Episode 10 The Rise

Safehouse VTOL Atlas transport plane

S T-Doll, T-Doll, commanders, and operators were roaming around the plane.

John: How is she?

Sarah: She's strong... the meds should have her on her feet in hours. The scars... they'll take longer.

Angelia II: It seems so. It's like fighting off many enemies.

John: So you're okay with this?

Markus: Okay with that, Hendricks?

John: Okay, because people like our former friends decided to turn traitors... And now we've got to hunt them down.

Markus: They leaked classified intel that has allowed our enemies to know exactly where and when to strike. They implicated the CIA in the Singapore disaster and Tokyo protected zone... Their action has destabilized the entire Spector Wisdom. So, yes, you bet your ass I'm okay with this.

Markus deeply sighs he closes his eyes, and Gentiane pats his shoulder.


Scene shows a VTOL transport plane flying above and inside some heavy clouds of a sandstorm.

Markus: So Our DNI encryption protocol are no longer secure. Any contact with the SW could inadvertently compromised allied operations even further. As of now... we're unplugged.

Namura: So we're on our own.

John: We know Shawn and team division looking for the surviving members of the Black Project in Japan.

Scene shows a sandstorm with brief pictures of a vehicle on top right side and flames shows Egyptian finally retake any territory about 85% as NRC began to fall into crumble.

Aiden: The name goes to Richard Monro. 

Alex: I've never heard that guy before?

Markus: My dad told me; he is the new leader of Coalescence.

Aiden: However, his whereabouts: Unknown.

Scene shows a sandstorm with picture of Dr. Al-Rassam.

Juan: Doctor Al-Rassam however he is alive and well in Luxor. A place of historical ancient Egypt.

Scene shows the city of Luxor has been undergoing fight.

John: That's not all, our allies in the Egyptian Army finally regain their territory about 85% which means they had to invade Sudan. The crumble of NRC will begins.

Namura: But what about URNC?

John: There's no need worried about URNC, the NRC will be collapse by any minute now. The US always back Egypt for assistance.


Encryption# 6B 65 20 69. protocol: Echo

Considering the continued Rise of attacks in regions and the fall of NRC will be crumble by minute.

Mission: Interrogate Dr Al-Rassam in Egypt, Luxor and locate the targets

Active Mission Day 4

AR Team, BR Ranger Squad, Lauran, John Hendricks and Gentiane's Doll arrived by Armor vehicle to Luxor. FTac Recon stares through window, which cause Cronen Squall to snap his finger in front of him.

Cronen Squall: Hey, Amigo. You okay?

FTac Recon: Yeah, I just... zoned out for a second there.

M16: Must be daydreaming.

The group leave the train and walked to the Luxor town, as soldiers marching to battlefield.

John: Not a bad idea. I think we just traded one bad situation for another.

SideWinder: I'm glad we're not only one feeling deja vu.

FNC: Sounds weird *eating chocolate*

The group and Lauran sees pictures and drawings of the fallen Egyptian allies and loves one.

MP5: What happened to all people?

John: Well the War between NRC fought three years ago, the Egyptian army pushed the NRC back and regain territory sacrificing themselves for their people.

Lauran and Mac-10 and G36 see more pictures on the walls while everyone goes to the apartment.

Mac-10 So many Fallens.

Lauran: Three years ago, Egyptian losing battle because of Dylan released helped the NRC target strategic weakpoints in the Egyptian military defense. They are gaining territory fast. Civilian causalities are high. Cario is on the brink of collapse.

G36: So what happens then?

BAS-B: Well Taylor and Hendricks got support allies with Khalil, which gain to retake their territory until then, the Egyptian Army are back in action since after Cario was retaken the Egyptian pushed the NRC back regaining their territory back where it belongs. 

RO635: So many Fallens but the Egyptian kept fighting back.

BAS-B: Yeah, RO after URNC formed before WA disband until 2065, the Egyptian got allied aid with US and New Federations.

MG3: *surprised* The two American continent aid Egypt.

FN-49: Wow, I never thought Egyptian never give up.

BAS-B: *chuckles* Come on, Egyptian are fighting back you know anything that-

John: Watch your head, Gabriel.

