Season one Episode seven: Loss of Humiliation

Ginga Hanashi Orion

Season one Episode seven: Loss of Humiliation


The screen brightened up with Silhouette from Naruto Shippuden playing as Orion and his friends were each shown one by one with Orion being last to indicate him being the main character. The word Ginga was sliced onto the screen with Hanashi being pushed underneath it. The word Orion was then shot underneath that as well with fire blazing around it right after. The song began with Orion looking over a beautiful part of the land as a female voice began to sing the main theme for the series known as Who I Am.

"Ready set go! My determination will rise and give me hope; (Andy walks up to Orion and sits next to him) Even though, there is so, much we do not know yet." Bella was jumping into a rain puddle while it was still raining, showing her bubbly natue. "Crossing that line. (Bella sees Sirius walking up to her) We all know there's no going back in time. (Sirius rubs Bella's head, making her smile) Even though, there is so, much we do not know yet."

Orion and Rigel were on a stage with Rigel farting his ABC's as he let out small green clouds for each one, making Orion laugh as the song continued. "Our passion, is burning, under the sun." Orion was shown to be crushing someone's skull, showing a dark expression on his face as he did so. "Yeah my skin is, glistening. (Orion lets out an evil grin, showing that he can be merciless when he wants to be) From the, sweat dripping from my (Orion punches the guard, possibly killing him as he does so) face!"

Ciara was watching as Orion slashed through an entire army of evil doers, staying out of sight as to not be seen by him. "As time will pass, I believe, (Ciara seems to be cautious when watching Orion's skills) there are many things that we may forget; (Orion continues to slash the army members into pieces as well as wiping them all out in no time) But I won't, lost the sign, of who I am."

Orion and his friends were shown to be braving some kind of snowstorm with Orion holding Andy's paw tightly so he doesn't fall behind. "It's not exactly that I don't care, but I won't let my memories be bare. And that's why, I must find, out who I am."

Orion was dodging Hydra's punches and kicks while in a blood red aura without moving as the song wrapped up. "So gracefully, we're fluttering, like dancing leaves. Just know I won't, ever abandon you!" Orion aimed a punch at Hydra as the wolf did the same, capping off the intro theme and having the title return with a dark aura along with Orion's sillhouette next to it.


Lucy had just grabbed Ciara's Ki powered punch like it was nothing, sending fear into her veins as she looked into her eyes. "So tell me. How much damage did you think you were gonna do?" Ciara growled and aimed another punch at Lucy, only for her to dodge it and heabutt her. This sent her rolling up until Orion ended up pointing a gun at her head, leading to her looking behind herself and seeing him standing in all his glory. "Looks like someone doesn't know when to quit. (Smiles) I like a warrior that doesn't give up."

"Same here." Orion replied, though he wasn't about to go all soft on Lucy just yet. "Though, you may wanna take a rain check, cause I'm gonna-" Lucy smacked Orion aside and made him roll onto his back, having him shoot multiple bullets at Lucy, who deflected them all as she dashed up to him. "God damn it!"

"So hey, who's got two broken arms and is a total bitch?" Lucy asked as she looked down at Orion with a smirk.

Orion scoffed at Lucy's comment, feeling she wouldn't be able to do much with him now. "You stupid bitch. You only broke ONE of my-"

Lucy suddenly pressed her foot hard on Orion's working arm, making him cry out in pain from the impact. "This guy." Orion ended up going out of Super Canine form as Lucy then kicked him over to his stomach and commented on his strength. "No need to start sulking kid. With that kind of power your arms shouldn't even be broken for all that long. (Walks off) That said, I recommend powering up a bit before we meet again. Could do you some good."

Johnny was watching the road as Lucy flew up to him, spotting a truck and getting excited. "Ah yeah. A tru-" Just then, Orion's Ki blast from before dove down into the truch, dissapointing Johnny greatly as he commented on it. "Ah. Dick!"

