Season one Episode two: The Descendents of Weed Part two
Ginga Hanashi Orion
Season one Episode two: The Descendants of Weed Part two
Last time, on Ginga Hanashi Orion.
Sirius and Rigel were waiting as well with Rigel questioning if inviting Bella was a smart decision. "You sure about this Orion? Bella's so cowardly that we could walk up to her and she'd be terrified."
"Honestly, part of the reason I invited her is cause I wanted to see her tremble in fear." Orion replied as he then snickered with Rigel as Sirius rolled his eyes.
"You guys really are harsh, ya know that?" Sirius spoke up. "The least you could do is TRY to help Bella."
"Why do you think I invited her dumbass?" Orion asked as he then continued. "Key word of me saying I wanted to see her tremble in fear is part, not so much so that I want her dead."
Orion walked up to the mech in two leg mode, just as the mech sensed his power and slashed at him just as he put his guns away and jumped back. The force of the wind was enough to launch the others back with Sirius holding onto Andy so he didn't fly away. Orion landed ontop of a tree branch and pointed his sword at the mech with a confident look on his face. "What? No crazy complicated backstory or long dialogue? Just straight to the point then. I like that." The mech aimed another slash at Orion, who jumped off as Sirius was looking for a weakpoint as rock music started playing. Just before it did though, Orion said this. "Let's rock baby."
Orion looked back at the robot and walked up to it, noticing a mark on it. The mark said one word that caught Orion's attention. Hydra.
Orion and Andy were looking through some kind of book with Orion seeming determined to find Hydra in it. Andy didn't seem to take kindly to the idea, being that he knew what it could lead to. "Orion, as much as I'd love to help you find out what Hydra is, I don't think we're gonna find anything useful by looking in a book of legends."
"Well we have to at least try Andy." Orion replied as he continued searching. "Besides, maybe I can finally find an excuse for everyone in town to stop hating me."
Orion flew up to the ship and snuck in through a window to a room that looked empty. When he closed the window, he knew he had to find something he could use. "This could be my only chance to find out why people call me that name. I'm not gonna miss it, even if they outnumber me." Orion walked up to the door and opened it up, looking down the hallways and seeing no one walk by. He then walked down the hall as he thought to himself. 'You got this Orion. Don't let them stop you. You have to get that info.'
Now back to where we left off.
A female German Shepherd pup was watching Orion walk around the ship from the monitors, impressed by what she saw from him beforehand. When she rewinded all the way to Orion slashing the mech, she looked with a smile and saw potential in him. "He's deffinetely got a lot going for him." The German Shepherd stood up and walked off after turning off the monitors. "But I won't let him get that information so easily. Not when I'm around." The German Shepherd walked out of the room and was greeted to a sword being held to her neck.
The German Shepherd looked up to see a guard standing in front of her, giving her a cold emotionless glare. "You're not going anywhere girly. This is where your rebellion days end." The German Shepherd scoffed and backed away swiftly just before the sword struck her neck, grabbing it and hitting the guard with the sword butt. She then slashed the guard in half and kicked the top part off, stabbing the sword into his bottom half.
The German Shepherd walked off and started thinking about how she would confront Orion. 'Now I can't just walk right up to him. He'll see me coming and instantly strike back. (Puts on a sly look) But even then, I'd enjoy what he has to offer." The German Shepherd continued to walk off as a flying drone was shown recording her. It then flew off and went out of the ship, heading out of Ohu and catching the sight of Andy from afar. This interested him, and he took a picture of it to show to Orion once he got back.
Orion was looking around for the room that could possibly have information on him, bummed out that the place had little security lying around. If he was going to get info on himself then he might as well do it while having fun. "Damn. You'd think they'd have the money for proper security." Orion looked on ahead and saw two guards discussing something, getting him excited as he spoke to himself. "That's more like it." Orion walks up to the guards casually and they pull out his weapons just before he speaks formally. "Greetings. (Bluntly) What's behind the door?"
The guards looked at the door with the first one speaking up in response. "That's just the room full of information and junk. (Looks at Orion with the other guard) But like we'll tell you what kind of info it is."
Orion cracked his knuckles as he prepared for one heck of a search, smirking as he punched his left palm. "I already know." Orion punched the first guard in the face after ducking and going under his spear. The guard fell to his back and got back up with the other guard pinning Orion to the wall with his sword. Orion kicked it out of the way however, hitting the other guard in the chest. He then kicked the guard into the wall and went into four leg mode as he walked up to him and took his helmet off. "Next time, prove a fight.