BAS-B And so- *HIT by the wall* Ouch!

BAS-B gets up and followed them, the two girls giggles, BAS-B sigh in shame, he gets up and followed the group were inside the apartment were Egyptian Command center use apartment as a base.

John: Let's hope this Doctor character talks fast and gives us something useful.

Riveter: What about the US Embassy, they were held hostage by unknown troops.

Lauran: We'll think the plan, Foley.

The group meet up with Lieutenant Smali, the man who been rescued by Lion Force and Stalker Squad in 2066 previous mission.

Lauran: Lieutenant Smali?

Smali turned his head seeing G.H.O.S.T., Luaran and John arrived.

Smali: *chuckles* Well, it seems PMC show up. Aren't you?

FTac Recon: Were not lion force, were Ranger Squad.

Smali: Oh I see, I met Lion Force and Alex too, he rescue Prime Minister and me back in previous mission.

John: Cut to the chase Smali, have you got the prisoner?

Smali: Yep, we have your prisoners. Especially as we're not exactly on the books. We've hoped you'd bring some big weapon you have? Drones, Robots, mentions, even new system Bipedal right?

FTac Recon: Yeah, US and the Fed brought some new weapons, drones and Bipedal system.

M4: *whisper to Recon* You didn't tell us you had Bipedal system?

FTac Recon: I know M4 US somehow built their own Bipedal system, something that larger than any weapons.

The group start walking.

MTZ-762: The Spector Wisdom resources have been stretch thin in the wake of recent intelligence leaks. US and New Fed got their back. But we have bigger problems.

Smali: Go on.

MTZ-762: Your prisoner may have vital information on the men responsible for the NRC massacre attack Retribution in Cairo. If we apprehend them, we'll be able to ensure more support your army to regain your territory.

John: That's the polite way of saying shit's fucked up for everyone. You want help? Get in line.

Smali: We were lucky to secure Doctor Al-Rassam before we pushed NRC back and then invade them. I warn you, we may not be able to ensure his safety much longer.

G36: *curious* Why?

John: Don't worry. I won't need him long, even for him *pointing BAS-B*

Smali: Our men are ill equipped to deal with the NRC's robots, and I expected you brought a secret weapon for us.

M16: What kind secret weapon?

Smali: The American built a bigger weapon than any imagine.

FTac Recon: How are you still holding on?

Smali: You could say thanks to Raul Menendez.

John: *stunned* What?!

They stopped walking.

RO635: Raul Menendez?

SideWinder: He's known to be the leader of Cor Dies in 2025, he's responsible of the attack in Los Angelos.

As the group watched conversation with Smali and John.

John: *enraged* Raul Menendez was a hypocritical egomaniac who thought he could make a better world by fucking up everything else!

SideWinder: *to RO635* And yeah, Jack told me about his father hunt down Menendez back then.

M16: David Mason?

MTZ-762: Yes he is.

MP5: What does he look like?

MTZ-762: Well, he's quite the same looks like his father Alex Mason and his son Jack.

While conversation and walking again.

Smali: After the strikes of 25, all Winslow Accord Nation had to abide by the Allied Drone Defense Act.

Smali: Directed Energy Air Defense System must protect all major military, civilians and industrial targets in allied nations. After Windslow Accord dismantle and Union Rosstarist of Nation Coalition form. We are on our own but thanks to US and New Federation, they could help us.

John: Nothing many allies could support Egypt.

Smali: The D.E.A.D.S are ONLY reason we are still here.

John: Maybe, but thanks to that bastard. He was pricks who got what he deserved.

The group reach to Dr Al-Rassam, who is inside the interrogation room.

Smali: We're preparing a temporary CC for your use. Links to WA Command are down due to dismantle, but you guys except for the ladies still connect our local system. The Doctor is being held in our interrogation space.

As Smali is about head to the interrogation door:

Lauran: Thank you for cooperation, Lieutenant. Appreciate it.

Lauran led Smali outside and close the door. Lauran heads over and watches the cameras of the interrogation room. 

FTac Recon: So what now?

Lauran: Now we let Gabriel and John to have a talk.

BAS-B and John Hendricks enter the interrogation room, with Doctor Al -Rassam standing up from his chair.

