Chapter 9


In the US-New Federation base

BR Ranger Squad dorm

FTac Recon seems in panic, when he tries to barricade the door from M4 Rampage.

FTac Recon: *scared* Oh god, she is so pissed!

Cronen Squall: *chuckles* I know, she was always your lover did you?

FTac Recon: Grrr shut up, Squall, and you thought spending time drinking with M16 last night!

Cronen Squall: *blushed* MEIRDA! WE'RE NOT DATING!

MTZ-762: *sigh* That's enough both of you.

FTac Recon: Look guys, I know it looks like it, but I did not even feel with Lucia, I swear of God!

BAS-B: *chuckles* Oh really, buddy... you didn't notice that Lucia was walking herself when I was getting a drink.

In flashback, BAS-B is drinking Cronen Squall's Tequilla, and she noticed Lucia in her night wear clothes and her shorts sleep walking, BAS-B confused.

Cronen Squall: *glares* You thought you drank my tequila?!

BAS-B: *nervous*

SideWinder: And right after we woke up, we've notice *chuckles* I saw Lucia, sleeping with you in the bed hugging you. *laugh*

FTac Recon: *blushed in mad* *snarl* Nate, I swear, I would personally killed you...

SideWinder: Too late, I had a photo on my phone.

The photo that he took a screenshot on FTac Recon's bed where Lucia sleeping with him during morning routine.

FTac Recon glares at SideWinder with tremendous aura and flames around him. 

FTac Recon:*rage* Oh your dead meat!

The two fought each other when SideWinder took a picture.

MTZ-762: *glance* Can't believe those two fighting...

BAS-B: *glance* Yeah, you know, Recon somehow met Hinata right?

Cronen Squall: Si, Hinata was Henry's assistant.

Riveter: And the daughter of Otacon too.


In aftermath battle with Cyber Ninja or Camilio Flores,

FTac Recon walked towards the locker where Hinata hides.

FTac Recon: How long are you gonna stay in there?

Hinata: Huh? Are you one of them?

FTac Recon: No, we're not. we've always work alone.

Hinata: *curious* Alone? Are you an otaku too?

FTac Recon: *sigh* C'mon, get out. We can't stay here forever.

Hinata opened the locker, she sees a man standing there wearing a suit and another side was a woman with military uniform but armor around her.

Hinata gets up cleaned up her clothes.

Hinata: Your uniform's different from theirs.

Lucia: So you're the Metal Gear TARANTULA chief engineer, Naomi Emmerich, right?

Hinata was surprised, to those two recognized her name.

Hinata: You know me?

Lucia: We've heard about you from Mina.

Hinata: Oh, so you're here to rescue me?

FTac Recon: Sorry, but no. There's something that we've got to do first.

Hinata fixed her glasses perfectly and put it back onto her nose.

Hinata: At least you're not one of them.

Hinata walked to her chair and sits, but the two didn't noticed she was hurt.

FTac Recon: Are you hurt?

Hinata fix her legs since she got her ankle hurt when the Ninja showed up.

Hinata: I just twisted my ankle, trying to get away.

Lucia: Well if that's all, it's nothing to worry about. 

FTac Recon: We've got to ask you something. We need information about Metal Gear.

Hinata: Huh? Metal Gear? Never heard of it?

FTac Recon: It's a Bipedal tank capable of launching nuclear weapons. And Yeah, what's Metal Gear really designed for?

Hinata: It's a mobile TMB (theater Missile defense) It's designed to shoot down nuclear missiles... only for defensive purposes, of course.

Lucia grabbed her Collar up in the air in which Hinata surprised.

Lucia: Lair! I already know that thing is nothing but a nuclear-equipped, walking death-mobile!

Hinata: Nuclear? What are you talking about?

Lucia: The terrorists are planning to use that thing to launch a nuclear missile. You telling us you didn't know? *shaking her while holding her collar*

Hinata: Aren't they just trying to use the TMD missile module to launch a disabled nuclear warhead?

Lucia: Wrong. From the beginning, the purpose of this exercise was to test those things to nuclear-launch capability using a dummy nuclear warhead. The terrorist are just continuing the work you started!

Hinata: *surprised* No, your wrong... I thought...

Lucia: Andy, knows it too...

Hinata: *surprised* No... a nuclear missile on TARANTULA...

