Episode 1 Nowhere left to Run

FTac Recon (Taylor): You sure we can trust the police, Commander?

Hesh: This guy has done more for less...

... He'll look the other way.

Then a light turned on. FTac Recon, ISO Hermlock, and Hesh are seen sitting in a cafe and the song I ain't Worried by One public is heard playing.


The three were drinking coffee as the man in a green coat with no sleeves with a police cap is seen approaching them.

Nowhere left to run

FTac Recon 



UK chief police: Hesh

Hesh: Glad you could join us, Connor. You recognized those two.

FTac Recon (Taylor): *to Connor* We clear to move on the target?

Connor then give information of Barham Farzin's hideout.

Connor: Barham in his apartment, but he's well protected. I can keep my men out of the area for 15 minutes. *to Hesh* I hope brought an army.

Hesh: We brough enough.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Yeah, in case we need more firepower, we brought enough.

Hesh: Pleasure doing business with you, Connor.

Connor walks away and heads to the bar counter to ask the bartender to give him a telephone to call someone.

Hesh: Come on you two. Logan, Sebastian and Noah is itching for a dust-up.

Hesh leaves money on their table.

Hesh: We don't want to let him down.

The three exit the bar. Logan, WSP Swarm and SP-X 80 is seen as both got their weapons. Logan opens the truck of a black car and throws Hesh an HBRa3. Hesh grabs the weapon. 

Hesh: We're on the clock, Logan. Let's not keep Barham waiting.

Logan grabs an Tac-19

Logan: You two, grabbed anything in the trunk.

Both grabbed their weapon out of the trunk.

Logan: Would this Dipshit probably thinks he's safe. Do we really need to take this son of a bitch alive, Hesh?

Hesh: Conner only bought us 15 minutes. We need to hit Farzin hard and fast. Let's go.

Two Tactical Commanders and four S T-Doll walks through the gate and reach the building in the alley. They arrived the apartment, were Farzin's hideout was there. Inside the apartment, some Iranian terrorists are seen watching a soccer game.

WSP Swarm ready his dual SMG.

WSP Swarm (Noah): Let's help them ring in the New Years Eve.

Four tactical Dolls aimed their weapons aswell as Tactical commanders raised their weapons at the inside.

Hesh: Light 'em up.

FTac Recon, ISO Hermlock, SP-X 80 and WSP Swarm, Logan and Hesh open fire on them through a sliding glass door killing Iranian who were watching on TV. For terrorists, scramble to get their weapons to return fire.

Logan: Go!

The group enter the house, take cover from Iranian with their weapons return fire at them. Farzin is seen running up the stairs.

Logan: There's Farzin!

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Come on!

SP-X 80 finished the last remaining Iranian terrorist, and followed them up the stairs.

Hesh: We need Farzin alive! Move. Move!

They walked up the stairs but met some Iranian terrorist with their weapons aimed their weapons, but WSP Swarm finished them off. They saw Farzin jumped out in the window.

Hesh: There's he's going out from the window, Taylor after him.

FTac Recon chase Farzin by exit through the window. One Iranian terrorist charges at FTac Recon. He do the finish kill and killed him, the group were at the rooftop as more terrorist arrive to help Farzin escape.

SP-X 80 will provide fire support by climbing up the rooftop shoot down the terrorist while the others chase after him on the rooftop and battle against terrorist for their way to capture him.

Hesh: We can't let Farzin get away.

But WSP Swarm fires a few rounds at Farzin.

Logan: Watch it Noah, we need him alive!

WSP Swarm (Noah): I'm just softening him up a little!

The group continue to chase Farzin in the rooftop and fight off the terrorist. Once reaching next rooftop, Farzin is sprinting in. SP-X 80 came back to the group.

Hesh: He's bolting. Keep on him.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Jeez, this guy is fast!

Farzin jumps off one building and on to another. FTac Recon and the others slide down the rooftop and use it to leap after Farzin. FTac Recon, WSP Swarm, and ISO Hermlock shoots the Terrorist while SP-X 80 doing 360 no scope and shot the Terrorist with the sniper who were waiting for Farzin. Hesh shoot and wounds one of the terrorists, leaving Farzin all alone.

Hesh: There nowhere left for to run, Barham

Barham: We can work someth-

Hesh punches Barham in the nose causing him to fall on the ground. He is seen clutching his bloody nose.