Al-Rassam: I do not know or care who you all are, but you are holding me without the cause...

While John and Al-Rassam are distracted, the Player slips in a tracker into Dr. Al-Rassam's cup of water.

Al-Rassam: ... and I demand to speak to legal representative!

BAS-B places Dr. Al-Rassam's cup of water with the tracker on Dr. Salim's table.

John: That would be me. Have a seat!

John Hendricks pushes Dr. Al-Rassam back down onto his chair.

John: Gabriel take a job, I'm gonna take a walk!

BAS-B devilish smile, and glance at Dr Al-Rassam, John Hendrick leaves the room, with BAS-B performing the interrogation by himself.

AR-15: *concern* It's okay. Let him run with it.

FTac Recon: *chuckles* Trust me, AR, Gabriel was a expert, right SOP.

SOP II: Oooohhhh, I wonder what is he doing?

BAS-B: *devilish glance* Okay, Doctor. *pointed at the picture of four individuals* These men right here, do you know them?

After getting no response...

BAS-B: *bashes on the table* *anger* DO YOU KNOW THEM?!

Al-Rassam: ... No.

BAS-B: Well, they know you right? *Devil glares* or at least they'd like to.

As BAS-B speaks, Dr Al-Rassam drinks his water with the tracker inside.

Lauren: Okay... the tracker was now inside Al-Rassam.

MP5, G36, FNC and G36 looked at Lauren's tablet checking the tracker on Al-Rassam that he drank.

MP5: What's that?

Lauren: Tracking device, when someone who drank liquid, that always the tracking device to track anyone.

BAS-B: *anger* So I heard rumours you were involved in a Biotech company called the Coalescence or more specifically... involved in Tokyo.

Al-Rassam: *stunned in surprised* H-how did you know?!

BAS-B: Because... *anger* the CIA *destroyed the table* BLACK PROJECT running out of its basement!

FTac Recon: *glance* *sigh* Can someone get another table?

Egyptian Officer: I'll get one!

The Egyptian officer walked away to grabbed another chair after BAS-B destroyed one.

SOP II: *chuckles and adorable* Wow, he is good!

Al-Rassam: That was a 36 years ago.

BAS-B: Yeah? Well, your past, it's catches up to you. You're in very real danger! Not only are the URNC or NRC?

BAS-B points to the picture of Dina Hence, Jason Moretti, Charles Diaz and Shawn Adkins with Charles Diaz already K.I.A back in Japan.

BAS-B: ... but these group may very well want you dead!

FTac Recon and everyone is seen watching the interrogation through the window.

BAS-B: So as your legal representative... I advise to cooperate fully with this interrogation.

Al-Rassam: I worked for biological and behavioural psychotherapist for the project's test subjects.

BAS-B: Oh really... *shows a test subject in Tokyo* These test subject in Tokyo just like in Singapore... were they volunteers?

Al-Rassam: By the very tone of your voice sound younger, I am in no doubt as to what you are inferring.

BAS-B breathes looked at the security camera that is being watched by Lauren, John and everyone back at Al-Rassam.

Al-Rassam: But likewise, I'm no doubt... that you already know the answer to your question.

BAS-B: *glares* So let me ask you another... *rage* QUESTION!

BAS-B almost broke the glass scared AR-15 out while Riveter help her, Cronen Squall and FTac Recon were also freak out at BAS-B, they realized BAS-B use strength his D.N.I Ability.

Cronen Squall *Surprised* Mierda...

Lauren: *shocked* WHOA! GABRIEL, stand down!

John: No... let him handle this.

Lauren: John!

SOP II: *adorable* Oh yes! Bring him more!!

BAS-B: *anger in devilish glares* What is... the Frozen Forest?!

Suddenly, an explosion occurs near the Station, ending the interrogation as BAS-B leaves the room.

BAS-B: FUUUUCCKKK!! *destroyed the wall*

MTZ-762: B, you should calm your temper...

FTac Recon: I think you could run a diagnostic.

John: What are we dealing with here?

Lauren: NRC forces are going counterattack, luckily, the PMC brought a secret weapon, will arrived shortly.

G36: What weapon?

Lauren: A weapon that could bring NRC knees.

