Chapter 1


(Y/N):This is the moment ... the moment which will avenge all!!

I said as I stared at Frieza's spaceship,I used everything I had to propel myself out of the atmosphere of the planet Vegeta heading towards Frieza's spaceship,I could see how several soldiers left the spaceship

(Y/N):Damn it...he knew about this...but I did not surrender.....AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!

Several soldiers fired bursts of ki at me but managed to dodge them in time

(Y/N):Nothing is going to stop me!!

I shot several ki balls at the soldiers who were trying to attack me a soldier tried to stop me but I kneed him in the chest and then a headbutt breaking his nose,while he was grabbing his nose I kicked him in the head breaking his neck,I could feel like a Soldier grabbed me from the neck

Soldier:Haha What do you think you're doing?

(Y/N):Nothing, just sending you to hell!!

I elbowed the soldier hard enough for him to let me go,I point my hand at him and shoot him a burst of ki causing him to disintegrate,I could see how more soldier were heading towards me,I let them get closer to me and once they were close enough I created a ki explosion around me annihilating all the soldiers

(Y/N):You are nothing against the Saiyans!!!

I flew up to the soldiers and I used all my strength to give them a fulminating blow,after killing a lot of soldiers I could see more soldiers coming out of Frieza's spaceship

(Y/N):But how many soldiers does Frieza have recruited? least they are not the soldiers of Cooler or Cold

I saw several soldiers stand in front of me

Soldier:This is where your miserable life ends!!

(Y/N):Do not steal my lines!!

I punched the soldier in the stomach enough for him to spit all the blood he had inside his body,I could feel like a soldier grabbing me from behind,one of the soldiers flew towards me with his fist raised,I use all my strength and turn my body making the soldier cross the back of the soldier who had me immobilized

(Y/N):I think your pathetic life is the one that ends today

I crossed the chest of the soldier pulling my fist down his back,I pulled my fist from the chest of the soldier and grabbed him from his leg,I used the dead soldier to hit all the soldiers who were heading towards me

[With Frieza-Third Person-POV]

Dodoria:How foolish is that Saiyan trying to defeat the soldiers

Zarbon:How embarrassing, these monkeys know nothing about fighting

Frieza:I would do the same to see how all these pathetic soldiers do not know how to do their job well!!!!!...ZARBON!!!!

Zarbon:Y-Yes,Lord Frieza, what do you need?

Frieza:Open the's time to end all this stupid show


Zarbon:B-But the soldiers are not over yet

Zarbon:A-At your command,Lord Frieza!

[With (Y/N)-(Y/N)-POV]

Soldier:Gah! this guy's extreme!


I scream when I hit the soldier's head killing him,I saw how a quantity of corpses was floating around me,there were also several soldiers alive,everyone was surprised to see how I had killed a large number of soldiers by myself

(Y/N):*Pant*...*Pant*...FRIEZAAA!!!! Get out of there, coward!!!

I could see Frieza come out of his spaceship

Frieza:Well, well, I never thought that the Saiyans were so stupid

(Y/N):This is your end Frieza!

Frieza:I'm wondering if you really have a brain....but from what I see you've done a great job killing all those useless soldiers

(Y/N):Hehe....this,will change fate....and yours!...This is the end of the line!!!


(Y/N):D-DAMN IT!!!!


I could see how Frieza's Supernova was approaching me killing his soldiers in the process,at this point I was already seeing death in my eyes

(Y/N):I can not...can not die now...I will not!!...I promised Gine that I was not going to die!!!!!!

I put two fingers on my forehead

(Y/N):Please...please Broly!!!

I searched desperately for my son's ki somewhere in the universe until I felt a ki

(Y/N):It must be him,it's the only way I have to get out of this alive!!

I used the Intanst Transmission and I could see that I was teleported to the planet Vampa

(Y/N):I'm on the planet Vampa....Broly!!

I searched everywhere trying to find Broly until I saw several dead creatures leading into a cave,I walked until I reached the cave and I could see my son


I saw Broly get up off the ground and put on a fight pose until he realized who I was


Broly ran towards me and jumped into my arms

(Y/N):Broly! good thing you're fine,you do not know how worried I was for you!

I left Broly on the floor and I could see everything he had done

(Y/N):I see why King Vegeta was jealous of you,you could  with all these creatures, I'm proud of you

I said stroking Broly's hair,I could see how he smiled

(Y/N):Well, let's get out of this place

I put two fingers on my forehead and try to look for a nearby ki but nothing

(Y/N):No.....This can not be happening....

