Episode 11 Black Ops
Firing Range room
M13C and M13B were seen in the firing range, M13B fired his assault rifle at the target while M13C fixed his CLAW name Rover.
Rover the CLAW is M13C's companion, when CLAW was reproduction by the PMC G.H.O.S.T, M13C was impressed with the CLAW, he built the shield to protect him from enemy fires including high explosives. As M13C finished fixing ROVER during the battle of FOB Spectre.
M13C (McClane): Okay, Rover buddy, *patting him* You're good to go.
After he finished up his CLAW, he went to check on his brother M13B still in the firing range, shooting the target.
M13C (McClane): Sooo... how's my favorite brother doing?
M13B (Jason): Still doing my firing range training, kind of...
M13B aimed his scope at the target range, and as he hit the target, he got 2,092 points right below his score.
M13B (Jason): *sigh* Still in the low.
Until then a door automatically opened, and the two met AK-47 and AK-47M
The two brothers of M13s stared at two gorgeous blonde hair and light blonde hair, as brothers' glass opened wide opened revealing their eyes light brown eyes and other is blue-yellowish eyes.
M13C (McClane): OMG... hey bro, you thinking what I'm thinking...
M13B realized his brother knew what he was thinking, about talking to the girl with light blonde hair. He gestured to his brother.
M13B (Jason): 13C don't even think about!
M13C (McClane): Too late.
He pushed M13B right towards AK-47M as she noticed a boy pushing his brother right towards her and both hit on the ground, M13B got up and starred his brother with an angry attitude.
M13B (Jason): 13C, I swear I will-
Unawared, M13B heard a breathing sound, he turned his head around and met AK-47M face to face as he fell right her with filled with blushed on her face upon a boy met a girl. M13B then blushed too as he got himself out of the as he bow for apology. While AK-47 was silence seeing AK-47M starring at the men with a glasses.
M13B (Jason): I-I'm so sorry, lady, because my brother, just teasing me a-and-
AK-47M stopped him as she accepted his apology.
AK-47M: T-that's okay, I accepted your apology, mister. I'm AK-47M and this is AK-47.
AK-47 Wave at the two Ghost T-Dolls.
AK-47: Hi
Then the two M13 brothers then introduced to them.
M13C (McClane): I'm M13C, and this my bro, M13B.
M13B (Jason): *shy* Hi *turned his head away from AK-47M pretty face.*
AK-47: *giggled* What up with your brother anyway?
M13C (McClane): Well, he's kidda, pretty shy to meet the girl in one person.
Then CLAW: Rover walked towards M13C, as he petting him, as two Griffin Dolls confused of that droid looking bear walking toward him.
AK-47M: Who's that, droid of yours?
M13B (Jason): That's CLAW or known as Cognitive Land Assault Weapon, 13C got his name as ROVER. Don't worry, he's friendly to us.
Then a door automatically opened shows a young girl name MP5 along with FNC came to the training room.
MP5: Hi guys
AK-47M: Hey MP5, and FNC
FNC: *eating a chocolate* Who were those two?
AK-47M: That's M13C and M13B, they were the T-Doll of their member of the PMC.
MP5 and FNC confused of those two T-Dolls who were exactly, male. Those T-Doll who were from their's or Griffin's.
FNC: Are they, belong to us or-
???: No I don't thinks, we weren't belong to Griffin.
Coming from the shadow, a boy with a eyepatch exactly the same as M16 walks towards them.
M13C (McClane): Oh hey Redeye, you show up?
KV inhibitor (Weaver): Nothing much, M13C, and you must be the Griffin Dolls correct?
All Griffin Dolls: Hai!
KV inhibitor (Weaver): I'm KV inhibitor, my codename is Redeye.
FNC: Redeye?
KV inhibitor (Weaver): Because I have one eye, and I lost my other eye during the combat in Ethiopia.
AK-47: How did you lost your eye?
M13C: Well, it all started back in Oct 27th 2066, before you guys visit our base, our mission to rescue Egytian Prime minister well against the NRC problems in the conflict again, since WA team manage to rescue the previous prime minister
One year ago
The scenes of collapse fluid gas surrounded the city in ruins.