John grabs his KN-44 and the group walked out from the apartment , where Egyptian army are trying to hold off the NRC, an Egyptian Soldier nearby tries to run, but a R.A.P.S caught up, wounds and cuts off his left arm with its spikes. The R.A.P.S. then gets closer and explodes, causing some long pieces of shrapnel to impale the wounded soldier and he dies.

M4: *shocked* What is that ball thing?!

John: That's R.A.P.S. stands or Rolling/Robotic Anti-Personnel sentry.

MP5: What does that thing do?!

John: It will impale your body with sharpnel or cut anything in your body.

FN-49: *scared* KYAAA!!

FNC: Get a hold yourself 49!

FTac Recon: We have to take out those R.A.P.S!

Lauren, John, Gentiane's T-Doll, AR Team and BR Ranger Squad join the fight against the NRC. Cronen Squall, MTZ-762 and FN-49 destroyed the R.A.P.S. MP3 took out the robots while the rest take out the entire NRC soldiers with their DNI abilities and CQC moves. MTZ-762 scanned on the skies, noticed a NRC bomber.

MTZ-762: *shocked* I have visual on bombs, there going for bombing run!


The bomb impact with explosion, Gentiane's T Doll were with Lauren while John with AR Team and BR Ranger Squad run for cover.

John: Lauren, patch us into Egyptian Army command!

Egyptian Army command: *COMMS* Pharoh 1-9, the priority target is NRC Convoy moving on Western checkpoint!

FTac Recon: Shit, there going after US Embassy! Someone go rescue embassy.

MTZ-762: *gestured* I have idea! Why don't we give Riveter can.

Riveter: *shocked What?!


The explosion near the Egyptian tank destroyed by bombing run and Smali shows up followed by NRC VTOL crashed.

Smali: The NRC is going for counterattack, they're bringing heavy weapons!

John: As long the Egyptian take your territory, the embassy was held by unknown soldiers now NRC is going.

Smali: Then I will take you guys to the VTOL, to get to the embassy for pick up, my men will await for signal. But we need VTOL transport if we're going to get the trucks to the checkpoint in time!

Egyptian Army Command: *COMMS* Confirm VTOL support inbound.

Lauren: *COMMS* Whole T-Doll is with me, you guys helped Smali, then he will prepare for rescue operation of US Embassy.

FTac Recon: Got it, we'll get to the checkpoint to blocked NRC.

The group seen VTOL flying away with Mobile Blockade grappled beneath, while more are also seen flying into the city.

Smali: We have to hurry before NRC counterattack.

A dozens of truck with Spike launchers arrived outside the station. BAS-B was surprised with his eyes wide opened at the Spike Launcher.

BAS-B: I want that launcher... 

John and Smali get on the front of the truck.

Smali: Get in, make yourself, there's more truck we have.

AR Team goes to another truck with M4's driving while BR Ranger Squad get on the back of the truck with John and Smali.


The feed shows Egypt, Luxor at Eastern Checkpoint were US Embassy members were held in Egyptian museum and now NRC is marching.

Smali: The Key strategic positions, including old metro tunnels beneath the checkpoint are rigging to blow NRC counterattack. Detonation is our first resort to stop NRC counterattack.

The feed shows the Mobile blockade and incoming hostile locations.

John: We're not here to fight your war, Lieutenant. We just want our prisoner.

Smali: If we lost eastern checpoint, we won't have prisoners!

Riveter: What about US embassy?

Smali: Oh yes... the US embassy still held in Luxor Meseum there near the river at the Southeast. If you want to save them, we have to stopped the NRC blockade.

FTac Recon: We'll always help you Lieutenant, we'll get this done.

feed end


BR Ranger Squad, AR Team, John, Smali and Egyptian Army are approaching the Eastern Checkpoint. The VTOl carrying the Mobile Blockade is destroyed, and the Mobile blockade is dropped and deployed early, causing the trucks to stop.

FTac Recon: Dammit!

M4: What happened?

FTac Recon: The blockade walls, blocked our advanced!

John: So what was your plan, boyscout?!

Smali: The Spike launchers were used to demolish buildings. We planned to use it to weaken the NRC counterattack, but that damn wall dropped before we could get the trucks position!

