Episode 11 A Lone New Federation Soldier and Cyborg Ninja
On board the VTOL
Riveter looked at the side door of the VTOL, while the AR-15 sat there quietly, she simply could remember her first meeting with Riveter, he was brave, protecting his comrades but even making fun of her. Only she could remember back in Verdansk, Riveter turned himself into Jack the Ripper. He killed so many URNC soldiers. The only thing she could... that she had a strange feeling with him.
Pilot 1: Alright you two, we're at the Luxor Museum, but stay sharp, if you got the Embassy members call me alright?
Riveter: *thumbs up* Got it.
The VTOL hovered on the rooftop, Riveter and AR-15 jumped off the VTOL as it flew away.
Pilot 1: *COMMS* Stay safe you two!
The VTOL flies away, and AR-15 and Riveter scan the rooftop but no sniper or sentry.
AR-15: No sign of sentries.
Riveter: Must be... we should go find them the members of the Embassy.
The two then walked to the door leading downstairs to inside the museum. The two use their guns if there's a threat approaching on top or bottom. Riveter slowly opened the door and peeked closer inside the Egyptian artifacts, structures, tombs, etc, his eyes began wide open, and he gasped.
Riveter: *gasped in stunned*
AR-15: Riveter? What's wrong?
She peered at the side of the door beside him, she also saw it. Down to the next room from the hallway, they saw a stretch of blood all over the wall.
AR-15 and Riveter walked to the right, they saw dead soldiers lying on the floor.
Riveter: *shocked* What the hell happened there?
AR-15 checked the bodies, removed the mask, and revealed a human.
AR-15: *shocked* Those aren't Automatons.
Riveter: There are humans, I don't get it, why are humans involved, it is supposed to be Automatons.
The two heard a clanging sound coming from that room leading to the structure room. In the room, many structures were still held as a Human with Automatons confirmed to be Spetsnaz from the Neo-Soviet Union, the Spetsnaz checked each side and all the sudden, gunfire shot the automatons causing the Spetsnaz units pointed above shooting something while a strange figure jumped fast to avoid the bullets.
Spetsnaz 1: Blyat!
Spetsnaz 2: *to Automatons* Найдите его!
Unfortunately, the Spetsnaz noticed one of Spetsnaz Automatons was down, by one of the Boss team units, Lienna 57, who is still found after he was shot.
Spetsnaz 1: Убей этого ублюдка!
Before Spetsnaz opened fire on him, Lienna 57 quickly took out his machine gun, spraying bullets.
The Spetsnaz units were down by Lienna 57 while outside the staff room, Riveter and AR-15 were surprised to hear gunfire. Lienna 57 snarls with a devilish smile, he quickly disappears before Riveter and AR-15 enter, the two stunned again seeing Automatons and Spetsnaz lying dead.
AR-15: *Stunned* Those are Spetsnaz...
Riveter: And those are Automatons?
*Reload click*
The two heard a reload click, Riveter felt something behind his head while AR-15 was shocked when she turned around.
Lienna 57: *chuckles* So you Jack, aren't you?
Riveter is stunned and glares hearing one person called Riveter Jack.
Riveter: *glares* Who are you?
Lienna 57: *chuckles* Oh I get it, your FTac Recon's friend, I see, I could remember your leader Recon did back in Shallow of Death.
AR-15: How are you related to him?
AR-15 and Riveter turned back at the door, seeing a woman in US Army uniform firing her ICR-1, opened fire while Riveter and AR-15 took covers from the bullets, The woman in US military uniform starred at both after the two turned around, and saw Lienna 57 disappeared after the gunfire. The US Soldiers check the room but met a surprised by Lienna 57 who join in front of the soldier, Wack his hand of his gun.
???: GAAAHHH!!!
Lienna 57 pinned him on the wall, he then smell at him, however Lienna 57 felt something that was not him but her.
Lienna 57: Strange smell... *stunned* It can be!
AR-15 and Riveter opened fire at Lienna 57 but fortunately, he release flashbang to stun both and the soldier, and simply left the room.
M39 EMR: *COMMS* Lienna?
Lienna 57: What is it, Beauty?