News Reporter: The sheer scale of this disaster of the Collapse Fluid spread around the Middle East and Asia.
Scene shows an nuclear impact on the city as it destroyed with collapse bomb.
New Reporter: Neo-Soviet Union has developed a autonomous robots to ignore the radiation for modern warfare known as Tactical Dolls.
AK-47M: What happened in the conflict between NRC and Egyptian during the European Union diplomatic?
M13B (Jason): Well... The Egyptian Prime Minister said - taken hostage by NRC forces fourteen days ago after WW3. The uprising in Cario, they may want to make an example of him.
MP5: What did they do?
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): Punish him.
M13C (McClane): Yeah, since in 2065, WA team led by Jacob Hendricks rescue the previous prime minister and soldier who is the hero of Cario Uprising..
Mission: Retrieve Egyptian Prime minister held in Ethiopia.
Team: Lion Force
KV Inhibitor (Weaver)
Led command: Alex "Shadow" Moseman
Date: 21:00Hrs Oct 27th 2066
Alex: Okay Lads, the NRC are gonna be here soon. We got about one minute to create the mother of all distractions.
The scene stars out black, then faded into a burning truck shown on a TV monitor as KV Inhibitor takes control. He, M13C, M13B, Kastov 762 and Kastov 545 led by Alex "Shadow" Moseman were disguised as NRC soldiers in a airport control tower in Ethiopia. Alex has a mouthpiece and is pacing around in front of KV inhibitor.
Emergency Responder: *COMMS* Tower, I need all air traffic diverted form runway one-nine.
Alex: Copy that. Diverting traffic to runway one-one. Cargo four-zero-one-niner we have a fuel fire on runway one-nine. Divert course for landing to runway one-one. Please confirm.
Suddenly a banging on the tower entrance as KV Inhibitor turn his head around at the door which is block and he turned back to them.
NRC Guard: Hey! Why is this door locked?
M13C was an expert of engineering, he went on the monitor and hacking the doors to stabilize.
M13C (McClane): Oh bloody hell, we got company, its the NRC.
Alex: Make it fast McClane, don't let them in.
NRC Pilot: *COMMS* Confirmed. On final for runway one-one.
KV inhibitor birefly looks at the two NRC knocked unconscious. He looks back at the monitor.
Alex: *covers mouthpiece, to KV inhibitor* Alright, you're up.
KV inhibitor (Weaver): Okay, Hacking module in place. Recalibrating D.E.A.D. system targeting.
KV inhibitor use his data pair gloves to hack the monitor to take control of the D.E.A.D weapon system.
MP5: *offscreen* Wait, D.E.A.D weapon system? Isn't that?
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): *offscreen* Yes, it is used by NRC, to take down any enemy aircraft. So we just infiltrated and hack it. Just like Hendrick's team back then.
The Griffin Dolls shocked, knowing they were on who hacked the weapon.
NRC Guard: *bangs on door* Rashid! Amir! What's going on in there? Open the door!
KV inhibitor opens up a hacking module on his data paired gloves on his monitor.
Alex: We got company, Reznov, Daletski, you guys keep an eye on the door while us handle the monitor.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Da comrade, Alex.
Kastov 545 (Daletski): We've got your back.
KV inhibitor cocks on Atlas 45. His monitor on his gloves shows the D.E.A.D. system coming online on another monitor.
Computer System: D.E.A.D - Manual Override. Please select target.
Alex give KV Inhibitor a thumbs up.
M13B (Jason): Weapon system online on my command.
KV inhibitor presses down on his gloves reading "Target Locked" on the NRC cargo plane. The larger screen Alex is looking at shows the plane coming in to land.
Computer System: Input confirmed. Targeting parameters accepted.
NRC Pilot: *COMMS* Tower, we're showing us as target locked. This is an NRC friendly coming in.
Alex: All is good down here... Possible malfunction at your end? *covers mouthpiece, to him) Fire! Now!