Logan: Alright, Taylor, you're up.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Show him what we got.

FTac Recon grabs Barham by the jacket and pushes him the edge of the building and interrogates him.

Barham: *scared* Wair! Wait -- No!

FTac Recon (Taylor): Alright, Tell us where is Akhtar and you'll live.

Barham: I... I just handle the money... I have no idea where Akhtar is.

Logan: I don't think you understand the situation.

Logan signal WSP Swarm throwing the wounded terrorist that Hesh shot off the building. The terrorist falls onto a yellow car and dies.

Barham: Y-you Americans have rules! You have rules!

WSP Swarm (Noah): We weren't Americans, we were from all different countries. You took the hostage. The rules changed.

FTac Recon (Taylor): You have to tell my friend something or I can't stop him from throwing you over.

Barham: *scared* W-wait! He's in Turkey! He's meeting someone at Trabzon Airfrield tomorrow night!

FTac Recon (Taylor): Who's Akhtar meeting with?

Barham: I swear- I swea I don't know! They only communicate with coded messages.

Hesh: Mmmph, check his jacket.

FTac Recon check his jacket and found some notes contains the coded messages.

SP-X 80 (Sebastian): Those are the code message from Akhtar.

Logan: So, you have a choice to do with Barham?

FTac Recon thinks... then he turned to ISO Hermlock.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Tose him off the building.

FTac Recon switch, as ISO Hermlock grabbed Barham.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Time to join your friend. We've got plenty of cars down there.

ISO Hermlock throws Barham off the building and Hesh and Logan watches as he falls hearing a car crash.

Hesh: One down.

Logan: One to go.

WSP Swarm dials Keagan's phone number on an Iphone and passes it to Hesh.

WSP Swarm (Noah): I get the next one.

Hesh: Keagan, Akhtar is in Trabzon, Turkey.


At the G.H.O.S.T PMC HQ

Keagan is heard talking to Merrick on the monitor screen video call. A map of London is shown on hologram.

Keagan: Barham Farzin is out of the picture.

Merrick: How long before we get Akhtar Ali?

Keagan: Hesh, Logan and their team arrived in Turkey a few hours ago... they should be in position shortly.

Trabzon Airfield, Turkey

FTac Recon and the others are seen near a small building near the airfield.

FTac Recon, after killing a terrorist guard, extracted his knife and cleaned it while Logan did the same with his knife. Hesh killed another terrorist lookedout with a silenced handgun. Then ISO Hermlock, SP-X 80 and WSP Swarm went out from their cover and the team regrouped at Hesh's order.

Hesh: Alright boys. Airfrield is just up ahead. Come on.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Let's go find this scumbag.

The team went to the airfrield while WSP Swarm disposed of another terrorist lookedout and catches up to them.

Logan: Priorty is to ID Akhtar before things go hot.

When they arrived, they saw the airfield crawling with hostiles.

Hesh: Taylor, check it out.

While FTac Recon use his visor scanner on his eyes, SP-X 80 prepared his rifle.

Logan: Any sign of Akhtar?

FTac Recon (Taylor): Not yet.

FTac Recon saw an Iranian terrorist wearing a military uniform.

Hesh: That's not him.

Then FTac Recon noticed some terrorist who are not Iranians, they were wearing white uniforms.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Holy shit! Old Federation remnants!

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): What? What the hell are those jerks doing here?

Logan: Whatever those remnants are doing here, it can't be good.

Hesh: Let's continue as planned. Akhar dies tonight. Stay frosty, boys, let's do our job.

WSP Swarm noticed a truck coming to the airfrield.

WSP Swarm (Noah): Incoming truck. Left side.

Hesh: Akhtar might be in that truck.

The truck stopped near the cargo plane and saw an iranian getting out of it and went talking to a fellow soldier.

FTac Recon: I can't make out his face yet.

Akhtar: *in distance* I thank you for doing what I told you. But you wasted time... You're no longer use for me.

Akhtar pulls out his M1911 and shot the soldiers 3 times, the last shot was in the head.

Logan: The hell! He just iced one of his own!

WSP Swarm (Noah): That's gotta be Ali.

Hesh: Hold fire, we need a positive ID.

Then when Akhat turned around talking with a Old FED terrorist, after he made it to the plane, FTac Recon recognized him.

FTac Recon (Taylor): That's our man. I have a positive ID on Akhtar Ali!