M39 EMR: *COMMS* Are you all done cleaning up?
Lienna 57: Yes but wait till I tell you what I found...
M39 EMR: *COMMS* Something interesting?
Lienna 57: *COMMS* I'll tell you in person. Where are you?
M39 EMR: *COMMS* I'm already out, beside EX1 will handle this work.
Lienna 57: MMmmphhh, very well...
Lienna 57 walked away from the structure room, the two regain normal after the stun, the two point their gun at the soldier.
???: W-w-wait?! I'm not an enemy. Calm down.
The Soldier lead against the wall beside the Egyptian Hieroglyphics, she spoke to them with her name.
???: My name is L... My name is... Katheryn Vina Del Mar. Lieutenant Senior grade of New Federation soldier.
AR-15: And how are you wearing US military uniform?
???: It's just a vest, the US send export to New Federation.
The Soldier removed her mask, revealed a woman, her faces looks familiar to Riveter and AR-15, but it describes a woman with long hair and brown eyes, she's looked like Portugues.
(A/N: AndreaGrilli9 Unlike Snake who disguise as Pilski, Lucia Flores disguise as Katheryn Vina Del Mar inspired MGS2)
Riveter: First question are you part of the enemy or allies?
Katheryn spoke silence, while two pointed their guns at her.
Riveter: How did you get here?
Katheryn: Uhh, stole the NRC vehicle, heading to the Luxor Museum, my units were down and I'm the only one.
The two stilled looked at her, whether she is a spy or allied.
AR-15: Have we seen faces before?
Katheryn: No... *examined both Dolls* Wait, are you the Dolls? From both PMCs?
AR-15: Huh? *thought* How did she know?
Riveter: That's right, we're both from both PMCs.
Katheryn: I thought one of the PMCs, Griffin and Kryuger was disband by the Government URNC. And the other PMCs, G.H.O.S.T. still active?
AR-15/Riveter: Huh?
Katheryn: *concern* Where were you two before Griffin and Kryuger S09 base destruction? Europe or America?
Riveter: Our base was still intact and GnK HQ was destroyed by KCCO.
Katheryn: I see, your PMC base was nowhere to be found from the enemies threat?
Riveter: Yes, our base is somewhere in America while GnK was destroyed by KCCO in Western District force.
Katheryn: *concern* Any experience?
Riveter: Y-yes I had experience back in 38 years.
Katheryn: I see, and you with two guns?
AR-15: So am I, I'm part of AR team right we were created in 2061.
AR-15 handed her assault rifle back to Katheryn that she drop, and Katheryn takes it.
Riveter: Umm madam, did you witness that doll before?
Katheryn: MMmmphh?
Riveter: The Doll, the one had superhuman jump abilities?
Katheryn: You mean the survivor of the Shallow of Death incident?
AR-15: *shocked* You knew?
Katheryn nodded
Katheryn: Yeah, he's lucky to survive the explosion on that island, he is a newly members of the Sons of Liberty.
Riveter: Sons of Liberty?
In this scene flashback shows a picture of this new unit called Sons of Liberty there members were: EX1, Hayden Markstone, M39 EMR and Lienna 57.
Katheryn: A special forces name after Son of Liberty a historical American Revolutionary war created by one of the Promothean Council, Hayden Markstone. This unit would launch unannounced assaults on government complexes for the ultimate terrorism. But they became more and more extreme, began to go after Europe allies and civilians as a result of accidents happened in Ukraine.
AR-15: What happened?
Katheryn: The unit became devastated, there are only three left now -- and you just saw one of them.
AR-15: But why there in Egypt? There's ongoing fight between Egyptian army and NRC going on.
Katheryn: How should I know? I told you, those group are on plot something in Egypt.
Riveter: What about that leader? Hayden Markstone?
Katheryn: He's nowhere to be found but in his presses, he could be anywhere on the world.
Riveter: I see... so is there anyway to find US Embassy members, they were held by unknown groups who were they?
Katheryn: They are mercenaries, I could only heard English and the others, were Spanish, Portugues, French, German, and everything you could call. Those Mercenaries are the soldiers from other countries.