Lucia: *glares* So you really didn't know?

Lucia put Hinata down onto her chair.

Hinata: *shook her head* No... All the armament was built by a separate department... and the chief personally supervised the final assembly with the main unit.

FTac Recon: *Memorise the chief* Nixon Watt?

Hinata: Yes. I was never told what exactly what they armed Tarantula with. I only know it equipped with two Vulcan cannon, a laser, a missile and a railgun.

The scene change to a railgun mounted on Tarantula's back, which is twice large than Rex's railgun.

FTac Recon/Lucia: *voiceover* A Railgun?

Hinata: *voiceover* It uses a magnet to fire bullets at extremely high velocities. I heard from United Nation Relic Science Agency developing Weight Bearing system and Assault Artillery platform. 

Hinata: *voiceover* The technology was originally developed for the SDI system and later scrapped. We were successful in miniaturizing it in a joint venture between DARPA and Rivermore National Labs. The Railgun was place on Tarantula's back.

FTac Recon: *voiceover* The Metal Gear's main function to launch nuclear missiles. You sure you're not forgetting something?

Hinata: *voiceover* It's true Metal Gear has a missile module on his back that can carry up to twelve missiles. But... are you saying it was originally meant to carry nuclear missiles?

Scene changed back to the lab, where FTac Recon and Lucia were having talks with Hinata about situation of the terrorist using TARANTULA with nuclear missile.

Lucia: Yeah. But that's not all I think. If that thing fired only standard nuclear missiles, then they should already have the practical data they need.

Hinata: *stunned* No... could it be?

She stand up from her chair, turned to FTac Recon and Lucia and scene changed to memories from 1997.

Hinata: *voiceover* Metal Gear's codeveloper... Rivermore National Labs was working on a new type of nuclear weapon. Unlike Rex's warhead. They were using PIKE from Russia thanks to Nikolai, then they using NOVA and NIF laser nuclear fusion testing equipment with PIKE and super advanced computer.

Lucia: So they developed a new type of nuclear weapon in a VR hologram testing lab, huh?

Hinata: Yes, but you can't use virtual data on a battlefield. They would need actual launch data...

The scene see Lucia and FTac Recon shown by Hinata to advanced supercomputers.

Hinata: Those are the supercomputers. If you links these, you can test everything in a virtual environment. But everything is just theoretical... 

FTac Recon: *concern* So this exercise was designed to test the real thing?

Hinata: *worried* What did our president do!?

Hinata knee down on the ground, her hands place on her head, only to be realized the president was kept secret to develop a nuclear weapon on TARANTULA.

Hinata: *worried* What have I done... If the terrorist launches that thing... *horrified* Damn! *hitting on the floor* *tears* I'm such a fool... It's all my fault...

The scene change to World War ii and aftermath of American first nuclear bomb

Hinata: *voiceover* *sad* The truth of all this... my great grandfather was part of the Manhattan Project. He suffered with the guilt for the rest of his life. My grandfather... he was born on August 6, 1945.

FTac Recon: *voiceover* The day of the Hiroshima bomb...

Lucia: *voiceover* That led the end of World War II... God's got a sense of humor, all right.

Hinata: *voiceover* *sad* My grandfather got spine to develop atypically, resulting in congenital paraplegia he is unable to walk but only his wheelchair, because my great grandfather's research had saved American lives. My Grandfather who is colleague with Soviet Scientist Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin, in supporting his Bipedal tank theory by writing a paper. In 1972, my grandfather developed the Peace Walker Project, and he created three prototype AI weapons in order to make a perfect Deterrent. My grandfather and my grandmother built several AI prototypes for the Peace Walker Project. My grandfather learns the true intention of launching the live nuke from the weapon. He so's scared and terrified of that Nuke. 

Hinata: *voiceover* *sad* My father... Hal. He is born in 1980... he had experiencing tremendous guilt for betraying Emma and his role of my grandfather's suicide. He ran away from his home. He also developed the monster that he built.

Hinata: *voiceover* *sad* *sniff* Three of the generation Emmerich men... and me I am a girl. We must have the curse of the nuclear weapons written into our, DNA including my fear of those giant monsters.

The scene change to present.

Hinata: *sad* I use to think that I could user science to help mankind like my father... But... I was the one being used. Dad told me "Using science for peace... that's only in anime...

