The Philosopher's Legacy and the Patriot's Legacy (reversion)
The Philosophers' Legacy
The Philosophers' Legacy was a slush fund of one hundred billion dollars collected by the Highest powers in China, the Soviet Union, and the United States around the time of World War II. During World War II, a secret pact was concluded between the Philosophers, that eventually resulted in the creation of the Legacy.
After Russia discover a relics site near the Tungus river in 1905, but in 1908 first catastrophic failure in properly handling relics, and After World War I including the Wiseman Committee established an unseen union between three countries, the Philosophers.
The Philosophers from the three countries pooled their assets in order to secure victory in the war by developing the technologies that would define warfare for decades to come; rocketry, nuclear weapons and superhuman soldiers (such as the Cobra Unit) (except with the Automonous Dolls) with Volgin claiming the amount of money being pooled in to form what would become the Legacy was enough to fight World War II five times over. Although it was intended that the funds for the Legacy be split up amongst America, the Soviet Union, and China after World War II, these funds were stolen and were then divided and hidden in secret bank accounts in Switzerland, Hong Kong, Australia and other such economic strongholds after the war. The records of the transactions were stored on a single microfilm; the only means to access the vast fortune. The usage of the Legacy was also the reason why both the Soviet Union and America managed to gain the best scientific minds from Germany after the war ended.
One of the main reasons why the Cold War began was because all of the three nations wanted the Legacy for themselves. The Philosophers had been disbanded into three groups, holding the true power of the supernations, all fighting for the Legacy. They knew that who ever possessed the Legacy would win the Cold War and become the dominant superpower while Soviet maintain on Tabasar-B Proving Ground and Starfish including the Pike.
Valentina Valen Volgin's Great Ancestor, Boris Volgin was in charge of the Philosophers' money laundering activities, and in the confusion of the Second World War, obtained the microfilm for the benefit of the USSR. After Boris's death, the Legacy was illegally passed on to his son, Ancestor Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin of GRU, who used the money to build Groznyj Grad and fund the development of various advanced weapons (i.e. Hinds, WiGs, flying platforms, and heavily customized tanks) without rely on Relics, and later to fund the completion of the Shagohod, after he had stolen the prototype from the Sokolov Design Bureau. Regarding the latter, the legacy's wealth was massive enough that Soviet researcher Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov even speculated that Volgin, if he so desired, could start mass-production of the Shagohod as early as the day after the Shagohod prototype's completion via his use of the Legacy. When it was finally discovered that Volgin was the one who possessed this apparently lost treasure, the Shagohod was already nearing completion, so the Chinese government quickly dispatched their own agent, EVA to recover it, while the CIA quickly dispatched their own agents, The Boss and later Naked Snake, to recover it as well. Volgin kept its exact location, and even his even owning it, a secret from the Groznyj Grad personnel until he revealed it while high from torturing Snake shortly after capturing him.
During Operation Snake Eater, EVA was supposedly successful in recovering the Legacy, but, unbeknownst to her, the film she obtained was actually a fake. This failure in her mission caused EVA to lose her reputation and credibility. The real microfilm eventually made its way into America's hands, thanks to the actions of Snake, The Boss, and the Philosophers' triple spy Ocelot. However, the CIA were only able to recover half of the Legacy using the film, and it was assumed that the possessed the other half. Sometime later, Ocelot eventually located the remainder of the Legacy, though he kept it for himself.
In 1970, Ocelot and Zero set up Gene's San Hieronymo Incident as a ploy to obtain the remainder of the Legacy. When Ocelot confronted the CIA Director, the latter told him about documents which revealed where portions of the Legacy were located. Afterwards, Ocelot assassinated the CIA Director and obtained the other half of the Legacy, which was then used to fund the creation of the Patriots.
During the Peace Walker Incident in 1974, the Patriots told EVA that the Legacy had been put to "good use."
The Patriot's Legacy
The Patriot's Legacy was a slush Fund of 600 billion dollars collected by The Patriots after their fall in 2014 after the Guns of the Patriot. During the Guns of the Patriots, The Patriots created the Legacy with 600 billion dollars.
