Chapter 70

{This is the last chapter of Ghosts, thank you all from the bottom of my heart for reading my story, voting, and commenting. Today is my birthday, and as a gift to you all I poured my heart and soul into this final chapter. I'll be posting a final author's note following this later today.

I haven't done dedications on this story, but I'd like to shout out all of my lovely friends in the discord chat. There are so many of you wonderful people I've gotten to know through my writing and I'm so thankful for all of you.

Extra special dedication to _sans_the_skeleton__ for listening to all of my crazy ideas and giving her endless support.

All of my love, ~ J}

After Draco had fallen asleep after the movie, Harry spent another hour thinking about the wonderful man laying in his arms. He wanted to tell Draco how he was feeling, he just wasn't sure how. Slowly, he devised a plan, and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

The next morning, Harry woke up before everybody. Carefully removing Draco from his lap, he set off to find Narcissa. He had some things to discuss with her before he saw Draco. After receiving the confirmation that he needed, he hugged her tightly.

"Run your errands, I'll distract him if need be. It's still early, so I think you'll be okay."

Harry had never been so thankful that Pansy had bought him more clothes as most of his things were at Hogwarts. A lot of his nicer things had been left in his room at The Manor, so he just grabbed one of Draco's plain t-shirts, planning on changing later. He was planning on looking nicer once their friends were gone.

The first thing Draco noticed when he woke up was the emptiness around him. Pouting, he got up to go and find his Harry. What had he told him about leaving Draco alone in the mornings?

He found Harry in the kitchen, helping his mother cook breakfast.

"Good morning?", he greeted, but it came out more like a question.

Grinning, Harry pulled Draco in for a kiss.

"Morning", he whispered against his lips.

"You're in a good mood today Scarhead. I know it's not the weather, it's absolutely horrid."

"I like the rain", Harry replied with an offhanded shrug. "Besides, today is our day."

"That it is. A shame it's so rainy though."

"We'll be alright."

"Set the table, will you Draco?", Narcissa asked.

"Of course Mother."

As Draco grabbed the plates, he paused at the sight of flowers on the table.

"Where did these come from?", he mused to himself.

"They're for you. White gardenias", Harry said, reaching around him to set forks on the table.

"Secret love, purity, and gentleness", Draco whispered, a soft smile on his face.

"You remembered! I was hoping you were actually listening when I was talking about the symbolism."

"Of course I was! I adore listening to you talk about things you enjoy."

Draco was practically useless in the kitchen, so he went to go and wake up all of his friends instead. They planned on leaving after breakfast, and Draco was excited to plan something to do with Harry.

By the time everyone was up and about, breakfast was ready. They ate in relative silence, still tired after the previous day's events. After breakfast, everyone left to go and finish packing for their return to Hogwarts. Luna was the last one to leave.

"I hope you both have a happy one month anniversary. It's a very special one to celebrate. Enjoy your outing. I know he'll love it, Harry."

Hugging them both, she left with a soft, knowing smile on her face. Draco immediately turned to Harry.

"I can't believe she beat me to it. Happy anniversary, my special Harry."

Draco pulled Harry in for a passionate kiss.

"Happy anniversary my beautiful Draco."

"I was embarrassed to ask which day we considered to be our anniversary. It was July 29th there, but July 30th here. What do you think?"

"July 30th I would say because we live here. Now, dress up kind of nicely, I planned our whole day."

"I knew it! You were so suspicious last night. Are we staying the night somewhere?"

"We are. I already packed everything."

Draco had a clue as to where they would be going at such late notice, and if he was right, he was excited.

"When are we going?"

"I figured we would leave at 1pm. Everything is already taken care of. For now, I have another little surprise for you."

Harry and Draco split up to get changed, and Draco emerged from his room with a smile on his face.

"The weather puts a damper on things, but I think it'll still be nice."

"As long as I'm with you Scarhead, I really don't care."

The two men bid goodbye to Narcissa, and Harry apparated them to his house.

"Did you forget something?"

"Kind of. We are going for a drive my sweetheart."

Draco grinned and went to go and grab the mp3 player, Harry following closely behind, a knowing smile on his face.