AR-15: I get it... can you give a location?
Katheryn: I do, the only way to find the US Embassy members is the location of the Artifact room.
Riveter: Thank you *clock his shotgun*, we'll get it back.
Katheryn: Wait!
The two stopped and both turned to Katheryn.
Katheryn: I have a friend outside, he's in the helicopter, when you get the Embassy members out, I'll contact him.
Riveter: I appreciate your help, Madam.
The two left the structures room, leaving Katheryn to contact someone. The two walk down the hallways find and locate the US Embassy members suddenly a codec comes from someone else.
AR-15: Who is it?
Riveter: Someone talking to me.
Codec call
???: Be careful! There are Claymore mines around there.
Riveter: Who is this!
???: Stealth-equipped claymore mines, invisible to the naked eye. Use the mine detector.
Riveter: Identify yourself, who are you?
???: Just can me "Deepthroat."
Riveter: Deepthreat sounds familiar from Shadow Moses and Shallow of Death?
???: *sigh* Just call me Katana, then.
Riveter: Katana now, is it? Why would it matter if I called you Deepthroat?
???: Never mind about that.
Riveter: Why did you contact me?
???: Let's just say I'm one of your fans.
Riveter: *thought sarcastic* What the fuck?
Codec end
AR-15: *curious* Who is it?
Riveter: Someone calling himself Katana, just contact me.
AR-15: Katana? Did someone burst your transmission?
Riveter: No, no one ever contact on my codec. Nevermind about him, let's just find those Claymores, they might be boobytrap.
AR-15: Good thinking.
Riveter use the mind detector, scanning the floor while AR-15 also got his back. Riveter found two claymores, as AR-15 grabs it while Riveter scanned the floor with detector, searching for their path to rescue the Embassy. After finding the claymores, All the Claymores were handed to Riveter and two proceed on foot. While heading to the artifact room they heard talking.
Hayden?: *COMMS* I've taken care of that annoying brats. What's the situation?
Riveter: *to AR-15* Shhh, *whispered* You hear that?
AR-15: *whispered* Sound someone's talking.
The two slowly walked closer, the two peak on the left side of the wall, the two recognized that woman from before in Japan, it was Valentina Volgin talking to Hayden. The two listened to that conversation.
AR-15: *surprised* Is that... Valentina?
Her eyes wide surprise to see Valentina
Valentina: Puzzling. I saw a man dressed like a ninja just now. It's the only way to describe it. A kind of cyborg ninja, complete with a sword.
Riveter: A cyber ninja with a sword? *realized* *thought* No way... it can't be. I thought Camilio died that Recon told me before.
Hayden?: *COMMS* What?
Valentina: Are you hiding something from me?
Hayden?: *COMMS* Valentina, are you sure it wasn't an Arsenal Tengu?
AR-15: Arsenal Tengu?
Valentina: Don't be a fool. Think I wouldn't know the difference? I've never seen field gear like that, ever.
Hayden?: *COMMS* All right. We'll intensify patrols. Anything else?
Valentina: I have one more thing. You'll find it hard to believe, though. I saw a woman hiding under the cardboard box.
Hayden?: *COMMS* Where?
Valentina: Somewhere on this section's rooms of the museum.
Hayden?: *COMMS* Hrmm.
Valentina: So you believe me this time?
Hayden?: *COMMS* I've seen someone use that box trick before.
Valentina: We'll find the way to lay trap somewhere in museum. Over and out.
Valentina walked away while AR-15 and Riveter saw her left.
Riveter: I don't why the hell Valentina still alive, but she's still lives.
Before he they could proceed to rescue the embassy, AR-15 stopped, and she spoke.
AR-15: Riveter...
Riveter turned around and glance at her face expression.
Riveter: *concern* Yeah... is there something matter?
AR-15: Umm, n-nothing... Riveter what is Arsenal Tengu the one Hayden mentioned?
Riveter: The Tengu was a special commando unit, they equipped with special combat suit utilized exoskeletal technology. They use human strength Amplification provided by artificial muscle to make the soldier faster than any humans and dolls has.
