Chapter 1 - You've got mail

Max's POV

The dusk wrapped its fingers into our surroundings. Oranges mixed with the flaming red, forming a pink hue in the sky as the sun descended across the horizon. The bright rays dimmed as they clashed with the darkness of the evening sky, getting sucked in, and giving time for the stars to print their mark on the inky beautiful painting hovering above us.

The stars were bright, like a promise of life in the middle of darkness. A sense of warmth emerges from the coldness.

A low breath parted my lips as I took into the breathtaking scene, my palms sinking into the sand as I sat by the shore and watched the night unfold over us one last time before we go back home. If I will put aside the fact that I was kidnapped and almost died, this place was exquisite by all means.

It did help that I got laid one time at least...she was hot but what was her name for the love of God. I still can't remember it.

I felt a ball land by my side, pulling me out of my thoughts and rolling over from somewhere behind me. I extended my hand, stopping it before it goes down into the sea.

"Where is the damn ball-" I heard voices from behind me, coming from the other side, where I saw a group of people playing volleyball a couple of minutes ago, "I saw it heading that way-" The voices got closer and I pushed myself to my feet, taking the ball into my hands, and ready to hand it to its owner.

"Excuse m-" She was about to talk to me and I was already turning around to face her, my hand extended to give the ball back, "I think this is y-" The words hitched in my throat when my eyes fell into her, the first thing they recognized was the mess of ginger hair. Unique and not easily forgettable.

A low breeze passed by us, making some of the loosened strands dance along with it, "It's you," I breathed out, pulling my hand that was holding the ball back.

Recognition flashed into her eyes and her lips curved a smile, "Kidney boy!" She said, happy that she remembered.

My eyebrows pulled closer, "That's what you remember me as," I pointed out, my eyebrow raising as I called her back with a similar nickname, "Hospital roof girl."

She chuckled, low and smooth before she stepped closer, extending her hands forward, "Can I have my ball back, please?"

I edged backward, taking that chance away from her, "Just a sec," I said, "What are you doing here?" I did think I caught a glimpse of her the other day. I just thought I was imagining things...apparently not.

What are the chances, huh?

Her eyebrows pulled closer and she looked around us before her confused gaze fell on me, "Trying to take my ball back," She said as a matter of fact and my eyebrow raised, "I meant here as in..." I looked around us, addressing the country.

"I am on vacation...with my family," She answered, hesitating slightly before her eyes narrowed at me, suspiciously, "What are you doing here?"

"Also on a vacation...or something like that," I mumbled. If you consider almost dying a vacation, then yeah, sure.

She kept eyeing me suspiciously before she looked at her ball tucked under my arm and waist, "Now, can I have my ball, my friends are waiting-" She looked behind at the group of people gathered around and talking at a far distance.

Why is she in a hurry to take it and leave? I am trying to make a conversation over here...also why do I feel kind of...nervous? Like my throat is dry and my stomach feels all weird and how in god's name do I usually get girls to sleep with me?

"Yeah, sure," I mumbled, extending the ball forward and when she pressed her hand over it, ready to take it, I pulled back slightly, realizing something, "What's your name?"I still don't even know her name.

Her eyebrow raised, "And why would I tell you my name?"

Because it's common decency, "It's just a name," I said, "What's the big deal?"

She shook her head, "You can know a lot about a person with just their names," She raised her shoulders, "And I don't even know you, kidney boy, you can be a creepy stalker or something."

"I will try not to be offended at that," I said, "I mean come on, is this the face of a creepy stalker?"

My eyebrow raised, "Also, I am really starting to hate the nickname."

She smiled and I let go of the ball into her hold, unable to use it as my bargaining chip, "Thanks," She said, "I guess I'll see you around...kidney boy," She stressed on the name on purpose winking, ready to turn around and walk away.

My hand went to her shoulder, my touch stopping her and she looked back at me, confused, "Uh, actually I am leaving tonight," I mean it's now or never, "Can I have your number or something?"

She stared at me for a long second, and then she chuckled, "You're funny," She said, her free hand tucking her hair behind her ear as the breeze keep messing with it. When I didn't return her laugh, her eyebrows pulled closer, "Wait, you're serious?" She asked, genuinely confused and I nodded.

Her eyes narrowed at me some more, "Hold on, so you really want me to give you my number?" She asked, repeating my sentence and I simply nodded. Why was she complicating this?

Usually, this is the easiest part of getting the girl...

She took a couple of steps forward, leaving little space between us, "So let me repeat this again, you want me to give my number to the random guy who was about to jump off the hospital's rooftop-"

I shot her a glare, "I wasn't going to jump," She tapped her hand over my mouth, shutting me up, "Also, the same guy who told me about his homosexual fathers-"

"They're not, they're brothers-" She waved her hand off, shutting me up again. Is it weird that I suddenly feel like I wanna push her into the near sea because she keeps silencing me. And then after taking her clothes off, we can....oh hell, this is escalating quickly.

"And the same guy who is probably a creepy stalker, that followed me all the way here on my vacation," She narrowed her eyes at me jokingly and I shot her a glare, crossing my arms over my chest and her gaze followed my movement, "It's a coincidence, believe me."

She pressed her lips into a thin line and shook her head, hugging the ball to her chest, "Nah, thanks, I'll pass," For a fleeting second, her gaze flickered to my arms again, apparently checking me out, "You're just not my type."

What the-

"Not your type?" What the fuck does that mean?