Logan: Take him out, Sebastian.

SP-X 80 pulled out his sniper rifle aimed at the scope at Akhtar's head and fires a shot. The bullets spins heading straight to Akhtar but it shot one of the Akhtar's associate instead of him as Akhatar, Terrorist and old federation remnants realizr that they are under attack.

SP-X 80 (Sebastian): Shit, missed the shot!

Logan: We can't let him get away! Get Akhtar!

SP-X 80 then opened fire at the enemy terrorist and old Federation remants terrorist while the other engage the enemy but when the cargo plane is about to starting up.

Hesh: We need to stop that plane!

Logan: Quick, before the plane takes off! Get to the truck!

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): I'm driving!

As the plane began to runway, ISO Hermlock rushes to a pickup truck that is parked on the runway.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Get in!

FTac Recon, WSP Swarm and SP-X 80 jumps in the back of the truck, while Logan and Hesh were in the front.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Good to go!

Hesh and Logan were in the front, SP-X 80 taps on the window to tell ISO Hermlock to get going.

SP-X 80 (Sebastian): Go! Go!!

ISO Hermlock floors the truck chasing the cargo plane was about to take off, but the Terrorist and Old Federation terrorist peruse them and open fire.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Enemy truck peruse us!

Hesh: Keep them busy!

The three engage the enemy truck, SP-X 80 aimed  his sniper rifle in his scope, shot the driver and crashed after the driver shot, then focus on the other vehicles. WSP Swarm fire his dual SMG at the enemy truck near to them.

The plane is to far away from them, and is almost ready to take off.

ISO Hermlock: Damn it! They're getting away!

Hesh: We're not done yet. Noah, deploy the RC.

WSP Swarm pulls out an RC controller and Hesh places an RC-XD car on the ground as WSP Swarm control the RC.

WSP Swarm (Noah): On the ground!

WSP Swarm guides the RC car to the plane and avoid enemy truck on the runway

Hesh: Take out the landing gear!

The RC drives using the boost going for the belly of the plane.

Hesh: Get under the plane! Before it takes off!

Then WSP Swarm detonates the RC car under the landing gear and belly of the plane. The explosion coming from underneath as the cargo plane loses control and crashes to the ground.

A SUV crashes into them and launches over them before dropping back down to the ground. Another truck rams them and ISO Hermlock pulled out his desert eagle and shoots the driver of the SUV. Their truck spins and out of the control causing, ISO Hermlock, Hesh, Logan, FTac Recon, WSP Swarm, and SP-X 80 to fall out of the truck. One of the plane's wing is about to fall on FTac Recon, forcing him to shield himself and as the screen goes dark.

FTac Recon manages to survive and wakes up. Hesh rushes over to him and helps him up.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Do we get him?

Hesh: We've got Akhtar.

ISO Hermlock and SP-X 80 were dragging a wounded Akhtar out of the plane wreckage.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): You should have freed the hostages when yo uhad the chance!

Akhtar: Hostages! It was never about the hostages.

Akhtar pulls out his M1911 and attempts to shoot him, but SP-X 80 kick it out of his hands.

SP-X 80 (Sebastian): Not this time. 

Akhtar: His plane is undergoing! You won't be able to stop him this time.

Hesh: Stop who?

Akhtar: Gabriel T. Rorke

Logan: Bullshit! Rorke is dead, I saw him on my own eyes back in Houthis!

Akhtar: *laugh* Dead! All this time, and you didn't even know! *continues laughing* Rorke will watch the world burn!

Hesh shoots him in the head.

Hesh looked at the group

Hesh: Merrick, Keagan, Aiden, Yuri and Kryuger will want to hear about this. Let's sweep the tarmac for survivors and get to exfil.

Hesh, Logan and his team begins to search the tarmac.

Suddenly his faded out to Room 10


Room 10

Interrogator: Dammnit! He's fading away! Taylor! You killed two Iranian terrorist in London and Trabzon airfield. You were heading to exfil in Trabzon airfield.

FTac Recon rolls his eyes, falling asleep.

Interrogator 2: We're losing him! Do it again, we have no choice

He is once again electrocuted.

FTac Recon (Taylor): *screaming in pain* AARRRGH!!! What the... fuck?!

Faded back to Trabzon airfield.


The group arrived at the Tarmac searching the survivors, as Hesh noticed one person who is injury.

