her exhausted sleep. She looked around her room and proceed to the bathroom. She notice her tap turned on. After turning off the tap, she noticed the blood dripping down on the seek, she looked back at the mirror realize, she was turning...

Then she wakes up in panic, checking her body and her hands, she then exhausted learning that, it was just her nightmare while in background hearing sirens.

???: *sigh in exhausted* xottale ... (Fucking hell...) *breathing* Get worse than any nights...

She looked at the calendar checking her three month before she can leave that town.

???: Three more days. Then I can kiss this town goodbye.

September 28, 8:07 p.m. - Augsburg, GDR, URNC

*ring* *ring*

She turned to her inhibitor frequency channel on her bed. She grabbed it and answer.

???: Hello?

???: *COMMS* Maiko, *sigh* Thank goodness, you haven't response to us. Are you having sleep?

The man on the phone mentioned her name is Maiko Takenaka, member of the Antarctic Union and former member of Snow Cats Squad, during her career such as Second Peace Walker Incident, this was her last job. She was seen inside her apartment, while She goes on classified as undercover agent of Japan's Public Security Intelligence Agency while she was an AU member.

Maiko: Kilian? *sigh* Sorry for not responding your call, I had a trouble with my nightmare.

Kilian: *COMMS* Nightmare? Are you talking about 29 years ago in Europe? *sigh* Come on Maiko, nightmare is gone now, there's no such thing... 

Maiko: Look, Kilian, It's keep happening like 29 years ago and now is coming. I've been investigating what happened, Boris and I were part of the squad in 29 years ago. And you, Rocky and Ian always had my side. I've been troubling for weeks.

Kilian: *COMMS* *sigh* Jeez, look, just take a pill alright, the nightmare will just go away forget about those monsters from 29 years ago.

Maiko check her face if, there's no sign of decay features while listening to Kailian. She proceed to exit the bathroom as she heard a calls from her room.

Maiko: Look Kilian, I have to go, something calling me. See ya.

Maiko end her frequency calls, proceed to her living room, grabbed a laptop, and press the answer call.

Maiko: Hello?

???: *calls* *worried*Maiko! A-Are you OK?

Maiko: *surprised* Huh? Stephen? Is that you?

Maiko Takenaka mentioned that name from 29 years ago, Stephen Ash, a pilot who flew the CH-47 Chinnook during the hunt to find the Romanian police unit SIAS, who were gone dark twenty-nine years.

Stephen: *calls* *worried* Listen, Maiko! You gotta get out of here!

Maiko: *curious* What are you talking about?

Stephen: *calls* I don't have time to explain. Maiko, you gotta get the hell out of here RIGHT NOW!

Maiko: Alright, alright. Let me grab my-


Before grabbing her stuff, the wall crack with debris sending Maiko to the ground. She gets up, seeing a mutated Humanoid, that was not ELID infections type. Whatever it is... she remember that day in twenty-nine years ago, she learned the R.S.S.A gone experiment on "Vogelium".

She saw a tall humanoid, with organic bio armor on his face expose the half human face mouth and rest of the body are all flesh and bio including gray armor.

Maiko: *shock* What the!

She looked around, saw a pistol lying on the ground. She quickly grabbed it before that mutated humanoid kicked her against the wall. She gets up painfully, pointing her gun at the mutated humanoid start shooting at him, shoot the expose mouth half face, then she quickly ran from her room as she got injured on her stomach. She shut the door, but the mutated humanoid hits the door. She panic and rushed to the exit door.

Maiko: *shock* Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god... What was that thing!?

She turned her head around, she duck down seeing a large debris thrown by mutated humanoid, she ran to that room, dropped the cupboard to block the door, then rushed to the window as the mutated humanoid managed to break it.

Outside the apartment, she jumped out of the window, seeing entire apartment went in chaos, she see a polizei car on the street. She rushed to the street but that mutated humanoid, grabbed her by his bare hands, sending back inside the apartment corridor with fires. The mutated humanoid grabbed the large debris as if she runs and the mutated humanoid chased her before she successfully escape the apartment at the alleyway. She slowly walks to the street, seeing people went panic.

Maiko: *shocked* What the fuck?

As she makes her way to the street from alleyway, she sees Stephen Ash appeared, when he surprised to see Maiko who was injured by mutated humanoid who is going to kill her.

Stephen: *surprised and worried* Maiko! Over here!

Maiko: Stephen!

Maiko and Stephen finally reunited back in 29 years as he checks on her.

Stephen: *worried* You okay?

Maiko: *nod* Hai... *breathing hard* What was that thing?

Stephen: *shrugged his shoulder* Damned if I know. But right now, it's got a hard on for the only squad members back in 29 years; you and me. I'm not stickin' around. Just look around you. The longer we wait, the more we screwed because of those infections in this city.

