Episode 4 Operative Executive Order
Images showing a Neo-Soviet space program are shown. Then a LOKI space station led the US-New Federation Join a training operation
Interrogator: Executive Order... Rip out the heart of their Space Program. After the Federation War, LOKI remained Captured by the United States, but finally led New Federations to joint operations.
Interrogator: The Neo-Soviets Eradicated their plan for a long-range hypersonic missile project, taking out the LOKI space stations after the Second Korean War.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Yes... He needs their knowledge. What they'd learned...!
An image of President Michael J Wilson is shown.
Interrogator: Operation Terror had planted a double agent working with the Neo-Soviet Union.
An image shows a Neo-Soviet soldier Peter Chernikov as a double agent working with CIA.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Double Agent. Peter Chernikov. His mission was to sabotage the rocket missile.
Interrogator: But something went wrong, Taylor.
FTac Recon (Taylor): I can't get these fucking numbers out of my head!
Asktrakhan, N.U.S.S.R.
Asktrakhan, N.U.S.S.R. (new location of the rocket launch)
FTac Recon (Taylor)
BR Ranger Squad
November 17 2033
The BR Ranger Squad appear in a new location of the rocket launch site the Neo-Soviet Cosmodrome far away from the city. A Mi-8MSB-V passes above them.
Riveter (Foley): This might be the launch site.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Those Russian, planning to launch rocket satellite missile, equipped with hypersonic kinetic. It will wipe out the United States and rest of the Europe.
Cronen Squall tries to contact the Soviet Defector Chernikov, but no responds.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Mierda... No response from Chernikov... we gotta move.
FTac Recon (Taylor): You heard him, let's move.
The BR Ranger Squad emerge from cover and moves through the hills as they watched the Neo-Soviet Rocket launch site location surrounded by hills to hide from the West.
MTZ-762 (Havel): Stay sharp. Let's pick it up.
The BR Ranger Squad stop to report to Kraken SWIFF Squad
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Hawk Come in.
Aiden: *COMMS* Go on Kilo.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Its Russian spacecraft carrying the satelitle and they hypersonic Kinetic.
Aiden: *COMMS* Those Russian, they know the LOKI is stronger, right now Soviet has the hypersonic missile, we have to destroyed it.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Roger, On our way.
FTac Recon (Taylor): We're running out of time, guys. Let's go.
They reach a cliff with a view of the whole facility right below as it surrounded by hills and forests. A lot of activity can be seen. Mi-8s are flying, convoys are moving, etc.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Something's wrong.
Sidewinder (Nate): There is way too much activity.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Squall contact Yankee five.
Cronen Squall contact Chernikov on the radio.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Yankee Five-four report?
Chernikov does not respond.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Yankeee-Five-four-report!
He still doesn't respond.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Merida... Chernikov's gone dark. Let's see what's out there.
The group use the visor scanner on their eyes zooming at the rocket, they observes the Vladamir rocket.
FTac Recon (Taylor): They're at final countdown, there's Vladmir one, scheduled to launch 10 minutes after the Soyuz MS.
Riveter (Foley): Must be planning to launch the kinetic hypersonic on Europe.
They change view to the communications building.
FTac Recon (Taylor): We got activity on the road.
They zoom in. He finds Peter Chernikov strapped to a chair, and Sergey Khristenko attempting to contact S T-Dolls and Tactical Commanders.
Sidewinder (Nate): Damn, it's Chernikov... He's burnt.
Khristenko: Your colleague is unwilling to explain his presence on this facility.
Riveter (Foley): Who is that?
FTac Recon (Taylor): It's Sergey Khirstenko, Ivan Markov's second in command and Bomb maker.
Khristenko: This is your final warning.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Nothin' we can do Recon... Peter's done.
FTac Recon (Taylor): I know...
They all get no reply, Khristenko grin maliciously at what he plans to do to Chernikov next.
Khristenko: Your choice.
MTZ-762 (Havel): This is not good.
Khristenko pulls out his knife and move in and rips Chernikov's eye out while BR Ranger Squall still watches.
Chernikov: RAARRAGHH!!!
