Weed's beginning arc Episode three: The Myth of Kaibutsu

Disclaimer: You may be surprised by this little thing I have at the end of the chapter. It's similar to a thing from Dragon Ball, and I think you'll like it. If you want it to be explained then I'll do it in the next chapter. Also, a new main character will be introduced in this, so yeah. More variety in the cast. Enjoy dudes!


Ginga Densetsu Weed

Weed's beginning arc Episode three: The Myth of Kaibutsu


Dragon Ball Super theme one instrumental plays during the credits as a male singer was heard.

Weed was seen sitting on a cliff as he looked at the stars. The past leaders of Ohu were shown among the stars, with Gin showing up last.

The scene then shifted to Weed running through the forest as a male singer began.

"This, is my new destiny."

Weed was shown to be jumping across trees in the forest.

"It's the fate that was brought onto me by the world."

Gb was shown to be batteling a Hougen soldier while in two leg mode.

"Me, and my friends together."

Casey was seen jumping in and joining Gb and they defeat the soldier.

"Even if my journey has has hard times to fold."

Gb and Casey defeated the soldier and then Mel was shown.

"Strong or weak, I'll save my father's home."

Weed playfully tackled Mel, to which the golden retriever smiled.

"This is no time to get mouth (Weed smiles) foam."

Kotetsu was seen battling two Hougen soldier while dodging their attacks.

"Fight at high speeds, dynamic! Let's go, yeah, punch and kick!"

Kotetsu saw Weed standing atop a cliff, getting excited during the next line.

"This is now my special time to shine."

Koyuki was shown looking at Weed with a soft smile.

"Despite what the dark times may give me."

Koyuki gave Weed an arm punch, showing a fiesty Tsundere nature.

"I will always, overcome them, you'll see."

Weed was seen getting into a battle stance similar to Goku from Dragon ball.

"Stronger, that's it, dynamic! Let's roll, yeah, let's win it!"

Weed was seen with a golden color swirling around his fur, similar to Sonic the hedgehog's super form, or a Super saiyan like in Dragon ball, gaining a large amount of power.

"Here it comes now, (Weed turns gold as does the screen) The power in me."

Weed and his friends were seen running together.

"Cause I will never let my home down, you'll see!"

Weed and his friends were seen showing off their personalities, with Weed being optomistic and free spirited, Kotetsu cocky and fun loving, Mel kind and child like, yet timid, Koyuki as a kind tsundere, GB as a cynical, yet good hearted English Settler, Nero as a calm and brave leader, Smith as a patient and strong willed soul, and Casey as a ready for everything danger loving and humble, yet overconfident dalmatian, having them all stand over a cliff as the song ended.

Ginga Densetsu Weed was shown above our heroes at the end.


A mutation dog was shown to be looking over a cliff, having a rather hateful look in his eyes. The dog's eyes glowed, possibly foreshadowing a certain future event. He then jumped down the wall and slid down it, walking over to some trees. He slashed the trees down at full force, showing that he doesn't care for nature. Keeping his vengeful look and refusal to play nice, the dog looked around to see if he could find anyone worth fighting. He sensed a powerful energy from the north, running over to it with hatred.


Weed was seen sleeping under a tree with Kotetsu apparently not being next to him.


The Myth of Kaibutsu


Weed heard grunting kicks and woke up to see what it was, finding the sound of it similar to Kotetsu. He followed the sound in search of who was making it, walking into the forest a bit. He then walked in further to see something that gave him interest. Kotetsu's fist was seen going through a piece of tree bark that Koyuki was then seen holding, which she then praised her brother on. "Nice work Kotetsu." Koyuki threw the bark behind her, revealing a big pile. "We'll be ready for Kaibutsu in no time.

"Kaibutsu?" Kotetsu and Koyuki looked to see Weed walking over to them with a cheerful smile. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Nothing too important;" Kotetsu said with a smile. "We were just training to battle this Kaibutsu dude Koyuki told me about."

Koyuki walked over to Weed, not forgetting when he questions Kaibutsu. "He's a mutated dog who's cold with blood and vengeance in his eyes. He kills for the hell of it and doesn't feel any remourse." Koyuki sighed of regret. "If I were stronger then me and Kotetsu would have parents."

Weed put his paw on Koyuki's shoulder, to which she quickly moved away. Weed gave a caring look to his new friend. "No one kills for the hell of it. Maybe Kaibutsu has another reason."

