Prologue King Takes the Queen (rewrite)

The scene of the U.S. Capitol Building being hologram on the background with the year 2069 after the Fourth War is over before switching some guns falling on top of its stockpile.

J. Waterson: Today, we celebrate the end of the war, United States and Fed won the battle, but not capitalize this country but a payback did in previous war.

Scene of the Washington news on TV, shows Americans and New Fed from each countries celebrated and the URNC recovered the war and the economy and while US did too, so far the United States became neutral not joining the URNC.

J. Waterson: ... an entire high class weapons of URNC weapons has been eliminated.

Scene of the hologram and the TV showing a man talking on the phone and container truck driving in a populated area filled with citizens and cars before switching and first introducing: Troy (Marine SP) (SSDT-54J2) the founding leader of the Cerberus team of the CIA and his team members: Case (AMES-85) (SSDT-02B5), Marinna (LR 7.62) (SSDT-82F9) and Farid (Jackal PDW) (SSDT-43C1)

URNC leader: ... Despite the URNC failures to invade US and Fed, they intervene their power but they're reductively, support and recovered after the war and eliminate the Terrorist who responsible of fueling the war.

Scene of a news on live TV and showing both Miguel J. Waterson and URNC leader shaking hands marking the end of war and United States remained Neutral and introducing Katie Stone.

Bush: *memories* ... forced the world into war. We will stay the course, and we will succeed.

Scene of a News published on TV about Miguel J. Waterson and the disarmed the High-class weapons related to Relics before switching and introducing: Kira Shinji, Locus Wuttem former Stasi, Jack Mason, Cole Woods and Rodriguez (GS Magna) (SSDT-440)

A TV news showing breaking news about U.S. and New Federation being deploying in Sudan.

J. Waterson: Operation desert swarm is working.

Scene of a television with fire and smoke in the background before the news cover and show the year 2074, before reintroducing the new cast the CIA after G.H.O.S.T, the CIA will take their lead to this world.

(A/N: AndreaGrilli9 okay so CIA will take their main roll in this story after G.H.O.S.T.)

Girls Frontline 2: Exilium

The Truth is Lie


Everything is dark suddenly, a voice heard in the background in endless black

???: Are you two denying that? 

Katie: We have discussed it already sir-

Troy (Marine SP): What more do you want anything information, Ozpin Warlington.

Warlington: *shout* Enough!

The scene shows the interrogation room, with Ozpin Warlington dropping a file on the table.

Warlington: *Irritated* You two disobeyed a direct order, Troy, when it was clear your ops were compromised. It's highly violate the international.

Troy: With all due respect, sir you weren't there.

Case (AMES 85): Yeah, like you weren't in communication.

Warlington: And the group that compromised you, the W.A.O.H. You sure that's who they were?

Cole: That's what Hussadi called 'em.

Jack: When are you gonna tell us what's really goin' on here? Warlington.

The scene shows Cole walking and Jack Mason is on his foot stand due his leg got shot. Cole lighting it up and smoking it.

Warlington: I'm asking the question, Mr Woods and Mr Mason.

Katie: Sir, if you read the report-

Warlington: I read your report, Ms Stone. Some of it I still find hard to believe. That's why we're going to go over events again. Only this time... I want to hear it from Troy. From the very beginning.

Troy, Case, Jack and Cole glance over each other before the former prepare to speak.

Troy: We were in position near the borders Sudan-South Sudan borders. Small team, me, Stone, Farid, Marinna and Case.


The scene changed to Sudan and labelled year 2074.


An overview of the land with engulf of warzone across Sudan in desert before switching to a view of a convoy. 

Troy: Marinna situation?

Marinna (LR 7.62): Convey on the route, heading straight to Southernwest.

Katie: Heh. Hussadi is ahead of schedule.

Scene shows Katie stone, Troy and his team observing the convoy. The convoy comprised, UAZ-469, Kamaz Typhoon, and BTR-80.

Case: Whoever he's meeting won't wait around for long. 

Katie: No. Not if it's a cultist or smuggler. I'm sure Hussadi's paid top dollar to get himself out of the Middle East to Africa.

Troy: Guess it doesn't really matter. He's coming with us. Farid, communication our air force set?

Farid fix the atenna to contact the US Air Force Pilot on live.

Farid (Jackal PDW): Yep, communication is good *gives a thumbs up*

Troy flips his cap and his visor, activated to contact the pilot.