As many few civilians began running, in street Maiko still injured, she followed Stephen while cars seen in street driving or cash while the building explode.

Maiko: How this all happened fast?!

Stephen: *shrugged* I dunno. But one fucked-up thing always leads to another. Its just like happened twenty-nine years ago! Like we did our career.

The two exit the alleyway, Maiko looked up seeing the URNC VTOL and helicopter hovering above them while she was injured, as Stephen surprised of the rescue.

Stephen: *shout* Hey, wait! Down here! Ah god damnit!

Maiko sprint, follow Stephen and turn left near the wreck of the truck, upon this, she witness the zombies were all blocked by the fence, she realized her dream was real, its just happened 29 years ago.

Maiko: It can't be happening, how many people be infected? It's just like... 29 years ago.

Maiko noticed the zombie is about bring down the fence while Stephen still breathing.

Maiko: *worried* Stephen! Look out!

Stephen: What? *Turn his head towards the fence* Oh shit!

Stephen backs away as the zombie was about to climb up the fence, he quickly telling her.

Stephen: Quick, in here!

Stephen rushed to the bar as zombie fell down after the fence was down, start approaching her, Maiko in horrified seeing many zombies.

Maiko: Oh, god...

Maiko run fast from the zombie as they slowly approach to her. Maiko managed to dodge from zombie and Stephen throw the sign and hits the zombie, went inside the bar, block the door, as the zombie tries to break in.

Maiko: They're trying to break in!

Stephen: Go! Door behind you!

Maiko rushed to the back door while Stephen holds the door, but Stephen has come to end, as he was bitten on his arm by the zombies.

Stephen: *scream in pain*

Maiko: *Worried* Stephen!

Maiko quickly grabbed his knife, stabbed on the zombies' head before shut the door while Stephen held his arm were he was bitten while Maiko was worried for Stephen who is about turned.

Maiko: *worried* Don't you think about it!

Maiko struggle to hold the door, as the zombies was about to breach in.

Maiko: Don't worry, we're gonna make a run. I have to contact to command for help. They'll help you out.

Stephen: Grrr C'mon Maiko. We know how this end.

Maiko: *worried* No. I don't.

Stepehen: Are we still a team?

Maiko: Always.

Stephen: Then do me a favor and don't fuck up like I did. Go! Contact your command!

Stephen pulled Maiko away as he prepare for sacrifice to hold the door before turning. Maiko rush and looks at him one last time as Stephen struggle himself to hold the door before turning.

Maiko: *sad* I'm sorry, Stephen...

Maiko rushed to the back door, and enters to the other side, there she finds Polizei's dead corpse, with a gun SR-1 Vektor, Maiko grabbed the gun.

Maiko: Sorry.

She first check the ammo on the pistol handle, then suddenly, she turned around, saw a zombie broke out from the back door, starting to approach her.

She draws fire at the zombie aiming at the head, killing it before running out, she then fled from the zombies as the scene faded black


Briefing Antarctic Union, TASA (Tactical Air Shock Army)

Antarctic Union team known as Hourglass Zulu five with label logo of Hourglass Dolphin.

TASA Command: We got an epidemic on our hand's folks. We lose contact with Takenaka, her wareabout is unknown located in Europe. The City is gone to shit. I've never seen anything like this.

The map shows a Europe but on one the center is Germany, a city Augsburg, with red dots which means hostiles surrounded the Augsburg. The Camera that MID agency hack into the satellites of URNC seeing some dead people roaming around the city.

TASA Command: Alright, deploy the TASA special operatives. There's more than just common cold going around down there. Get ready, you're going to investigate what the hell happened here. And find Takenaka. We need to get to the bottom of this.


At downtown street

Augsburg, German Democratic District of ___________________

The street were lay ruins, the cars wreck and entire street were empty. And lies at the end, four TASA operatives appeared.

TASA Command: *COMMS* Hourglass Zulu One, report!

A man TASA with half body armor of TASA wielded the Shark Rifle, a feature of half Asian descent from Korean-Canadian.

Fang: Fang, Assault. Reporting.

A tall android larger than human, and Aegis, has one arm with machine and the other of medigun and other were two arms wielding shield, That was R-C8 or C8, American-made Android prototype, that E10 or known as Edward. It also had a logo of TASA on his shoulder.

Edward (E10): Edward, medic, reporting.

Another man from African descent with half body armor on his leg and arms.

Fattah: Fattah Zwelethini, field Scientist. Reporting.

Another female figure with a platnium hair, a German descent.

Edel: Volg Edel, demolition, reporting.

Fattah: Command, Hourglass Zulu one reporting in. Requesting objective.