AR-15: I see... but Riveter, *worried* I don't know why?
Before disarmed the nuclear bomb and Vladimir's defeat.
AR-15, AR Team including BR Ranger Squad and Markus witness Riveter's true darkness awaken him, turning him into Jack the Ripper after this conversation with remnant Wind of Destruction commander of KCCO which makes M4 starting to mention that moves that Riveter use quite similar to Sangvis Ferri Executioner. AR-15 could wonder why, he remembers MTZ-762 about him, he arrived in Hokkaido, to learn all the samurai techniques, in 2039, Riveter was trained by his teacher Hayden Markstone or Ohm to learn the technique he uses his sword as a tool of justice.
Flashback end
AR-15: Two years, Riveter. I saw you getting hurt by Executioner when she cut your arm, but why?
Riveter: *empathetic* Because I always want to AR, there's a said I like: "One sword keeps another in the sheath." Sometimes, the threat of violence alone is a deterrent. Sometimes, by taking a life, others can be preserved, it's the code the samurai lived... I consider my sword as a tool of justice; it exists to protect my team and the weak.
AR-15: I see. Well honesty, I too consider myself as a tool of glory and honor, but I care about my friends too.
Riveter: *smile* Well, I suggest we should-
Before they could move forward, AR-15 grabbed his cybernetic arm holding onto him.
Riveter: *concern* AR?
AR-15: ... Listen to me... All this time, you live to protect your yourself and your team?
Riveter: *concern* Well ye-
Riveter: *surprised* AR, but... I'm still alive, because I don't any pain...
AR-15: *anger* Pain?! Is this what you think of you don't feel your pain?! *teary*
Riveter surprise to see her tears appeared on her eyes.
AR-15: *teary* You... I-I couldn't tell... *wiping her tears off* I was worried and felt you had many pain in the two battles...
AR-15 places her face onto her chest, as she cries mumble on his chest, Riveter glance at her, he held her rubbing her back, calm her down.
Riveter: *concern* AR, I'm not a Jack Ripper, I'm not a monster, I'm just a doll. I'm Riveter.
AR-15 wipe her tears away, and simply looked at him. Her feeling had grown in her heart. She is ready to speak.
AR-15: Riveter...
Riveter: Yeah?
AR-15: There's something I want to tell...
Riveter: Wha-
Riveter he spoke was interrupted with a bang sound, the two goes forward quickly, the two finally enters the Artifact room, however there is a guard keeping an eye on US Embassy members.
Riveter: It must be them...
Riveter grabbed a ghost mask on his pocket.
AR-15: What are you gonna do? There's guard down there.
Riveter: *place his hand on her shoulder* Trust me AR, I'll be careful.
Riveter put on the mask disguise as one of the soldiers. He walked to that room that he had to find the man's name Ames himself according to Hesh regarding relay on mission. He grabbed the microphone device, scanning anyone who is Ames while the guard checking the US Embassy hostages, he searches everywhere in this room. The microphone device hears a heartbeat towards the man who is in blind mask sitting on the floor leaning against the wall beside the picture frame.
He looked around seeing no sign of the guards as while Hostages were all over the room.
Riveter: You must be the Ames aren't you?
Ames turned to the man in unknown uniform, which the guard used. He knee down at the ames and spoke to him.
Riveter: Relax, keep still and listen to me. I'm not a terrorist.
He goes closer to Ames's ear.
Riveter: We've got in here, using one of their uniforms. I'm going take off the blind. So, stay quiet.
Riveter removed the blindmask, and the ames spoke.
Ames: Who told you that way?
Riveter: A PMC Commander Hesh.
Ames: I see, your one of the PMCs. I'm Antonio Ames, I am the members of US Embassy secret service.
On the camera, they could hear the conversation, but as the scene cut to the monitors, EX1 watched.
EX1: Tch!
Ames: *On camera* Your here to find the US Embassy, but unfortunately, they move him in different locations
Scene cut back to Artifact room
Ames: We have little time, so I'll be brief. How about switching to nanocommunications first.
Riveter: Nanocommunication?
Ames: A silence beats talk when it comes to safety, it is developed by Patriots, after that, we use it for keep it safety for silence communications regards any information we need.