Hinata cries after what she done, that her DAPA chief, secretly use her to developed Metal Gear TARANTULA, with the nuclear weapon.

???: *worried* Naomi...

While Hinata cries, FTac Recon and Lucia pulled out their sidearms, turned around saw a small robot with two small wheel on both legs. On its right arm, is a square screen.

On the camera, the screen shows a man in his glass, his age seems getting old.

FTac Recon and Lucia were surprised, to saw a man, that was Hal Emmerich, he is Hinata's father that both mentioned, Hinata with her teary eyes, she saw her father on Metal Gear Mk.III.

Hinata: *teary* Dad...

Otacon: *worried* Naomi... what did they use you to build that thing.

Hinata: *tearfully* I'm so sorry, dad. *sobbing* I'm the one who made that monster.

Hinata continues to cry, Otacon, use the remote of Metal Gear Mk.III to move closer to his daughter, and he calmed her down.

Octacon: That's okay, my girl... *sad* I understand how you feel, Hinata. I was the one who made REX.

Hinata's eyes wide opened, she turned to her father, telling her that he build Rex long time ago.

Hinata: *shocked and still teary* Why...

Octacon: *sad* Because, Hinata, it all started back in Shadow Moses Island, they use me to build REX, but only snake told me that DARPA and Armstech use Nuclear weapons on REX. And you, Hinata, they use you to build the monster with the nuclear weapons.

HinAta: *still sobbing* Dad... *Sobbing*

Lucia, walked towards her, kneel down, she place her hand on her shoulder, tell her to stop crying.

Lucia: That's enough crying. Pull yourself together!

As Lucia told her, Hinata finally stopped crying and she stood up while Mk.III stepped back, Otacon was astonished those two, they looked similar to his friend Solid Snake, as FTac Recon spoke to her of whereabouts of Metal Gear.

FTac Recon: Where is Metal Gear? Where on this base are they keeping it?

The scene changes to TARANTULA

Hinata: *voiceover* TARANTULA is in the underground maintenance base. This base was home for TARANTULA as a spider Cobweb.

Lucia *voiceover* Where's that?

Hinata: *voiceover* Is in South-West of the Communications tower. But it's a long way down there. It's deep like a big hole underground.

Lucia: *Voiceover* The emergency-override system for the detonation code is there too?

Hinata: *voiceover* *nodded* Yes... in the base's Control room. But you two better hurries. If they were planning a launch from the start, then their ballistic program is probably finished. And since they haven't called for me in a few hours, they must not, need me. But in other words, they must be ready to launch.

Otacon turned to those, two he recognized those looks and one with woman with bandana. He reminds him about snake and FTac Recon, he had never seen one before, he tried to help his daughter.

FTac Recon: *voiceover* Mina's got the detonation-code override keys. So we'll link with her.

Hinata: *voiceover* But there's more... if we can't override the launch, we'll have to destroy TARANTULA.

The scene changed to present

Hinata: I'll show you two the way.

Hinata walk but her legs got hurt. FTac Recon spoke to her about her injury on her leg.

FTac Recon: On that leg of yours? You'll just slow us, down.

Hinata turned to them.

Hinata: You two need me if you're gonna destroy TARANTULA.

Lucia: No, we don't need you. We need your brain. *pointing at her own head*

Otacon: *worried* She's right, Hinata, I cannot lose you.

Hinata: *empathetic*You two, Dad, I created TARANTULA. It's my right... my duty to destroy him just as you did dad.

Lucia: *pulled out a sidearm* If you get a chance, try to escape.

FTac Recon: *surprised* Whoa! Lucia, put your pistol away, alright, there's no need about this threat.

Otacon: *worried* Please miss, don't hurt my daughter, I only had second daughter with me. She's worry for her.

Lucia: *sigh* Fine... *put away her sidearm and looked Hinata* When the coast is clear, We'll contact you by Codec whether me or him.

Hinata: But... How am I suppose to escape from an island?

Lucia sigh, Hinata seems she doesn't know where to escape from the island.

Otacon: Well Hinata, try to think, I remember Snake told me how to find away to escape the Shadow Moses Island.

Hinata: Dad, I'm trying!

FTac Recon: *put his finger on his chin* Maybe, you should hide somewhere and keep me and Lucia informed. Well... you know this place, well, don't you?