TASA Command: *COMMS* One of our operatives went undergound outside world, reports from Augsburg in past 36 hours have been mixed at best. No one is sure what to believe anymore. Make contact with local authorities and return an accurate situation report. Get to Augsburg now and find Takenaka. First go to Polizeiinspektion Augsburg 6 and find out what happened here.

Fattah: Roger that, Command. Zulu moving out.

The team proceed to investigate the city, after ongoing outbreak, they walk into the alleyway but everything is empty.

Edward (C8): *Scanning* No sign of lifeforms.

Edel: *curious* Where's everybody go?

Fattah: Me either, I don't see anyone, all what's it left is ruins.

Edward (C8): I scanned every city apartment, but I don't see anyone.

Fang: Must be they were evacuated. Stay sharp team.

Upon reaching another alleyway, Edel witness a civilian?

Edel: Civilian, there is something not quite right with them. Hey! Are you okay madam!

Fattah: Edward, scanned her.

Edward (C8): Acknowledge. *Scanning her* Scanning, oh no, not good, lifeform detected, threat.

Fattah: *shocked* Edel, back away!

Edel put her hand on the civilian, however it turns out the civilian female is a zombie, the zombie attacks her but she pushes her, pull out her knife kill the zombie until another show up.

Fattah use Orca shoot another zombie before its down.

Edward (C8): Scanning weakness, Fattah, aim only on the head.

Fattah: *sigh* Your right Edward, I should focus on the head.

TASA Command: *COMMS* You are authorized to use force on any hostiles.

Fang: Copy, Zulu-One engage hostile threat!

The zombies appeared from door bang out from outside, alleyways, Edward (C8) or known or R-C8 is an android built my militech it design to have two large shields to protect it from gunfire including lasers. C8 also wield a machine gun with medigun, and fragmentation grenades. Eventually, the CIA gives an R-C8 to Antarctic Union in secretly as CIA led by Ethan gives it to R-C8 so AU would test R-C8 for program design, eventually, R-C8 was named as E10 or known as Edward.

Edward (C8): Engaging hostiles.

Edward fire the gragmentation grenade cause it to detonate killing more zombies, Fattah deployed a smoke grenade design to attract effections as Fang throws a grenade, killing more of them. Edel deploy the explosive device into the zombies before detonated.

Fang: Jesus, these guys are living dead!

Edel: *shooting her OSK* They're acting like an animals. What happened to them?

Edward (C8): According to bases of human's infections, it's clear to unknown virus who turned people into living beings.

Fattah: So... they're not ELID infections?

Edward (C8): Exactly.

Fang: Great genius big guy *bump into metal plate*

Coming out from the alleyway, Hellhounds show up, attack Fang and Edel.

Fattah: More hostiles creature! *firing his ORCA at Hellhounds*

Two hellhounds were down before explosion release the small flames.

Fang: Did those dogs explode?

Edward (C8): Affirmative.

Hourglass Zulu One exit the Alleyway, only finds more zombies roaming around the street. Zulu one engage threat as Edward fire the minigun at the hordes. 

Going for the next alleyway, They engage few more zombies and the hellhounds. The door was barricade.

Edel: Dead end, the doors block.

Fattah: Edward, fire the grenades at the barricades.

Edward (C8): Affirmative. 

The team stepped back as Edward fire the fragmentation grenade destroyed the barricade but only finds that Edward killed the zombies from explosion. 

Downtown on the street, more zombies then approach to the team, Zulu one engage zombies but something shot the zombies causing them to take cover.

Fang: *shout* We;re under fire! Defensive positions!

TASA Command: *COMMS* Roger Zulu-One- engage and neutralize, but don't get bogged down.

The TASA Hourglass Zulu One engage enemy Automatons Aegis appeared to be PMCs, Edward fire the miniguns and use the shield to defend his comrades, Fang pulled out a grenade launcher destroyed the Aegis.

Edel use her sniper rifle aimed at enemy Aegis wielding snipe rifle and neutralize as the rest Fang and Fattah engage Aegis wielding minigun but Aegis were destroyed as they enter the building checking if there's more PMCs around.

Fattah: Edward stay outside, keep on guard if those soldiers or those zombies around, kill them.

Edward (C8): Understood.

Inside the building, Fang, Fattah and Edel check the room, Fang finds a futuristic door.

Fang: I have visual on the door, they might be inside.

Fattah: Edel get ready, *nod to Fang*

Fang access through retina password, the doors open, Fattah rushed to cover, throw the grenade, destroyed two Aegis and one soldier.

Fang: Clear!

Fattah: Edel, check the monitors.

Edel: Roger.

Edel goes to the computers turn the power back on but the lights goes off across Augsburg.

Edward (C8): *COMMS* I'm engaging Hostiles.

Fattah: Copy, we're going to the roof. Team engages hostiles.