"You're kidding, right?" Koyuki asked in a somewhat cold tone.

Just then, the music from the Mlp Fim song Bats played in the background as Weed and Koyuki were up to sing Pure or Evil Mutation.

Weed questioned the music and looked around to find a radio, to which Kotetsu sat down next to him with an excited look on his face. "Ooooh, I love it when she does this."

Koyuki walked up the bark pile she and Kotetsu made and started singing. "This mutation dog, he'll fill you with fear. Sending it up into your rear. Even if it sounds like it'd be gross." Koyuki arrived at the top. "Killing is what that demon loves the most." Koyuki kicked the top of the bark pile, making it fall in the direction of Weed and Kotetsu, making them back up as Koyuki continued. "The dude's a sadist, there's just no doubt. (Puts finger onto Weed's chest.) So don't give me some whiny pout. (Pulls paw back.) He cares about nothing except, seeing others die."

Weed thought over on Koyuki's words for a moment and began singing himself, finding it much more fun than just talking. "Let's not get hasty now, there could be more to this." Weed jumped onto the bark pile and walked over it as he continued. "And I'm not exactly one who'd, jump to a conclusion." Weed stops at the end and lets a bird land on his finger. "Kaibutsu was once kind like us, who cared for all life, just like all us dogs do." Weed let the bird fly off of his paw as Koyuki walked over to him.

Koyuki continued singing, getting into Weed's face about the situation. "Give yourself a break, you're way too kind, that demon has a one track mind. The land of Ohu and beyond will fear, when Hougen is gone, and he is here." Weed stepped back with each step Koyuki took. "(Steps forward) I. (Steps forward) Will not. (Steps back with each word.) Deny the open truth." Weed falls off the bark pile and Kotetsu helps him up as Koyuki continues. "That basterd simply lost all of his ruth."

Weed stood up and gave a proud smile as he continued singing while walking over to a tree, sitting down to it during his song. "That's where my friend I disagree, as no one's evil pointlessly, perhaps if we speak with him-"

Koyuki interrupted Weed upon his last word, getting back to her own point of view. "If we went up to him defenseless then we'd die." Koyuki walked over to an apple and looked down at it. "He's big. And (Crushes the apple.) ugly. And menacing. Just look at the crap, caused by that thing."

Weed then sang a bit in contrast to Koyuki's point, feeling rather playful, despite his serious message when walking over to her and to her side. "He must've had a hard time, doing things that, damn cold."

Koyuki rolled her eyes and put her paw up in protest. "He's the reason. Our lives were a disaster." Koyuki then walked around Weed with a cold glare on her nine year old face, showing how nasty a kid's intentions could get. "I really hate, that you're so soft, as he could make you build a loft." Koyuki stepped over to Weed, looking into her same age friend's eyes. "I must admit, I'm somewhat shocked, that you'd want that tyrant unlocked."

Weed turned to Kotetsu, who shrugged, confused to why she did this as Koyuki continued. "It's time to fight, no matter what they say. I will meet him and give him his last day." Koyuki started circling Weed as she sang the last lyrics. "Stop him now, stop him now, make him die without a bow. Stop him now, stop him now, make him die without a bow. Stop him now, stop him now, make him die without a bow." Koyuki stopped in front of Weed and looked at him with a fierce look, showing to Weed her darker side. "It's time to fight, no matter what they say." A vision then happened of Koyuki killing Kaibutsu with satisfaction in her eyes. I will meet him and give him his last day." Koyuki charged at Kaibutsu, only to crash into a tree when she lunged at him.

Weed helped Koyuki up, to which she accepted. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks;" Koyuki said in a caring tone, only to switch to cold right after. "But this doesn't mean Kaibutsu won't die at my paws."

Koyuki walked off and Weed turned to Kotetsu with a concerned look, to which Kotetsu responded for him. "She's always hated Kaibutsu from what our mom said when she was alive. (Smiles) I still love the song though."

"Yeah, it was pretty fun." Weed laughed, and then he and Kotetsu walked back over to the group.


Weed and the others were seen walking down the trail to Ohu, with Weed and Koyuki continuing their debate. Weed spoke in a caring and compassionate tone, in contrast to Koyuki's cold and serious tone.

"He can't be that bad for no reason;" Weed said, feeling that Kaibutsu could have some vulnerability. "Maybe he's just misunderstood."