Troy: Red Cap 74, we've got our eyes on the convoy the target. Over.

Scene shows Red Cap 74's jet: F-142 and pilot.

USAF Pilot: *COMMS* Roger, Ground. Target confirmed. Waiting on your go, Over.

Scene switches back to Katie and team Cerberus.

Katie: Do it.

Case: Await your order Boss?

Troy: Red Cap 74, you're clear to engage Out.

Katie and Case readies their guns, Farid spins his dual SMG and Marinna reload her sniper rifle.

Katie: Let's go get him.

Scene switches back to Red Cap 74.

USAD Pilot: *COMMS* Copy, Ground. Engaging out. Here comes the traffic jam. Pull over.

Red Cap 74 drops two bombs at the convoy, causing some vehicles to get destroyed and flipped while the rest of convoy comes to a halt.


King takes the Queen



January 23, 2074, 05:20 AST

The team in the truck drive towards the convoy.

Katie: He'll be in the middle of the convoy. And remember, Warlington wants Hussadi alive.

Troy: Noted.

Farid: *curious* Why Warlington is important with Hussadi?

Case: We'll we better find out Farid. Hey Kadi, straight to the exfil point.

Kadi: Yes, yes. But... do not concern.

Troy: Five minutes.

The team Cerberus and Katie Stone exit the truck and move forward to the convoy.

Katie: Hussadi is a Minister of Defense and close to Sudan tyrant leader, Khalfi al-Ismali. His guys will be well-trained and heavily armed including the Automatons humanoid units.

Marinna: Automatons... those belong to URNC, *curious* why Automatons doing here in Sudan?

Troy: We don't how they got one, Marinna, we'll better find out.

The small team sees a wreckage car, and the enemy hostile came out and injured.

Troy: Movement. Truck doors.

Katie: Got it.

Troy and Katie opens fire at the hostiles.

Katie: There's that shooting I remember.

Troy: Two target down.

Farid: More to come. Keep pushing into the smoking wreckage.

An enemy scream while on fire before Marinna kills him.

Case: *gestured* Nice shot Marinna.

Marinna: *smiles* Thanks.

Katie: They'll know we're here soon. Be ready.

Troy: Threat ahead.

The team spotted the enemies at the convoy and begin firing.

Troy: let's do this!

Katie: Cerberus team engaging the target.

Case/Marinna/Farid: Yes Madam!

Team Cerberus and Katie stones opened fire at the enemy soldiers and remaining automatons on the road, pushing forward. 

Katie: Hussadi's in a black truck. Clear the road, let's find him fast.

Troy: Copy, team search black truck!

Case: Got it.

Farid: Roger that.

Marinna: I'll be on your way.

Troy: Keep pushing up, Case. Find Hussadi.

Case: Got it boss!

The team search for the black truck while they neutralize the threats. Suddenly, a soldiers rushed towards Case. Case perform a Martial Art Kung Fu and eliminate the soldiers, Troy was impressed.

Troy: *concern* Where did you learn that?

Case: Long story boss.

Farid search the convoy and upon seeing the black truck, he signal his team and Katie.

Farid: Team! Got eyes on Hussadi's truck. Middle of the road.

Troy: With you.

The group followed Farid towards the Black truck.

Katie: Case, take the door.

Case opens the door...

Hussadi: *surprise attack* La!

Case then do Martial Art Kung fu style, disarmed the knife, and hits on the ground, and Troy got him.

Troy: I got it!

Troy and Case grab Hussadi and Farid translate the language in Arabic.

Troy: Stay calm we're not here to hurt you.

Farid: buq hadda. nihann lesna hanna lizaek (Stay calm we're not here to hurt you.)

Hussadi: CIA? We had a deal!

Marinna and Case: *confused* What?

Troy: A deal? Not with us. Where you headed?

Hussadi: DARFUR, you lie! Your man was getting me out!

Troy: *confused* Our man? Who exactly-

A few VTOL and helicopter flew by the team.

Farid: Uhh, guys... was it ours?

Katie gestured those aircraft doesn't have flags, whether it is US, New Federation or Sudan.

Katie: No. It's not Sudan either.

Case: Then who's aircraft is this?

Hussadi: The W.A.O.H.

Troy: W.A.O.H?

The word said W.A.O.H. made Case feel blurring little a bit.

Marinna: *Gestured* Case? Are you okay?

