
Principality of Avalon


0650 Hours

The scene sees several empty bottles of Vodka left on a table. Aidan Belikov is drinking and smoking while looking at a photo while Guild Syndicate Enforcer Francis Cyprus is trying to speak to him on a Frequency.

Francis: *COMMS* Belikov, your services are required. The Professor needs another beating.

Belikov ignored him and continued smoking a cigarette while looking at the photo of him and Chernikov.

Francis: *COMMS* Are you there?

Belikov ignores Francis and continues to smoke as he stares at the photo. Belikov uses the end of his cigarette to burn his face in the photo, keeping Chernikov's.

Francis: *COMMS* Why did I hire that drunk?

Suddenly, the alarm goes off, prompting Belikov to stop burning the photo.

Franics: *COMMS* Woah! Woah! Shake the alarm!

Then suddenly a door is busted, Belikov takes his Makarov and points at the intruder, Belikov suddenly appears shocked and lowers his weapon as who reveal to be the Kraut Deadzone crew.

Aidan: *shocked* Boris? Tara? Aiden? Arya? Everyone? *relieved* You're all okay!

Vargo 52: I could say same to you, Belikov.

AK-12: *curious* How did you and Chernikov survive Donald Shepherd's betrayal?

Belikov: *smirks* You can thank Tara for that.

Everyone stares at Tara.

Aiden: *smirks* You have our thanks for that.

Tara: *shrugs* Don't mention it, Aiden. You were right about Shepherd.

Arya get near Belikov and steps on him with her prostetic right leg.

Belikov: *painful* Ouch! What was that for?

Arya: For that day in the Statesec HQ, bad boy.


in 2055

Belikov tries to remain vigilante until there's Angelia and her sister Arya noticed Belikov, and when two approach, Belikov knock both down with a fist, dragged both into the locker and left.

Flashback end

Belikov chuckles nervously as Aiden looks at the window.

Aiden: *shivers* I never wanted to come to this place again.

Eugen: *glaring Me either.

Belikov: *sigh* *sarcastic* That's because of your crazy idea of playing Poker with a member of the mob and you lost.

Arya: *shocked* Poker? You played Poker and you lost?


In Casino

Aiden seen holding the card with the rest of the mob including that leader Francis, Aiden reveal his card on the table two kings.

Aiden: Ha! I won!

Francis smirk, Francis on his sleeves pull out a card (like a refence from Solo Star Wars story).

Francis: *chuckles* Not bad, but you have made a mistake to come here, America.

Aiden: Huh?

Francis: You see... *pulled out a royal flush* I win.


Poker master: And we have a winner.

Francis: Like I say America, I believe you cheated.

Aiden: *stunned* W-what? Y-you cheated! I know what you did!

Francis: *sadistic* Don't lie to me, besides, your gonna enjoy the rest of the customers that they disobey our rules. *snap finger*

Outside the Casino, Aiden run away as the mob fire their guns at Aiden until he quickly rushed.

Flashback ended

Aiden: Lost? Lost? That jerk cheated. I had evidence of him playing dirty and then the mob tries to kill me. *annoyed* He even had the nerve to boast on outsmarting me at Poker by cheating. *angrily* That dirty motherfucker!

Arya flickers with her prostetic left arm at Aiden.

Aiden: Ow! What the hell, Ange?

Arya: Don't anyone teach you gambling is bad, Hawk?

Aiden: *sigh* Sorry. I know, it was a shitty idea. But cheating is bad too.

Arya: *sigh* True.

Boris: *chuckles* Fair points.

Eugen glares at the city, much to Aiden and Tara's concern.

Tara: *concerned* Are you okay?

Eugen: *glaring* This horrible city was where I've lost my parents. I've through hell because of that Guild Syndicate. I regret losing them. And I regret being on that orphanage for my entire life.

Tara: *empathetic* I know how you feel, Eugen. But this isn't about the Syndicate, it's about saving Anna. Sometimes you need to face your past.

Aiden: *reflecting* "Walking around filled with regret and resentment won't get you anything, so learn from it and move on." That's what my mentor taught me.

Eugen: *dejected*I... I understand.

Boris: Belikov, there's someone who wants to talk to you on Channel.

Chernikov: *COMMS* *smirks* Hey Belikov. You look like hell.

Belikov: *shocked* Chernikov? I... I thought you were dead?

Chernikov: *COMMS* *smirks* If only were that simple.

Boris: *smirks* Heh. You sound like my great, great-grandfather, Pete.

Belikov notices the Agents K, J, and Q from Stasi.

Belikov: And you are Agent K, J and Q, I presume.