MTZ-762: Ladies! For once, lets stick to Plan A.

Cronen Squall: Yeah, listened to Amigo, he's smart.

BAS-B mercifully detaches the Spike launcher on the truck and the Mobile blockade doors open.

Smali: I want men in position now! Get men on that wall laying down suppressing fire!

The Egyptian Army with John, BAS-B switch his Battle rifle to Spike launcher, AR Team and BR Ranger Squad fight off the NRC battalion. BAS-B fire the spike and press red button to decimate the NRC units. SOP II with him fire the grenade launcher.

BAS-B: *saddish laughter* NOW THAT MORE LIKE IT! KABOOM!

BAS-B press detonate button after he fire the spike on the ground were NRC units and robots marching and cover, decimated another.

SOP II: *saddish laughter* B, your so incredible, using more destruction than mine!

BAS-B: Really, wanna tried one together?


BAS-B smiles, at her, the two explosives duo, use Spike launcher together killed every one of them as Egyptian Army steps back from those two.

Egyptian Army soldier 1: *wince* I think we should let them have it.

Egyptian Army soldier 2: *wince* Good idea.

Cronen Squall with Stinger launcher aimed at the enemy VTOL, shot down while Egyptian Army with blockade reaching to the checkpoint.

Cronen Squall: How long the secret weapon does US bring?!

Smali: It will take long! *sees a tank* Oh shit! Out the way!

Then an X08 Selva Tigre arrived, yep the New Federation exported X08 Selva Tigre to Egyptian Army fire the enemy VTOL and enemy tank while NRC and robots fire the launcher at X08 Selva Tigre but no evailed, the armor is tough.

M16: What kind of tank is that? *pointing at X08*

Cronen Squall: That's New Federation X08 Selva Tigre, it equipped with 22 megajoule magnetic weapon or railgun. 

M16: Is it really equivalent to KCCO, Typhon?

Cronen Squall: Well yeah, 16, X08 is very powerful tank than Typhon, United States also developed it own tank, they had secret weapon.

AR-15: Well at least you should tell us!

Egyptian Army Command: *COMMS* We have a problem the NRC Artillery has broken through!

Smali: Where?!

Egyptian Army Command: *COMMS* There at the bridge, Southwest, Al Gezira Street but one for Al Sheik Ahmed Al Ahaby street were blockade that's to us!

John: *sigh* I guess not.

Egyptian Army soldier 1: NRC is falling back!

Egyptian Army soldiers cheers.

John: Looks, there plan for diversion, Smali, make sure your soldiers check on rivers get on high alert.

Smali: Got it!

The scene skipped to Al Gezira Street were X08 tank fleet rolling.

M4: That's alot of X08.

FTac Recon: The New Federation built that tank, they said, they took out Neo-Soviet tank and battalion and Dolls over 8 million casualities.

M4: *shocked* Wow...

Smali: And thanks to New Feds, our tank is our best to take out the NRC. 

John: So what's the plan?

Smali: We go for offensive to take the other half of Luxor cities. Taylor, why don't you take command of the X08.

FTac Recon: *surprised* Really? Sure...

FTac Recon climb onto the X08 hatches to take a role as commander, as BR Ranger, AR Team, John and Smali went to their position except Smali, he's with him as he command.


FTac Recon: Alright, boys we're going to retake your town, as a commander from Spector Wisdom, the half of the Luxor city was taken by NRC, the enemy dispositions unknown. Switching to Frequency and Comms.

Egyptian Driver: I got your back, sir!

FTac Recon put on his helmet in case for his protection.

FTac Recon: All Battalion Armors pushed forward!

Smali: You heard him! Lets take back our territory!

Egyptian army soldier: *cheers*

X08 tank fleet pushed flank, on the bridge, as mortars keep hitting and artillery firing.

Cronen Squall: *COMMS* Hey, where did you learned that tank?

FTac Recon: I remember back in Kresty prison, Dima and Reznov told me about the stories happened During Russian Civil War, they told me how to command the tank, before they went to Artic Circle.

John: *COMMS* Sounds, like your the tank commander.

FTac Recon: Shut up, John.

The tank battalion over six tanks of X08 rolling to other side of the city.

