Hidden power arc Episode eight: Psuedo Super Canine
Ginga Densetsu Weed
Hidden power arc Episode eight: Pseudo Super Canine
Dragon Ball Super theme one instrumental plays during the credits as a male singer was heard.
Weed was seen sitting on a cliff as he looked at the stars. The past leaders of Ohu were shown among the stars, with Gin showing up last.
The scene then shifted to Weed running through the forest as a male singer began.
"This, is my new destiny."
Weed was shown to be jumping across trees in the forest.
"It's the fate that was brought onto me by the world."
Gb was shown to be batteling a Hougen soldier while in two leg mode.
"Me, and my friends together."
Casey was seen jumping in and joining Gb and they defeat the soldier as Kyoshiro then rips a soldier's head off.
"Even if my journey has has hard times to fold."
Gb and Casey defeated the soldier as Rocket pinned another one against a tree, stabbing his claws into his throat and then Mel was shown.
"Strong or weak, I'll save my father's home."
Clara playfully tackled Mel, to which the golden retriever smiled.
"This is no time to get mouth (Clara smiles) foam."
Kotetsu was seen battling two Hougen soldier while dodging their attacks.
"Fight at high speeds, dynamic! Let's go, yeah, punch and kick!"
Kotetsu saw Weed standing atop a cliff, getting excited during the next line.
"This is now my special time to shine."
Jerome was seen crushing the paw of an elite Hougen soldier, followed by Koyuki was shown looking at Weed with a soft smile.
"Despite what the dark times may give me."
Koyuki gave Weed an arm punch, showing a fiesty Tsundere nature, with Kyoshiro whispering a tease to him about his feelings for Koyuki, making him flinch and growl at Kyoshiro.
"I will always, overcome them, you'll see."
Weed was seen getting into a battle stance similar to Goku from Dragon ball.
"Stronger, that's it, dynamic! Let's roll, yeah, let's win it!"
Weed was seen with a golden color swirling around his fur, similar to Sonic the hedgehog's super form, or a Super saiyan like in Dragon ball, gaining a large amount of power.
"Here it comes now, (Weed turns gold as does the screen) The power in me."
Weed and his friends were seen running together.
"Cause I will never let my home down, you'll see!"
Weed and his friends were seen showing off their personalities, with Weed being optomistic and free spirited, Kotetsu cocky and fun loving, Mel kind and child like, yet timid, Koyuki as a kind tsundere, GB as a cynical, yet good hearted English Settler, Jerome as a calm yet violent warrior with some emo in him, despite his kind nature, Smith as a patient and strong willed soul who was more than determined to pass as a good leader, Casey as a ready for everything danger loving and humble, yet overconfident dalmatian, Kyoshiro as a bloodthirsty and cocky Kishu, Clara as a loyal and quirky Husky, and Rocket as a polite and loyal Borzoi, having them all stand over a cliff as the song ended.
Ginga Densetsu Weed was shown above our heroes at the end.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Weed was lying by the hot springs as he woke up to see Jerome looking over him. As he sat up, he rubbed his head in confusion. "What the hell happened? (Flinches) Is everyone okay? Where's Dark Mel?"
"From what the others told me Weed, you managed to drive him off." Jerome explained as he rubbed Weed's head. "The Zetsu Tenrou Battouga may not be an attack that you've mastered yet, but it's certainly a strong one." Jerome pointed his thumb to Smith, who was relaxing in the spring. "Smith here voluntered to provide your medicine from the stress." Smith gave Weed a thumbs up as the Akita Inu smiled and nodded to him. "Do tell Weed. How is your Zokaken doing?"
"It's doing great actually." Weed said with confidence. "Actually I think I could take a five times Zokaken if I wanted to." Weed then sensed a dark energy and darted his eyes to the forest. "And if Dark Mel gets stronger then I may have to."
"Weed!" Kotetsu tackled Weed and pinned him to the floor with excitement. "That was awesome out there dude! I still can't believe you were able to pull that thing off on your first go!"
Weed laughed a bit as he pushed Kotetsu off of him lightly. "Well it was no cakewalk Kotetsu; I can tell you that much." Weed started to think about what could happen if he lets the Zokaken wear him out again, looking at his paw with a worried face. Not wanting to worry the others, he set it down and smiled again. "Now then. I say we try our hardest to get the Super Canine ability. (Looks at Jerome) We won't be able to beat Hougen otherwise." Jerome smiled and nodded, seeing Weed grow like no one he's ever seen before.