"Harry when did you- oh", Draco gasped quietly.

Harry had bought Draco his own iPod, a beautiful emerald green color. The back was engraved with an intricate crown, Harry and Draco's initials hidden in the design. It had a clear case on it so that Draco could see the design, and Harry had gotten a pair of custom designed earbuds to go with it, with the same crown design on them.

"Do you like it?", Harry asked quietly.

"I love it, and I love you so much", Draco replied, kissing Harry deeply.

"Look, this one has a camera on it. It's easier to carry around, and I can show you how to get any photos off of it too."

"This was so thoughtful of you Harry. Where did you get the design?"

"Oh... erm- I drew it myself. I hid our initials here, and made the base a snake, then hid a little lightning scar over here."

"This is absolutely stunning Harry. I don't even have any words. Thank you. You put so much thought into this, I'll cherish it forever."

"I already put all of your music on there too. I have you on my accounts and everything so don't worry about that."

"My special boy", Draco said adoringly, kissing Harry again. "Do you want your gift now too? Or should I wait for the destination?"

"Whatever you want."

"If we're going where I think we're going, I'll wait then."

Draco was bouncing with excitement on the way to the car. He absolutely loves car rides, and they're even better with Harry by his side.

"Are we going back to the park?", Draco asked curiously.

"That's one of the places, yes."

"Ooh we have multiple destinations."

They spent the journey singing, talking, and laughing.

"So Scarhead, what are we doing on a rainy day outdoors?"

"I thought we could walk a little bit, get some fresh air."

"You really know how to court a guy", Draco said with a snort.

"I'll carry you of course, if I must."

"I'll probably take you up on that on the way back."

Draco had to admit that nature was growing on him. Harry was very knowledgeable about the outdoors, and Draco couldn't help but hang on to his every word. The trees overhead provided enough coverage that the rain was barely hitting him, but even then, he didn't mind because he was with his Harry celebrating their relationship.

They were holding hands, and Draco would stop to pick wildflowers to tuck into Harry's messy hair and Harry absolutely loved it. The smile never once left his face, and his heart was bursting at how fond he was of his Draco.

"You brought us to our tree", Draco said with a smile.

"I did. I thought we could sit for a little bit, but the weather seems to be taking a turn for the worse."

Remembering that he had carved a heart around their names the first time Harry had brought them here, Draco wanted Harry to notice. Squaring his shoulders, Draco led Harry to the tree anyways.

"You want to rest for a bit?", Harry asked.

Draco nodded and suppressed a shiver. Harry laid down a blanket he had brought, thankful the tree's canopy was big enough that the ground wasn't wet.

"Are you cold sweetheart?"

"A tad bit."

"Perfect. I can show you what I picked up."

Harry pulled out the hoodie he had made at the shore for he and Draco to share. Draco looked at it adoringly, mouth open in shock.

"When did you have this made?", he asked softly.

"When you told me you'd be back in 15 minutes. Here."

Harry helped Draco slide into the big hoodie, then slid in behind him. It was the perfect size for them both to fit. Burying his face into Draco's neck, Harry sighed in contentment.

"Now this is what I call a perfect gift."

Harry readily agreed, and carefully pulled Draco down onto the blanket with him. They sat in silence, Draco leaning back into Harry comfortably while Harry held him tightly. No words needed to be exchanged as they watched the rain fall.

For awhile, the two men just enjoyed the other's embrace.

"I think this is the best purchase you've ever made Scarhead."

"Anything for you my Prince", Harry replied, kissing Draco's neck.

With a smile, Draco reached into his pocket and pulled out his iPod. He wanted to try out the camera function, and capture Harry's reaction to the carved heart around their pet names.

Snuggling back into him, Draco said his name lightly. Harry looked up with a soft smile that blossomed when he saw the camera was open. He wasted no time in planting a soft kiss on Draco's cheek.

The moment Harry noticed the heart, his mouth dropped open, and he traced his fingers over it lightly.

"Did you-", he started, words getting caught in his throat at the sentimental gesture.