M13B (Jason): Reloading charge ready!
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): Firing.
He presses "Fire" on his glove. An alarm sounds.
Computer system: D.E.A.D system engaging target. Firing.
The large monitor shows the D.E.A.D system firing at the plane and destroying it.
NRC pilot: abort landing! Pull up!
The NRC destroyed as the pilot were killed by impact, as the plane is about to crash any minute.
NRC Guard: Open this door!
Alex: Oh, shit! GET DOWN!
The parts of the plane crash into the building, leaving a hole in the wall, and all the screens shows "IMPACT"
The group then gets up after the impact on the tower.
M13C (McClane): Oh hell, what was really awesome.
KV inhibitor grabbed his sniper rifle and grabbed his Atlas 45 as Alex, Kastov 762 and Kastov 545 opens the door, and they elimate the shellshocked NRC guards outside and move forward.
Alex: Zeus. Diversion is in play. Bird is down.
The Lion Force heads downstair. A VTOL can be seen flying past. KV Inhibitor must crouch under some wreckage to go on and followed them.
Hesh: *COMMS* Confirmed. Sentries are leaving their post to respond to the crash. Proceed to the package. Make the grab before it breaks.
Alex: We're on it. See you at the RP.
Hesh: *COMMS* Roger that.
The team heads downstairs to the exit.
Alex: Okay team, while they're busy dealing with the crash, these uniforms should allow us to slip by unnoticed.
M13B (Jason): So long as we don't have to talk to anyone.
Alex: So you all keep your mouth shut. Security station's across the way in the tunnels. Once there, we'll be able to pinpoint the Minister's exact location. Heads and weapons down. Keep it cool 'till we make the grab. But, you have the stealth mode on, make sure your identity keep it secret.
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): We'll follow your lead.
The group head out the exit.
NRC Guard: Hurry! Come quickly! We need to get these people out of here!
Alex is nearly run over by a truck. Fires and chaos reigns. Two soldiers can be seen screaming as they burn.
Alex: Just keep your heads down.
The team sprint across to an enemy checkpoint. Unseen dude to T-Doll's Stealth 7th Gen, and Alex did got stealth too. Alex takes out a knife and stealthily silences the hostile there. The group proceed along an access tunnel and over a walk way to the security station.
Alex: Zeus, we're at the security station. Moving to secure.
Hesh: *COMMS* I hear ya, Shadow.
Alex: Let's do this.
They stack up their weapons.
M13C (McClane): Ready when you are.
Alex opens the door and kills two NRC guard instantly with his Bal-27. The team enter the security room as Alex went to the monitor and M13C helping him too.
Alex: I will kill alarms on this floor. Get plugged in, and locate the Minister.
KV Inhibitor taps keyboard of security cameras while M13C use his laptop to check the other cameras and begins to scanning Minister Said.
Alex: M13C scanning for package. Wait for hit on facial recognition.
He check on the cameras seeing some civilians who were in prison along with the hostages.
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): Other hostages... I thought it was only the Minister.
Alex: So did I.
He changes the feed and sees an NRC hitting a hostage with a pipe brutally.
M13B (Jason): Poor sons of bitches... the NRC are known for their brutality.
KV Inhibitor switches the feed. NRC soldiers pours gasoline inside another hostage's throat and punching his stomach.
The team watched the NRC brutally attack hostage.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Oh my gosh, those NRC are the worst bastards.
Kastov 545 (Daletski): And even far more brutality.
Alex: Merrick... Did you know there were other prisoners?
Merrick: *COMMS* Yeah, from what records from WA previous team, they saw the same happened one year ago.
Alex: Understood. Check the next feed.
Kastov 545 (Daletski): Those bastards are gonna pay for those hostages.
M13B (Jason): He's right, we can't leave those hostages.
Alex: I agree, from the camera, all hostages were dead except one.
He switches feed again, showing another hostage tortured by NRC, the team felt disgrace at the NRC tortured the hostages. Then he switches another feed showing an NRC soldier pours gasoline on the Minister's face.