Hougen's base was shown as the main room was then seen, with Hougen shouting as Dark Mel crashed right into the wall. "What the hell do you mean he was able to beat you!? You're stronger than most of them combined!"
"Don't blame me for that asshole beating me!" Dark Mel shouted as he got back up. "The loser decided to play Zokaken with me and I couldn't keep up with him!"
Hougen dashed in front of Dark Mel and glared into his eyes. "And yet you were able to beat him before?"
"Maybe he had training or something; I don't know!" Dark Mel pushed Hougen back a bit. "He had that Zetsu Tenrou Battouga crap you told me about on his side!"
Hougen flinched at the mention of the Zetsu Tenrou Battouga, remembering when Gin used it against Akakabuto. Looking back on that fateful day, as well as when Akakabuto's device allowed the dogs to do human-like things, he wiped his lip and chuckled evilly. "So that's it then. No wonder Akakabuto made the device that he did." Dark Mel became confused as Hougen continued. "He simply wanted to see Gin's offspring using his maximum power. A rather dumb move, but there could be more. (Hougen's eyes flash) Much, much, more."
Dark Mel walked up to Hougen as he then looked right at his face, wanting to know more about Akakabuto. "Why do you and Genba always talk about him anyway? It's like you were gay for him or something?"
Hougen chuckled evilly as he walked past Dark Mel. "It's very simple Dark Mel." Dark and ominous music played as Dark Mel walked up to Hougen. "You wish to know don't you?"
"Through any kind of media; I don't care what you chose." Dark Mel answered with Hougen walking past him again.
"Very well then."
Hougen began singing as he explained why Akakabuto was so grand when he was alive, singing For Akakabuto was much stronger than thee. "Akakabuto was a powerful force, one you cannot underestimate. (Looks at Dark Mel) And I know it may sound cheesy, but it seems like our victory is fate. (Akakabuto was seen surviving the valley fall that Shiro had with him) Not even Shiro, who was Riki's father, could end his life you see. For Akakabuto was much stronger than thee."
Dark Mel walked up to hougen with confusion. "This sounds like it could sound better in words."
"Yes, I agree; but we have a song lineup we have to follow." Hougen explained as he then continued. "Not even Riki could defeat him, for he was just to weak. Though the hunt for him never did stop, it drove many to their peak. (Hougen placed his paw on Dark Mel's shoulder, looking at him with a develish smile.) It's hard to stomach what has happened, at least for those who are kind. However, it's important to rememeber, the ones he had in a bind."
Hougen walked onward as Dark Mel followed him, with the two going out onto Hougen's balcony. "You mean Gin and his soldiers, correct? Like, the one thing you explained to me before I joined you."
"Yes, of course." Hougen stated proudly.
"So then, why the song?"
"Like I said, we're on a lineup. Also, it sounded like fun." Hougen then continued singing as he jumped up to the roof. "Up until that fateful day was when, (Dark Mel jumps up to the roof and walks with Hougen) Akakabuto had died. It's a rather upsetting tale for those with evil pride. But then with his magical device, he gave us our own way. (Hougen chuckles) The way to do what humans do, at least some of them anyway."
Hougen continued to sing as Dark Mel smiled at this legend. "As you can clearly tell from this song, Akakabuto was no weakling. Even though this could be explained by me just explaining. I assure you young one that you will soon be able to see. (Hougen launches a Ki beam up to the sky) For Akakabuto was much stronger than thee." Dark Mel stood beside Hougen as the two of them looked over to their base.
Dark Mel saw the Ki beam explode as he then laughed a bit. "Not gonna lie, that was pretty damn catchy for it's dark tone." Hougen grinned evilly as he and Dark Mel looked over their land again. "I'll be right back. Gotta cause drama." Dark Mel vanished with Hougen chuckling at his excitement.
Weed was seen talking with Reika as the two walked through the forest back to the hot springs, having gone on a nature walk together beforehand. Weed was looking at the trees as Reika noticed his fondness for nature. "You seem fond of the ways of live."
Weed looked at Reika, who smiled and he chuckled a bit. "I guess you could say that. See, for the first nine years of my life, I've just been with my Mom in the Northern Alps. I never left the place we lived at much, other than to get food and drinks for her when she became ill."