"I did. I added it before we left", Draco admitted sheepishly.

"Merlin I love you", he said fondly, grabbing Draco's chin so he could kiss him.

"I love you too."

After taking more photos, the two men made it back to the car. Harry had let Draco keep the hoodie on, and he looked absolutely adorable swimming in all of the fabric.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Because you're my beautiful boy, and I like seeing you wearing my name."

"Do you now? That's very good information to have. I may just have to wear one of your quidditch jerseys then."

Harry bit his lip at the thought of Draco wearing his jersey. Draco shivered under his intense glare, and slowly walked over to Harry, wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

Wrapping his arms around Draco's waist, he picked him up, and Draco squealed in surprise, clinging onto him.


"Yes my Prince?", he teased, carrying him back to the car.

"Whatever are you doing?"

"Carrying you."

"You are being very suspicious today", Draco mused.

"Am I now?", Harry teased.

Draco just huffed and laid his head on Harry's chest, not so secretly enjoying being held so close.

When they got back to the car, Draco stayed cuddled up in the hoodie, and Harry just kept smiling at him goofily. Draco's heart fluttered every time they made eye contact. He felt seen and appreciated, and that's really all he ever wanted.

Once they got back to Harry's and he opened the car door for Draco, Draco jumped onto Harry's back.

"You're feeling very playful today", Harry teased.

"You bring it out in me."

Harry tilted his head up with a smile, and Draco smiled back, before leaning down to kiss Harry, the rain falling around them gently.

"My special boy", Draco whispered lovingly.

"Are you ready to go now?"

"Can I keep the hoodie on?"

"If I can snuggle with you when we get there then yes."

"You don't need an invitation my darling. Let's go."

Pulling the hood over Draco's eyes teasingly, Harry pulled out the portkey, pressing it into Draco's hand. Draco exhaled happily, feeling the sand beneath his feet.

"I knew it!", he said happily, laughing and spinning Harry around.

"Not much of a surprise I suppose, but this is where it all started. I thought it would only be fitting to come back."

"I love it. I love you. I love us", Draco grinned, angling his face towards the sun.

Smiling, Harry came up behind Draco and wrapped his arms around him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

"I think we should sneak away here the 30th of every month. Just you and me", Harry said softly.

"Really? You'd want to?", Draco asked hopefully.

"Nothing would make me happier."

Draco couldn't stop smiling even if he tried. He grabbed Harry's hand and led him inside. Gasping softly, he dropped Harry's hand to cover his mouth.

"Purple lilacs and primrose", he whispered.

"Do you remember what those mean?", Harry asked.

"No, I don't. Are you going to tell me?"

"Later", Harry replied with a grin. "What would you like to do today?"

"Well, it's early here. Cuddles and a movie?"

"Anything for you."

They watched Tangled, and Draco thought the rewatch was even better than the first time he saw it. Harry was so sweet and attentive. He always made sure Draco was okay, and now that they were together Draco took great pleasure in kissing Harry whenever he wanted to, which was quite frequently.

Whenever a song came on, Draco would always lean back into Harry, who would sing for him. Draco swore he was the luckiest guy in the world, and the amount of love he had for Harry absolutely terrified him, but it also made him excited. It was a confusing mixture of emotions for sure.

Once the movie was over, the two men hit the boardwalk for some pizza. They bought a lot of sweets to bring back to Hogwarts with them to share with their friends. After eating their pizza, they rode the Ferris wheel and walked a bit before returning back.

They spent some more time swimming and splashing around, enjoying each other's company. Harry was growing more nervous with each passing hour, and Draco could tell something was up, but he didn't want to say something and upset Harry. He chalked it up to being part of his surprise.

"What's for dinner my darling?", Draco asked.

"I was thinking a nice pasta dish."

Draco raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

"Are you referencing my favorite pasta dish?"

"I may be."

Draco checked the fridge and saw all of the ingredients needed to make it there, and he could cry because of how thoughtful Harry was.

"You're going to make it for me?"

"You can help if you'd like. Would you like to learn?"

"That would be nice", Draco replied with a smile.

He swore then and there that he would learn to make Harry his favorite dish as repayment.