They zoom out from their visor scanner in disgust and fury.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Dios mío
FTac Recon (Taylor): Ugh... you son of a bitch!
Riveter (Foley): Kraken SWIFF, are you position?
Aiden: *COMMS* Roger, Nagato is covering the road.
MTZ-762 (Havel): Chernikov been compromised. Expect the base to be in elevated alert. We were inbound.
Aiden: *COMMS* Roger.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Alright let's go.
They jump down to the road and then climb down a cliff with a rope, Sidewinder saw a choppers heading right towards them.
Sidewinder (Nate): We got the chopper coming. Get all your head down.
They were hidden behind the rocks. The helicopters pass over without seeing them and are soon gone. FTac Recon check if any movement nearby.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Alright, were clear and keep movin'
They walk slowly and stalking the guards.
FTac Recon (Taylor): We're good. We need those uniforms. You guys take the four, Riveter you go with the guy with a hat. I'll take the right one.
FTac Recon, grabbed his combat knife, Riveter use his High Frequency blade, while Sidewinder, MTZ-762 got their combat knife and Cronen Squall use his weapon as a meelee...
Neo Soviet Guard 1: *looking on flying rocket* Плод советского гения
Neo Soviet Guard 2: сделанные русскими страданиями
Neo Soviet Guard 3: Не стесняйтесь говорить это, когда Ивана Макарова здесь нет!
Neo Soviet Guard 2: Я бы сказал то же самое в его присутствии
Neo Soviet Guard 5: Да, конечно. Но посмотрите на это. И просто сказать, что мы не можем дотянуться до американцев нашего спутника Hypersonic Kinetic!
FTac Recon stab on the left guard, while Riveter stabs the right guard and the others killed the guards without being alerted.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Let's get 'em out of sight.
They carried the guards over a rocket and place the woods and leaves all over the body from being discovers by other patrols.
Interrogator: Was saving Chernikov more important to you than your objective to kill Ivan Makarov?
FTac Recon (Taylor): Chernikov was Russian, *smiles* But he was alright.
The BR Ranger Squad were wearing Neo-Soviet Suits. FTac Recon tying the shoelaces on his disguise.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Hope your time in prison help your Russian, Recon.
Sidewinder (Nate): Yeah, kinda remember your story about you in the prison and escaped with 762.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Well fuckin' better. We gotta save Chernikov
.The group proceed to the facility as MTZ-762 stopped.
MTZ-762 (Havel): Hold your fire, work the disguise.
Soviet soldiers look and sees the group.
Soviet Gunman: Эй, что случилось, ребята?
MTZ-762 for him, he knows how to speak Russian language, since he has a Romania accent.
MTZ 762 (Havel): Эх... на нас напали проклятые собаки...
Soviet Gunman: Ладно, будьте осторожны. Если чертовы собаки лают или нападают - стреляйте в них и покончите с этим, достали.
MTZ 762 (Havel): Да-да... понял, будем осторожны
The Soviet guards move off, as the team was impressed with MTZ-762 learning the Russian language as proceed on foot heading to the Comms building.
SideWinder (Nate): Since when did you learn than Language, you had Romania?
MTZ 762 (Havel): Come Winder, I learn that language book, despite I had Romania accent.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Well that simple.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Aiden, his squad and MI6 operator should right up ahead.
The Squad sprint on foot as Aiden heard on the COMMS
Aiden: *COMMS* Kilo, this is Hawk, hostiles in sight, taking 'em out.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Hustle up, guys.
The group halt as Aiden, alongside former MI6 Ceceilia and Aiden's squad, Kraken Swift Squad: TAQ Evolvere, XRK Stalker, WSP Swarm, Lachmann-556 and Bryson 800 seeing killing seven guards and get them out of the sight. They greet them.
Aiden: Rangers, this the Ceceilia, she is a former MI6.
Ceceilia: It goods to see you Rangers, I heard you met Aiden right?
BR Ranger Squad: Yep.
XRK Stalker (Loui): What happened to Chernikov?
Riveter (Foley): He was compromised.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Continued as planned, we'll make a new opportunity.
Aiden: Right, let's move.