Codec call
Ames: Are you on?
Riveter: Right here. Do you really know where is the US Embassy is?
Ames: I heard on of the guards took him Aquifer platforms.
Riveter: I thought platform was destroyed during Egyptian-NRC conflict.
Ames: No, there are two of them one was destroyed and the other is in Sudan. That means US Embassy has been held there.
Riveter: Aquifer platform second on in Sudan. Is he there?
Ames: I... I don't know. I can't get a response to him.
Riveter: You don't think he's been-- like the other hostages...?
Ames: Huh?
Riveter: Nevermind that... I noticed some Spetsnaz are attacked by Doll. Do you think it related to Neo-Soviet Union.
Ames: Regardless no Neo-Soviet Union has not yet joined the URNC yet due to the Paradeous movements while the rest of Euroasian continent was joined the URNC, while Africa was ready, except NRC, Egypt, United States and New Federation.
Riveter: Maybe the Spetsnaz was working with Valentina.
Ames: Valentina, Volgin?
Riveter: Yeah, the famous Soviet called herself goddess of lighting and fire.
Ames: I see...
Riveter: Why those groups capture you and the rest of the members, what are they after?
Ames: Some of the mysterious group developed their nuclear weapon system with advanced with Collapse bomb. However, US Embassy's own vital signs heartbeat, brainwave pattern blood pressure and so on constantly monitored and relayed by his internal nanomachines. This information along with the DNA pattern serve as a biometric password for the fail safe nuclear launch system like the president, unbreakable even by the latest parallel processor supercomputers since Big Shell Incident.
Ames: In other words, the login must be made of whether the president or US Embassy's own free will.
Ames: As a fail-safe, the input must also be reconfirmed hourly, even after the initial login. If a valid confirmation is not forthcoming, the system will automatically cancel the login.
Riveter: So that's why they can't harm the US Embassy. Is there really a new model of mysterious Bipedal tanks something larger than Assault Artillery?
Ames: Absolutely. United States and New Federation conduction a weapon called Metal Gear.
Riveter: Metal Gear?
Ames: It serves as the launch key. URNC wasn't aware of United States and New Federation conduction powerful tank capable of launching the nukes.
Riveter: Why would they hide those Metal Gear things from the Rosstarist Nation?
Ames: *sigh* Haven't you heard about World War III?
Riveter: Possibly, yes, US and NATO losses after Operation Tradewind by Neo-Soviet Union, Rome Surrender.
Ames: That's why it does, US had a trouble in new civil war, after that Federal Government was restablished and East Coast of America Rosstarism alliance was created, but sometimes Federal like me and the president would prefer United States of America.
Riveter: That's the reason why URNC hasn't get relationship yet, due to the propaganda in US involved.
Ames: Yeah, it's hard to believe you know, since Patriots are gone without them, we are on our own.
Riveter: Why Ames, Patriots controlled the United States and the people because it happened in five incidents.
Ames: Well, some survivors would prefer United States better than East Coast of America Rosstarism that we change subject names.
Riveter: So the reason why Federal Government change the subject back to United States, that why US and New Fed conduction reproduced the Metal Gear.
Ames: That was entire thing was planned, it happened in Shallow of Death Incident, the after the War, Metal Gear X series was created by PMC G.H.O.S.T. The United States was always interest reviving the Metal Gear and exported to New Federation.
Ames: The US and New Federation developed a reviving the old Metal Gear models, that the Patriots and Outer Heaven that they created.
Riveter: *curious* What's going on around here...
Ames: *shocked* Wait!
Codec end
Ames and Riveter turned to hallway distance, he see a figure with a cloak walking down in the hallway.
Ames: Here it comes.
Riveter look closer with his HUD, zoom in, seeing the man talking to EX1 made it glare at him.
Ames: Use the microphone to listen in.
Riveters use the Microphone device system, listened to their conversation between a figure known as Hayden Markstone and EX1, he looks closer in his HUD zooming closer.
EX1: Mr. Markstone, bad news the Egyptian Army is pushing forward.