The guard attempted to kick Orion, only for him to grab his leg and slam it into his face, making him dizzy. This allowed Orion to suddenly turn around and back up into the guard, shoving him into the wall with his butt and making him scream in terror. "You like that, don't you? So soft you could use it as a pillow." Orion then released a five second rotten egg fart, hitting the guard with a yellow cloud and knocking him out (pfffffffffft).
Orion turned around and got a whiff of his fart, being proud of what he just did. As he entered the room with the info, he closed the door and walked up to the info box. While he was searching, he found one with the exact name that people have been calling him, taking it out and looking at the cover with intrigue. "Could this be it?"
The German Shepherd was running around the ship and stopped when he arrived to see two guards knocked out. When she walked up to them, she got a whiff of Orion's fart and wafted it away in disgust. "Well someone's got horrible manners." She then put two and two together and walked up to the door as she pulled out her gun. While Orion was just starting out on reading the book, the German Shepherd kicked the door open and aimed his gun at him, which caught his attention. "Freeze now Akita!"
Orion smirked and put the book away, jumping over the desk and dashing up to the German Shepherd as he touched her chin gracefully. "How can I freeze when my heart warms up at the sight of you?" The German Shepherd became confused with Orion grabbing her paws and dancing the tango with her down the hallway out of nowhere as music started up. "So. What shall I call my new acquaintance? Or do you not have a name, like Lady from Devil May Cry 3 claimed for herself."
The German Shepherd giggled a bit, but then put on a serious look to hide her enjoyment. "Ciara. And I wouldn't say we're 'acquaintances' just yet. After all, we're after (Snatches the book from Orion) the same thing."
Orion looked behind him and remembered that dogs didn't have pockets, looking back at Ciara with this question in mind. "How do we save stuff there?"
Ciara shrugged as she opened up the book to a page that looked familiar to her, finding Orion's exact figure and scoffing. "Just as I thought." Ciara aimed a kick at Orion, only for him to dodge and grab her leg. "You're the Bloodlust, aren't you!?"
"I don't know what that (Kicks Ciara into a wall) is!" Orion picked up the book and gave Ciara a two finger salute with a smile. "Still. I'll be glad to call you once I get your number." Orion ran off with the book, leaving Ciara to chase after him.
Orion bursted through the floor of the ship and saw a bunch of guards surrounding each corner. This seemed like fun for Orion and he was more than excited to finally get into the heat of battle. "Bout time you guys started fighting back." Ciara had just arrived to find Orion dashing off to fight the guards, watching as he jumped onto one and kicked him right in the face. He then did a spin kick, which hit three guards that charged at him. Orion then jumped up and kicked their swords one by one with all of them hitting a guard.
Orion then pulled his own sword out when another guard chaged at him, colliding multiple sword slashes with him. Ciara took a liking to his sword movements as Orion then kicked the sword aside and kicked the guard off the ship. When Orion backflipped over some more guards, he held on tightly to his sword and slashed all of their heads open. He then landed gracefully as ten more guards charged at him with a couple even jumping from above.
Orion slashed all of the guards apart with Ciara coming out when he was finished. She was certainly impressed by his skill, expecting him to still be in training. "I kinda thought you were still a beginner by now. (Looks at Orion's sword) And that sword." Ciara recognized the sword when she walked up to Orion, knowing who it originally belonged to. "This is the sword with Gin's blood on it!"
"That's right." Orion replied as he walked off, and then he gave a nod to Ciara before he headed off. "Until we meet again. (Jumps off the ship) It'll be a blast!" Ciara looked down to where Orion was falling, finding it strange how he was so full of life, despite feeling such a dark presence from him.
Orion and Andy had just arrived back at Cross's house with Andy speaking of the picture as Orion looked at it. "And it looked like something we could find some info off of after we track it down. I figured you'd like knowing that it exists."
Orion seemed to take a liking to the picture and found the drone to look good enough to track down. Of course he didn't know where it was just yet, but that gave him and Andy the opportunity to explore. "Maybe we can even take our exploration outside of Ohu town."
Orion and Andy entered the house with Cross watching Tv and she noticed the two of them coming in. "Well you two certainly know how to sneak off. (Orion and Andy walk up to Cross) So what reason was it for this time? A new video game or-"
"Shut up and take a look." Orion demanded as he handed Cross the book, and she got a look at it and became surprised by what she saw. "Yep. The town's nickname for me. I'm gonna look through it once I get home and see what I can find."
Cross nodded in understanding and then put on a smug grin when she looked at Orion. "Maybe it can also answer the question of why Sirius is much more polite than you are."
"You wanna rumble bitch!?" Orion shouted as Cross started laughing and the red Akita took the book back.
