That's all that Sarah's friends and family felt. They felt nothing but heartache; for they had lost four warriors that night. They had lost four friends, and they couldn't do anything about it.
First there was Scott, who was torn by the fact that his one true love and his best friend was gone. They both had died in his arms as he listened to their hearts slowly tick down, knowing the fate that had awaited them. He couldn't sleep; for his nightmares had kept him up for many nights. He usually had one specific nightmare; that being the one where he relived watching swords impale Allison and Stiles. It was too much for him.
That's why he had shut everyone out. He shut Kira out, he shut Lydia out, and he even shut his own mother out. He desperately wanted to talk to someone about what had happened, but both of those people were gone. He had watched them slip right between his fingers and he blamed himself for it.
Then there was Lydia, who was completely and utterly heart broken. Just like Scott, she had lost her best friend, her boyfriend, and the boy she had feelings for. She regretted that now; she regretted not telling him how she had felt. He had died not knowing that she cared for him; that she had cared for him all too much.
Along with Scott, she couldn't sleep, but it wasn't because of the nightmares. The voices kept her awake, and they weren't good ones either. Some would whisper harsh things and others would scream in her ear, telling her that it was all of her fault. They would yell at her that she should have fought harder for her friends; that she should have been the one to die instead. Deep down she knew that they weren't true, but she listened to them anyways, sinking lower and lower into grief.
Lydia wasn't the only one who was completely heartbroken. Kira was torn by the fact that her best friend was gone; that she had been the one who killed her. She knew that it had been the right thing to do; that that was what Sarah would have wanted. She couldn't stand around and let her best friend hurt anymore people, so she took matters into her own hands.
That's why every time she closed her eyes, she would see that sword impaling Sarah, hearing her gasps as her lungs had filled with blood. It felt as if she was there again; deciding the fate for her best friend. Kira had felt completely alone after everything happened; with Lydia being quiet and Scott shutting her out, she had no one. She wouldn't dare talk to her parents; for they had lied to her. She couldn't ever trust them the same way she had again. So along with Lydia, Kira just grew more depressed with every passing day.
But the most heartbroken out of everyone was Sarah's brother, Stephen. He had heard that there was an accident at the school; that the same group who killed Allison had found his sister and her friends before killing three of them. He didn't know the whole story; that his sister was the one behind most of the deaths from this whole incident; but hiding the truth was sometimes the best way to allow people to move on.
The day Stephen had heard the news, he couldn't believe it. Everyone tried to calm him down, people like Vanessa and Zach, but he wouldn't listen to them. Instead, he had got into his truck and drove, not caring where he was going. He drove and drove, beating on the steering wheel every now again when he remembered his sister; remembered things like the way she had smiled and how they had played X-Box together until the sun rose. The more he thought about her, the more it hurt him that she was actually gone; that his only family member left in his life disappeared in the blink of an eye. But little did he know about his mother being back from the dead.
Actually, Sarah's mother seemed to be the least upset out of them all. She hadn't yet shown her face to her son, afraid of what he might think of her. She decided that leaving him alone to grieve would be the best thing for him, so she stayed in hiding. You see, Sarah's mother hadn't actually died at all, but that's another story to tell. But she hadn't barely shed a tear since the death of her daughter, and she had a reason why.
She had a plan.
Ever since she had heard about the trickster spirit being back in town, she knew that he would come after her daughter. That's one of the many side effects of being one of the most powerful kitsunes in existence. So, with the basic knowledge she had before and with the help from a little research, she had formed a backup plan. It wasn't the most stable of plans, but at least it was something.
So that's why after Sarah's funeral, she had switched out the bodies. Sarah's body was one of the requirements for her plan; along with the help from a certain tree and with a little kitsune power. She knew the consequences for her plan, but she didn't care. As long as she got what she wanted in the end.
So that's why she was now standing in the middle of the woods, staring at her daughters body which was lying on top of what they called the Nemeton. She looked so pale and lifeless; her chest and face already beginning to sink in. Her mother stares at her for a moment, trying to grasp the fact that her daughter was in fact dead; well, for now.
"Here we go," she mumbles under her breath, taking a step towards her daughter. She takes a deep breath before placing her hand on Sarah's chest, feeling how cold and lifeless she was. It was strange.
Her mother looks up at the full moon for a moment before turning back to Sarah, focusing all of the power she had. Normally this wouldn't work if another kitsune was doing it; since it can only be done by a Spirit kitsune, which was what Sarah's mother was. But she just called herself Seishin, which translates to spirit.
The wind picks up around them as her veins begin to turn a whitish color; indicating that it was working. Sarah's mother starts to become weak as Sarah starts to take form again; her skin plumping up to her normal shade. Before long, Sarah is starting to look alive, which was a good sign.
Sarah's mother smiles faintly as she hears a faint heartbeat start, causing her to pull her hand away. She listens again as the heartbeat starts to pick up the pace, her plan actually working. Sarah was actually coming back.
But at a price.
You see, Spirit kitunes can only use their power three times before they become too weak to resurrect anyone else. This happens to be Sarah's mother's second time, meaning that she only had one more time she could do this again. That was the price her mother had to pay, but she would gladly do anything for her daughter.
She watches closely as Sarah's chest begins to expand, life coming back into her. Before long, Sarah's eyes are flashing open, glowing their bright orange. She sits up suddenly, confused as to what had happened. For her, it felt as if she was just in a dream.
Sarah's mother grins before pulling her into a hug, Sarah embracing it. They both were relieved and happy that she was back; but little did they know that she wasn't the only one who rose from the dead.
Back at the Beacon Hills morgue, there's another body that awakens more confused than Sarah was. They were met with darkness as they opened their eyes, finding that they were trapped in a small space.
"Hello?" they call out, beginning to beat on the top of the small space. They do this for awhile before light floods into the space, causing the boy to turn and see a familiar face, relief flooding his body.
"Stiles?" Melissa says, her eyes wide with confusion and happiness. She couldn't understand why Stiles was alive, but all that mattered was that he was.
But little did they know that Stiles and Sarah were connected now. They were connected in such a way that could either be a good thing, or a bad thing. Whenever she felt pain, he felt it too. Whenever she dies, he dies.
Whenever she awakens, he awakens too.
Well that concludes Girl On Fire! You guys don't hate me now, right? ;)
I better be getting some love because there will be another book; one that I am very very excited for. Let's just say you'll learn more about Sarah's family and such, and I plan to make it juicy.
I'll post another thing later telling you guys when I post the next book and such, so keep your eyes peeled. You won't want to miss it :)
Love you cuties to the moon and back <3
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