"Um..." Johnny and Lucy both looked at Bella, who felt her heart jump once she clenched it. 'Why do I do things?" Johnny and Lucy fly over to Bella, who's shown to be more than fearful of the possible outcome. "Now listen. I believe, that after you beat up my friends and siblings, if I were to come to blows with you, I would...come up short. No pun intended."

Lucy laughed a bit at Bella's line as Johnny took a step forward, feeling like Bella would be a waste of time to go up against. "Relax kid, we're not gonna fight you. You're about as threatening as a mouse in a science experiment."

"You make up a fan-tastic point." Bella agreed with a nervous smile as she still felt fear coming all around her spine. "So I shall continue to stand here and do nothing."

"Sounds good." Lucy stated as she then walked off with Johnny. "We're gonna go find Weed now and kick his ass. Maybe we'll take what your idiot friend said to heart, and maybe we won't. Who knows?" Bella clenched her heart just as Sirius got up and ran up to them, leading to him falling to his knee and almost kneeling down to them. "Hey blue one, if you wanna fight then we may have to save it for another time. We beat you pretty hard."

"Well I'm not just gonna stand here and let you go after my father." Sirius stated as he stood up, declaring his duty to protect his family at any cost. "You won't lay a claw on him if I have anything to say about it!"

Lucy scoffed as she walked over to Sirius, finding his little defensive skit to be adorable. "Don't worry. He's not even our main target." Lucy kneeled down to Sirius and kissed his left cheek, making hmi blush as she then looked into his eyes. "He's just a side dish alongside Orion and Hydra, so you'll at least get to say goodbye." Lucy walked off with Johnny as she then called over to Lenny to let him know they were leaving. "Hey Lenny! We're gonna go kick Hydra's ass now, so finish whatever you're doing and cmon!"

"Affirmative." Lenny flew over to Johnny and Lucy, flying off with them as Sirius then launched a Ki blast at them, which Lenny kicked back so fast that it struck the ground and made them all explode. Sirius got knocked back by the blast and ended up in Bella's arms with both of them feeling the defeat. Although Bella hadn't done anything in the fight, that was just it. She wished she could've helped more, and at least tried to have made an impact.


Johnny, Lucy, and Lenny were flying over the area as Johnny was shown to be looking down in search for a suitable vehicle. While he was looking, he saw that Lucy was rather cold due to her fur coat being ruined during the battle with Orion. She didn't exactly care about how she looked, but her fur coat was important to her due to how much it could do for her. Johnny took out some kind of jacket and went over to Lucy to hand it to her, getting a surprised look, and then a smirk from her. "Thanks, but I won't stoop that low."

"Heh. Suit yourself." Johnny replied casually as he put the jacket away with a smile on his face. "I wouldn't expect you to accept it anyway. It's been a while since we got gifts for each other, let alone gave each other hand me downs."

"Well we never had to worry about that due to being twins."

"Yeah, but if we did you'd be getting all the broken ones."

"Tch. Would not." Lucy saw some kind of truck down below and felt it would be suitable, both for warmth, and for satisfying Johnny. "Hey, I think I found a good truck down there."

Lucy pointed to the truck when Johnny signalled her to do so and the trio all dove down to it. When the truck stopped, they saw the trio just standing there silently in four leg mode. The driver got out, confused as to what the trio were doing. "Hey, what're you three doing out here in the road? You could get yourselves killed."

Lucy went into two leg mode and kicked the driver in the stomach, sending him at least a few miles away as she then cracked her knuckles. The passenger then got out and attempted to shoot Lucy, only for her to grab the first bullet and send it into his stomach. Once the humans were taken care of, Lucy looked at Johnny and Lenny as she got into the truck "Cmon. It's cold as tits out here and I'm pretty sure Hydra's base has air conditioning." Johnny and Lenny nodded, getting into the truck with Johnny driving off in the direction of Hydra's base.