Hinata: Of course I do... And don't worry... I've got this.

Hinata roll her sleeves revealed a high-tech military data paired gloves.

FTac Recon/Lucia: *thought* *surprised* A data paired gloves!

FTac Recon: *thought* How did she got one?!

Hinata press to activate the camouflage, and she explained to both.

Hinata: And I see, you two learned those camouflages, like the ninja. Military such as United States, New Federations including the Mercs use it but... with this I'll be fine, bad leg and all.

FTac Recon: Well that's interesting, but we want Mina to watch after you too.

COdec Call

FTac Recon contact Mina Yukitara

FTac Recon: Hey, Yukitara, the engineer's okay.

Mina: *sigh* That's a relief.

FTac Recon: We want you to look after him. Where are you now?

Mina: *sigh* Well very close, but Taylor, you could call me Mina, you said my first name since we first met.

Diamond Dog Soldier 1: *offscreen* There she is!

Mina heard one of the Diamond Dog soldiers on her codec causing to panic.

Mina: *shocked* aa chigai masu ! Damn... they've spotted me!!

Lucia: *surprised* What happened?!

*gunfire on Codec*

Suddenly, her Codec went offline.

FTac Recon: Mina! What happened!

Codec end

Otacon talks to her daughter whether she's okay, while Lucia and FTac Recon attempted to contact her but no responds. Both turned to them.

Otacon: Any luck?

FTac Recon: Something's wrong!

Hinata: *concern* Did you hear something? Wasn't that some kind of music?

FTac Recon: *wince* Music? What the heck?

Lucia slapped him on the back of the head.

FTac Recon: Ouch!

Lucia: What did she look like?

Hinata place her finger on her chin and she's thought of remember her looks as the scene change the flashback on the previous mission after Nixon Watt died.

Hinata: *Voiceover* She was wearing the Diamond Dog uniform as the terrorists

The scene change to present.

Otacon: How did you know her?

Hinata: Dad, I only know some Diamond Dogs wearing their uniforms. They're all the same. If she's disguised as the enemy, you'll have to contact her when she's alone, huh? But! There's only one place where we can be sure she's by herself.

Lucia: *concern* Where's that?

Hinata: Tch, Please Don't be so dense.

Hinata handed a security card to them

Hinata: Here... use this security card.

FTac Recon take the security card from her.

Hinata: That leads to the security level 4.

Before both take their leaves, the two needs to check her, whether she got heart attack.

Lucia: Umm, you're not in pain, are you!?

Hinata: *curious* Huh?

FTac Recon: *check on her* Did you feel okay?

Lucia place both of her hands on her shoulder to check on her.

Lucia: Nothing bothering you?

Hinata: *curious and concern* Uhhh, What's wrong. Getting friendly all of a sudden?

Lucia: Oh uhhh... nothing... I uh... just glad you're okay.

FTac Recon/Otacon: *wince* What?

Hinata: You're strange?

Lucia: I'm a little nervous and him aswell. Everyone else we've saved suddenly dies.

Hinata: Your in bad luck?

Lucia: *sigh* Forget it, Doctor.

Hinata: Ummm... you could call me Hinata.

The two confused that name looks familiar.

FTac Recon/Lucia: *curious* Hinata?

Hinata: Its one of the nickname I chose to name after my favourite anime called Naruto, one of the character I tributed is Hinata Hyuga.

Otacon: Of course, as you know my daughter somehow, she is fan of all these anime series.

Hinata: And most of all, I like the anime series is Sword of Art Online, Fate/Stay light Unlimited Blade, Fate Grand Order, Fate/Apocrypha, My Hero Academia, Demon Slayer and the rest of anime series I watched.

The scene changes to all the scene of all anime series.

Otacon: As I said, Japan was the first country to successfully make bipedal robots. They're still the best in the field of robotics. 

Hinata: After the first Belian Island Incident, the new branch robotics soared soon to replace human labourers and soldiers in the increasingly dangerous environment of Earth of not risking any population decreasing.

FTac Recon: I see...

Lucia: *thought* Even though, G.H.O.S.T someone we're the first SSTD (Stealth Tactical Dolls) in the first place in earliest. No country won't find out of our latest stealth dolls. *normal* And Japanese cartoons played some part in that?