Hayden: It doesn't matter. Saved us the trouble of getting rid of NRC ourselves.
EX1: But why Egyptian would getting weak? Windslow accord was dissolved.
Hayden: Because US and New Federation conduction aid support to Egypt. But who knows, NRC is nothing but an amateur willing to take resource in Egypt. Nothing they do should come as a surprise.
EX1: I'll have this rechecked, just in case.
Hayden: Do you think Egyptian army was allied with the PMC G.H.O.S.T. and Griffin and Kryuger?
EX1: We can't discount the possibility. Especially with that intruder still at large.
Hayden: Yes, that woman in G.H.O.S.T. outfit with combination sneaking vest suit.
EX1: You know more about those suits like Solid Snake, but I do.
Hayden: The legendary soldier Solid Snake is dead, but now it moves on to legendary soldier of Bolivian Liberation Force, Lucia Flores.
EX1: So those people must be-- the Rosstarism?
Hayden: Yes, what about the US Embassy?
EX1: We've move to the Aquifer Platform in Sudan. And the woman she was conducting research. For him, his password remain in black case, in one hour, we'll need a confirmation from him.
Hayden: Make sure you keep him alive until then.
EX1: Yes I know. The woman has already take care for the system.
Hayden: Good only a few more steps of Outer Heaven's return.
Meanwhile Riveter saw a woman its Valentina walking down in the hallway and spoke to EX1.
Valentina: And who is that cyborg Ninja, General Kashov?
EX1: I cannot even guess...
Valentina: What about you?
Hayden: I'm having the matter looked into.
EX1: Valentina! Don't cast suspicion where it isn't due!
Valentina: Where isn't a due. I read a report about you in Shallow of Death incident.
EX1: Valentina, how could you suspect me!
Valentina: I know that woman and that Doll I encounter in two wars. I know that Ninja is not one of MY men.
EX1: *snarl* How meaningful you make that sound.
Valentina: If you sell us out -- I'll kill you myself.
Valentina releases a fire and bolts all over her arm towards him.
EX1: Listen great-granddaughter of Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin. Don't ever let me see your fire and bolts at me again.
Valentina: *pout* I'll make your electrified with flames in your body instead.
EX1 ready his assault rifle, but as Morridow shows up use her crab legs on both.
Morridow: You two acting like a children, why don't you stop.
Hayden: Stop fighting both of you, Morridow step aside. I took you both in when no one else would. You think any government would have you as irregular in this political climate?
Hayden: The worst kind of wetworks, maybe. But even that's doubtful. But you've nowhere left to go.
Valentina snarls disarmed her fire and bolts from her arm and walks away leaving EX1, Morridow and Hayden alone. Suddenly, EX1 could feel in his head.
EX1: *pain* U-urgh!! N-not now!
Morridow: *sigh* It's happening again?
Hayden: Wasn't your head hurt?
EX1: N-nooo.... that damn... mind Liquid! It's almost as if it's having its revenge -- !!
Morridow: Get over it Kashov, Liquid is no longer in this world.
Hayden: How much do you think we spent on that your head in Maryland.
EX1: Grrr, I never trust that Doctor Morse. *sigh* There's something going on. The incident are becoming more frequent.... Maybe that doll or that woman's presence...
Hayden: Kashov, I'll leave this place to your hands and Morridow will be your command. I have the intruder to take care of.
EX1: Yes, Mr Markstone.
EX1 left the room with Morridow followed him as Markstone talks to two individuals.
Rorke: Still hanging struggle his hand?
Riveter: *glares* Rorke.
Hayden: Yes, EX1 had a traumatized his head about so-called Liquid, I heard him he died in Shadow Moses Island long time ago.
Carter: And he's pretty expert to my men.
Hayden: And Rorke and Carter, sorry about your men happened in the capture of airfield.
Rorke: That's okay, we'll always get our revenge.
Carter: And of my men were all loyal to me and the few betrayed.
Hayden: You two get to work on that boys, I'll handle the intruder.
After the conversation, he turned back to Ames.
Riveter: Isn't that Hayden Markstone, the Promotheans Council.