Ciara was tending to Orion's wounds with Orion's arms being healed as Ciara tended to the injured part of his face. Orion suddenly coughed blood due to being so badly hurt from his battle with Lucy, and he then got a calling out from Ciara. "So you decided to rush into a battle head first, only to get your ass kicked, and to get a bunch of your friends asses kicked." Ciara scoffed. "You must feel really stupid right now."

"Hey, it's not like a plan can stop that kind of power." Orion shot back, feeling Ciara lacked the knowledge of the power Johnny and Lucy possess. "Apparently they've been using some kind of gravity multiplier thing that ups their speed and power. I don't know how it works, but it sounds pretty interesting." Ciara founds this information useful as she then felt something odd for Orion. It was almost like she cared about him. Seeing him beaten up like this gave her a feeling of concern for him that she didn't understand. "You okay?"

Ciara flinched and nodded, getting back to tending to Orion's wounds. The two of them then saw Kotetsu walking up to them with Orion preparing for whatever he had in store. Although he was still hurt, he was sure he could still take Kotetsu on. He was surprised however to see him kneeling down, but not so surprised when the Kishu then slapped him across the face, making him rub his cheek in anger as Ciara then defended him. "Hey, watch it. He just got beaten in battle; a slap won't help."

"I know. I just felt like doing that." Kotetsu then put his paw on Orion's head and spoke to him seriously. "Seriously though Orion. You shouldn't have just rushed in like that. This isn't-"

"Just shut up." Orion shot at Kotetsu, surprising him as Orion then said something else. "I don't care what they have in store for me. (The others start surrounding Orion and the others) The moment we save dad I'm gonna get all the info I can on why he was gone for so long. I don't care what I have to go through." The others nodded with Orion feeling even more determined now than ever to save his father, knowing he'd have to put in all the effort he can.


Johnny, Lucy, and Lenny were still driving through the road as Johnny got an idea after seeing Lucy looking all bored. He then saw a dangerous looking road that said it was also a shortcut to Hydra's base, feeling they could have fun and keep the mission under control at the same time. Johnny took a turn to the road and surprised Lucy when she saw him driving on it, feeling all intense inside when she did. "Alright, now you're talkin my language! (Looks at Johnny) If this is what it takes to enjoy riding in a car then I'll take it!"

"And we're about to get even more enjoyment up in here!" Johnny exclaimed as he set the truck into high gear, going at maximum speed and heading straight into the direction of Hydra's foretress. Although he knew they wouldn't be able to defeat him, they felt they could at least damage him enough to where he could get killed by someone else. Either way, he was excited to make Hydra pay. "So how do we do this? We need some kind of plan to take on someone of Hydra's level."

"Maybe we could use Lenny." Lucy suggested as she pointed at Lenny with her thumb, catching the attention of the wolf cub, who was carving some kind of dark wood as he then looked at Johnny and Lucy when they looked back at him. "Whatya say kid? Feel like showing off your power?"

Lenny felt that battling Hydra would be an interesting event, even though it wasn't exactly the target he planned on killing. "I suppose it would be a good opponent to have in the meantime of killing Orion. And then he can suffer for removing my emotions." Lenny was shown to be carving a stake as he then showed it to Johnny and Lucy. "This will be the weapon I use to end his life and save Weed. Then we can play with him."

Johnny and Lucy nodded before looking on ahead with Lucy feeling she could get used to Lenny. "This kid is gonna help make our time together a total blast." Johnny nodded in agreement as he continued going down the dangerous path, wanting to get to Hydra's base as fast as possible.


Orion and the others were preparing to head for Hydra's base, since now they would have to fly there to get to Weed in time. Orion was by a lake that was near the location of the fight and splashed some water on his face as Andy was walking up to him. Orion looked into the water and questioned if what he did was right, or if he could get any closer to saving their father. Andy kneeled down to him, since he was on his knees at the moment, and put his paw on his shoulder for support. This made Orion smile and laugh a bit.