Reika seemed worried when Weed said that, noticing a slight sorrow in his voice. "You miss her. Don't you. (Weed flinches) Is that why you went with GB and the others?"
"I guess." Weed looked at the sky and thought for a moment, speaking more as he did. "I...don't really like to fight. But if it's to help my friends and keep everyone I know and love from suffering a cruel fate."
Koyuki was seen spying on Weed and Reika as Weed continued. "I try not to bring it up too much as to not annoy the others."
"That's pretty noble Weed." Reika responded. "I'd think the same way."
'Look at her; just eating up her words.' Koyuki thought to herself, trying to conseal her anger. 'I don't know why I feel this way for Weed, or why I feel the way I do about Reika; (Clenches her fist) but I swear to god if I have to see them kiss then I'll-' Koyuki then let out an untintentional three second peach and honey fart (phhhhht).
Weed and Reika heard the fart with Weed sniffing the air a bit. "Not to sound rude or anything, but did you just fart?"
"No way." Reika replied. "A girl only farts if it's natural unless they're a tomboy; and I'd know if it was mine."
Koyuki wiped her head in relief that Weed and Reika didn't look in her direction, with Weed speaking up. "It smells like peaches. Maybe the one who did has their ass clean."
Reika laughed a bit as Clara then popped down from a tree to greet Koyuki. "Hi Ko-" Koyuki covered Clara's mouth and shushed her, pointing to Weed and Reika and giving Clara the needed explination. "Oh. (Salutes Clara) You got it." Clara hopped down as she and Koyuki walked off after Weed and Reika. "So when do you plan to ask Weed out?"
Koyuki flinched, having never thought about when she and Weed would hook up. "I...never decided."
"Ah; the shyness trope." Clara giggled a bit as she then encouraged Koyuki. "Well don't worry. You'll get the strength eventually." Clara ran on ahead with Koyuki smiling at her, running off after her.
Koyuki and Clara were seen watching Weed and Reika eating by the training grounds, with Clara watching from behind Koyuki. Still trying to conceal her anger, this time not to frighten Clara, Koyuki spoke as softly as she could. "Look at her. Just eating up Weed's kindness. How come he never had lunch with me?"
"You're not going to fart again, are you?" Clara asked, being right behind Koyuki's rear end.
"Trust me; if I had gas then I'd tell you." Koyuki assured Clara, as she then saw a dark presence. "Hold on a second. I thought Weed took care of that bastard." Koyuki saw Dark Mel about to pop up behind Reika, acting fast and charging at her. Just because she was jealous, it didn't mean she didn't care for Reika's safety. "Move over (Jumps over Weed) bitch!" Koyuki kicked Reika out of the way and backflipped over Weed just as Dark Mel vanished, surprising Koyuki and enraging her. "Damn it! He's gone."
Weed stood up and instantly replied to Koyuki's last words. "Who's gone?"
"I saw Dark Mel try to attack Reika; he could be anywhere." Weed became shocked as Koyuki ran over to Reika, who was rubbing her head as Koyuki pulled her up; just as she explained her reasons for kicking her. "Reasons."
Koyuki ran off with Reika as Clara hopped onto Weed's back. "Ready?" Clara nodded as Weed ran off as fast as he could, wanting to find Dark Mel.
Dark Mel was seen holding Smith against a wall at the spring, with everyone else glaring at him. "It's nice to have a crowd in this place. Especially one that adores you." Dark Mel chuckled evilly as he then threw Smith to the side. "Not gonna lie Smith; it was pretty brave of you to try and stop me. (Glares at Smith with a grin) Too bad it would've never worked out in your favor." Dark Mel chuckled some more with Kotetsu going Zokaken and charging at him; colliding a punch with him as Dark Mel then grabbed his paw. "Was that supposed to hurt?"
Kotetsu growled as he then kneed Dark Mel in the stomach, making him laugh as he headbutted Kotetsu. GB then spawned a Ki orb and aimed it at Dark Mel, who grabbed it and crushed it with his bare paw. Feeling the urge to cut some bodies open, he kicked Kotetsu back and walked up to Smith. "Now then. How about we start off with the one whom claims to be the leader aside from Weed."
"Ha! I never made that claim!" Smith stated humbly. "And you wouldn't know anyway. You're just an evil clone of Mel." Dark Mel picked Smith up and glared into his eyes, with Smith feeling immense pain as GB tried to rush in to help him.
Jerome stopped GB from going any further, frustrating GB. "What the hell Jerome!? Smith could die!"