"If killing innocent beings for no reason is misunderstood, (Looks on ahead with her eyes closed.) then you clearly have high standards for who to kill."

Weed sighed and then Mel joined in, wanting to know what was going on. "What're you guys talking about?"

Weed turned to Mel to answer his question. "Koyuki told me about this Kaibutsu guy that killed her's and Kotetsu's parents." Koyuki seemed rather upset over Weed's mentioning of her's and Kotetsu's tragedy. "Apparently he's one of those killer type guys. She said he was a mutated dog."

Nero become shocked upon Weed's last words and turned to him. "I've heard of him."

"You have?" Weed asked as he and Mel turned to him.

Nero gave a nod of compassion. "I don't know much about him, but what I DO know is that whatever happened to him made him a savage beast that enjoyed nothing more than to kill. It's a tragedy indeed."

"Sounds more like your lack of balls from your original counterpart;" Kotetsu said, and Koyuki flicked the back of his head.

Nero chuckled at Kotetsu's words, finding his cocky attitude to be rather humerous. "Yes, I admit, the original me had much less kindness within him." Nero put on a serious face and continued talking about Kaibutsu. "Apparently he used to be a guard dog with a German Shepherd of some sort. They seemed to be good friends from the tales I've heard of."

Weed smiled, knowing there was some kindness in Kaibutsu. "Then that settles it. He really was a good guy before."

"Oh, no need to rub it in;" Koyuki said in an annoyed tone. "He's still an evil jerk."

Weed muttered under his breath in frustration. "I wasn't trying to rub it in you dumb bitch."

Koyuki turned to Weed with a serious look and tone. "What was that?"

"Nothin, not important;" Weed said quickly, flinching at Koyuki's sudden seriousness. Koyuki looked on ahead with Weed taking a liking to her fiestyness, despite it bringing him chills.


Weed and the others were seen at a rock near their next destination, with Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel looking over the cliff.

"So that's our next destination;" Weed said, admiring the view of the forest. "And to think someone like Hougen lives even farther beyond this."

"Tell me about it Weed;" Kotetsu said with a carefree smile. "And that air. It makes my nose twitch with excitement."

Mel smiled and sniffed the air to see Kotetsu's point, only to get a foul oder instead and then covered his nose. "Feels more like sewage to me." Kotetsu snickered and Weed covered his nose as well with a laugh while Mel smiled and whined when playfully pushing Kotetsu. "Kotetsu."

Kotetsu laughed as Weed continued to look over the cliff, ignoring the bad scent Kotetsu produced. While he did so, he thought that it would be smart to get a head start by checking out what the city had to offer. He then walked over to GB and the other adults, walking up to Nero with a request. "So Nero, I was thinking over there while looking over the cliff, and I figured that maybe we could use a spy so we know what to expect." Nero nodded in understanding as Weed continued. "So I thought that maybe I could go and see the next town."

Nero thought for a moment and saw Weed's point, nodding in understanding. "Just make sure you take an experienced fighter with you."

Weed nodded and back walked over to Kotetsu and Mel, signaling Kotetsu to join him, which he accepted with a proud smile. Weed and Kotetsu ran off, leaving Mel intrigued, and Koyuki cautious for what could happen to her brother.


Weed and Kotetsu were seen walking over to the next town while talking to one another.

"So Kotetsu. Do you or Koyuki know anything about my father?" Weed asked, feeling that if they knew of someone like Kaibutsu, then they'd know something about Gin.

"Just that he was a pussy ass bitch who left his home instead of fought;" Kotetsu said, seeming to not be interested in Gin. "If I were Gin then I'd wipe Hougen into the floor."

Weed looked on ahead and thought over what the possibilities were in his father's case. "Everyone has their own way of doing things Kotetsu. Maybe he just didn't want anyone to get killed." Weed smiled. "He seems like the caring type."

Kotetsu shrugged and somewhat saw Weed's point. "Well there's no denying that. But he should've at least tried to fight."

Weed sensed someone's power and looked to the side, confusing Kotetsu to a mininal degree. Weed walked over to where he was sending the power and Kotetsu went with him. Weed and Kotetsu walked over to a bush and saw Mel's head pop out with Mel speaking in a bubbly tone. "Hi guys." Weed and Kotetsu were surprised to see Mel's presence and Mel gave an innocent smile.

Weed pulled Mel out of the bush and scolded him lightly. "You shouldn't be out here Mel. How did you get by the others anyway?"