Ames: Yes, however, he is secretly working with the terrorist. We do realize, regarding on URNC upcoming relationship in Africa, one of which is that Mr. Markstone planning something.
Back at the codec call
Ames: Anyway, what did you manage to catch?
Riveter: Is about the password, right?
Ames: I should get that.
Riveter: You said the password entry had to be made by President or US Embassy willingly.
Ames: That's right *nod*
Riveter: So this means the US Embassy is cooperating with them?
Ames: It would have to be, yes.
Riveter: Why?
Ames: Probably being tired about Rosstarism but it wasn't a smart move to betray us... We're running out of time. They WILL fire a nuke on Egypt to violate a relationship with URNC. You know what you need to do before then.
Riveter: Fire the nuke? But it's nowhere close to the ransom deadline.
Ames: Ransom?
Riveter: Thirty billion dollars in cash....
Ames: What are you talking about! The nuclear strike is not a threat it's been the objective all along!
Riveter: They are planning to restart the war, slaughter millions of people!?
Ames: Oh no, Kashov and Morridow is coming. I'm going offline.
codec end
Riveter heard a footstep coming.
Ames: Quickly search my pocket.
Riveter quickly Ames's pocket, and only to find a tracking device of US Embassy location.
Riveter: What's that?
Ames: It's a tracking device, you'll able to find US Embassy, Use it to find him. Take care the US Embassy before they launch the nuke!
Riveter nodded, he put a tracking device on his pocket, Ames turned and stunned saw EX1 and Morridow approaching him.
Ames: He's coming, pick up your AK.
Riveter quickly grabbed an AK weapon before those two coming closer while all US Embassy personnel still tied up. EX1 and Morridow approached that soldier.
EX1: What are you doing here?
Ames: I asked him to remove these. I'm ill, you see.
Morridow starred at Ames with devil smiles.
Morridow: Looks like to be a liars~
Ames: *nervous* W-w-what are you talking about?
EX1: Tch, No need denial. We know what you are. Antonio Ames. They knew that the US Embassy was planning to betray them. So they sent you in to keep tabs on him. Am I right?
EX1 pulled out his Assault rifle on his back pointing at him.
EX1: *chuckles* Sorry for this Ames. You failed to carry out your duties.
Ames: *snarled* You'll never escape Rosstarism.
EX1: Is that so.
EX1 point his gun closer to the head while Morridow checking on him, she felt something suspicious with him. Until it silence, Ames felt something of his heart attack shaking while he was knee down.
Morridow: What the?!
Ames however got infected by the FOXDIE, he goes closer to him. He could feel his heart beating faster.
Ames: You-you tricked me... I understand now -- Hendricks... you're...
Before he spoke, his heart stop and died by the FOXDIE virus, Morridow, Riveter and EX1 stood there silent, Riveter pretend to check on him. EX1 looked at the soldier.
EX1: You which team are you with?
Morridow: *giggles*
The crab legs grabbed him as Morridow held him while the crab legs prepping to stabbed him. The reinforcement had shown up pointing their guns at him. EX1 turned to Morridow.
EX1: Do you know who he is?
Guard 1: No. He's not one of mine.
EX1 point his assault rifle at the imposter.
EX1: *threaten* Identify yourself!
Morridow lean closer, removed the mask, shows a boy with light blue blind eye and dark grey eye.
Morridow: *giggles* A handsome man...
EX1: Hm, we meet at last...
EX1 point his gun at Riveter waiting for execute, suddenly, A cyber ninja shows up and AR-15 pointing her gun at Morridow. The Cyber ninja almost cut EX1 when he dodge and Morridow stepped back while AR-15 shot two Guards.
EX1: Get him!
The guards opened fire their guns at the Ninja, but the ninja deflect the bullets with Katana defending Riveter, however the hostages were there, afraid of gunfire.
Morridow: Kashov, the hostages!
EX1: Hold your fire! We need the hostages alive!
The Cyber ninja asked Riveter.
Cyber Ninja: Hurry! Get all the hostages and get away!
Riveter acknowledge, AR-15 rushed to him, grabbed every hostage that they find, and so the hostages have been rescued while Riveter defend the hostages just as AR-15 escorted them to the exfil.