Andy questioned what Orion was laughing about, but smiled anyway, knowing that Orion would most likely not want to talk about it right now. Orion still felt happy though, and even though he could sense Andy's concern for him, he just threw him into the lake and made the two of them laugh some more. Jerome saw the two of them laughing together and felt it was right to have them become friends, sensing that the two were perfect for each other friendship wise.

Bella was shown to be looking concerned for everyone, since she was the only one who didn't fight in the battle. Or at least she thought. Yeah Rigel and Bon didn't battle either, but she felt she didn't do enough when she stood up for everyone. She then saw Orion and Andy running back over to them and ran over to the group with Sirius noticing as he was tending to his own wounds. "You okay Bella?" Bella looked at Sirius and saw his caring look, knowing she could feel safe around him. "I saw you looking off over there."

"Yeah, I'm fine." Bella replied with a nod, not wanting to worry Sirius at the moment. She still appriciated the attempt to check though. "Thanks for checking though."

Orion was getting ready to head out as he looked at the others with Jerome going into two leg mode and walking in front of all of them. "Alright. You guys ready for this?" Everyone else nodded, leading to everyone flying off with Jerome leading them all. Now that they were flying there, they felt they should at least stay together for the time being, knowing that whatever came next would end up being a hard battle for all of them to face. Maybe even harder than this.


Orion and the others were flying around with Orion thinking hard about something and Rigel noticing it. He felt that Orion was upset about his loss against Lucy and flew over to him to see if he was correct. "You doing okay Orion?" Orion nodded his head yes with Rigel wiping his forehead as he then started flying while looking up at the sky on his back. "That's good. For a second I thought you were gonna start sulking about your loss against Lucy."

"Tch. And hold the mission off?" Orion replied with a snarky smile, feeling Rigel was missing the point here. "I'm not just gonna sit around when there's crap to be done Rigel. If I say we go to save dad then we go to save dad and that's that." Rigel nodded in understanding with Orion looking back on his loss against Lucy. He still found it hard to believe that she was able to overpower him, even with him in his Super Canine form. "Though, I do find it odd how Lucy was able to overpower me, even with the knowledge of her and her brother's intense gravity training."

Just then, a blizzard started kicking up with Orion and the others almost getting flown off track by it. Jerome in particular was finding it hard to see, since he was up front and had to lead the others. He felt it would be much safter if they went on land, since walking through a snowstorm wouldn't be as hard to manage. "Looks like we should it the ground. (Looks back at the others) Time to make a landing!" Orion and the others nodded with Jerome diving down first and the others joining him, knowing they wouldn't have much luck flying around in a snowstorm.


Orion and the others landed safely with Bon wiping the snow from his eyes as he questioned what they were going to do now. "Okay. So we just got snowstormed, (Finishes wiping his eyes) and I've done just about nothing on this trip other than play video games when you guys did stuff. What do we do now?"

"Well the most logical approach would be to use the information we already have." Jerome answered, feeling they already had some necessary info and looked at Cross to see what she knew. "You said you saw the base somewhere nearby, correct Cross? Perhaps you could lead us yourself."

"Yeah, I know where it is, but I'm not gonna break my back by taking your place as leader." Cross snarked with a smirk on her face, feeling the leader position was just a little too hard for her. "I have eternal life, not eternal youth. If I get into a battle that's too intense for me my bones will just...snap."

Orion nudged Kotetsu, feeling he would be the best choice for backup leader. Not only did Kotetsu have a past with Jerome where they went to stop Hougen alongside Weed, but he was also one of the closest ones on the team to him. Kotetsu saw what he was trying to say and he walked up to Jerome and Cross with a proud look on his face. "I could lead alongside you if you like Cross. Could be something of a good time."