"Oh, I just told them that I had to pee and then made a run for it;" Mel said, laughing a bit afterwards. "I'm surprised they still haven't figured it out yet."

Weed looked back over the way they came, finding it too long for a turn around. Weed turned to Mel and put his paw on his head, speaking in a semi-serious tone. "Alright Mel. Now it was wrong for you to sneak out on your own, as you could've gotten mauled or beaten." Mel frowned and lowered his head before Weed lifted it up with a smile. "BUT, since we're already out here on our journey to town, you're gonna come with us. And you're gonna do exactly what I say. Especially in an enemy confrontation. Mel smiled and nodded feeling excited for the mission.


Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel arrived in town, liking what they saw as they walked around. Weed seemed to be taking a liking to the place, having never been in a town himself before. Kotetsu saw Weed's optimism and impressed look, making the young puppy smirk. Mel looked around and liked the place, despite worrying about someone coming to get him and the others. Kotetsu saw a food stand and walked on over to it, grabbing a corn dog and smelling it. "I'll take one of everything please."

"That'll be fifty four dollars;" The owner said somewhat harshly.

Kotetsu flinched, not having any cash on him. "I, don't have any money?"

The owner grabbed the corn dog and pointed it towards Kotetsu. "Then what use are you to me?"

"Certainly more than you are." Kotetsu said before biting into the corn dog, shocking the owner and walked off. The owner became furious and slammed the corn dog on the ground. Kotetsu walked up to Weed and Mel, continuing their search through town. "Did you two know that you apparently need something called, 'dollars' to may for your stuff?"

"I did not know that;" Weed said, interested in the fact, as was Mel.

"That aside, it'd be pretty cool to live in a place like this;" Mel said, admiring the view of the city. "Say Weed. What do you think Ohu would look like?"

Weed thought for a moment about Mel's question, considering what Ohu's town could be. "That's a good question Mel. I wonder if Ohu even has a town." Weed gave an optomistic smile, knowing that Ohu would be in good paws as soon as possible. "Even so, when we stop Hougen's reign of terror, we'll see what we can do."

Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel looked around a bit longer and then overheard two people talking. A female mixed breed spoke first. "So basically, everyone said that Weed resides at the mountain of Futago Pass." Weed became intrigued by this information.

"It could just be another one of his clones;" A blue nosed pitbull said in disbelief.

"Maybe. But I'm not gonna miss out on it;" The mixed breed said with confidence.

Weed nodded to Kotetsu and Mel and all three of them walked over to the females and Weed spoke up. "Excuse me ma'am?" The females turned to the trio. "Where exactly can we find this mountain of Futago Pass?"

"Off east;" The mixed breed said, pointing her thumb to the east direction.

"Great. Thanks;" Weed said, and then he and the others heard crashing from another part of town. "What the hell was that?"

"Oh crap. I know what's happening;" Mel said in a scared tone, knowing what was coming and ran off with Weed and Kotetsu. The females shrugged and ran off after the others.


Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel were seen arriving at what looked like an antique shop run by an elderly German Shepherd. "Please don't take all of these antiques that I don't care all that much about. I'm super old and I know others will love these."

"Step it up old timer;" The first labrador said, revealing it to be the labrador trio from before. "We can't wait to see how weak you are when you're bankrupt."

"You butt pies again?" The labradors looked to see Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel walking over to them, with Weed looking determined, Kotetsu looking cocky, and Mel looking scared. Kotetsu continued to speak to the labradors. "Guess you went past picking on Mel, huh?"

The labradors faced Kotetsu, going into two leg mode and charging at him. Kotetsu stood in two leg mode and charged at the labradors, much to Weed's excitement. Weed went into two leg mode as well and charged, signaling Mel to stay put. Mel nodded and Weed kneed the second labrador, kicking him into the store and under a golden shield. The German Shepherd stood in front of Mel to protect him, much to the Golden Retriever's gratefulness.

The first labrador launched a Ki wave at Kotetsu, surprising and amazing Weed, and Kotetsu punched through it like it was nothing. Kotetsu kicked the Labrador in the leg and the labrador aimed a punch at his face, only for Kotetsu to dodge it and kick him into the shield. The shield and labrador fell onto the other labrador, who then pushed the other off of him. "Get your ass off of my face!"