FTac Recon: Yeah, I've never heard of Japanese anime stuff since we were created.

Hinata: Yeah, they did. I didn't get into science to make nuclear weapons, you know.

Lucia: Yeah. That's what all scientist say.

Hinata walk closer to both.

Hinata: I want to be science like my dad, I want to make robots to replace humans after the diseases. But I always want robots like the ones in the Japanese amines I watch like sword fight and medieval fighting. But, it's true. *smiles*

FTac Recon: Sounds like an excuse to us.

Hinata inhaled after she done when her boss built giant monster with nuclear weapon.

Hinata: You're right. We have to take responsibility, I remember my dad always promise me. And after my mom died, Snake told me and my dad to move forward and forget about depress. Science has progressed because there is war coming soon. And because of scientists' greed, weapons of mass destruction were born Followed by using so called Relic Technology to utilize weapons, such as Assault Artillery and Weight Bearing. 

Otacon: And I heard happened long time ago, in 1992, United Nation Science Relic Agency conducting a project so called Black Lily and White Rose Project.

Lucia: What's Black Lily and White Rose project?

Otacon: Allow me to explain *adjust his glass while in monitor on Metal Gear Mk.iii* The United Nation Science Relic Agency, were always looking for new Relics. Its hard to know, those Relic are very artifical technology. 

The scene shows a backstory of Relic Site at Belian Island discovery and the specimen body found followed by URNA conducting project.

Otacon: *voiceover* In 1962, The Chinese researcher discovered the Relic site on the Belian Island in China. The relic site was designated as Class A Technological Research Base No.27. This island was located at 67 meters underground of the island. Before it blocked by 1974, the Chinese Researcher discovered the a body of the specimen that they recovered from the relic site. They give the name as GAVIRUL and some researcher under the scientific name "Officers".

FTac Recon: *voiceover* GAVIRUL?

Otacon: *voiceover* They are the speculative role as a guardian of the relic site. GAVIRUL's DNA was the key to activating relic sites and reconstructing its complete gene sequence. I couldn't imagine, that genes is similar to genome soldiers of the Big Boss. They're goal of several nations trying to replica Collapse Technology. By 1992, the agency commences the GAVIRUL Reproduction projects. The project was disorganized and the lack of leadership. One faction were to pushed for search of new relics so they could be activated with GAVIRUL before further study. The other faction focus on creating human embryos modified with GAVIRUL DNA's to be used as proxies and pour funds into finding new relics. So then they chose female embroyes.

Lucia: *Voiceover* But why females? Couldn't be chose other gender Embroyes?

Hinata: *Voiceover* Its hard to know because... its quite, convenience to UNRA, they really chose for Goddess like mythical deities

Otacon: *Voiceover* The hybrid was slow due to instability of GAVIRUL's genes, making the mortality rate of embryos at 98.9%.

FTac Recon: *Voiceover* What happens after that?

Otacon: *Voiceover* What happens after this? Two embryos survived. One with white hair with Mongoloid Phenotype and the other black hair with Caucasoid. So, they named them as Lachesis for Lily and Atropos for Rose. They renamed the project as Black Lily and White Rose Project.

FTac: Recon: *Voiceover* So based on those two, white hair girl name Lily as Lachesis based on European features and the other black hair name Rose as Atropos based on Asian features.

Otacon: *Voiceover* Yes both had phenotypes so far.

FTac Recon: *VOICEOVR* What happened after the project?

Hinata: *Voiceover* The project was a failure. Due the difference non-hybrids, human were heightened muscular strength and prefrontal cortex activity. No relics reacted. It delcared as a failure

The scene changes to present

Hinata: But that's all over. I won't take part in murder anymore, I don't wann end up like my dad did in Shadow Moses island.

FTac Recon: *thought* I've never heard about Shadow Moses Island?

Lucia walk closer to her, place her hand on her shoulder.

Lucia: Whatever, ALL We want from you is information.

Hinata: Sure. I know everything about this new whole base. Ask me anything about TARANTULA or about this place... maybe you could ask my dad... he knows about Metal Gear.

FTac Recon: *curious* Your dad?

The Metal Gear Mk.iii seems shaking as monitor saw Otacon stunned, he has introduced them yet since he came for his daughter.

Otacon: *shocked* Oh I'm sorry... Hinata you shouldn't tell me!