Agent K: Yeah. We're helping Kraut Deadzone as well.

Ridge: *COMMS* *smirks* Now this is a touching reunion.

Much to his shock, Belikov hears Ridge on comms and gets angry.

Belikov: glaring* Why the fuck is that rat bastard with you?!

Sora: *COMMS* Calm down, Aidan. We're keeping an eye on him. 

Boris: We're looking for a man named Hugo Jager.

Tara: Who may know how to bring back Anna Bernhard.

Belikov: *confused* Doctor Hugo Jager? The former Omega Group's Necro-Analytics department Research Lead?

Then Belikov notices Maxim.

Belikov: Lieutenant Maxim Karkhivov. I thought you were working for URNC's Special Forces and R.S.S.A.

Maxim: not anymore. They left me to die.

Belikov: Is there a reason why are you looking for him, Lieutenant?

Maxim: Sergei Ravenov knew him, because he too worked for Omega before working with Requiem. I've discovered that Anna Bernhard and I are his grandkids. And his daughter, Ava Jansen is our mother. Anna is my sister, I wil lsave her and I think Hugo Jager knows how to do that. Where is he?

Belikov: Jager is our prisoner. We were offered millions to find out something only he knows, but he won't talk. Not even to me.

Belikov notices Maiko, who drinks one of his liquors.

Belikov: *curious* And, uhh, who are you?

Boris: Maiko Takenaka. A friend of mine.

Maiko: And I'm the one who's gonna kill your boss. That a problem?

Suddenly, zombies are heard making sounds offscreen. Francis then patches in the frequency to Belikov.

Francis: *COMMS* Belikov! Where the fuck are you?!

Maxim: *annoyed* I wish I could shut up this jerk.

Belikov: Hmph. *smirks* I'm thinking of doing the same.

Just then, a zombie crashes through the window, Eugen struggles with one of them, while Maiko and Agent Q pin down the other zombie and kill him. TAQ Evolvere grabs and pins against the wall. UMP40 pulled out her knife then stabs the zombie in the head.

Agent Q: This kind of shit happen everywhere you go, Maiko?

Maiko: Sometimes. Ever since Boris and I had a similar fucking situation 29 years ago.

Eugen is still seen struggling with the other zombie, then he got saved by Tara and Belikov shot it on the head, spawing blood into Eugen's face.

Eugen: *smiles* Thanks, Agent Redfield.

Tara: *smirks* I've always got your back, Officer Phonix.

Eugen: You too, Belikov.

Belikov: *shrugs* Don't mention it, policeman.

Aiden: Alright guys, let's go.

Deadzone crew exit through the breached window, though Belikov attempts to participate, only to be stopped by Boris.

Boris: You're in no condition to fight.

Belikov: *protesting* I want to help you guys!

Maxim: You will, but leave the shooting to us.

Boris: Regroup with Sora and Chernikov. Stay on comms. Guide us to Jager and try not to kill Ridge.

Belikov: *glaring* I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best to restrain myself.

Boris and Maxim jumps out the window as the scene see in the town square with the fountain including the statue.

Agent J: *stunned* UHHH, W-what that giant statue?

Boris: *confused* I don't know, what is that, I never seen record in historical stuff.

Ridge: *COMMS* Okay, idiots -

All: Hey!

Ridge: *COMMS* Time to play "find Necro-Analytics Doctor" you know, the one that isn't in the Helicopter or the VTOL.

Belikov: *COMMS* *sigh* For the love of all that's good - stop shouting!

Boris shoot the zombies came out from the cafe or houses as the rest engage.

Boris: Don't know why the maggot munchers are here, but I blame Sergey, but I don't know where the hell is Richtofen is?

Kaylee: *COMMS* Probably, he still in the Dark Aether I think?

Arya: I hope so...

Sora: *COMMS* Magical relics they're nothing like advanced artifact Relic Technology, aren't my forte.

Chernikov: *COMMS* If Hugo is the key to finding the artifact, you must get to him before the undead do.

Romy: *COMMS* And I'm not the only one, to experience the magical relics, but my agents do. This is my first time to see what kind of Artifact will do?

Maiko shoot the zombie with her SMG MP5SD following by Dagmar with her Sniper rifle aim zombie crawling under the building..

Maiko: These dead fucks better not get to Francis before I do.

Deadzone crew clear out some zombies before they make their way towards the gate from exit the town to the abandoned ancient Citadelle.

S.A.M.: I see you've made contact with Belikov.

Chernikov: *COMMS* He's one of my mole of G.H.O.S.T. within the StateSec.

Arya: And he's the one who knock me and my sister on the head.