EX1: *snarled*
Morridow: *surprised* So that's the Cyber Ninja you mentioned in Shallow of Death.
The Cyber Ninja confronts EX1 and Morridow with his Katana.
EX1: You!? But you died!
EX1 pointed his assault rifle and Morridow also has her Crab legs on her back while reinforcement squad shows up pointing their guns as they surrounded the Ninja. The soldiers opened fire at the Ninja, but it jumped back at the hallway.
EX1: *surprised* Huh?!
The Cyber Ninja deflect the bullets with Katana, while he sees Riveter and AR-15 getting every US Embassy members escape just as Katheryn plans for exfil on the roof.
Riveter: Wait, Ninja!
Cyber Ninja: Leave this to me. Here use this!
Cyber Ninja throws a device towards Riveter, as he catches it. Riveter just left leaving Ninja to hold them off. On the stairs, AR-15 help US Embassy members to the roof as Riveter shot down the Cyclops before the door shut.
Riveter: How's the personnel?
AR-15: There heading to the roof, Katheryn might be there in the roof, waiting for her pickup.
Riveter: *Snarled* Get them to the roof, I'll deal with them, till then I'm going regroup with you.
AR-15 could not do, of what Riveter said, he'll regroup after he will deal with Cyclops. She acknowledges, as she rushes to the roof. As Cyclops broke in, Riveter switch his shotgun to his high frequency blade, sheeshing his scabbard. The Cyclops opened fire their guns but Riveter rush, slicing Cyclops into pieces.
Riveter finished destroying Cyclops but Aegis appeared with batons lift in the air, Riveter sense a movement, he lifts his blade, block its attack...He slice the Aegis and blocked the bullets from cyclops and finally destroyed it. He rushed to the roof.
At the roof, he sees AR-15 helping US Embassy personnel into the VTOL were Katheryn shows up.
Katheryn: Hey Riveter.
Riveter: *surprised* Katheryn, where have you been.
Katheryn: Trying to contact the command post, to pick US Embassy personnel. Right Now, I'm nowhere, I'm already outside. How's the situation over there?
Riveter: We have a lead on the US Embassy's location.
Katheryn: *surprised* Really? Where?
AR-15: He said, he's in Aquifer Platform, Sudan.
Katheryn: I see, so far, I'm gonna cut of the core. See you there.
After the call, two dolls watched the VTOL takes off carrying US Embassy members. AR-15 looked back at Riveter, he felt worried about the Cyber Ninja, he thinks he still okay.
AR-15: *concern* Riveter, are you okay?
Riveter: Umm, No thanks... I can't think of the right word, right before you told me before I infiltrate Artifact room. But... it has to be pure will, backed up by
AR-15: By what?
Riveter: By courage, or ideals, or something like that. I'd stake my life on it. But I hope that Ninja was okay that way?
AR-15 places her hand onto his shoulder, concern him.
AR-15: Riveter, I know your still worried about that Ninja, that save your asses. But let's just think, he's okay alright.
Riveter could do smile at her, she determined to console, him and never fight alone, they could know that Ninja will be okay. But before AR-15 began to spoke to him of her feelings. It was interrupted by a man standing on the door, that man is Hayden Markstone the members of the Promotheans Council.
Hayden?: *chuckles* I've been waiting for you. A Messenger from the URNC!
AR-15 and Riveter pulled out their guns at Hayden. Hayden looked at the boy with light blue blind eye.
Riveter: Were not URNC, were just impendence PMCs.
Hayden?: Where do I - I know him from?
AR-15: So, you're the boss around?
Hayden?: No, not just around here. I'm the boss to surpass the Doll of the hero of Shallow of Death... the battle Rifle FTac Recon.
Lucia: *shouted* NO! Foley! AR-15! Get away from him. That's NOT FTac Recon!
AR-15 and Riveter: What?/Huh?
The two turned at the VTOL, reveals Lucia, which disguise as Kathyern. On the cockpit, both saw Henry and Hinata pilot the VTOL. Lucia raise her assault rifle at Hayden?
Riveter: What the hell is going on?
to be continued
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