The BR Ranger Squad, Ceceilia, Kraken Swift Squad move to the Comms Building, first they walk slowly as passed the soldiers as the vehicles drove when Soviet Gunman shout.
Soviet Gunman 1: Что происходит?
Soviet Gunman 2: Повышение давления! В отсеке 12А
Aiden: Don't draw any attention
Soviet Gunman 1: Должны ли мы это прекратить?
Soviet Gunman 3: Нет. Поддержка должна остановить любые колебания.
Soviet Gunman 2: Уверен?
Soviet Gunman 3: Я уверен.
When the enter the gate by walking in, the Soviet soldiers went on High alert.
Soviet Gunman 3: Эй! У нас тут проблема!
Soviet Gunman 1: Что это такое?
Soviet Guman 3: Взвод охраны не отвечает!
An alarm begins to ring as the Septznaz realize something is wrong.
TAQ Evolvere (Kingsley): Oh shit.
Ceceilia: They may have found the bodies...
TAQ Evolvere (Kingsley): No, we're good, just do what they do.
The group ran to the COMMS building, were Chernikov was held.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Comms building up ahead.
Aiden: Snipers on the roof. Couple of men out in front.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Okay, Amigos, You guys get' em out of the way.
The Kraken Swift Squad then go the other way as they distracted the Soviets, while they were in the front.
WSP Swarm (Noah): У нас проблема, следуйте за мной.
WSP Swarm and Bryson 800 followed the Soviet gunman to the other room and then eventually killed as the group were at position on the door.
Aiden: You ready? Clear each floor before you move out, I'll shut down the comms link, Ceceilia get every evidence and you guys rescue Chernikov.
Aiden kick the door, and FTac Recon melees the guard inside by grabing his head and hit the monitor.
Aiden: Now!
The group go in the room and they were spotted.
Soviet Gunman: У нас есть обидчики!
FTac Recon assault the rooms as well the his team engage the soviets and advances to the rooftop.
Aiden: Well... shit... we've been made!
There they pushes a guard down onto the lower catwalk and eliminates two other targets. FTac Recon climb the ladder leading to the top, then pushes the gunman off the building and died.
TAQ Evolvere (Kingsley): Kilo, Come in. Over.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Go ahead, TAQ.
TAQ Evolvere (Kingsley): XRK Stalker got a visual on Chernikov... he's been taken to the bunker south of the comms building.
Aiden: Taylor! Come over here!
He came to Aiden, Aiden grabbed a crossbow from his bag and hands it to FTac Recon.
FTac Recon (Taylor): What are those?
Ceceilia: Crossbow, explosive bolts. I've collected every evidence we find.
XRK Stalker (Étoiles): *COMMS* Got visual on two vehicles.
Bryson 800 (Bowsman): Shit! Enemy moving to the West, we're pinned down!
Aiden: Taylor take out those vehicles.
FTac Recon switch his battle rifle with a crossbow, aiming at the car as gunman engage the Kraken Swift Squad and then destroying killing both Gunmans while Cronen Squall aimed at the gas tank in another vehicle and destroyed.
The Kraken Swift Squad proceed on foot in the entrance gate but they were pinned down by the enemy mobility vehicle with a machine gun firing at them, group finished the remaining gunman as FTac Recon equipped bolt with a rope for the breach in on the building.
Riveter (Foley): Those assholes are on the way back! Me, Swidewinder secure the line. You take a shot. Make it quick.
FTac Recon aimed at the scope through the building, and shoot a rope at the building far away. He hooks up the rope, along with Aiden hook up aswell and both zipline through speed. FTac Recon broke the window, he grabbed his battle rifle while Aiden got his assault rifle killing three gunmen and sees Chernikov.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Chernikov!
After both kills the guards, the rest of the team enter the bunker, checking to make sure the coast is clear.
Bryson 800 (Bowsman): All clear!
Riveter (Foley): You able to continue on mission, Chernikov?
Chernikov: Da, my friends *getting up* Let's do it.
XRK Stalker grabbed his knife and cut the rope releasing Chernikov, as Cecilia took a picture of evidence for MI6.
MTZ-762 (Havel): Did you sabotage their guiding system?