It was a little messy, but Harry expected that. It was so much fun to be able to teach somebody else, and Draco was very determined which Harry found adorable.

When they sat down to wait for dinner to finish cooking, Harry was drumming his fingers nervously against the table.

"Relax, will you?", Draco said softly, grabbing Harry's hands. "It's just me, Scarhead."

"I know", Harry replied, taking a deep breath.

"Let me give you your gift before we eat. Maybe that will make you feel better?"

With a shy smile, Draco pulled out a small box from his pocket.

"Draco, what?", Harry asked, trailing off as his eyes remained glued to the box.

"Open it", Draco instructed, sliding it across the table.

Harry's breath hitched at the sight of the ring. With shaky hands, he pulled the band out, running his fingers over the gem stones.

"Draco. It's absolutely stunning."

Reaching back into his pocket, Draco pulled out another box.

"I altered the design myself. Yours has a ring of silver diamonds with an emerald as the focal point. Mine has a ring of emeralds with a silver diamond as the focal point. I did our favorite colors."

Harry grabbed the ring from Draco's slightly shaking hand and held them next to each other.

"I had the inside engraved too. Mine says 'Scarhead' and yours says 'Prince'. If you don't like it I can go and get them changed. I wasn't sure if it was too soon or not.

I know we always joke and say we're husbands, but I really do feel a deep connection with you Harry. This ring can mean whatever you want it to. It doesn't really have a purpose, I just wanted to do something nice."

Harry cut in before Draco could start rambling once again.

"Draco, they're perfect."

Grabbing his hand, Harry slid the ring onto Draco's finger. Draco did the same for Harry, his hand shaking slightly.

"There's also a chain in there in case you prefer to wear it as a necklace. I don't know if it's really obvious that they match or not. I just-"

"Draco, I love you", Harry cut in.

"I love you too. But I-"

"Purple lilacs represent first love. Primrose means I can't live without you, and that our love is eternal. Draco Malfoy, I'm in love with you."

Draco froze. He felt like he couldn't breathe.

"You-you what?", he choked out.

"I'm in love with you. I know it's kind of soon, but I wouldn't be telling you if I wasn't absolutely certain. You don't have to say anything back yet, I just wanted you to know. Life is very short, I know that better than most, and I don't want to waste any time. I also didn't think it was fair to you if I didn't tell you."

"You're in love with me?", Draco clarified.

"I am."

"You're certain?"

"Merlin's beard Draco, are you trying to talk me out of it?"

"No! I just want to make sure you're sure."

"Draco my love, I planned this down to the meanings of the flowers. I had a lot of chances to back out."

Draco sat there for a minute, processing Harry's words, as Harry nervously spun his ring around his finger.

"I'll give you a few minutes. I'm going to check on dinner", Harry said with a quiet smile.

Harry wasn't even gone for a full minute when Draco shot up out of his seat. He ran into the kitchen, crashing into Harry who caught him easily around the waist.

"Draco are you-"

Draco kissed Harry deeply, pushing him against the counter. It was unlike any kiss the two had ever shared before. Pulling away, Draco leaned his head against Harry's.

"I love you Harry. I'm fairly certain that I'm in love with you too. I don't know what these feelings are as they're all very new to me, but I do know that I never want to feel like this with anybody else. You're my Harry, and I never want to live a day where you aren't mine."

Harry grinned, despite the tears starting to fall down his face. Draco wiped them away, trying but failing to hold back tears of his own. Laughing, Harry pulled Draco in for another kiss.

"There's nowhere else I would rather be than with you Draco. I don't care where we are or what we're doing, I just want you by my side."

"I feel exactly the same way Harry. I think it's time we both allowed ourselves to be happy."

"I've never been happier."

As they embraced once more, both men couldn't help but wonder how they had found themselves in this situation. Nevertheless, they were grateful for whoever, or whatever put them there. This was the ending they both deserved, and not even the gods above could separate the two of them.

No I won't waste away my love onto something new

If there's only one way out, I'll come back for you

There's a ghost in my bedroom

Completed: July 24th, 2021

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