"Sorry, just thought I'd finally say that." Cross wiped her eye and looked at Orion with a smile on her face. "I hope you find what you're looking for Orion. If anyone deserves to know what this Bloodlust thing is, it's you." Orion smiled and nodded, glad to see Cross supporting her.
Orion had just arrived home with his siblings and hopped out of the car as he ran on inside with Koyuki noticing his excitement at the door. "Someone's eager to read something. Never expected that from you."
"It's something about that Bloodlust thing the town keeps calling me, so shut up." Orion opened the door and ran upstairs, heading right into his room and opening up the book. "Alright then. Let's see what this puppy has in store." Orion sat down on his bed and got comfortable as he began reading the book. When he started reading it, he found something really interesting on one of the first lines. "This creature has the ability to use an incredible power that could wipe out the face of Japan itself if used in a dangerous fashion. If sealed away it must be done right."
Orion found this information shocking and he read onward to see what else he could find. Something else caught his attention when he turned the page. "The Bloodlust is filled with dark energy. Anyone who's called a Bloodlust will most likely be linked to one." Orion saw a picture of the Bloodlust and it looked exactly like the crature Weed fought a few yers ago. "Heh. Well I'm glad I'm not him. (Puts on a sorrow look) Still, I...(Closes the book)can't bare the thought of meeting something like this."
Orion walked out onto the balcony and jumped onto the roof after closing the door, walking up to the top of the roof and pulling his sword out. When he put it up to his arm, he cut it slowly, making sure not to chop it off. He then put his sword away and touched the blood, looking at it to be a black color. 'Could I really be as terrible as the town makes me out to be? And more importantly, could they be right about what I am?' Orion sighed as the blood drop fell to the floor, leaving Orion to look up to the sky with an edgy presence surrounding him with his look of confliction.
Orion sighed as somber but somewhat catchy music played with Orion preparing to sing What Could I Be?. "Sometimes I question why my life is the way it is. If I would be dead by now, under different circumstances. (Lies down) As awesome as I am I still can't answer the question. The question of what I am and what I've done. (Orion looks at his paw) I always, ask myself, (Clenches fist) what's hidden inside me. And why it can't be something I can see. Is it fact, that this world, (Sits up straight) is meant to treat me this way. I wish I knew why, or if I'd know someday."
Orion walked over to the other side of the roof and felt a hint of darkness inside of him as he looked back on a moment shrouded in black. "I can't bare the memory that drove me to be this way. I don't know why I still fear that memory to this day. (The memory stops and Orion down at the ground) And every day of my life, the darkness in me continues to grow. (Chuckles a bit) Then again, I wouldn't blame anyone for thinking I was a whiny emo."
Orion looked up to the sky and clenched both of his fists as he continued his song. "The name they all call me. Could that crature truly be it? Or could it just be from some puzzle piece that won't fit? The world I see before me has treated me so coldly. And it makes me ask myself...what could I be?" Orion was shown at a smaller angle, seeming to still be looking up at the moon from afar. He then headed back over to the balcony and jumped down after the angle went back to him, going inside to find Sirius standing there. "Hey Sirius. I guess you heard that."
"Yeah, I did." Sirius and Orion walked over to their beds and sat down with Sirius stating his thoughts on it. "You have a good singing voice. Too bad you never use it." Orion scoffed and lied down on his bed, facing away from Sirius, who shrugged and did the same, not wanting to put Orion on any more edge than he already was. Orion was shown with a concerned look on his face, not wanting to hurt anyone he cared about.
Orion was at some sort of martial arts school as he and his friends were sitting on the roof as they ate their lunch. Orion and Andy were sitting by a White Shepherd with some kind of rapper hat on and a Kai mix about the same age as them with Andy talking about something. "And then out of nowhere on the Tv my dad wipes everyone out. Ten seconds. He doesn't even try." Andy noticed Orion feeling down and nudged him, catching his attention. "You okay Orion?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." Orion lied as he then bit into his burger and the White Shepherd snatched it from him, pissing him off. "Hey, give it back Bon!"
"First, speak up." Orion became confused as to what Bon meant and then the White Shepherd continued. "Look, we're busy here talking about how Jerome's a badass and how he took out an entire ship the other night and you're just sitting there sulking; come on out with it dude."
Orion snatched his burger back and glared at Bon as he spoke. "For your information, I went on that ship myself and found something that could possibly relate to why this town treats me like crap."
Bon gained a blunt look as he made his reply to Orion's statement, finding it to be utterly ridiculous. "That's it? You're going emo on us because of a stupid book?"