Chernikov: I was compromised.
Bryson 800 (Bowsman): Guess we're through being subtle...
Aiden: Let's move to Plan B?
Chernikov: There may still be time to abort the launch comrades... we need to get to the Auxiliary Control Bunker.
The group then leads from the bunker over to the launch pad.
The scene flashes to ROOM 10
Room 10
Interrogator: You save his life. Now you have to find the Ascension Group and kill the scientists.
But FTac Recon refused believing he find the Ascension group and execute the scientist.
FTac Recon (Taylor): No... I had to kill... Ivan Makarov.
The scene flashes back to Asktrakhan, where the team make their way over to the launch pad. Knowing that their cover has been blown, the group take off their Balaclavas.
Aiden: We've been made. Lose the balaclavas. Guys, on me!
Two split up, BR Ranger Squad was with Chernikov and Ceceilia on the edge of the launch pod while Aiden and his squad slide down to the bottom to take out anyone in the pit beneath the launch pod before rejoining the others.
Chernikov: Grab your ass, we got a fight in our hands!
BR Ranger Squad engage the gunman, Ceceilia equipped with sniper rifle look through the scope, shoot the enemies head, while the group moves forward fight their way through facility in 5 minutes.
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Charges set! You guts put a hole in the wall!
The group then place some C4 sets on the wall.
MTZ-762 (Havel): Set.
Riveter (Foley): Set.
Sidewinder (Nate): Bomb has been planted.
BAS-B (Gabriel): Planted.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Set, everyone step back.
He activates the switch to blow up the wall, the group killed the scientists inside, after killing scientists, Chernikov approached the monitor launching sequence.
Chernikov: We have to destroy the rocket, no matter what!
Chernikov tries to deactivate the launching sequence, but the rocket begins to launch.
BAS-B (Gabriel): Chernikov what happened?
Chernikov: It's too late - I can't stop it!
Ceceilia: Then we move to plan B, Aiden, set it up!
Aiden: *COMMS* Wilco.
Aiden sets up a tracking device in a rocket for LOKI strike.
Chernikov: Alright, Taylor use the laser to track the target for LOKI NOW!
FTac Recon use the laser to target the New Soviet Rocket, then coming out from the cloud, a Rod kinetic impact on the New Soviet Rocket Blews up destroying the New Soviet's kinetic bombardment.
Early before impact on New soviet Rocket.
LOKI space station, in New Soviet Union territory about 2.4 miles and 21 hours
Operated by United States and New Federations
In Space, LOKI is an Kinetic Bombardment built in reverse engineer from the wreckage of ODIN space station in No Man's Land. Then operation Blindside led the US Military to capture the LOKI led by Icarus team to capture the space station use it against the Federations. With the war rage on in Federation War, the LOKI still remain in the hands of United States, as they fed off against Federation shuttles attempting to retake it. As Federation War ended, US Claimed the LOKI as theirs, and the New Federation founded, they promised not to make any mistakes happened since the federation war. The Relationship between US and New Federation led the New Federation to LOKI upgrading the space station with new technology. With LOKI act as the safeguard of both Nation against foreign attack impact the Nation Shocked realized LOKI was the threat since they protest to dismantle it but the UN denied willing the LOKI as a safeguard. With the Impact of First Belian Incident, LOKI was still remain in space with brave crew members prevent the infection of ELID.
In Second Korean War
as the North Korean leader attempted to launch the nuclear missile on United States, South Korea then Japan, LOKI was participating the Second Korean War, as they fire the Rods and destroyed the Ponyang killing the North Korean Leader and multiple casualities, causing earthquakes and Tsunami in Korean Peninsula, East China sea and Chinese mainland.
Now in the capsule, the handful crew of LOKI were doing a routine task, until the commander of the LOKI got a message from the G.H.O.S.T One of the commander of the LOKI was new Federation astronaut name, Diego Alazar the commander of the LOKI.
Diego A: Listen up, we got word from the G.H.O.S.T they said, they gives orders to destroyed Neo soviet Rocket contains the their hypersonic kinetic rods.
LOKI crew 1: So, we blow up that damn rocket.