Belikov: *nervous* Don't kill me already.

HK416: How come the undead spawn out of nowhere, I thought anna finally prevent the Outbreak in Augsburg?

S.A.M.: The Dimensional breaches have formed around the keep. I cannot tell how, or why they are occurring.

Lachmann-556:  Maybe its because of suspicious with R.S.S.A?

Tara: Maybe... since me and Eugen learned about truth about R.S.S.A, I don't know why are they planning to unleash the Dark Aether to the other side?

Ridge: *COMMS* Well get with the program you glorified abacus, we have our hands full down here. Oh, and Belikov? "Privet" to S.A.M.

Aiden: Yeah... good luck processing that Belikov we're a few days ahead of you, and I still can't wrap my head around it.

Maiko: And go a location on Francis? Far as I concerned, he's the real prize.

They continued to venture to the Citadelle but not just as far it goes as they walk, they were stopped by the barn, WSP Swarm finds a mystery box.

WSP Swarm: Hey guys! I found the mystery box!

WSP Swarm rushed to the mystery box, Agent J, K, Sterling and XM4 side peak from the door. When he touch the mystery, the light glows from the box as it going random on which weapons.

The mystery box selected a machine gun MG42.

WSP Swarm: *smirk* Nice... sorry 42, I'm gonna borrow your gun. *chuckles*

Agent K and J starred each other.

Agent J: That's easy, I want the best gun!

Agent J rushed to the mystery box and it selected a revolver nagant M1895 that made Agent J paled himself.

Agent J: *cries annoying* Why do I have to choose this?

Agent K: *chuckles* Step aside, I wonder what gun I have to get.

Agent K touch the mystery box and he gets...

... RPK-16.

Agent K: Easy...

Agent J: *pale white* Whaa?

Agent K: Sorry kid, you get your own.

Back with the group, TAQ Evolvere and Bryson 800 drinking the Deadshot Daquiri.

TAQ Evolvere: Accuracy on the rocks.

Bryson 800: Oh, I got my eyes on the prize, all right...

With the team prepared, they reach towards the gate leads to Citadelle, however the gate was close despite the tourist no way how to get in since in 1990s.

Belikov: *COMMS* Do these beasts follow everywhere in your wake? They are not like ELID infections. Even after all these years? Bozhe moi and I thought I kept bad company.

The Castle was abandoned everything laies ruin, but only entire castle were still intact, others like the tower, were destroyed due to the bomb in ww2. The deadzone  crew were surprised at the old intact castle first time/

Kastov 545: Wow... you guys seeing this? This castle is more like Camelot to me.

UMP40: Everything seems to be abandoned.

Agent Q: Nothing to compared to old time medieval.

FR Avancer: More like it, according to writings, rumors to this castle was ruled by the former Templar who fled after the death of the last grandmaster.

G36: You know everything about Historical.

SV-98: Your smart.

FR Avancer: *adjust his glass* Indeed, I'm good of it.

The crew stepped towards the entrance, only to find the castle gates was lock.

Ridge: *COMMS* Well shit. *annoyed* Those gates aren't messing around.

Belikov: *COMMS* Our comrades will find a way. *whisper* Comrades - please - make it a quiet way.

KV Inhibitor: *confused* Why?

Belikov: *COMMS* Because this castle was used to honor the man who ruled the Principality of Avalon all throughout many years.

Eugen: So how are we gonna get inside this old medival castle?

Tara: I think the old fashion way *pointing at the handle inside the gate*

Polina: That will be good idea, *turn to UMP9* Hey do you have any extra gun you have, I dropped it after we left the island.

UMP9: Oh yes, I do *handed a pistol* here.

Polina: *smile* Thanks 9.

Polina aim closely at the handle with her gun, before she pulls the trigger, Maiko sigh. Maiko shove Polina away and throws a rock at the handle, the gates opened.

Maiko: Open Sasame, you should throw a big rock.

All: *glance* Damn it.

The crew walk inside the castle, everything seems to be abandoned but still the castle was intact. WA2000 and Springfield examined over 900 year old intact ancient castle by touching the old brick.

Springfield: The castle seems still intact ever since after the third war five years ago.

WA2000: The castle doesn't much like resembles from ruins in Area 4 I think?

DM56: *eyes sparkling* Zis, is marvellous! I have to studies this 900 year old castle!

WA2000: *pale* And your boyfriends acting crazy.

Springfield: *giggles blushed* Really, he's just... well...

WA2000: *sigh* Let me guess, still your lover?

Springfield: *smiles while blushes* Yep, and what about Étoiles haven't you talk to him or he's still having gestured to you?