M13C (McClane): That's him, the prime minister.
NRC soldiers takes him out of the room.
Alex: He's being moved. We have to find out where they're taking him.
KV inhbitor switches feeds until sees the NRC soldiers get Minister Said sit on a chair for interrogation room.
Alex: Bingo! Match confirmed.
Kastov 545 (Daletski): Merrick, we have the minister. Moving to secure.
Merrick: *COMMS* ETA?
Kastov 545 (Daletski): Two minutes.
Merrick: *comms* Two minutes, Hesh be timing you guys.
Alex: Son of a bitch was never funny.
M13C (McClane): You sound like the voice of experience, Commander.
Alex: Trust me... I am.
Alex opens the exit door of security station. They went down stair leading through the tunnels. The Lion Force engages heavy firefight against NRC guards, they proceed move forward through tunnels.
Alex: Gunner up top!
KV inhibitor aimed his sniper rifle at the gunner and he's down. After the first wave of NRC soldiers were killed. The group proceeds through cell blocks.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Cell block ahead. On me.
Alex stacks up on the main door.
Alex: I'll take point. You guys breach the observation.
M13C breach in as the team enters silently and sneaks in, they see the Prime minister interrogated by NRC soldiers.
Minister: You invaded our home... We only did what we had to do. I cannot... will not... betray my people!
KV inhibitor: Interrogator has his back on the door. Two sentries inside... Their guards are down.
NRC interrogator: You are coward! You only think of yourself. You and your people are the ones who are going to suffer.
Kastov 762 (Reznov): Damn first, Communist, and then Rosstarism, I mean Rosstarism is the mix of Communism, facism and feudalism. NRC is getting worst bad guys.
Katov 545 (Daletski): He's right, Even if the NRC were bad, along with Federation in previous war, we don't trust Rosstarist, we know now for sure they were on the good side or bad side.
Alex: *COMMS* On my mark. Three... Two... Go!
Alex and Lion force waltz in and kills the guard inside and rescue Minister Said.
Alex: We're here to extract you. Do as Is ay and you'll make through this.
Minister Said: Amercians?
Alex: We'll talk about later.
Minister Said: What about Lieutenant Smali, and the others?
Alex: All dead, I'm not sure Lt. Smali is alive or not?
Minister: Look Lt. Smali was second hand of Lieutenant Khalil, please save him.
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): He's right, even without him, the people will make a suffer including Khalil will die.
Alex: *sigh* Lets go.
The Lion force successfully rescue the prime minister and now they need to rescue Lieutenant Khalil in another cell, the prime minister pointed at Khalil's cell.
Minister: Here. This one.
Alex: Get the door, we'll cover.
KV Inhibitor opens the door, an NRC plunged through KV Inhibitor left eye causing him screaming pain as he was pinned down by NRC soldier with a knife.
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): GAAAAAHHH!!!
Then Kastov's brothers save him, but bashing him and Kastov 545 shot him as KV Inhibitor remove a knife from his left eye and he lost his eye.
Alex: You okay?
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): I lost my eye.
M13C then put some bandage on his left eye as Alex come across LT. Khalil who is strung up.
Alex: I'll cut the poor bastard down.
He cuts him down.
Smali: Minister?
Minister: Lt. Smali.
Smali: Lieutenant Alex?
Alex: Can you fight Smali?
Smali: Always.
Alex: We'll grab a weapon from the locker room up ahead and reprogram it to match your biometrics.
Then the alarm sound kills on.
M13B (Jason): Sounds like they're finally on to us. Let's move!
Lion Force escorted the Prime Minister and Lieutenant Smali as Alex called Command.
Alex: Zeus. Package, plus one secure and inbound.
Hesh: *COMMS* Plus one?
Alex: His name is Lieutenant Smali.
Hesh: *COMMS* Smali isn't that guy who is the second command of Khalil?
Alex: Well... yeah.
Hesh: *COMMS* Now get moving. We'll see you guys topside.
Then a Griffin Dolls talking to them as the white screen faded.
AK-47: Khalil isn't he the hero of Cario uprising?