Case: Umm, N-nothing.

Farid: Who are they?

Hussadi: We need to leave. You won't stand a chance against them.

Farid: Yeah, good thing they haven't spotted us. 

Katie: Let's keep it that way. Come on.

Case helps Hussadi up as the five, Troy, Farid, Marinna and Katie Stone start walking before the screen changed to present


Present day

Warlington: So, let me get this straight, Troy. The group you claim to be the W.A.O.H was a "multinational, heavily armed paramilitary force" that showed up out of the blue.

Warlington close the file and drops it on the table.

Warlington: At this point, you're told to wait for backup, but you decide to play cowboy instead.

Troy: We had to act fast. Our window was-

Warlington: Ms. Stone, did he or did he not disobey your order?

Katie: Yes, sir. But the accelerated timeable-

Warlington: That's what I thought. I've come to expect this from you.

He pointing at Troy while Case glares at this guy.

Warlington: But not from you and except you Case.

He now pointing to Katie Stone.

Katie: Sir, our objective was to recover Hussadi by any means necessary-

Warlington: Oh, I'm aware. So, care to explain why he's on a slab in the morgue right now?

Troy: Well, things got... complicated.


The Cerberus team and Katie and Hussadi oversaw some choppers unloading their soldiers and androids.

Farid: They got androids too.

Troy: Who are these people?

Hussadi: The W.A.O.H. known as White Army Of Heaven is composed of former European, Soviets, Asia and US operatives. Word is that many of them are remnants of Outer Heaven. I don't know who leads them.

Katie: They're blocking our exfil. We call in reinforcements and wait.

Troy: Wait? The hell with that. Kadi, come in. We're headed your way.

Katie: No, we're compromised. Hussadi will slow us down.

Troy: Hussadi, you going with us or the WA.O.H?

Hussadi: I'm going with you.

Cerberus team:  *shocked* What?!

Farid: *jealous* B-boss, are you kidding me! He's an enemy hostile.

Troy: Not until we get to exfil first! 

Troy takes out his pistol and hands it to Hussadi.

Katie: Dammit, Troy.

Marinna: Boss, why?

Troy: Smart man, Case, let's start by softening 'em up. Let's get to work, Case. Deploy the RC.

Case deploys AN RC-XD.

Case: I'm in.

Case drives the RC-XD and use it to detonate near the W.A.O.H soldiers and Androids, killing them.

Troy: That's our opening.

Katie: let's punch through it!

The team and Hussadi engage the enemies destroy the android units.

Katie: These W.A.O.H boys can fight!

Farid: And well armed *firing his SMG at the Android*

Troy shotgun cock at the Soldier.

Troy: Keep pushing to the rally point South of the convoy, near the water lake!

Katie: Keep pushing to the RP!

The team moves up as a few more hostiles arrive.

Hussadi: In the bushes!

The team kills all the WA.O.H soldiers.

Troy: Rally point's through that canyon!

Case: Where exactly boss?

Hussadi: You could be leading us into an ambush!

Katie: It's the only way out.

Case: Kadi, we're getting close.

Kadi doesn't respond to the S T-Doll.

Case: Kadi, come in!

Marinna: Why isn't he responding?

Case: I don't know, the signal must be weak.

Hussadi: *worried* Are you sure he'll be there?

Katie: You just worry about not slowing us down?

The S T-Doll team and Katie starts to move through the canyon.

Katie: We're open targets down here. W.A.O.H could pick us apart...

While proceed forward, the W.A.O.H. units and Humanoids Android units came by and start firing at the team.

Troy: Contact! W.A.O.H has the high ground.

Hussadi: You cannot let them take me!

The group moves up with more W.A.O.H. soldiers and humanoids units waiting for them. Case and Farid killed more W.A.O.H humanoid units behind. The team moves up with more W.A.O.H. units waiting for them.

Troy: We're almost to the RP, Case. keeping Pushing!

Case threw the grenade and shoot three Soldiers, for open way out.

Hussadi: Behind the trucks!

The truck approaches bringing the reinforcements contains Humanoids units. The team clears out all threats.

Marinna: Threat is down!

Katie: Clear!

Troy: Rally point's to the west! Go! *to Hussadi* Why the hell do these guys want you so bad, Hussadi?

Case: Yeah... you better explained what is going on?

Hussadi: Get me out of here and I will tell you everything I know.

Troy: Damn right you will!