Hinata: Dad, I don't know who were name were?

Lucia: That's okay, I'm Lucia and this Taylor.

FTac Recon: Sup.

Otacon recognized that woman, he saw on the news said the legendary Bolivian soldier Lucia Flores.

Otacon: Nice to meet you, Lucia and Taylor. Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Hal Emmerich, but you can call me Otacon.

FTac Recon: *smirk* Nice to meet you Otacon.

Otacon: *chuckles* You sound voice like Snake. *To Hinata* Hinata, did you have camouflage with you?

Hinata: Yes, dad, I had it on my wrist. Also with this stealth camouflage, I can sneak in and out of the armory and the mess hall. If you need ammo or rations, just tell my dad and he'll bring them to you two with Mk.III.

Lucia: *curious* Mk.III?

Hinata: Its Metal Gear Mk.III don't worry its not a weapon.

The Mk.III make a jokes to them causing FTac Recon to chuckles. Hinata activate her camouflage and she tell them with her frequency number.

Hinata: My frequency number is 147.19 and my frequency, well you could connect with Mk.III. See you guys later.

Hinata left the scene as she's still in camouflage, as two watch her left the room and Otacon in Metal Gear Mk.III ask a favor.

Otacon: *to Taylor and Lucia* I'm more than willing to help you two. Do you want to know why? Because you both remind me of a friend of mine.

Lucia: You mean Solid Snake?

Otacon: Yes, I see you hearing a bandana and you Taylor it seems your voice sounds deeper like him.

FTac Recon: Uhhh, *curious* thank you?

Otacon: There's no need worry about me, so *activate his camouflage on MK.III* I'll be anywhere on this base. Good luck!

MK.III left the scene leaving both alone, FTac Recon saw a flashback memory in Shadow moses when Snake met Otacon. The two began leaving the room, followed by dead bodies in the hallway, and before enter the gas room Lucia spoke to him and apologize.

Lucia: Hey Taylor

FTac Recon: Yeah?

Lucia: I want you to know know what I'm not angry at you to know that I'm angry at you about before and I didn't mean to call you pervert, It just took me off guard.

FTac Recon: I see I don't leave anyone behind, it's as simple as that. 

Lucia: And you did well, Taylor. To be honest, I would do the same. Now wait here and check if someone is coming.

FTac Recon: Copy that.

Herny: *COMMS* *smiling teasingly* Congratulations, Taylor.

Hesh: *COMMS* *teasingly* You've got yourself a strict mom.

FTac Recon: *still blushing, but sarcastic* Damn, she scolded the hell out of me.

After the cost clear, they enter the room, but first they wear the mask, enter the lab, second they destroyed the sentry as they passed to the room and then exit. So the two enter the elevators ascending to B1. Nuke Building B1.

At B1, the two use their sidearms, FTac Recon took out one of the diamond dogs. Lucia could remember correctly, Hinata appeared to be wearing diamond dogs uniform, Lucia check the second one. Lucia turned to him, signal her hands, to crouch. He acknowledged, Lucia sneaking walk behind, touching the soldier. As it did, she sprint down to main controls. Lucia and FTac Recon rushed out of the room, both sees the soldier running to ladies room. FTac Recon was so curious, why the soldier went to the ladies bathroom.

FTac Recon: Commander, I saw Mina, but...

Hesh: *COMMS* Really? Where?

Lucia: She went in the ladies' bathroom.

FTac Recon: That's strange. I saw her go in, but now she's nowhere to be found.

Hesh: *COMMS* You'll just have to look in stalls, I guess.

FTac Recon: I guess your right. We'll take em in order.

Lucia: *stricktly and dominant* Not so fast.

Then Lucia pinned FTac Recon against the wall and looked at him in a strict and dominant way, while FTac Recon looked at here in a shy and blushing way.

Hesh: *COMMS* *surprised* Lucia?!

Lucia: *threateningly* Stay out of this, Hesh.

Hesh stayed silent, a little scared of Lucia.

Lucia: *strictly, motherly and dominant* Now you listen here, kid. From this point on, you will do as I say-WHEN I say it. Understood.

FTac Recon: *shyly and blushingly* Yeah.

Lucia punches the wall so close, as he terrified.

Lucia: *strictly, dominant and motherly* Is that understood?!