The Patriot's Legacy from The Patriots assets in order to secure victory in the war and technology by developing the technologies that would define warfare for decades to come; rocketry, nuclear weapons and superhuman soldiers including Relics, Cryptids and Dolls (the Doll would require for Superhuman strength DNA only the US government need to), soon or later, the Patriots Legacy were split up amongest not just China, US and Russia (before Neo Soviet Union), but all countries had the half of the Patriot's Legacy: United States, China Russia (before Neo Soviet Union), Japan, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, New Latin Federation of Americas, Spain, Isarel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, South America, Belkan countries, and Ukraine, these funds were stolen and were funds were stolen and hidden in secret bank accounts in Switzerland and other half economic strongholds after the first Beilan Island Incident in 2030. The records of the transactions were stored on a single Hardrive; the only means to access the vast fortune. In early 21st Century, The Russian Federation was the leader of this race thanks to engineer Legacy of the Soviet Union while Americans, European and East Asian industrial machines and robotic arms were more high-tech, Kiev's automated research center was very competitive with its focus on ease of maintenance and price point made them very competitive.
On January 17 2030, the Beilan Island Incident would plunged into modern world into chaos and the result in a century-long cloud of Collapse Fluid wiping out organic life in many regions on Earth and causing massive numbers of Eurosky Low-Emission Infectious Disease (ELID) infections.
United States's with Half of Patriot's Legacy
In Contract for Patriot's legacy funds, the US Government began developed Metal Gear TARANTULA in Sea of Japan, on the island of Shallow of Death but then incident came for the Shallow of Death incident, result on cancelation in 2031.
The United States funds on Stealth Tactical Dolls to PMC G.H.O.S.T. to develop S T-Doll which secretly the first Doll existence but the US Government needs to hide its identity and also the funds on Dolls for experiments on Superhuman DNA and DNA into the Dolls for Henry's work all thanks to the Half of the Patriot's Legacy
The Experiments on Dolls such as FTac Recon and EX1 from Los Dioses Gemelos Project and the third Doll Ohm. The rest such as M39 EMR, HBRa3, Lienna 57 and Pytaek got the superhuman Abilities from the Sons of the Big Boss. This Doll which only means of recognized those familiar faces as they were not the Sons of the Big Boss members, they are just Dolls not just reincarnation except EX1 who somehow had the Liquid DNA of which discovered Liquid reincarnation of took control of EX1.
The Funds also kept in secret in USA, developing Metal Gear X series, the Behemoth Machine capable of both artillery and Tactical Nuclear, it was a missing link between humans and Apes and Infantry and Artillery. The USA fund on developed advanced technology shield just like from the video game Halo which deflect firearms, lasers, railgun, nuclear explosions, and beams, the Patriot's Legacy held in America for the funds of develop advanced technology while rejected on rely on Relics but some Americans focus on Relics others like US focus on Cryptids Technology.
After World War III, and American Civil War, the Metal Gear X T-REX now enter service and production of Metal Gear X T-REX in secret
After Operation Snake Eater 2.0 the US government got send by Double agent of CIA, Alisa Vlasova aka ATHENA, of all blueprints and files about IOP and SF models, assault platforms and records to make ensure Fiscanovich would fear every country of his creation.
In 2067, American government hired Nikolai Karkivo to help developed a Metal Gear GANDER, in addition to a prototype version. The Metal Gear GANDER was set to be field tested in South America in 2067, however was hjacked by Heaven Units and taken to Cuba small island and they will plan to use GANDER to launch the Nuke against URNC but instead a true objective is Pentagon.
Neo-Soviet Union's Half of Patriot's Legacy
In 2032, after Second Revolution, the Neo-Soviet Union reborn, as NSU learned about the Patriots Legacy as for Prometheans from Project Prometheus also did to learned about the Patriot's Legacy, it contains of 600 billion dollars to fund its technology. prometheans supported the Neo-Soviet Union to get that slush fund, but one of them is Valentina Volgin, who illegally stole the Patriot's Legacy and had control of that Legacy. In 2033, without rely on Patriot's Legacy, the first Skeletal-Frame Robots adapted for assembly-line production were developed by a team led by Havier Witkin from LBT General Manufacturing They had an autonomy of 6 hours for 4 hours of recharge, were versatile and able to quickly swap their equipment to reduce maintenance time, and their AI program could be changed to adapt to a variety of jobs. This list of specification made them revolutionary at the time and required two years of tremendous work to produce the final prototype. Some experimental models were ALR-50(T) for Auto Labor Robot (Testing), second ALR-50E2 could work 20-hours day, but changed to ALR-51C(T) a skeletal-frame industrial robot combining operational life and effective interchangeability, able to swap parts and suitable software depending on the requirements of the job, and Siberian Lifeline Program for restore the Siberian railway and industrial facilities in contaminated area. The Soviet Union shared their secret work on the ALR-51C(T) Autonomous robot frame with the European Union through the International Service for Military-Technical Cooperation to promote land rehabilitation.