M13C (McClane): Yeah, you know him, he's an Egyptian soldier.
MP5: And who is Smali?
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): LT. Smali is the second command of Khalil
Back in the scene as they were in the elevator as Khalil armed his weapon while protecting prime minister.
Alex: It'll take us up to the hanger. Clear out the NRC so we can get topside.
As the elevator rises, NRC soldiers surround the rim and aim their weapons at the them
NRC soldier: Drop your weapons! Lower them, now!
Smali: We're dead if we do.
Kastov 545 (Daletski): Trust me... We're dead if we don't.
NRC Soldier: Drop them. Move forward.
Before they fire, they were taken down by Hesh's team: Sakin MG38, Tempus Razorback, LM-S and TYR as they engage the NRC soldiers.
TYR (Tex Vlad): YEEEEHAAAAWWWW!!! *as he shot his revolver at NRC soldiers double times*
Hesh: You're late.
Alex: Your imaginary watch is fast, Commander.
Hesh: Good to see you, Alex.
Alex: You too, sir. What about my best bud, Mark?
Hesh: They've return to the base after their mission.
Alex: We still set on our exfil?
Tempus Razorback (Andrija): Charges are set.
Hesh: All right, good to go. Exfil in ten! Tex! You're on babysitting duty.
TYR (Tex Vlad): Oh come on partner? Do we have to?
Hesh: That's the mission Tex, Let's roll!
TYR (Tex Vlad): *sigh* Stay close. Move into the next hangar.
The group walked to the door, they were engaged the NRC as the VTOL flew through above.
TYR use a Exo skeleton to double jump (A/N: Of course, T-Doll (GHOST) Equipped with Exo skeleton, it can jumped boost, punch everything, and climb) in the rooftop of another hanger, as TYR punch the glasses and jumped down. As KV Inhibitor jumped the same and followed Cowboy T-Doll while the rest protected the Prime Minister.
TYR (Tex Vlad): On my position. Let's take the high road.
NRC soldiers: Fall back! Fall back! We need to regroup!
Hesh: *COMMS* Get to exfil, we've got these guys! Go!
Then they confronted by an A-51 II APC, the Lion Force and TYR take cover.
Alex: Our weapons are no good against that APC! We gotta bring down that VTOL! Weaver aim for the missile!
KV Inhibitor use his rifle looked at the scope as he aimed. He then pulled the trigger as he shot the missile destroyed the APC.
Kastov 545 (Daletski): APC is down!
They proceed to move on heading to nearby buliding. As they
TYR (Tex Vlad): Roger that. Access building's electrical systems.
LM-S (Leo): *COMMS* Heads up guy. We have multiple hostiles inside the comms rooms.
Lights go out throughout the building.
TYR (Tex Vlad): Killing lights.
Alex: What? You expect us to fight in the dark? What the bloody hell?
TYR (Tex Vlad): Come on Commander Alex, we have HUD.
T-Doll (GHOST) activated their Enhancing Night Vision, to see the hostiles.
TYR (Tex Vlad): Remember guys... this is the new upgrade Night vision. Take it slow.
The group engaged the hostile in the room with Enhancing Night vision, while fighting in the dark. After the enemy, they disable tactical feed.
Emerging, they confronted by an enemy VTOL.
Smali: Now what? VTOL's got us pinned down!
Hesh: *COMMS* Easy boys, hold your fire. He's mine.
Outside the window, they see Hesh and Tempus Razorback using exo-skeleton leaps in and jump atop the pilot's canopy. Taking out both before the VTOL files off unpiloted and crashes. Until suddenly, a droid merged.
Alex: Robots.
Hesh: Ah, don't worry about them. We're built to handle 'em. Go on, get out of here. Go.
Hesh and his team leaves the garage fight off the robots and the Lion Force, Smali, and Minister pile into the APC.
Alex: I got the wheel. Jason get on the turret.
Alex take the wheel, M13B was on the turret as the group were inside. Alex drives the APC rammed the garage door as the droid attack them.