Diego A: As you perfer officer, now get to your station!
The crew get to their firing controls as two sit, looking into a pad, typing the target on the rocket.
Diego A: All stations, prepare to fire the Rod number 1.
Firing pilot: Firing sequence ready.
Diego A: Mark target on Neo Soviet rocket.
Firing crew pilot 2: Firing sequence ready.
Diego A raise his hand to signal to fire.
Diego A: Ready... FIRE!
Firing pilot press the button fire the Rod from the satellite launcher number 1. Next scene shows a stealth drone, with marking the areas. The drone mark the target on the Neo-Soviet Rocket, as it impact on rocket. It destroyed, splitting it in half, leaving the two severed to fall back to the ground and explode on impact
Diego A: All callsign to G.H.O.S.T and Command, the Neo-Soviet Weapon is down.
The group shocked seeing the LOKI fired at the Neo-soviet weapon in the rocket destroyed.
TAQ Evolvere (Kingsley): Holy shit!
FTac Recon (Taylor): It's a Hell way to test that weapon prototype.
BAS-B (Gabriel): Fuckin - A!
Aiden: Now their hypersonic kinetic is down, we send message to Neo-Soviet that their weapons was destroyed.
However, the debris of the rockets continues to fall as fire alarms and klaxon sound all over the place as the group realized the impact of the Rod cause the massive earthquake all over the Neo-Soviet Territories, as the ground crack began to tumbled like into a hole.
Aiden: Shit!
Ceceilia: The Rod impact create a massive earthquake, its gonna fall just like in San Diego!
WSP Swarm (Noah): Qucikly, we got to get the hell out of here!
The team make their way to the bunker from the Kinetic Rod impact's Earthquake. As they do, they see several scientist stagger about, engulfed in flames, then the crack inside th bunker began to fall as the scientist fell.
Ceceilia: Poor bastards.
Chernikov: So... this is the weapon of the LOKI?
Cronen Squall (Vargas): Yeah, LOKI is the kinetic rod, it makes impact on the ground creating earthquakes just like San Diego did with the ODIN.
The team then catching up with the remaining scientist.
Chernikov: The rest of the Ascension Group will be trying to escape the facility after the LOKI Impact...
Aiden: My team and I will flank around the north tunnel. No one sneaks out that backdoor! You guys with Chernikov and Ceceilia.
The team splut up to hunt down the remaining Ascension Group while Aiden and his squad go the north side while the BR Ranger Squad, Chernikov and Ceceilia, go around, engaging anything coming to their path. Until Chernikov vomits at the end of the hallway.
Chernikov: Blueeerrrrrgh!!!
The group check on him if he was okay.
MTZ-762 (Havel): You Okay?
Chernikov: *breathing* I'm okay...
Ceceilia: Okay, time to get the hell out of here.
FTac Recon (Taylor): not yet... We're going after Ivan Makarov.
Glimming vision of numbers began to be seen from FTac Recon.
Interrogator: We're losing him again.
The Interrogator tries to stay focus on him attempting about what happens after the Executive Order.
Interrogator: Stay with me, Taylor.
Vision in Asktrakhan with FTac Recon and his team, Cecilia and Chernikov.
FTac Recon (Taylor): Sergey Khristenko escaped before we could get him.
Interrogator: You were getting close. Ivan Makarov was here, wasn't he?
Vision of Chernikov, Ceceilia and Cronen Squall fighting Spetznaz.
FTac Recon (Taylor): We searched the entire base... We couldn't find the bastard anywhere.
Interrogator: This is a waste of time. He's delusional.
Cronen Squall manages to commandeer a BTR-22 that they use to chase down a car.
FTac Recon (Taylor): But then, we ran into Ivan Makarov's car. I had him.
Aiden: Satisfied, Taylor?
Makarov's car is seen as a burning wreck after being destroyed by the commandeered BTR 22
FTac Recon (Taylor): NO! Not yet, Not until I see the body.
Interrogator: Ivan Makarov. Did. You. Confirm. The kill?
Aiden: Trust me, he's just burned himself like a charcoal briquette.
The screen flashes back to Room 10
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