Loader: *COMMS* Hey, try to use the flamethrower, we added the flamethrower onto the tank.

Smali: Show them mercy! 


A sudden fire from the enemy ASP-C and Uhlan

Driver: *COMMS* Enemy ASP!

BAS-B: Are you crazy that ASP has tons of missile.

Smali: Do not fear, X08 has railgun, they will take out many of enemy battalions.

FTac Recon command the gunner to opened fire on the enemy ASP as X08 battalion marched through town. The Egyptian army fighter began bombing the cities taking down NRC units. X08 were superior to any tanks that before aside to US's superior tank.

X08 fleet moves forward.

FTac Recon: Second 88 on the hills!... Southwest!

The Turret rotate on the southwest taking down the ACP.

Smali: Two down!

When the enemy tank appeared to be URNC tank. The Savrog Fifth Generation tank. The URNC exported to NRC

John: *COMMS* It's NRC tank, Savrog! They equipped with laser turret and the launcher, it belong to URNC

Smali: All battalion, encircle the Savrog tank!

X08 Commander: *COMMS* Yes sir/Roger that/ We'll encircle that tank!

FTac Recon: All tanks take down that NRC Savrog tank fleet, remember encircle them!

X08 Commander acknowledge, the X08 encircles, the machine gun on the top of the hatch fires the NRC Savrog tank turret. The Savrog tank fire the laser beam from the turret as X08 evade from the beam.

X08 Commander 3: *COMMS* We have to ready the railgun sir!

FTac Recon: Acknowledge, take that thing down!

X08 tank number 3 aimed at the Savrog while struggle to take down the Egyptian X08 tank, the X08 number 3 fire the railgun and destroyed the Savrog.

Smali: *cheers* Ha ha! wadaa! Show those NRC with no Mercy!

The X08 fleet of Egyptian army breakthrough defense line taking down NRC Savrog tank avoid the laser beam, FTac Recon starred at Smali, it kinda reminds him of Dima Chernov, as he smiled.

The X08 reached to the objective, Smali take FTac Recon orders.

Smali: Take down the defensive walls!

X08 fires the number of railguns shells at the walls of defensive that NRC place, and the tank pushed forward.

Egyptian Army commander: *COMMS* YEAH!/WHOOHOO!

Egyptian Command: *COMMS* Attention, all units, the weapon are on drop!

M4: *COMMS* Weapon?

SideWinder: *COMMS* *Surprised* Oh boy...

RO635: *COMMS* What are you exciting?

SideWinder: *COMMS* RO your about to witness the walking battle tank!

A VTOL transport plane dropped a large tank was dropped as NRC troops and robots opened fire at the smoke, it revealed a walking tank, as the four legs lift, the Savrog fire the laser beam at the thing, but the Battle walking tank activate the shield.

The Walking battle tank, fire the railgun in magnetic levitation, shot down the Savrog making Egyptian Army cheer.

FTac Recon: *Surprised* A Battle Gear!

AR Team: *COMMS* *Confused* battle Gear?

SideWinder: *COMMS* Battle Gear is a special weapon it cand deployed alongside troops, robots, automatons and even tanks!

Smali: With this special weapon, we will retake our territory!

Egyptian Commander: *Cheers*

Smali: *to FTac Recon* Thank you my friend, I apprecently for your help. 

FTac Recon: It honors yours Smali, go take your territory back.

Smali: I will my friend. *to Egyptian Army soldiers* My brothers, lets move!

FTac Recon hopped off the tank, as X08 with Battle Gear marched forward with Smali screamed for battle cry.

John: *COMMS* Taylor! We got a problem!

FTac Recon: *confused* What is John?


At the apartment, Al-Rassam was gone and door broke.

Cronen Squall: Mierda...

John: Great we've lost Al-Rassam and *rage* WE LOST OF GODDAM FINDING THAT TRAITOR!

FTac Recon: John - it's not too late. The whoever those people who's backing with URNC, could be the traitor. We need to fight back.

He turned to Lauren.

FTac Recon: Lauren, you got a fix on that tracker Gabriel slipped Rassam.

Lauren: Signal's holding steady. Targets on the move - two clicks on Dongola.