The last labrador charged at Kotetsu, who moonwalked to dodge him. Kotetsu dodged the labrador's attacks with more dance moves and grabbed him by the face. Kotetsu threw the labrador into the shop and threw him into a vase, breaking it, as well as the table. Mel ran over to Weed and Kotetsu as they walked over to them, high fiving them and then Weed looked at the German Shepherd. "Sorry about the mess."

"No, it's fine, I face stuff like this often;" The German Shepherd said, and then three Ki surfers, who appeared to be adult German Shepherds, slid past the trio.

"Whoa. More Ki surfers!" Kotetsu said in amazement.

"Ki surfers?" Weed asked in interest.

"See, Ki is a move that if you concentrate hard enough, you can use an orb or beam or anything from your anything;" Kotetsu explained as the Ki surfers were arresting the labradors. "After some time of practicing, you can just use it with no trouble."

Weed seemed impressed by the thought of learning Ki, looking at his paws in awe. Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel then saw the labradors being put into a truck as the leader walked over to them, allowing Weed to look at him with an optimistic look. "Another fun battle and another cool place of exploration. If I were a reviewer then I'd give a positive score."

"Hey, thanks kid;" The leader said as he turned to Weed. "It takes a lot of effort to keep this place in check. And don't worry about the damages. The police force of Futago Pass will covor them."

Weed nodded and the German Shepherd 'accidentally' dropped a note without anyone knowing it, allowing everyone to head back to their own business. Weed saw the note and picked it up, reading it. "If you go to the mountain then I'll be there." Weed turned to Kotetsu and then Mel, both of them shrugging.


Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel were seen walking up the mountain of Futago Pass in hopes of finding Gin. Weed looked around with hope in his eyes, feeling that Gin was close. Mel was seen standing close to Kotetsu, not wanting to get lost. "I really don't like this guys. What if Gin's not even out here?"

"Well it's true that we just listened to two people talking about it, but I don't see the harm in trying;" Weed said once he turned to Mel, and then turned around after he finished. "And besides. He'd love to see his son, as well as his friends.

"Well yeah, but what if someone else beat us to him?" Mel asked, still feeling fear in his heart. "What if someone beat him to the floor?"

Kotetsu sneered and began speaking himself, playfully teasing Mel. "Maybe it's the ghost of Gin that they saw and just don't know it. He's probably haunting someone evil right now." Kotetsu leaned over to an even more scared Mel. "Or even better yet. (Whispers) He's dead and still here."

Mel screamed with fear and hugged Kotetsu as tight as he could, making the young Kishu gasp for air. Weed turned to his friends and rolled his eyes while smiling, walking over to them and pulling them apart. "Alright you two, break it up. There's no ghost, and there's certainly not a dead body." Weed then turned to Kotetsu. "Kotetsu, apologize to Mel for scaring him."

"Pssh. Cmon Weed, I'm just having some fun with him;" Kotetsu said with a smirk and then he laughed a bit more, upsetting Mel until he saw what looked like Gin. Mel pointed to what he saw and Weed and Kotetsu saw as well, getting overjoyed at the sight of it.

The dog looked down at Weed and Kotetsu, with Weed speaking proudly. "Sir. Would you perhaps be Gin by any chance?"

"Yes;" Gin said with a nod, making the trio even more joyful.

"Alright dude, you've gotta teach me some of your moves;" Kotetsu said until Mel covered his mouth.

"It's an honor to meet you Gin;" Weed said, explaining his reasons for meeting him. "See, I was the son Sakura had inside of her when Hougen attacked. When she died, she told me about you and I came to help you save Ohu."

"Kinda confusing to why you're here by the way;" Mel said, and then Gin jumped down to the trio.

"I see. Then perhaps you should ask the REAL Gin."

Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel became surprised to hear those words as the now identityless Kishu Inu continued to speak. "Gin is still in Ohu trying to devise a plan. I'm merely a clone made from one of Akakabuto's machines, which he hid from reality."

The trio became disappointed to hear this and then Kaibutsu was seen hiding in the forest.


Koyuki and the grown ups were seen back at the base, waiting for Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel to return. Koyuki was seen rubbing her arm, worried that Kotetsu could've gotten hurt. GB was seen scouting the area, making sure that no rouges or enemies came. Smith was seen doing sit ups on a rock to keep his strength up. Nero was instructing Casey on his push ups, making sure he was in shape. GB saw Koyuki's concern and walked over to her, placing a paw on her shoulder. "He'll be okay Koyuki."