She nodded, "No offense," I am offended alright! She shrugged, all innocent as she looked at me, "I mean you're hot and all look like those jocks who used to bully me in high school."

"Jock?" I asked and she nodded, "I am not a jock," I defended and her eyebrow raised, "So you're telling me you don't spend half of your free time either playing soccer or some kind of sport and the other half sleeping around?"

That hit a nerve. Damn.

I shook my head, my eyes narrowing at her, "That's such a stereotypical judgemental narrow thinking you have," Even if it's true...

She rolled her eyes, rather extravagantly, "Whatever you say, Mr. jock."

My jaw tightened and I rushed a hand over my face, "I think I prefer kidney boy over this now."

She let out a low laugh, the side of her eyes crinkling, her soft pink lips pulling up and it took all of my power not to stare at them for too long, she already called me a creep twice in five minutes.

"Seriously now," I said, "Can I have your number," I added, trying to sound the least desperate I can, "Because I am leaving and I want to have a way you or something."

"But from my number, you could easily find my name, and from that, you can find my address, and the next thing we know we are standing in the court, and you are refusing to plead guilty and-"

My eyes widened at the specificity of her description, "You really have trust issues."

She smiled and nodded, "I do, sorry, it's not your fault," She tried to make it sound like a joke but it felt like she actually meant it.

My shoulders slumped down and a low sigh parted my lips, "Well, till you can trust me, is there any other way I can reach you...or else this would be the last time I'll see you and-" I just spoke honestly this time, "I don't want it to be the last time."

That seemed to grab her attention. Her lips twitched, her smile now not teasing like before, more genuine and I could see a bit of pink coating her cheeks, "Why?" She asked.

I shrugged, "You saved me from jumping off the roof, so-" I joked around and her smile widened. Her eyes drifted away for a mere second, her teeth bit down into her lower lip as she met my gaze again and it was getting really hard not to stare.

She extended her hand, asking for my phone probably, "I can give you my email," She said, "A fake one of course."

I held her with a look of disbelief, "Who told you we live in the '90s?" Or whatever era communicating via email was famous.

Her eyebrow raised, "Do you want it or not?"

I grumbled under my breath as I unlocked my phone and opened the notes, handing her the phone as she typed down her email, or fake one for that matter before she handed it back over.

My gaze fell on the screen and I couldn't hold my chuckle as I read it out loud, "[email protected]," I said, another chuckle vibrating off my chest and she shot me a hard glare.

"Don't judge, I use it to get extra free trials for some subscriptions," She said ever so seriously and I ran my thumb over my lower lip, trying to hold back myself, she was just so adorable.

"Now, I am gonna go back to my friends and if you dare stare at my butt as I walk away, I am gonna block you!" She warned and I nodded, my lips twitching as I fought back a smile.

"I am serious," She said, her eyes narrowing as she twirled around and started to walk away. Only god would've stopped my gaze from drifting down her lower back, "I can feel you staring!" She shot out in annoyance and I chuckled as she turned around, glaring at me from a distance.

I pressed my hand over my eyes, "Okay, promise, I am not looking."

When I removed my hand, she was already far gone. I let out a low breath before I gave my surroundings one last look, bidding it goodbye before I turned around and headed inside the house, watching as everyone got busy with their suitcases, hauling them into the cars.

I paused in my steps, waiting for them to finish, and unlocked my phone. I opened the Gmail application and pressed the big plus sign, opening a new mail draft and typing down her fake address, hoping she didn't scam me with a non-existing email as I carried on typing.

'Dear Ms. A big butt,

I am writing this email in the hopes that you gave me the correct fake email address.

Btw, your butt wasn't that big. Another btw, it was nice meeting you again.

Kidney boy.'

I hit send and pushed the phone into my pocket, my eyes falling on dad by the door and I jogged forward, landing by his side as I said, "We have a problem," I said and mom's eyes widened, expecting some bad news as I told dad, "A girl said I am not her type."

Mom rolled her eyes and facepalmed, Lilly joined her, both complaining something about us and I just ignored them for now. Dad's eyes grew wide, his lips parted in shock, "Woah, we found her!" He said, "I didn't expect we'll find her that fast though, you are still so young," He added and my eyebrows pulled closer, "Found who?"

He threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me along as we exited the house, "The future Mrs. Dolan of course, who else," He said and my eyebrow raised, "Dad, come on!"

"Don't worry, we will find a way," He said, assuring me, "I mean I was able to lock your mother in after all," He rolled his eyes, "Believe me, she was no piece of cake," He carried on, pretending to whisper and complaining some more before mom slapped his arm, shutting him up.

He threw her a kiss in the air before he focused on me, "Anyways, anyways," He said, "You are too young to commit, keep that in mind," He added, "But we'll find a way around this-" As he went on talking, the phone buzzed in my pocket, I pulled it out to see a new email notification.

'Dear Mr. Kidney boy,

What type of person do you think I am that I would give you a wrong fake email address. Come on! Btw, I know you were staring at my butt you prick. Another btw, you used your uni's email address and now I know your full name and which school you go to...see, we live in a dangerous world, who knows...maybe I am the creepy stalker in this story *evil laugh*

I am hoping my creepy email will serve its purpose and make you block me and I won't hear from you ever again xD

Btw, it was also a little nice meeting you again.

hospital-roof girl.'

With a stupid smile on my face, I hit the reply button and typed down;

'Dear Ms. hospital-roof girl,
You ain't getting rid of me that easily.

Kidney boy'

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