However, the Valen as the General, she requests of funds of her own fortress in Verdansk near the city in Kastovia there she would develop advanced technologies, such as Doll prototype superhuman abilities and two Shagohod, however one was missing. Only the Shagohod was built. She required Nikolai Karkivo the Soviet defected to USA. Before the war, IOP or Important Operation Prototype Manufacturing Company was established by Witkin in Ukraine.
In November 2036, IOP unveiled the ALR-52P, widely recognized as the first model of skeletal doll due to the secrecy in which the Soviet government held the 51C (T). The 52P shared the 51C (T) 12-joint for 4-limb structure, with the addition of 24 smaller joints to increase its range of motion. It could simulate 72 human-like motions and choose among 128 different tools. Its maximum load and battery operation time was increased by 42% and its head unit had been changed from using exposed sensors to a liquid crystal display to perform basic interactions with human beings. Countries from Central and Eastern Europe ordered large quantities of 52Ps and IOP also effected a wealth of technology transfers and shared copyrights with other companies that had not set foot into the doll robot industry. Over the next few years, many countries scrambled to develop their own models of dolls with specifications following their particular strategic vision. While the doll robot industry had its first breakthrough, legged, wheeled and tracked robots also continued to evolve. In 2036, the Soviet Union abandoned screw-driven all-terrain vehicles in favor of a new generation of legged platforms. In 2037, Kirov Robotics' two-legged 10-ton platform, Chelyabinsk Mechanics' two-legged 15-ton platform, Lower Tajir Locomotive Works' 4-legged 20-ton platform and Omsk Transport Machinery Plant's six-legged 35-ton platform all passed muster and the same year, General Dynamics rolled out the first generation of 8-legged all-terrain platforms. In the 2040s, Gaterbillar introduced legged robots dedicated to disaster relief.
The development of dolls and Witkin's efforts were of particular interest to the newly established Rossartrists, who believed fully automated labor would be critical to the evolution of society.
One of which who developed Chelyabisk Mechanic' two-legged 15-ton platform for the train was Andrey Fisanovich Aviv the Head of the Manlekov Design Relic Bureau. He is an associated with Witkin, who he designed that Chelyabisk.
In early 2040, Project Prometheus was advancing faster than predicted due to increasing political conservatism reinforcing their control over the world. While encouraging the development of heavy weaponized robots in Eastern Europe, they supported Havier Witkin's foray into the civilian Dolls sector, believing it to be an important step toward mankind's next technological and societal evolution planning to make Neo-Soviet Union the winners of World War III over the United States.
In 2040, Witkin sensed the dolls market could go beyond military organizations and spent time finding partners to solve the incoming technical challenges of advanced doll systems and raise interest in the civilian and security markets. Witkin registered three wholly-owned subsidiaries of IOP in the US, Ukraine and China to find local partners. The Ukraine branch entered a partnership with the rapidly growing Sanvigs Ferri, Manufacturing, who were more interested in the toughness of the ALR-52P than the advanced technologies of the CSD-03H and invested large amounts of money in IOP while also offering to provide AI researchers.
In amidst the rising international tensions of the Second Algerian War, Sangvis Ferri unveiled its Ripper combat doll model, built on the ALR-52P frame. Designed with military specs, it boasted a bulletproof casing, multifunctional helmet and could accommodate one weapon. However, the Rippers were slow and clumsy, making a poor display during the 2042 Ukrainian Civil War when the 20 first-generation units were quickly reduced to scraps by the trained militias. A second, better armored generation was deployed, but they were still too slow and allowed human enemies to take aim at their weak points.