Katie: Or I'll kill you myself!

Farid: Or we could take both.

Troy/Katie: No!

Farid: Aww

Case: Kadi will meet us at the bottom.

The team jump down towards the rally point just as their truck arrive.

Troy: Kadi! Think we're good.

Farid: You finally show up!

Katie: Everyone all right?

Marinna: We're good.

Farid: Same goes here and Case.

Case helps Hussadi up and start escorting him to the jeep.

Hussadi: *concern* Is this your-

The scene starts to move in slow-motion before the driver is revealed to be James Adler armed with a pistol - as he walk towards Hussadi...

Hussadi: *scared and shocked* No, no, no, no-


... and shoots him in the head, killing him, before resuming back to normal.

Katie: Alder!

Troy: Stand down!

James start fighting Katie Stone and Troy but a laser beam hits so close to Katie. Case turned to Hendricks (EX1) serial number: SSDT-02, armed with his assault rifle laser.

Hendricks continue to aim Katie to save Adler, but Marinna apprehend him by perform a martial Arts Savate and the CQC to get him on the ground as Farid held Hendricks while Katie and Troy manage to apprehend him, with Troy holding James around his neck while moves a deceased Hussadi out of the way and gets up. Case was surprised to see Hendricks, the twin brother of Taylor (FTac Recon) (SSDT-01).

Case: Well I'll be damn, Hendricks...

Troy: Wait til Woods and Mason gets a load of this. Goddamn James Adler and Hendricks. Two CIA traitors. You two been on the run, what, eleven months.

Case: *glares* I knew you been on the run Hendricks.

James: Troy, Case, Marinna and Farid, huh? Woods and Mason's new project. 

Hendrick: *struggled to get up* GRRR Farid, let me go!

James: You can ease up son. We're all done here.

Troy let go of James before the former puts the latter's hands behind his back and tie them up followed by Farid did to Hendrick.

James: Katie.

Katie: You just killed a high value target in cold blood.

She aims her pistol at James.

Katie: AND put our national security at risk.

Case: *Glare* Why did you do this Hendricks, James.

Hendrick: Hussadi can't fall into the W.A.O.H's hands. Or Langley's.

James: The CIA is compromised. But it's not me and Hendricks. We're just the flal guy.

Troy: You expect us to believe that? Hey, Stone, you wanna tape his mouth shut for me? And Case do you?

Katie: Yes.

Case: I'm in.

James: Wait. I got a message for Woods and Mason.

Troy: Oh yeah?

Marinna: Tell us?

James: Tell them - "King Takes the Queen"

The team Cerberus confused on James's word said, "King Takes the Queen"

Farid: *confused* What is King Takes the Queen really is?

Troy: The hell's that supposed to mean?

A VTOL is heard nearby.

Farid: Those aircrafts... are those NSU or URNC?

Hendrick: There the state of the art of VTOL aircraft, whether URNC or NSU belongs it, doesn't it matter, it has four engines. The only things it labeled, O.M.B.N. it can be seen in Soviets or URNC.

Katie: Time to go.

Troy: In the truck. Farid drive!

The VTOL start starts firing missiles at the team as they hop in the truck with a restraint James Alder and Hendricks and start driving away.

Katie: Case, Marinna you got the launcher. We'll shoot him down.

Case and Marinna grabs the MAHEM launcher, the state-of-the-art weapons belongs to originally Atlas Corporation and now used by US after weapon remanufacture Militech.

Katie: There! On your six!

James: You can't outrun this!

Katie: Take him out!

Troy: Swat that bird out of the sky, Case! Marinna!

Case and Marinna fires a missile at the VTOL, but it deployed flares and evaded the missile.

Hendrick: What the hell are you waiting for!?

Katie: We need to him with a rocket!

Marinna fires again, but the VTOL, but the VTOL deployed flares and evaded missiles again before it fires its own missile towards the truck.


The missile nearly hits the truck.

Troy: Hold on! Farid don't let go the wheel!

Farid manage to rebalance the truck.

Troy: Everybody good?

Katie: We're solid.

James: For now.

Hendrick: it's coming back...

The VTOL came back starts shooting missiles at the truck.

Marinna: Case! Shoot that down! Before we're toast!

Case fires again and successfully hits the VTOL.

Case: Direct hit!

Katie: Bullseye!

However the VTOL crash landed in front of the truck's path.