"Maybe they just forgot to add a page in." The Kai mix suggested, leaving Orion to make a statement about it.
"Yamabiko, please. If that were the case they wouldn't have even had it in their info room." Orion pointed out, indicating that the book wasn't unfinished. "Besides, if what it said is true then that Bloodlust thing could possibly link me to why this town treats me like utter garbage. Hell, maybe I can even get them to stop."
"Tch. Good luck with that." Bon said smugly before he bit into his corn dog and Orion rolled his eyes as he got back to his food. Andy and Yamabiko did the same, but Andy was still worried for Orion's safety.
Orion and Bon were sparring in some sort of training room as Bon aimed a diving down punch at Orion, who grabbed it with ease. He then threw Bon towards the wall at high speeds, making him slam into it and slide down to the floor. Once he walked up to him, he held his paw out as he commented on Bon's lack of skill. "This would've possibly gone differently if you didn't always sleep in class. (Helps Bon up) I'll give you this much though. You're at least competent enough to pull off the skills, just not execute them perfecty."
"I'm mostly just doing this class cause my dad wants me to be a solid fighter so I can defend myself." Bon revealed once he and Orion walked out and allowed Andy and Yamabiko to do their thing. "But you already knew that. (Points to Andy and Yamabiko) Your turn dudes."
"Hey, I'm the leader, I grant them their turn."
"No, I'm the leader, and I'm cooler."
Andy and Yamabiko shrugged and walked into the training room with smiles on their faces as Orion retorded to Bon's statement. "Oh really. Did YOU cut open a sixty foot metal dog while you were still on it?"
Andy showed a worried expression and Yamabiko commented on it before they began. "It's Orion, isn't it." Andy flinched with Yamabikio giving him some friendly advice. "Well Andy, if there's one thing I learned from hanging out with three fellow boys, it's that as soon as you fart in front of one of them, all their problems go away."
Andy laughed a bit at Yamabiko's advice and they started colliding and blocking punches. "Well I don't think that'll make Orion stop thinking about why everyone calls him Bloodlust. It's become such a huge trend that he may not even be able to drop it when it's over." Yamabiko aimed a high kick at Andy, who blocked it and kicked Yamabiko back as he looked at Orion with concern, wishing he could help him.
Andy was at his house the other day eating dinner with his mother, a silver German Shepherd, noticing he hasn't eaten much. "Something bite you in your stomach earlier? You barely touched your food."
"I'm just thinking about my friend Orion." Andy responded, feeling so worried about him that he could barely eat. "He's been mistreated by the town for at least five years and I haven't been able to do anything about it. It feels to me like I'm just letting it happen." Andy's mother saw his concern, and although he only knew Orion by reputation, he got some hints at his personality from Jerome. Seems like Andy could fill her in some more. "Dad's one of Orion's babysitters. I'm sure he's told you about him from time to time."
Andy's mother started laughing as she looked back on something Jerome had told her, leaving Andy confused by her reaction. When she stopped, she explained why she had such a reaction. "Some things, yeah. He even told me about the time the kid threw a Tv into that lake nearby."
Andy started laughing hysterically, remembering that memory like it was yesterday. "Yeah, Orion told me about that. Sirius even caught it on video, which we're both grateful he didn't upload it."
Andy's mother snickered a bit and then smiled to her son, putting her paw on his shoulder as she gave him her word of advice. "Look Andy. There isn't always going to be a situation where you can support Orion. You're not around him every second of the day after all." Andy sighed and looked back at his food until his mother said something else. "But you can still stand beside him when you ARE around him." Andy looked at his mother, who was still smiling at him. "I think that'll be enough to help Orion out in plenty of ways."
Andy smiled and nodded just before he started eating his foot, making his mother happy that he could feel relief in eating again. She then went to eating herself as she thought about how she would tell this to Jerome.
Orion and Andy were in Orion and Sirius's room as Orion was showing Andy some stuff in the book he got from the ship. "And this is when they started talking about some kind of power that under the right circumstances, can reach it's highest point. But if for a purely selfish reason, or as a result of one's cockiness, he or she could turn into a savage monster that causes anarchy in whatever area he catches sight on. The holder will have either a red aura, or a black aura, depending on if it's for a pure reason, or a selfish one."
Andy nodded in understanding, having a genuine opinion on thinking that this information was interesting. "I gotta say Orion, this is way more interesting than I expected. I just expected it to be some kind of edgelord bullcrap that took away someone's humanity when they were wreckless about it."