"He won't. And we can save him." Jerome assured GB, with Dark Mel going inside of Smith and looking at his new body. "So you can possess others. Very crafty."
Dark Mel kicked Jerome into a tree and then kicked GB back. "I don't need your sympathy." Kion, Koyuki, and Reika arrived back at the springs as they saw Tesshin attempt to attack Dark Mel. Tesshin dodged Dark Mel's kick and landed a punch right on his face, making the dark aura Retriever chuckle as he then kneed Tesshin. "I'll give ya this Tesshin. That almost hurt." Dark Mel kicked Tesshin into a tree as he continued. "You both seem to be of near equal power Weed. He's just a tad bit stronger."
Weed growled as he went Zokaken times four and charged at Dark Mel, who grabbed his paw and threw him aside. Weed crashed against a tree as Koyuki then looked at Reika. "Go with Weed and get some supplies. As a medic you should know what to bring."
Reika nodded and headed off with Weed standing up and speaking. "Remember guys. Don't kill him. We'll be right back with the supplies to save him." Weed ran off with Reika as Dark Mel scoffed.
Dark Mel chuckled evilly as Koyuki walked up to him with a cold glare. "Hey dicknose." Dark Mel looked at Koyuki, who went Zokaken; surprising everyone. "You want a fight then (Points to herself with her thumb) come and get one."
Weed and Reika were seen gathering the suppies to try and save Smith before his possession takes over. "What do you think Koyuki wants us to use this stuff for?"
"I've seen this in a book before and I think she saw the same one." Reika began to explain what Koyuki meant. "If we can make a proper mixture then we may be able to stop Dark Mel from keeping Smith's body." Weed took an interest in this tactic as Reika continued. "It works a lot faster with more advanced stuff, but if we get some honey, branches, and rocks then we can combine them into a syringe and make them into an anti-possession treatement. It only works when the possession's still in effect though, so we only have an hour before it becomes fatal. Thankfully it should only take about ten minutes."
Weed nodded as he spotted a beehive up in a tree, climbing up there to get it down. As he sat up on the branch, he seemed fascinated by what the beed were doing; up until one flew over to him and flew in front of him. Weed held his paw out and smiled at the bee, which was about to sting him, but the hesitated when he saw Weed's friendly look. Believing that Weed wasn't going to hurt them, he went into his beehive and came out with a coconut with honey in it.
Weed gave his nod of thanks as he then slid down, with Reika being impressed by his skills. "Sometimes you just have to wait." Weed and Reika then headed back to the spring.
Dark Mel was seen pinning Koyuki against the ground as he glared into his eyes, seething with rage and hatred as he grinned evilly. "Making you all suffer is so much more fun than killing you; isn't that right you cold blooded swine?" Dark Mel started to crush Koyuki's head, with him then scoffing. "Do you guys seriously think that cure will work? In just fifty six minutes I'll have Smith's body all to myself, and then I'll be able to use it whenever I please." Dark Mel kicked Koyuki to the side and prepared himself as he smirked. "If you think I'M bad just wait until you meet Hougen and Genba. They'll make you feel even more broken than you already are."
Jerome hesitated in not killing Dark Mel, knowing he didn't want to risk losing a friend's life. Rocket walked up to Jerome as he seemed too scared to battle. "It's a hard fight. Isn't it."
Dark Mel looked down at Koyuki, who felt a rare feeling of fear from within her. In all her life, she never thought this would come back; but it has. It made her even more frightened at what Hougen held for her. "So you think you can protect Weed? Ha. How pathetic."
Jerome stood up and glared at Dark Mel with anger in his eyes, preparing himself for whatever he had to face. 'Weed. Your spirit is too pure.' Jerome charged at Dark Mel and went Zokaken times three, kneeing him right in the stomach and sending him back. Dark Mel regained his balance as Jerome then spawned a darkness sword. "I could care less about what goes down." Weed and Reika arrived back and saw what Jerome was doing. "I may lose an ally, but it will be more than worth it to end you." Weed looked around and saw most of his friends beaten up, fearing the power of Hougen's army.
Jerome pinned Dark Mel against the wall as Dark Mel smirked, with Weed calling to Jerome in fear. "Jerome, don't!" Jerome ignored Weed's call and struck Dark Mel's heart, becoming horrified when he saw Smith standing there.