Katie: Wait, *shock* Farid, look out!
Troy: Fasten your seatbelts!

The debris of the destroying VTOL rains down near the truck.

Hendrick: Oh, shit-!

Farid manage to avoid the debris and escapes with Cerberus team, Katie, James and Hendrick.

Troy: Woo! That's how you drive!

Farid: *chuckles* Oh, thanks Troy.

Case: We'll no sign of Sudan army movements around.

Katie: No visible threats in the airspace. We're clear. Now to face the music on Hussadi...

James: Good luck with that.


Present day

Warlington: Anything else to add?

Katie: Sir, despite breach of conduct and losing Hussadi, apprehending James Adler and Hendricks is a categorical windfall.

Warlington: *sarcastically* Yes, Ms Stone. Brining in two rogue operatives is certainly a win.

Warlington: James Adler and Hendricks. Two moles who betrayed us in UK, leading the dead of Director Reese. So I'm in charge, the two man and doll responsible for your current... condition, Mr Mason and Mr Woods. Soo why was he trying to tell you two something in Sudan? "King Takes the Queen". Any idea what that means?

Cole takes one final smoke from his cigarette before putting it out on the ashtray.

Cole: No clue.

Jack: Neither do I.

Warlington: Okay then. Based on Katie's reluctant report-

Warlington: And the responsible withholding of critical information regarding James Alder while Hendrick still interrogation- Your team is suspended except for Cerberus team.

Case: *shocked* What! Your letting suspend a team, all except Cerberus!

Troy: Are you for real?

Cole: This is bullshit.

Jack: Ozpin, what's the meaning of this?

Warlington: As for you, Ms Stone, consider yourself, on very, very thin ice.

Cole: People like me, Jack and James are the reason we ain't speakin Soviet right now.

Warlington slammed the table.

Warlington: The Fourth War is over, Mr Woods. That makes you, Jack and James Alder the last global gunslingers of a bygone era. Since Quincy sacrifice himself with Dario and NSU special forces Zamol to save you and the rest G.H.O.S.T and GnK back in abandoned Diamond mines. Take this time to reflect  on that. Dismissed. All of you.

Cole grabs his cigarette case and leaves and Jack too.

Katie: *To Troy and Case* My office in five. Marinna and Farid is waiting for you outside.

Katie proceed to leave.

Warlington: I'd advise you not pursue this further, Troy.

Troy stares at Warlington before he gets up and leaves the interrogation room and Case aswell.

In the window, Case observed a space elevator construction on the Alabama state of USA far away from DC.

Marinna: Having trouble time with Warlington?

Case turned his head to see Marinna, walking next to him watching the space elevator.

Case: *sigh* Yeah, hard times, on Warlington. Well the team suspended except for us, Katie was no longer with us.

Marinna: Mmmhh, Katie is no longer part of us.

Case: Yeah, all thanks to Warlington, he didn't know about W.A.O.H. The interrogation with James and Hendricks too place in secret base, don't know how long will they interrogated.

Marinna face seem depressed, upon hearing Katie Stone no longer with the team except for Troy and his team. As the two watched the Space Elevator under construction far away from DC to Alabama enjoying their moment.

Next scene shows in Katie's office, Troy is observing a picture on the wall before Katie came by and opens a can beverage.

Katie: Heh. Are you admiring your own work?

Troy: Can't believe you kept it.

The scene reveals a sketched drawing of Katie Stone created by Troy.

Katie: Not all reminders need to be scars.

While the two have a moment, Cole, Jack and Rodriguez interupts them.

Rodriguez: Katie were here...

Cole: Why are we here, Katie?

Katie: Because you know something. Care to tell what it is you two up to?

Katie sits down on her chair at her desk.

Jack: Me, my wife and my kids just need some time away. You know, take a holiday trip. Reflect a peace. 

Rodriguez: Having time with your family, Jack?

Jack: nod* Mmphh.

Katie: Look, I can cover your asses on my end best I can, but if things go sideways again, you're on your own.

Cole: Copy that.

Jack: Affirm.

Cole and Jack proceeds to leave.

Troy: Owe you one.

Katie: One? yeah, try a dozen. Do me a favor, Troy -- don't get yourself killed.

Troy: I'll see what I can do.

Katie: And Rodriguez, looked after him and his team.

Rodriguez: I'll do exactly as I can madam.

Troy and Rodriguez leaves Katie's office.

To be continued.

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