"I sure hope so;" Koyuki said, and then she turned to GB. "How do you take it GB? Weed being lost I mean."

GB chuckled at Koyuki's question. "Well I only recently became his Godfather."

Koyuki became stunned by this information and looked into GB's eyes, pulling him down by his collar. "You mean you're caring for that softie? No wonder he hasn't snuck up onto my body yet." GB became confused by this and Koyuki flinched, pushing GB's upper half back up. "Shut up!"

"Perhaps we should go and find them before they get harmed;" GB said, brushing off Koyuki's roughness. "Since we're set up here, it'd be best to find them fast."

Koyuki nodded in agreement, wanting to find the trio as well. "Right." Nero nodded to the others and they all ran off to find Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel.


Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel were seen talking to the Kishu Inu until Kaibutsu appeared behind the grown dog. Weed alerted the Kishu Inu with fear. "Mister fake dad, look out!" The Kishu Inu looked behind himself and Kaibutsu grabbed his head, crushing it with high amounts of pain. The Kishu Inu yelled in pain, fueling Weed with rage. Despite just meeting this supposed fake of his father, he wasn't about to see him killed. Weed charged at Kaibutsu and bit his leg, only to be thrown off. Kotetsu and Mel catch Weed and stop him from falling off the cliff.

Kaibutsu crushes the Kishu Inu's head, fueling Weed with even more anxiety. Not as much as his mother's death, but as much as Blue's death. Weed climbed up and faced Kaibutsu, refusing to back down after what he just did. "Alright beast dude! I may have just met this guy, but he clearly didn't deserve what-" Kaibutsu flicked Weed's head with his finger, making him fall onto his back.

"Save your breath brat." Kaibutsu snarled, glaring at Weed. "You seem to not know who I am. (Raises paw) Let me (Slams paw down) Show you!" Just then, a grown up German Shepherd about the age of GB appeared above Weed, grabbing Kaibutsu's paw and holding it up. "Ah. Jerome." Kaibutsu laughed a bit. "It's been a while since We met.

Weed climbed out from under Jerome, as he had stood above Weed to save him from the attack. Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel all looked at the Jerome, who smiled proudly to them, and then Weed asked him a question. "So you're Kaibutsu's co-worker, huh?" Jerome nodded until Kaibutsu started pushing down harder, making Jerome descend into the ground. Jerome gained a red aura, which surprised Weed, and then Jerome threw Kaibutsu onto his back. Jerome grabbed Weed, Kotetsu, and Mel tightly, running off with them into the forest. Weed looked back at Kaibutsu, still seeing that he had a good side.


To be continued.


Pokemon XY KiraKira played during the credits as a male voice sings unofficial brothers.

Weed was seen looking over a cliff with the thought of war in his mind.

"When, the thought of war and fighting passes through my mind."

Weed looked at the sky to see his father dying at Hougen's paws.

"I hope the path open to us all, will let us run and play without any fad."

Kotetsu walked over to Weed and sat down next to him, looking with him.

"This, is a feeling that I have never felt before."

Weed and Kotetsu looked at each other and smiled.

"The feeling of a brother that I never had."

Weed and Kotetsu were seen sparring with punches and kicks being thrown.

"You're the one friend that I will never leave."

Weed landed a punch on Kotetsu, sending him into a tree.

"Even if the darkest of times come to us."

Weed offered his paw to Kotetsu, smiling down to him.

"And even if we ever fight. (And even if we ever fight.)"

Kotetsu smiled and accepted Weed's offer, letting him pull him back up.

"I will always be there for you."

Kotetsu sneered and aimed a punch at Weed, who dodged it.

"And all our friends, even if, they fall."

Weed and Kotetsu were seen fighting off Hougen's minions in two leg mode.

"This must be what it feels like to have kinship. The power of evil is what we'll rip."

Weed was seen tending to one of Kotetsu's chest burns from Blue's virus.

"And I'm sorry, if I ever worry you, but I won't ever, let, you down."

Weed was seen charging up to attain the form he obtained in the intro.

"Even if we end up dying without caution. I will never leave your side for Hougen's auction."

Weed went into the form against Hougen and charged at him, seeming to land every blow he could.

"With this power we get, when we fight together, it's the power of unofficial kinship."

Weed was seen looking into a pond until Kotetsu showed up, having Weed look at him with a smile. Weed and Kotetsu hugged one another as a golden aura swirled around their kinship.

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