WA2000: *blushed* Baka! Etoiles not my lover alright, he... he *worried* He's just...

Springfield: *smile* Come on, you still have him, but you had a necklace that he gave you, beside I heard he calls you cute tsundere.

WA2000: *blushed* *cover hands* Please...

Boris, Aiden and Maiko seen stood at the entrance but the doors was locked by the metal door.

Aiden: Did they just put a metal door?

Boris: No Jack, they place the door inside, because no one gets in or out. 

Maiko: Then we have to find our way to get in and find Francis.

Aiden: *curious* You haven't said that about what happened back on the island.

Maiko: What are you, my therapist? There's only one bloke I have that convo with and his name is Francis Cyprus. How do you? How do you keep in check Jackson? All because of my guilt and rage and regret.

Aiden: And most important, Francis cheated in the poker while I was having Casino, that's why I was never go there again.

Boris: *chuckles* You always been a bad poker, after Arya mad of you because about cheating?

Aiden: *sigh* Your right, and Maiko if you see Francis, kill it for me.

Maiko: We both same hatred about Francis, first you hate him because of cheating and mine for revenge of my brother Naruki.

C58: Wow, you amigos had shared the same real hatred about Francis. Cielos, all I know I was at Weaver's old cell, I noticed he got named carved goes by RICHTOFEN.

Boris: Nothing much to say, Richtofen was still unknown wareabout so we have to focus on Sergey alright.

While everyone examined 900 year old castle, Vargo 52 and AK-12 sit on the grass, spoke to Belikov about two years ago.

Vargo 52: *curious* Hey, Belikov about what happened two years ago, how come you survive alongside Chernikov since General Shepherd kills you two by exploded in the building?

Belikov: *COMMS* Its because what happened two years ago, me and Chernikov found a way out all thanks to followed instruction by Tara, so eventually we both separated after Government hunting me and Chernikov down due to our traitorous. 

AK-12: And then what happened?

Belikov: *COMMS* The Syndicate gave me a place to hid, such that it is.

Vargo 52: So that's why...

Belikov: *COMMS* Yeah, but it is good to see you all made it out alive.

Vargo 52: Thanks, we all did survive from Shadow company under Donald Shepherd's orders.

Vargo 52: But first, we're going to find Sergey, and we're going to teach him a thing or two about... I don't know about Polina, Yosef and Nika, payback?

Nika: *COMMS* Its kinda our business, Belikov, we have our business with Sergey, he's the one who killed my father.

Belikov: *worried* *COMMS* Oh, sorry about your lost.

Yosef: *COMMS* No need to worried, we got worked to do, we're gonna find that Artifact, but that door is lock.

But things not go well, as the Zombies appeared out of nowhere, attack the group.

Kastov 762:*surpised* Blyat! More Zs coming! *shooting the zombies*

UMP45, HK416 and Agent K came to aid 762 on zombies.

G11: *yawn* Is it morning, I wanna sleep.

Tasha: *annoyed* Will you wake up! Undead zombies gonna eat you!

G11: *sleeping* 

Tasha: *enraged* MMMMPHHHHh!!! *grabbed G11 and carried her on her shoulder* I definitely gonna need a medical therapy.

Everyone engages the zombies who appeared out of nowhere from the hole under the castle, the group, or anything that they spawn.

Kaylee: *COMMS* This can't be happening, S.A.M? I thought the Dark Aether was sealed away after Anna stopped the Dark Entity.

S.A.M.: It was, but a dimension is not easily contained. Perhaps maybe its because R.S.S.A experiment on Aetherium crystal failed. Or something on the other side could have broke through. There is insufficient data at this time.

Maxim: Maybe it was a shadowsmith right?

S.A.M.: Maybe but... it wasn't Shadowsmith behind the incursions, someone made the incursions, if it was Sergey or URNC, but who was in the other side?

Arya: *stabbed the zombie on the head* Well I guess, we have to get inside the castle, so we find answers to Jager!

Aiden wield the Chryslax swing his weapon like a tomahawk at the zombies damage five of them.

Aiden: Could someone find the way to get inside the castle! Z's are gonna get really busy!

DM56 thinks, while his comrades are fighting the zombies, his eye contact towards the old cannon with the lion on it.

DM56: Bingo! Anatnov! My friend, I need you assist me, so I could rotate zis old medieval cannon right towards zis castle into a freaking blitz!

Krig 6: Are you sure!

DM56: Trust me my friends, zis will do! *grabbed Krig 6*

Krig 6 and DM56 run at the tower of the castle, and made through 900 year old cannon.