As the World War Three in 2045, Sangvis Ferri and IOP fell under the control of the Neo-Soviet Union's Ministry Defense. The ministry didn't trust combat dolls technology and both companies were only ordered transport dolls to serve on supply lines for the first two years of the war, totalling over 10 000 units. Soviet The Ministry of Defense order combat dolls for field testing. Sangvis Ferri used the Ripper as the base for the specialized Jaeger and Vespid Models. IOP chose to militarize the CSD frame, eschewing SF's specialization paradigm to keep an all-purpose platform. Andrey then provide support for IOP to maintain the CSD ability for the Dolls after the Doll units crushed the US armor units.
For Andrey Fisanovich, his father gave him after his death, Andrey discovered his ancestor Granin was his descendants, he was shocked learning he is really descendants of Soviet weapons researcher, Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin. His father read the letter to him after his death about the revolutionary that could change tide of the war, the concept was from the old times, was a missing link.
Andrey Fisanovich learns the missing link between human and apes, infantry and artillery came from Granin from the Cold War. He read the history that apes could walk upright. He realized the concept of so-called Metal Gear according to Granin and the American. Fisanovich surprised the concept was a way to connect infantry with artillery, making it invulnerable to firepower shortages and terrain to support the Soviets during the World War III. However it was rejected by Soviet Ministry of Defense by Valentina Volgin after seeing the Dolls and multi-legged assault platform assault platforms and swiftly breaking mountain defenses in Southern Italy and pressuring Rome to surrender.
Following the war, several breakthrough in the CSD series' development, leading to the CSD-08A and CSD-08B models, the experimental IAD series and the production ACD series, regaining the favors of military clients for their reliability, resilience and capacity to be used both on frontlines and as manual laborers.
Following the end of World War Three, the production, service and PMC sectors were short in manpower. IOP enjoyed a comfortable market share thanks to its relations with major PMCs and international industrial companies. The Private Military Companies were hired by the weakened governments to control growing population unrest in Western Europe and the new colonies in Africa. Faced with dissident factions equipped with the abundant military gear abandoned at the frontlines, many PMCs quickly turned to Tactical Dolls. An early adopter of Tactical Dolls and a major client of IOP was Griffin and Kryuger (G&K), who heavily relied on cheaper armed civilian Tactical Dolls. G&K was given a direct feedback channel to Hermit, enabling Persicaria to improve the CSD-06, CSD-07 and CSD-08 series, develop the SST-02A and SST-03 models and develop the Service Dolls series dedicated to civilian markets, with emotional simulation software and gendered appearances, and later improve man-machine interaction with attractive appearances and customization capabilities. Receiving contracts from governments, business companies, civilian services companies and private individuals, IOP's revenues boomed. Suddenly, Andrey Fiscanovich was passed over in favor of Karkivo's design from Sokolov's Shagohod as Colonel Valen Volgin believed it to be a more worthwhile project; a decision that left Granin greatly embittered.
In 2052, As Valentina secret fund on Shagohod to modified with newer technology, the Soviet National Research Center announced their answer to the growing problem of short battery autonomy in all kinds of autonomous robots by designing a contained plasma, slow release and discharge power cell, enhancing the autonomy of dolls from 20 to 150 hours. The new kind of power cell was also safer due to its strong resilience to EM interference complemented by an automatic conversion of its power into a powerful electrical pulse when the magnetic field containing the plasma was broken, instead of an explosion. Persicaria completed her Etching Theory and laid the groundwork for adapting Zener Protocol to T-Dolls, in result of the concept of Second Generation Tactical Doll, using a modular chassis based on the prototype from the earlier IAD series. Some sources use 2054 as the year true Tactical Dolls were introduced. Witkin supported the continuous improvement of T-Dolls, but refused to add funds to Lycoris' autonomous AI research. This frustrated Lycoris, who decided to join Sangvis Ferri. SF hired G&K to escort Lycoris to their underground research labs, with his subsequent research results as payment. Lycoris' defection led to Witkin increasing even more Persicaria's funding, and in 2057 she founded 16Lab, a first-party manufacturer of IOP while didn't know about the Patriot's Legacy slush funds because some Soviets were secretly used the Patriot's Legacy not for government but for the military.