I tried again to look for a ki near me but there was nothing

(Y/N):Damn it,we're stuck on this stupid planet!!

I sat on a rock thinking about what to do but nothing came to my head

(Y/N):Great, we're stuck on this planet with no one nearby that can rescue least Gine and Kakarot are safe...

I took my bandana off my head and stared at it

(Y/N):I could not avenge them...I failed them

I looked at my bandana for a few seconds and I put it back on my head,I looked at Broly who had sat next to me

(Y/N):We'll be here for a while,Broly,so I guess we'll have to hunt to survive...and from what I can see and feel you have a great hidden potential....I guess we'll have a lot of time for both of us to become very strong...What do you say? Do you want to train with your father?

I watched as Broly nodded

(Y/N):All right, let's go outside, we'll see what kind of creatures there are in this place

[In The Earth-Gine-POV]

I left the spacepod and I could see that I was in a forest

Gine:I'll have to find a place to spend the night, I can not stay here with Kakarot

I left the crater that had created the spacepod and I walked through the forest trying not to meet any creature until I saw some bushes moving in front of me

Gine:Okay Gine, do not be afraid, you are stronger

I point the palm of my hand towards the bushes until someone came out of there

Gine:W-Who are you?

???:Calm down miss, I will not hurt you,I just came to see what had happened,I had seen something fall from the sky

Gine:W-Well, I was the one who landed in this place

I could feel how Kakarot was waking up

???:Do you need help?

Gine:I'm sorry, I do not want to bother you, I'll just look for a place to spend the night

???:Do not worry, I can not leave a woman and her son alone in the forest, you can come with me

Gine:Thank you very much....

Gohan:Call me Gohan,It would be better if we hurry, your son is waking up and maybe want something to eat

I followed Gohan to his home, I could see that it was a small house,that makes sense if he is the only person who lives in that place

Gohan:I have an extra room for you and your son, I will prepare food for you both

I went to the room where Gohan had mentioned,I left Kakarot in the bed that was in the room,I looked out the window at the sky of the Earth

Gine:(Y/N)...Please...please do not be dead

Gohan:He is your husband?

I turned around and saw Gohan with a tray with food

Gine:Well...yeah,(Y/N) my husband...and I might not see him again

Gohan:Do not worry,maybe he is alive wherever he is

Gine:I hope so...

Gohan:Here you have some food for you and your son, if you need something do not hesitate to ask me

Gohan left the room and I sat on the bed and began to eat the food he had left

Gine:I hope that (Y/N) and Broly are well...I know that both are well...I'm sure of it

[Timeskip-Several Years-(Y/N)-POV]

(Y/N):Come on Broly, do not hesitate to hit me!


Broly launched at me,I block his attack but it was enough to throw me through some rocks,I did a back flip avoiding Broly's attack

(Y/N):That's a good attack but I can still more, release all your power Broly!!

Broly:I do not want to hurt you father

(Y/N):Well,then let's go to another level AAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

(Y/N):Come with everything you have Broly, I want to see all your power!!

Broly nodded,I could see how he began to charge energy


I could feel as the whole planet began to tremble while Broly was wrapped in a green aura

(Y/N):That's right, me everything you have!!


(Y/N):That's it,Broly,break your limits!!!

Broly released all his ki creating a crater under him,Broly was thrown at me,I tried to block his attack but he was very powerful even when I was in Super Saiyan,I was free of Broly's attack and I could see how he was going through a mountain without difficulty,Broly came out of the mountain and returned to launch against me,I did not have time to block his attack,he threw me against a some rocks causing me to return to my base form,he did the same

(Y/N):T-That was very good,Broly......Hehe and apparently we have food for a few weeks more

I said while watching all the creatures we had killed during our training,Me and Broly take the creatures that were dead and we took them to the cave where we were living,we began to eat the flesh of the creatures

Broly:Hey dad

(Y/N):Yeah, what happens?

Broly:I've been you still miss mom?

(Y/N):That's a stupid question...of course I miss her...but I think she has already forgotten me

Broly:Why do you think about that?

(Y/N):It's been many years since we last saw each other, she may have already met someone else....

I looked at the floor thinking about how my wife was happy with another person

(Y/N):I just hope she's's the only thing that matters to me...but let's stop talking about that...we should rest after the training we had

Broly nodded,he went back to eating while I started to look up at the sky

(Y/N):I hope you're happy,Gine

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