FTac Recon: *shyly, nervously and blushingly* Yes, ma'am!

Lucia: *strictly, dominant and motherly* Good. Now here's what we're gonna do: I'll check the ladies' bathroom, You'll stay outside the bathroom to check if there are more hostiles. Understood?

FTac Recon: *shyly, nervous and blushing* Yes, ma'am.

Lucia: *calming and motherly* Good.

Then she lets go of FTac Recon. He was red from the blush and nervous.

Lucia: *calming and motherly* Relax, kid. Take a deep breath.

After hearing that, FTac Recon took a deep breath and calm down. Lucia enters the ladies bathroom leaving him nervous.

Hesh: *COMMS* *wince* I guess she's right, we're not going in ladies bathroom are we?

Henry: *COMMS* *wince* Yeah mate, you and Taylor could not, because its a peeping tom.

In ladies bathroom

Lucia walk slowly, checking the toilets sections. She looked under, she saw two legs at the end, She ready her pistol. As she opened, the door, she points her gun towards something. But only to find, was nothing only her uniform. She hear clicks.

Mina: Don't move!

Looks like Lucia got defeated by Mina, she raise her hands up.

Mina: That's the second time I've been able to sneak up the legendary Lucia Flores. Behind her, is Mina, she's expose half clothes, leaving her panties. 

Lucia: So you've must Mina Yukitara.

Lucia saw Yukitara pants not there, because she's only wear panties but only her shirt.

Lucia: There's no way you could pass for a man for long.

Mina: *curious* What do you mean?

FTac Recon: *Outside* Hey, is there's something wrong Lucia?


Mina fire her shotgun at the wall.

FTac Recon: *scared* *outside* Okay, your good.

Lucia: *sigh* As I said, your feminine.

Mina: This is no time to try and hit on me, Lucia. Tch, beside, it's waste of time.

Lucia: *smiles* Same smart... you're Mina Yukitara right. Are you hurt?

Mina: Not yet. After all, I was disguised as a Diamond dog soldier.

Lucia: So why'd you change? You'd be a lot better off dressed like one of them.

Mina: *sigh* ... I got tired of disguising myself.




Mina: *sad* The turth is... those uniform smelled like blood... those soldiers I've never seen one of them. Hinata told me about Genome type. They someone exist, but the only the Genome was gone after the guns of Patriots.

Mina: None of the gene therapy like there is today. Unlike that, and you, you are the real heroes like legendary soldier Solid Snake.

Lucia: There are no heroes in war. All the heroes I know are either dead... or in prison. one or the other.

Mina: *empathetic* But, Lucia. You're a hero, aren't you?

Lucia looked at her with dismay and grief.

Lucia: I'm just a woman who can only find meaning on the battlefield. There are no winning or losing for government. The only winners in war are the people.

Mina nodded as she agreed with Lucia rightful words. Lucia wasn't fighting for government but fighting for people.

Mina: That's right. And you fight for the people.

Lucia: I've never fought for anyone but myself. I've got no purpose in life. No ultimate goal...

Mina: *begging* Come on.

Lucia: It's only when I am cheating death on the battlefield. The only time I feel truly alive. The reason why because my father taught me. He eagers me whether to stay alive or die. That's reason you choose.

Mina: Seeing other people die makes you feel alive, huh? But you can't stop loving war... Is it the same for all soldiers throughout history.

Outside the ladies room, FTac Recon listen to Mina's word talking to Lucia.

Mina: *offscreen* Think again Lucia, you cannot continue fighting war, since the Federation War. Is gone craziest battles between, American and Federations. When soldiers got tired, they felt they give but others still fighting.

Back with Lucia

Lucia: *concern* But why didn't you contact us?

Mina: My Codec was broken.

Lucia: Is that all?

Mina: Shouldn't you just be happy we met up like this!?

Mina places her gun on the bathroom door, but unaware FTac Recon peak out from the door, his eyes drawn onto her ass. Lucia fire her pistol with suppressor so close to his face making him shivers he sees Lucia with glaring aura around her. He simply back away.

Mina: Anyway, how did you recognize me in disguise?

Lucia: Well, we saw you one of the diamond dogs soldiers, roaming around during patrols.

Mina get changed to her own black uniform suit.

Lucia: So on the battlefield you never think about what's next.

to be continued

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