FTac Recon: Right, and any latest update for the VTOL for rescue operation?

Lauren: Afrim, the VTOL is ready but however, one of us must do the rescue operations.

BAS-B: *snap his finger* *and light bald appeared on his head* Bingo! Hey! I got something plan!

MTZ-762: What is your descision B?

BAS-B: Why do we.... *Grabbed Riveter's arm* Let Riveter do it!

Riveter: *Shocked* WHAT?!

BAS-B: Come on, Recon think he didn't had experience on solo mission like you.

Riveter: W-w-what did you mean?

FTac Recon: *pat Riveter's shoulder* Foley, I think you should do it.

Riveter: Recon, I can't I'm not ready for that.

FTac Recon: Listen Foley, you need to be ready, because you had your sword, and your shotgun, that's mean your ready. I know your feared... but you have focus, think about it.

Riveter: *inhales* Okay... I'm ready for the solo mission.

FTac Recon: *smiles* That's the spirit.

Riveter walked outside and he's head to the VTOL for his rescue operation, while AR-15 turned to FTac Recon.

AR-15: Umm, Recon maybe I should go with him.

BAS-B: *surprised* Really? *teasing* Aren't you worried about him?

AR-15: *blushed* W-w-what?

Cronen Squall: *teased* Don't lied to us dama, I know what your thinking, because your scared of your boyfriend?

AR-15: *more blushed*

M16: *giggles* Looks like she's blush. 

Cronen Squall and BAS-B laughed, AR-15 simply no choice to go with Riveter when she runs.

MP5: *curious* Why are you laughing?

BAS-B: *chuckles* It's nothing MP5, Whooo it's nothing.


The group turned to John shouting at Lauren. He is angry about Lauren that she heard. FTac Recon walked towards both Lauren and John.

Lauren: Look Hendricks, we tried to track him down but we need to find his locations.

John: *rage* There a reason... I'm only finding out about this tracker shit! *to FTac Recon* You, and your friends and Lauren into keeping secrets from me?!

FTac Recon: You need to back off, John. Your head hasn't been right since we left to Japan. Jason is still okay.

An enraged John Hendricks punches FTac Recon in the face, knocking him on his knees.

M4: *Worried* Recon!

SideWinder: Whoa, whoa, Hendricks stand down.

FTac Recon: Lauren - didn't make the call. I did. We have a chance. We find Al-Rassam then we find Shawn.

Remorseful, M4 rushed to FTac Recon followed by MTZ-762 helped him.

John: I shouldn't have done that. I'm just...

Cronen Squall: Just take your time.

John: I know... It just feels wrong.

John walked away while FTac Recon helped by MTZ-762 and M4.

Cronen Squall: Why didn't you tell him?

FTac Recon: Because he's known what's he's going after Team Division, we know their traitors, but we need find out why.

Outside the City of Luxor

Metal Gear Sahelanthropus shows up upright on top of the sand as cockpit opened revealed EX1 standing on the site of the view of Luxor was on battlefield. EX1 then contact unknown person on the COMMS.

EX1: Yes, at various location we discussed... *replied from the boss* Yes. I have photographic evidence of FTac Recon, he's in X08 tank on the scene. *replied from the boss* Yes, yes, I look forward to tomorrow morning, we heard they send Riveter and T-Doll AR-15 to Luxor Museum. *replied from the boss* The boy with light blue eye? Yes that's him, Riveter. I would say the resurrection of the Arsenal gear is also almost done Council.

EX1 hopped back onto the Sahelanthropus and walked away

Meanwhile unknown building

???: Make it done... *another call* *sigh* What the hell... *answer the call* What is it?

Promothean Council 1: *In phone* Hayden, where are you? The Council are having a meeting about Situation in Africa, the NRC is weakening.

Hayden?: Don't make any calls, I'm in the middle of my business. As you know, I will not be here, tell them I was absent.

Promothean Council 1: *In phone* Okay, but please Hayden returned to Europe.

Hayden?: Understood.

Phone call end, Hayden? give a sinister smiled, since EX1 about the rescue operation in Luxor Meseum.

Hayden?: Well Jack, it seems your priority operation will be soon as gone so far.

to be continued

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