Orion snickered a bit, finding that thought to be something he hopes to never cross his mind. "Let's hope that never happens." Orion thought for a moment and figured that even if he was a Bloodlust, he was glad to have a friend like Andy. His next words though, weren't as innocent as his thoughts. "Andy." Andy looked at Orion, who put his paws on his shoulder with a serious look in his eyes. "I just want you to know, that if I break our promise, for any reason whatsoever, it won't be me abandoning you. I won't leave your side until the day one of us dies."
Andy nodded with a smile and Orion hopped off of his bed and walked over to the side Andy was sitting. "Now let's cut the serious junk. Whatya ya say we play some Hell's Core Racer?" Andy hopped off of the bed and ran off with Orion, excited to be playing the game.
Orion and Andy were playing video games as the two of them heard Bella scream from her room with her then shown running out in a hurry. She then looked back into her room, seeming to be upset about something. "Damn it Rigel! Now Lara looks like she got decapitated!"
"Well it's not my fault she's such a piss broke bitch!" Rigel shouted back when he got up to Bella, showing her the hole to the head. "See, she's like a robot; just put the head back on."
"It always takes me hours for me to put the head back on." Bella swiped the doll away with Rigel rolling his eyes as Bella went downstairs. When she got down, Orion and Andy shrugged at the hearing of Orion's siblings bickering. The two of them then got back to their game with joy in their eyes.
A mysterious figure was shown looking down at Orion and Andy from a far as he then walked off and spoke in a demonic tone. "Orion's certainly proven his strength to be exceptional. Too bad he'd much rather play video games than hunt you down." The figure then walked into the light and revealed himself to be a wolf, walking up to a grown blue Akita. "Isn't that shameful Weed? (Strokes Weed's chin) Your much more mature than that brat and yet you still decide to have him as your child. If I were you I'd toss him aside in a second."
"I won't let you touch him Hydra!" Weed shouted as he tried to charge up his power. "You lay a claw on my son and I'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget!" Hydra smacked Weed violently, leading to Weed glaring at him with one of his eyes. "I'm warning you. (Looks at Hydra with both eyes) My son won't let you defeat him upon the blink of an eye. As soon as he finds out about this, he'll be so pissed he'll wipe you out of existance."
Hydra chuckled devilishly, finding Weed's threat to be something of an empty void waiting to admit it's crime. "He won't stand a chance against me. After all, I defeated you, even in your strongest form. If you can't defeat me, then your brats won't even be able to look at me without being obliterated into oblivion." Hydra walked off with Weed growling at him, knowing for sure that the time would come for him to be freed. He just needed to wait. And that's what he continued to do as the screen faded to black, ending the episode off.
The screen brightened up with Silhouette from Naruto Shippuden playing as Orion and his friends were each shown one by one with Orion being last to indicate him being the main character. The word Ginga was sliced onto the screen with Hanashi being pushed underneath it. The word Orion was then shot underneath that as well with fire blazing around it right after. The song began with Orion looking over a beautiful part of the land as a female voice began to sing the main theme for the series known as Who I Am.
"Ready set go! My determination will rise and give me hope; (Andy walks up to Orion and sits next to him) Even though, there is so, much we do not know yet." Bella was jumping into a rain puddle while it was still raining, showing her bubbly natue. "Crossing that line. (Bella sees Sirius walking up to her) We all know there's no going back in time. (Sirius rubs Bella's head, making her smile) Even though, there is so, much we do not know yet."
Orion and Rigel were on a stage with Rigel farting his ABC's as he let out small green clouds for each one, making Orion laugh as the song continued. "Our passion, is burning, under the sun." Orion was shown to be crushing someone's skull, showing a dark expression on his face as he did so. "Yeah my skin is, glistening. (Orion lets out an evil grin, showing that he can be merciless when he wants to be) From the, sweat dripping from my (Orion punches the guard, possibly killing him as he does so) face!"
Ciara was watching as Orion slashed through an entire army of evil doers, staying out of sight as to not be seen by him. "As time will pass, I believe, (Ciara seems to be cautious when watching Orion's skills) there are many things that we may forget; (Orion continues to slash the army members into pieces as well as wiping them all out in no time) But I won't, lost the sign, of who I am."
Orion and his friends were shown to be braving some kind of snowstorm with Orion holding Andy's paw tightly so he doesn't fall behind. "It's not exactly that I don't care, but I won't let my memories be bare. And that's why, I must find, out who I am."
Orion was dodging Hydra's punches and kicks while in a blood red aura without moving as the song wrapped up. "So gracefully, we're fluttering, like dancing leaves. Just know I won't, ever abandon you!" Orion aimed a punch at Hydra as the wolf did the same, capping off the intro theme and having the title return with a dark aura along with Orion's sillhouette next to it.
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