Smith smiled and gave a caring look to Jerome, knowing his intention as he fell to the floor. Weed looked on in horror as GB and Casey then rushed over to their friend as Naruto Shippuden OST Despair played. "Smith, stay with us dude! There's still a chance you can be saved."
Smith chuckled softly as he then spoke to his friends. "GB. Casey." GB and Casey gave their full attention to Smith. "Ever since Ohu was attacked, there have been many techniques that I've taught to you. And now, I trust that the both of you can use them perfectly." Smith coughed a bit of blood, filling Jerome with regret. "After my mother passed way, I found myself as one who needed to protect others. So they wouldn't feel my pain." Weed and Reika walked up to Smith, with Koyuki standing up and rubbing her head.
Smith looked at Weed and smiled softly. "That's how I relate to you Weed." Weed flinched as Smith showed Weed a picture of himself and his mother. "I was much like you as a pup."
"In what regard?" Weed asked instantly, knowing about his own bad side.
"My mother always said that I was as soft and kind as can be." Smith explained. "I always hated fighting, but I did it for the greater good. I didn't want to come off as a whiny brat which is why I didn't bring it up until now; I almost regret it."
Weed failed to smile, but responded with optimism. "Okay, good."
Smith then started crying as he handed Weed his locket. "Hold onto this Weed. (Weed accepts the locket) And when the time comes, I will help you in the afterlife so you can win the war." Smith felt himself about to die as he then said one last word to his friends, with the song ending just as he said it. "Goodbye."
GB and Casey watched in horror as they started crying at Smith's death, with Weed being horrified at Smith's dead body. GB then looked back to see Kyoshiro digging a grave for Smith, with Jerome walking over as they both looked. "It's best to give Smith a proper send off."
GB nodded, being mature enough to understand Jerome's true intentions. "Yes. He does." GB looked at Weed. "Of course, for someone like Weed, I can see how this would effect him."
"Eh, just brush it off." Kyoshiro stated, shocking GB. "If he dies then he dies; not my problem."
GB tackled Kyoshiro out of anger and snapped at him. "What kind of shit are you pulling with me!? You watch one of your allies die and you just brush it off!? What kind of sadist does that!?"
Jerome walked over to Weed and Casey, with Weed speaking up in a cold and enraged voice. "Is this your regression?" Jerome flinched at Weed's question. "Did you just go back to the life of a ruthless assassain? And just when we got the cure back too you end his life."
Jerome looked at Smith with regret as he then apologized to Weed. "I'm sorry Weed. Punish me however you like."
Weed remained emotionless upon Jerome's question as he then gained a dark aura. The Akita's body powered up with an evil aura, of which even Kyoshiro was shocked by. The thought of losing another loved one sent Weed to the brink; making him feel worthless again. The thought of losing another friend; the fact that he barely missed the chance to save him. These all haunted him as he stood up in two leg mode with rage, gaining a powerful aura and having his eyes turning entirely white. His innocence vanished and he felt even colder than Koyuki and Kyoshiro combined. He then glared at Jerome with an aggressive look as he shouted with his voice doubled.
"Don't fuck with me!"
Weed charged at Jerome and punched him right in the stomach, showing an immense amount of power from within as the Super Buu theme from Dragon Ball Z played. He even managed to strike through Jerome's stomach, shocking everyone as GB spoke up. "Weed, snap out of it! You might end up destroying everything!" Weed glared at Jerome and made him shut up, kicking Jerome through the spring afterwards. He then charged at Jerome again, down-kicking him straight into the floor and then kicking his face; making him drag across the gravel.
With Tesshin knowing the situation, he rushed off to warn his town of what's about to happen. Jerome went Zokaken times three as Weed charged at him again, kneeing him directly where his heart should be and making him go back to normal. He then backflipped away and started powering up a giant red beam of which he knew just what to call it. "Blood's Guardian!" Weed launched the Blood's Guardian at Jerome, who put his paws up to hold it back.
Weed's beam charged at full power was enough to push Jerome back, with Weed pushing even further as he screamed out in rage. Jerome ended up getting sucked into the beam as it then went across Tesshin's land and went over the forest; with Weed breathing heavily as Jerome was seen lying down on the floor; bruises and highly weakened from the attack. Weed then walked up to Jerome and raised his claw, only for him to realize what he was about to do and went back to normal.
Weed kept the maximum level his normal level of anger and picked Jerome up from his chest. "Get lost!" Weed threw Jerome aside and walked over to him, not even noticing the destruction he caused.