DM56: *astonished* Interesting! This cannon appeared to be 900 years old, how marvelous... hohoho, oh I'M GONNA MAKE THIS CRAP!

Krig 6: *shout in annoy* Will you shut up about those weapons, Steiner and rotate towards that entrance! Our guys got a trouble with the zombies!

DM56:  Oh right! 

SV-98 and Springfield saw Krig 6 and DM56 had a trouble conversation.

SV-98: *wince* Still thinking about him, Springfield?

Springfield: Yeah, but I had 56 with me. *shoot the zombies when they approach to her* No need to worried about him.

DM56 use the small wheel to rotate the cannon as Krig 6 defend his crazy pyscho scientist engineering S T-Doll against zombies. Once the cannon in position. DM56 wack the zombies with his own Marksman rifle, shoot both zombies in quick.

DM56: Now! my friend! Oh zis go, fire straight towards ze entrance! Load it!

Krig 6: *annoy* I hate that guy.

Krig 6 pulls the string from the cannon, DM56 cover his ears and step aside.

DM56: Get medieval on them, before they get mad evil on you! *while covering his ears*

Krig 6: *shout* Fire in the hole!

Krig 6 pulls the string, the cannon fire the fireball cannon straight right towards the entrance and explode but the cannon almost impact on Boris and Maiko.

Maiko: *shout* What the hell! You almost killed us!

DM56: *shout*  Zat was ze technical plans to get inside ze castle!

Boris: *shout* And who got the right idea to shoot door in front of us!

Krig 6: That was Steiner idea to blow that door!

DM56: *shocked* *mad* Me! Antanov, that's not what I mean!

Krig 6: Your the one who's interest of that medieval 900 year old cannon!

Agent K: Okay enough guys, the door was blast, so we have to find Jager.

Arya: Yeah, come guys we're heading inside!

The crew rushed inside the castle, when few remaining zombies coming closer to the entrance.

Bryson 800 throw a Monkey bomb that distract the zombies, when Krig 6 and DM56 arrived.

UMP45: Alright, we're now inside the castle.

Kastov 762: Yeah, but still the castle still intact no exposure.

Boris: After what Belikov put Hugo through. *worried* I feel bad, we got to shake him down for answers too.

HK416: Well at least, we won't be dangling him or breaking his fingers. You do stop doing that. Ja?

Chernikov: *COMMS* Back in the old days in G.H.O.S.T. I couldn't picture Elizabeth on the field. Now only way I picture Romy behind a desk is using it as cover.

Romy: *COMMS* Oh my god, Chernikov I'm gonna shove it through your gold.

Jennifer: *COMMS* Nothing evolutionary pressure turns out everything about URNC so suspicious about me. *mumble* Plus I'm part of AU.

Romy: *COMMS* What's that?

Jennifer: *COMMS* *sweat* Nothing! *normal* I've gotten really, really good at not dying in this country.

Maxim: But hunting down ancient artifact, is because computer told us, it could bring Anna back. Might not qualify as a solid plan.

Jennifer: *COMMS* *sarcastic* Couldn't been a dumbest thing, we've ever done or a 1000 IQ move. Whether it works or not, we still don't want Sergey getting his grubby mitts on the Artifact or URNC. 

HK416: *sigh* First outbreak in Augsburg, second in Caucus region, third...

Vargo 52: Dead sea...

HK416: Yeah, like you guys been captured by R.S.S.A to hunt down a traitor, fourth outbreak in Terminus abandoned island and now this! 

Lachmann-556: or we're not the only players in the game. We never thought we've been in Avalon except Commander Aiden. Not unless that brass sent us into clean house. You've been there before, Klukai?

HK416 narrow her eyes at Lachmann-556.

HK416: Do I look like, I spent a lot of time in the criminal underworld? Don't answer that. You owe me, back in Zulrich and save my life.

G11: *yawn* So sleepy, why is everything in this room dark. *sleeping*

HK416: EH?! G11 WAKE UP!

Lachmann-556: *chuckles*

Aiden: Okay, enough all this conversation shit, right now, there's two doors, one on the left and the on the right. So I'm guessing which one will go first?

RAAL MG: I think we go the right door, I think Jager was there inside.

KV Broadside: *patting him* Nice one my friend! This door leads to Hugo's cell.

Aiden: Okay, guys let's split up! We need to ensure whatever that place it is. Eugen, Tara, K, Mona, Amaris, Mikhail, 40, Polina and Dimitri you guys go to the left door and the rest of us go for the right. Any questions?... Good.

And so the team split into two on two doors, whatever lies within castle, must lead to the Sentinel Artifact.

To be continued.

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