Fang: Rog

Edel: Engaging!

Zulu one enters the roof, they find Edward who is engage combat with zombies, Edel rushed to flares, to summon the reinforcement, then suddenly, a group of black soldiers with C12 engaging hostiles, those groups were the Shadow Company.

Fang: *COMMS* Those are Human friendlies.

Fattah: Act normal.

Shadow soldier 1: *COMMS* This is Shadow Company Private Military Company, who are you guys?

Fattah: We are... US special forces sir!

Shadow soldier 1: *COMMS* Why are you here?

Fattah: We're here to proceed contact with Polizeiinspektion Augsburg 6

Shadow soldier 1: The Police Augsburg 6 was very close, are you sure about this?

Fattah: We sure do!

Shadow soldier 1: Alright, just go, we'll handle those threats.

Fattah: Thank you.

Zulu One proceed to the Polizeiinspektion Augsburg 6, because it was near.

TASA Command: *COMMS* That was close, good thing you use the fake identity.

The scene cut to a young girl with brown hair, with long hair cover her right eye and green eyes, seen running away from, her name is Kaylee Weaver. 

Behind the car is a bioweapon that RSSA deployed, Abezuthibou using his strength to move the flip truck, this bio-humanoid here to terminate any hostile like Maiko and Kaylee.

Kaylee dodge and fell to the ground, as Zulu one came notice a woman who armed herself, she quickly turned around see some elite forces.

Kaylee: You better run!

Zulu One saw a bio-humanoid, as Edward scanned was a threat.

Fattah: *shocked* Oh fuck...

Edel: *shocked* What is that?!

Kaylee: Don't care run!

Fang: Edward quickly, you can't stand against that thing!

Edward (C8): Understood, following rest of comrades.

Zulu One with a survivor Kaylee rushed to the alleyway but only find zombies blocking way.

Kayleee: Just shoot through them! We can't slow down!

Edward (C8): I can shoot them.

Fang: Great idea, take them down, with your shield.

Edward (C8): Understood.

Edward (C8) deploys his two large shield, rammed the zombies into the wall before squash like a bug as Kaylee impress with the robot.

Kaylee: Nice robot.

Zulu One and Kaylee make their way to the exit but suddenly encounter Abezuthibou, standing in front of the police HQ. He use the rope to grabbed her, as Kaylee struggle to get herself out.

Zulu One opened fire at Abezuthibou that breaks Kaylee free taking down by Gunfire spree. However it only stunned him, as Kaylee with Zulu One flee.

Fattah: There must be a way out.

Fang: And I don't think that one ugly ELID thing will take "no" way answer. Anyone got any bright ideas?

Edward (C8): I had abilities to jumped on the roof.

Fang: Perfect!

Edward grab everyone, on his shield, as Edward jumped on the roof as they escape from Abezuthibou but thanks to zombie, they slow him down. Edward landed on the street as Kaylee see no sign of bio-humanoid monster.

Kaylee: That'll only slow it down. You guys gotta keep moving.

Fattah: No, we to know who you are?

Kaylee: I'm Kaylee Weaver. I'm a NCIS and NSA.

Fang: And let me guess, that creature, is that ELID infections high level threat?

Kaylee: Yeah, but that's not ELID, your facing a newer threat than ELID, I've been reports about the RSSA. We've been investigating some of more questionable, Bizzard murder case within Augsburg and now activities for a while now.

Fattah: Command - are you getting this?

TASA Command: *COMMS* Yeah, she part of Naval Criminal Investigative Service and National Security Agency, she checks out but you are not share your mission and our advanced nations with her.

Fattah: Understood. *to Kaylee* We're you going?

Kaylee: I'm out of town - you should do the same.

Edel: Not quite yet, lady. We've civilians to rescue first.

Kaylee: *sad* There are no survivors. They're all dead. And you guys don't look like any rescue team, I've ever seen. Look I can't stay, but I have to get out of here, and investigate about RSSA movements around, whoever your leash cares about what happened here. I'd start with City hall. You'll find intel on RSSA there.

Fang: Wait, where's Maiko, have you seen here?

Kaylee: Her? Oh yes, she used to be a special force did twenty-nine years ago, I was part of the special forces, but I was part of Echo team. Maiko was somewhere in the city; you all should investigate. But if you see my brother, Boris, tell him, I'm not here.

Kaylee then left the city leaving the Zulu One finds the perfect missions.

Fang: We'll looks like we found out what RSSA's planning.

Edel: And don't forget lieutenant Takenaka wareabout. Edward can you find her?

Edward (C8): Of course, scanning through town. *after scanning* However, she somewhere around the city, but unleash, we should contact command. Setup the safe zone

The Zulu One agreed as they set up the safe zone in Augsburg.

to be continued.

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