Jerome stood up as he then respected Weed's wishes and left. "As you wish Weed." Jerome left as Weed looked away from the destruction, looking into the springs and sighing.
Kyoshiro ran up to Weed in rage, snapping at him. "What the hell is your problem Weed!? Jerome's our best fighter!"
"I don't give a fuck!" Weed snapped at Kyoshiro, glaring at him as the two dogs growled at each other.
Kotetsu then pushed them away from each other, knowing that he'd have to keep the two from fighting. "Hold it dudes. We already dealt with Weed beating the crap out of Jerome; we don't need this." Kotetsu looked at Weed with concern. "As much as I hate to disagree with you Weed, Kyoshiro has a point. Without Jerome, we can't use our-"
Weed punched Kotetsu, making Kyoshiro fall back as Kotetsu bumped into him. Weed then grabbed Kotetsu from his chest. "That guy proved himself to be a blood drinking cunt who thinks he's able to solve all of his problems with killing!" Kotetsu started to cry, but stopped himself from doing so. "I don't care what the rest of you think; but I'm not gonna be like any of those bloodthirsty bastards!"
Weed then got knocked out from behind, with Tesshin being revealed to have karate chopped his neck. "Perhaps that Psuedo Super Canine transformation was too much for him." Tesshin looked over the part of the town that was destroyed. "No way my clan can stay here now."
Kotetsu walked up to Koyuki, who was seen upset at her loss. "Sis?"
Koyuki grunted in rage and flew off at max speed, worrying Kotetsu; who tried to fly after her before GB stopped him. "It's best we leave her alone. That loss must've struck her; as well as the mocking of Dark Mel." Kotetsu sighed and then looked at Weed, hoping he wasn't changing for the worse.
Kyoshiro walked up to Weed and punched him right in the face, glaring at him with seething anger. "Bastard!" Kyoshiro blasted Tesshin aside as he then sat on Weed's head, forcing his butt over his nose and ripping a loud five second expired liver fart, surprising the others as they covered their noses (BRRRRRRRRRRUUUUUUUUUUP). Kyoshiro looked down at Weed as he scoffed and spoke with coldness. "Now you can kiss my ass even when I'm not here." Kyoshiro walked off and shouted to the others. "Anyone who thinks Jerome is a better leader, come with me!"
Some of the unnamed soldiers followed Kyoshiro, with at least half of the soldiers staying behind; including Kotetsu. Kotetsu walked up to Weed with a concerned look in his eyes; wanting to help Weed as much as possible.
To be continued.
Pokemon XY KiraKira played during the credits as a male voice sings unofficial brothers.
Weed was seen looking over a cliff with the thought of war in his mind.
"When, the thought of war and fighting passes through my mind."
Weed looked at the sky to see his father dying at Hougen's paws.
"I hope the path open to us all, will let us run and play without any fad."
Kotetsu walked over to Weed and sat down next to him, looking with him.
"This, is a feeling that I have never felt before."
Weed and Kotetsu looked at each other and smiled.
"The feeling of a brother that I never had."
Weed and Kotetsu were seen sparring with punches and kicks being thrown.
"You're the one friend that I will never leave."
Weed landed a punch on Kotetsu, sending him into a tree.
"Even if the darkest of times come to us."
Weed offered his paw to Kotetsu, smiling down to him.
"And even if we ever fight. (And even if we ever fight.)"
Kotetsu smiled and accepted Weed's offer, letting him pull him back up.
"I will always be there for you."
Kotetsu sneered and aimed a punch at Weed, who dodged it.
"And all our friends, even if, they fall."
Weed and Kotetsu were seen fighting off Hougen's minions in two leg mode.
"This must be what it feels like to have kinship. The power of evil is what we'll rip."
Weed was seen tending to one of Kotetsu's chest burns from Blue's virus.
"And I'm sorry, if I ever worry you, but I won't ever, let, you down."
Weed was seen charging up to attain the form he obtained in the intro.
"Even if we end up dying without caution. I will never leave your side for Hougen's auctioun."
Weed went into the form against Hougen and charged at him, seeming to land every blow he could.
"With this power we get, when we fight together, it's the power of unofficial kinship."
Weed was seen looking into a pond until Kotetsu showed up, having Weed look at him with a smile. Weed and Kotetsu hugged one another as a golden aura swirled around their kinship.
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