Cross thought for a moment and felt that Kotetsu would be a good candidate. After all, most of the warriors there were kids who didn't have much leadership experience and Kyoshiro's anger issues would most likely get on her nerves. She felt she didn't have a much better choice, so she took the option. "Why not? You're deffinetely less of a brat then you were back then."

"Yeah, calling you old one time is enough to give me that title."

"Whether or not we were just referencing Fullmetal Alchemist, it still counts."

Orion saw something mysterious and took out a Ki orb, alerting Andy, who was right next to him when it happened. The figure walked closer to them and soon everyone noticed with Andy hiding behind Orion as he aimed his Ki blast at the figure and smirked. "What are you, some kind of snow monster?" The warrior came out and revealed itself to be a Great Dane, hyping up Orion a bit as he stepped forward. "Hougen's ghost huh? Fine with me!" The Great Dane suddenly dashed over to Bella with Orion blasting his back just before he grabbed her.

The Great Dane ran off with Bella, who tried to free herself, only to be knocked out with Orion chasing after her. He felt that since his wounds were all healed up, he should test how recovering from his battle with Lucy assisted him, and he saw saving Bella as an opportunity. "This a good enough reason to fight now!?" Though, he did want to save her too. She is his little sister after all.

Orion dashed after the Great Dane with Sirius looking at Jerome and the other adults. "You guys go on ahead. We'll make sure Bella's safe." Jerome nodded with the adults heading off and the children ehading after Orion to make sure he's not fighting alone.


The Great Dane arrived at some kind of outdoor arena with a giant sleeping dog with ice surrounding it right in the middle. When he awoke, he saw the Great Dane walking up to him with Bella, who just woke up to find the Great Dane carrying him, and she wasn't happy. "Put me down you psycho! Take me back to my brothers!" The Great Dane slammed Bella's head against the floor and knocked her out again, throwing her to the giant dog, who sniffed her to test of she could fit. When he was done with it, he approved of her.

The giant dog was about to eat Bella until he got shot in the eye, making him cry out in pain with Orion dashing to the scene. He then saw the Great Dane, who dashed at him, only to get kicked aside with Orion inspecting the giant dog. The giant dog wasn't happy with this in the slightest, finding Orion's presence to be bothersome. "Who dares to disturb the Cerberus Prince when he's just about to have his lunch!? I've been waiting all day for this!"

Orion let out a laugh with the others arriving as Sirius saw the Great Dane and dashed at it to stop it from hurting Orion. Orion in the meantime, was taunting the Cerberus Prince like no tomorrow. "Well now. (Starts pointing at the Cerberus prince as he taunts him) I've never seen a giant talking mutt before. Ya know, if this were an ugly dog show, you would deffinetely take first place."

Orion stopped moving and pointing with the Cerberus getting furious at his behavior. "You dare to mock me you brat!?"

The Cerberus launched a giant ice ball at Orion, who backflipped away from it and continued to make his taunts. "Easy there Rover. I think you need a little walk. (Claps and signals the Cerberus to come to him) Cmon puppy. Let's go." The Cerberus launched a giant ice beam at Orion, who held his paws out and blocked it, knowing he would have to put in a bit of effort to fight this guy. Since his injuries healed, he was able to break his paws out of the ice with ease. "No walk then? Ah well. I think you're more due for a bath."

Orion dashed at the Cerberus, who launched multiple ice balls at him, only for Orion to take his sword out and slash all of them to bits. The Cerberus attempted to bite him, only for Orion to slash his middle head and make him jump back. He then backflipped away as the Cerberus slammed the ground with his front paws, having two lines of ice spikes come towards him. Orion was able to slash them in half though, and he continued the fight.

The Cerberus let out a loud howl and made multiple ice pillars fall from the sky. Orion blocked them all with his sword and launched the last one right at the Cerberus's right head, making it loosen and begin to fall off. Orion then threw his sword up into the air as he took out his guns and shot at the loose Cerberus head, making the head fall off as Orion then kicked his sword into the Cerberus's left head and made it lose it's eyesight. Orion then ran right towards the Cerberus head and ripped his sword right out.