Hesh: We got a live one here!

Hesh opened the door of the car, grabbed the survivor and pulled out the ski mask revealing as X12 (Bell).

All: Bell?!

They were shock seeing X12 was suffer shot on his stomach, as X12 spoke.

X12 (Bell): You guys?

Hesh: Where the hell you been, you have miss the contact about one year.

X12 (Bell): I was trying to keep it silence on the radio, so I decide to track Ahktar were he was heading.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): *sigh* I knew it, your on the own mission to track Ahktar?

X12 (Bell): Yes I did.

Then suddenly, a BTR opened fires at them.

SP-X 80 (Sebastian): It's BTR, they're not Russian nor Turkey, they are the old Federations.

Hesh: Come on, there's another plan nearby on the hanger!

Logan: Then we have to secure the exfil.

The group sprint, as the old Federation army terrorist engage the group as they fire back at the army. They sprint to the hanger where the plane is active, C-130 Hercules is very active.

Hesh: Noah, Andrei, get the plane started, four of us defend the plane.

Noah and Andrei went inside the Hercules and enter the cockpit as they start the plane. While the four fight off the old Federations and protect the plane, as the BTR fire the cannon at them. SPX-80 looked through the scope at the driver cockpit of the BTR, and shot him, as Logan threw an RPG to FTac Recon.

Logan: Taylor use this! *throw an RPG to FTac Recon*

FTac Recon aimed the rocket launcher at the BTR and destroyed it along with the old Federation army terrorist. Suddenly the plane is started as WSP Swarm on the radio spoke.

WSP Swarm (Noah): Get in the plane!

The C-130 Hercules started to make a runway, as they enter the Hercules. WSP Swarm make a joke as a passenger attendants

WSP Swarm (Noah): Good afternoon this is captain speaking, we were on the runway heading back to HQ


When they get to the long runway, ISO Hermlock heard on the radio.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): *COMMS* Commander! We got a problem! Those vehicles are blocking the runway!

Hesh: I hear you, Andrei!

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): There's not enough time for take off!

FTac Recon realized they had to take the runway to get out but the vehicles blocking the runway. So he had no choice to do is to hold them off.

FTac Recon (Taylor): I'll deal with it!

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Recon, are you crazy?! They'll chew you up out there! Recon!

FTac Recon jumps offs the C-130 Hercules sprint to the ZPU

Hesh: *COMMS* W-wait! What are you doing?!!! Taylor?!!!

FTac Recon mounts a ZPU and destroys the vehicles for his team and his commander out of there.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Runway's clear.

ISO Hermlock (Andrei): Damn you, Recon!

The plane takes off.

Hesh: *COMMS* W-wait! Don't leave him behind, Taylor!

FTac Recon (Taylor): I have no choice, commander. I knew what I signed up for. I'll be fine. I'll find another EXFIL. Go - Get out of here!

But suddenly, Khristenko suddenly pulls him off the ZPU. A trooper melees him with a shotgun, knocking him unconscious. 

Port of Mersin, Turkey

FTac Recon awakens seeing Khristenko, Ivan Makarov, David Archer and unnamed Iranian terrorist discussing what to do with him. The four turns towards FTac Recon. The Chinese naval destroyer name, Chengdong 

Unnamed Iranian: What should we do, with this Android human looked. *to Ivan Makarov* Do with him you wish, General... He's my gift to you, in honour of our new relationship... Just... make sure that he's suffers...

FTac Recon noticed a man name David Archer was once the expedition team in Colorado.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Lieutenant Archer, w-what are you doing here?!

David Archer: Well... ain't surprised that the first T-Doll in Early's, how surprising.

FTac Recon (Taylor): Y-you working with Rorke?! 

David Archer: I was the head of the nightfall program, to capture the specimen of the Cryptids, that I want for my experiments.

Then fifth person came by was none other than Gabriel T Rorke, looking back at his associates.

Rorke: So this is the Henry's creation?

Ivan Makarov: Yes, we Khristenko captured him.

Rorke kneel down at FTac Recon's face.

Rorke: *sinisterly* Well... I have plans for you, Recon, Instead of hunting down the Ghosts and Walkers, Instead I have other plans for you.


Room 10

FTac Recon (Taylor): Oh, he did /close his eyes in bitter memory*... Rorke sure did.

Faded out

To be continued

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