After Lycoris defected to Sangvis Ferri and Lab16 founded, Havier entrusted Fiscanovich to keep the files and blueprints of contains of all about Kirov Robotics' two-legged 10-ton platform, Chelyabinsk Mechanics' two-legged 15-ton platform, Lower Tajir Locomotive Works' 4-legged 20-ton platform and Omsk Transport Machinery Plant's six-legged 35-ton platform, ALR-52P frame, the record of world War III of how Dolls defeat the US armor battalion units, SF's Jaeger and Vespid models based on Ripper, CSD frame, of SF and IOP model including records of Operation Tradewind which SF and IOP models fought alongisde multi-legged assault platform. However Andrey Fiscanovich knew he doesn't want to keep it but instead, Fiscanovich is planning to send all of the Havier, SF and IOP files and Blueprints to United States, as he suspected that he would end up dead sooner or later and predicted that his creation would one day be used for United States to fear Neo-Soviet Union and other countries of Fiscanovich creation's.
After Operation Snake Eater 2.0, The CIA double agent, Alisa Vlasova send to the United States government as a future weapon of Metal Gear X series for America and they will reverse engineer planned onto the Metal Gear X series.
Germany's Half of Patriot's Legacy
In aftermath of World Marshall incident, the Germany gain the half of the Patriot's Legacy to rely on Secret fund on Military hardware for technology and Relics. After the Northern Lights Incident of 2035, ten German states were heavily contaminated: Thuringia, Saxony, Brandenberg, Saxony-Anhalt and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the East, Schleswig-Holstein, Lower Saxony, Bremen and Hamburg in the North, North Rhine-Westphalia in the West and parts of the Black Forest in the South, causing the German population to flee to the south of the country. Germany's capital was moved from Berlin to Frankfurt. The protests by Southern Germans erupted against what they perceived as the invasion of their home, but they were quelled by the government. The German military began developing any technology for people to built a wall but abandoned, they then continued fund with Patriot's Legacy as left-wing parties and the Social Democratic Party supported the alliance between the United States and the Neo-Soviet Union rather than the neocolonialist policies gaining traction in Europe to combat overpopulation but alliance was broken the year. The German continue secret funds on military technology and rehabilitation projects of German contaminated areas bore fruits, but by 2039 no large-scale project had been undertaken and living conditions were harsh, meaning that a big part of the returning population were actually East European refugees who had been chased from Southern Germany refugees camps.
However, Ukraine was split in two following a civil war in 2043 and United Nations broke down in early 2044 over neocolonialism in Africa and increasingly aggressive foreign policies of the United States, the German government increasingly feared secessionism from the East German population.
However its unknown whether the US or URNC got the Patriot's Legacy.
New Latin Federation of Americas' Patriot Legacy
After the Federation War, the New Latin Federation gain the Patriot's Legacy from Old Federation. The New Latin Federation continue fund on Military technology, Rocketry, and Nuclear weapons
Other Countries
Other countries like Japan, China, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Isarel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, South America, Belkan countries, and Ukraine would require all the half of the Patriot's Legacy for funds on military, technology, AI, Rocketry, etc as the World turn into chaos after the First Belian Island Incident 2030.
Rumors heard about the Patriot's legacy would obtain by Americans including double agent of CIA Alisa Vlasova, to get the Other half, while Jordan and James did too. Its unknown whether what the Americans plan of Patriot's Legacy whether reborn the Patriots or they had other plans, because it happened when the Patriots actions of the war all because Zero himself.
The agency all over the world such as CIA, who learns about the Patriot's Legacy, such as Bureau state of Security, Stasi, MI6, MI5, Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office (CIRO), Directorate-General for Security (DGSE) and Chinese Government learned about the Patriot's Legacy to influence to obtain the Patriot's Legacy funds on 600 billion dollars.
For G&K, Griffin and Kryuger, none of them didn't know about the Patriot's Legacy but except was Kawasaki, alongside Negev team led by Jericho learn the true meanings of the Patriot's Legacy about planning to make the world as one and a trump card.
The Union of Rossartrist Nation Coalition (URNC), after the formation in 2064, the URNC's CDB obtained the half of the Patriot's Legacy from Germany however it was taken and killed by Alisa Vlasova who turned to be a double agent of CIA.
Antartic Union (AU) on the other hands, the MID learned about the Patriot's Legacy holds the 600 billion dollars, to fund on Military hardware, technology, rocketry, nuclear weapons and superhuman ability. The AU secret send MID agent to the outside world to claim the Patriot's Legacy but only does the URNC did as they failed but luckily the CIA agent Jordan got the other half of the Patriot's Legacy
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