Sirius was blocking the Great Dane's attacks as he launched a Ki beam at him and sent him into a wall. This led to the Great Dane kicking the Ki beam towards the others with Rigel jumping in and blocking it. His arms were a little burned from the impact, due to him not being as strong as Sirius and Orion, but he still managed to protect the others. Bon and Yamabiko nodded to each other with Bon taking something out and aiming it at the Cerberus. "You ready for this?"

Yamabiko nodded with Bon pressing a button and having a super speed laser hit wall behind the Cerberus, making the wall fall on top of him. "Ha ha, (Looks back at Bon and Yamabiko) thanks dudes!" The Cerberus broke out from the rubble and dashed at Orion, who slashed his last head right in half and then kicked him into the wall. Orion walked up to the Cerberus, who was unable to move and vanished into thin air. He then turned into some kind of numbchucks, impressing Orion as he grabbed them and decided to test them.

Orion started walking with the numbchucks as he moved them rappidly with each end hitting the other paw and moving swiftly. As he moved faster, he impressed everyone in the room and even launched some kind of ice beam into the air after at least ten seconds. He seemed to take a liking to this and tossed it over to Sirius since he didt's have a weapon. "Heads up Sirius!" Sirius caught the numbchucks and nodded with approval, feeling he could use these.

The Great Dane was shown to be gone with Sirius questioning where it was as Orion then went over to Bella and picked her up. He then walked over to the others along with Sirius as the group then decided to get back on track, having Orion hand Bella over to Sirius. "I think you'll have a better chance at protecting her. Being the protagonist, I'll obviously be getting into action the most." Sirius nodded and then ran off with the rest of the group, knowing that the adults were probably already on their way to the location right now.

Orion and the others were keeping each other warm with Bon standing close to Yamabiko so he could keep up with the rest. Rigel didn't seem too bothered by the cold since he was likely surrounded by a foul odor. And this was proven correct with Orion wafting his odor away with a smile on his face. Sirius was still carrying Bella when she woke up, giving her a bit of a false impression that Sirius was the one who saved her from the Great Dane. "Sirius?"

Sirius looked at Orion with a smile on his face, giving Bella the proper impression, and making her grateful that Orion saved her. She then started walking normally as Sirius stood close to her, making her feel protected and safe. She did want to prove that she could hold her own in battle, but she knew that trying to do it right now would be a bad idea. Orion looked at Bella with concern, not knowing whether or not it was a good idea to bring her. He decided to keep that thought absent though, and continued on with the others.

Bella looked at Orion as she took a scarf out of her pack and put it on and tucked onto it, leading to Orion scoffing at how soft she was. She then stuck her tongue out at Orion, who chuckled, finding her retort to be pathetic. Sirius then patted Bella's head softly, showing his affection as Bella smiled and saw Orion whispering something to Rigel. Bella felt she could help Orion somehow, and she just had to find her own way to do so.

To be continued.


Bleach ending 10 Sakura Biyori played during the credits with Orion shown sitting on a ledge while looking over the land as a female voice prepared to sing The Evil In Me. "Sometimes I wonder, why things are like this, why my blood is tainted black, with no bliss. Has this fact occured, to anyone else, or is it all just me sulking, with little hope."

Orion looked up at the moon as Andy walked over to him and the two of them started talking as the leaders of Ohu were above them. "Very few canines understand me. Some others see me as as sadistic twerp. And although I won't lie, I truly love martial arts, I want them to see, that there's, more to me."

Orion and Andy looked at the stars with their looks of hope and compassion being shown. "My flaws aren't to ignore, but they aren't all I am. There is much, more to me, then this scar here. I blame no one for, being fearful, but I wish they could see. Once they see my, caring side they'll, get past the evil in me."

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