Alex: *COMMS* Get ready guys, we gotta shit load of grunts moving on our position!
M13B engaged the droid with the turret and the enemy VTOL opened fire at them.
Alex: *COMMS* Keep fire on that VTOL.
M13B took out the VTOL and crashes, as the APC took a detour as the enemy APC opened fires. M13B took out the enemy APC until a VTOL fires the missile.
Alex: *COMMS* VTOL! Redirect fire!
The APC crashes into an electrical substation and shuts off. Numerous grunts begin closing on the APC.
Alex: Fuck! Damn piece of bloody junk stalled out! Hang on!
Alex restarted the engine as M13B engaged the grunts as they were close to APC.
Smali: *COMMS* Alex! Start the damn thing!
Alex: *COMMS* What the hell do you think I'm doing? C'mon! Start, you bloody Cock sucking junk! Hold them back Jason! This piece of shit ain't dying on us, yet!
Alex finally restarts the engine and pulls the APC out, the APC drives through the tunnel as they confront the AFV, after they took down AFV. VTOL appeared at the end of the tunnel.
Alex: *COMMS* VTOL, ahead! Get him outta our way!
M13B shoot the canopy and VTOL wad destroyed as they reach to the exfil point.
Drone Ops: Drone in range - thirty seconds. Sending drop coordinates your way.
Hesh: *COMMS* Alex, additional primaries secure. Get that Minister outta here! Moving to secondary rendezvous with plus-four packages.
Alex: *COMMS* Copy that! Going off-road! Exfil in sight!
However the APC cannot stop as it drives off the cliff.
Alex: *COMMS* We're coming in too fast!
The APC tips over and M13B is thrown from their seat. They and the rest of the team make their way to a nearby bluff and hold their position against waves of NRC.
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): There's our ride.
Drone ops: Exfil pod - first pass en route. Hang tight down there.
A large container pod is detached and lands on the bluff.
Drone Ops: Pod detached. Exfil airspace nonviable. Drone will sweep around for second pass.
NRC reinforcement came from the left, as they engage the enemy while Khalil check the Prime Minister.
Smal: Minister? Are you alright? Can you move?
Minister: I'm fine... I'm fine. Please, just... Get me out of here!
Kastov 762 (Reznov): We gotta move! Let's get outta here, comrades, We're getting the Minister into position.
Then the group sprint to the pod containers as they reach to the pod. While M13 brothers hold NRC back.
Alex: Keep those NRC bastards busy!
Then the drone came to the pod as they ready for the exfil
Drone Ops: Drone is in position; ready for pick up.
The Minister and Khalil enter the pod.
Alex: Secure! All Lion force get your asses over here, now! Move! Move! Move!
Once the Lion force enter the pod, the drones take off flying away.
Drone Ops: Prime Minister has been secured.
M13 (McClane): Hell yeah!
Alex: We did it guys, that was a mission accomplished. *and he turn to KV Inhibitor* You okay with your eye?
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): Yeah, kidda hurt by a knife.
Alex: *chuckles* Once were done, we'll get a drink for all us.
Lion Force: Yeah!
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): And that's how I lost my left eye during the rescue of the Lieutenant. It mark me as a redeye.
After hearing their story, Griffin Dolls was nothing but they were surprised to hear their story.
MP5: Wow, you guys rescue the Minister in Africa?
M13C (McClane): Yeah, taking down those NRC.
AK-47M: And why did you guys show up in the battlefield?
KV Inhibitor (Weaver): Because, we cannot let them identify us because we don't wanna end up like you guys did to Kryuger in 2064, you know about the virus cause GnK and military Dolls attack friendly targets, killing GnK troops that you did in Europe.
AK-47M: I kinda remember this one... when KCCO arrest Kryuger.
M13C (McClane): And that's why we keep our secret remains.
Then ISO 45, TYR, X12 alongside with WA2000, Vector and Grizzly MkV, Grizzly who attempt go closer to TYR but fails as X12 blocked her path as they joined the training firing range and then simulation room
To be continued
Episode 12 The Cryptid Relic and Project
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