Chapter 7
The communication Harry shared with Malfoy was enough to get him to slowly start trying to put the pieces of his life together. Saying back together would imply that there was one moment in time where things were actually okay for Harry.
It had been two weeks of writing to Malfoy, and Harry was starting to notice the positive change in his mood. It wasn't drastic as it had only been a short time, but Harry felt understood. Hermione was due for another visit today, and Harry was a little bit on edge.
Hermione is stopping by for a visit in a bit before she heads out on her trip. Just letting you know so that you're not worried if I disappear again ;) I'll write you once she's gone, but don't be surprised if I nap first. I have a very low social battery these days.
Have a good day,
Draco received Harry's letter as he was getting ready to help his mother out in the garden. He didn't think it warranted a response. He would just wait until Harry sent him something later in the day.
It was crazy how much of an impact Potter had on Draco's overall wellbeing. It had been hard to drag himself out of bed most days, but there was always some form of correspondence to look forward to each day. Draco knew it was bad to rely on someone else for his happiness, but for right now it would have to suffice. He would worry about the consequences later, which was a very Gryffindor thing to do.
Harry was feeling quite calm in knowing that it would only be Hermione visiting. He had even got himself to do some baking for the first time in months, maybe even years. Hermione was filling him in on everything that was happening with Fred, the other Weasleys, and her trip.
What he loved about Hermione was how she was helping him come up with new ways to communicate easier instead of looking down upon him for how he was dealing with everything. It was always nice to have a supportive friend in your corner.
He was packing the dessert away for Hermione to take with her, as well as some extra for the Weasleys when Ron burst through his door.
"Harry!- Hermione? What are you doing here? I thought you were shopping?"
"I was."
She held up the bags as proof.
"I told you I would probably stop by to see Harry on my way back. I was just on my way out actually. He did some baking and was packing it away", she gestured to the kitchen.
"Oh. makes sense."
Harry gestured to Ron and the door, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh yeah! Fred is awake! I wanted to let you know."
Grinning, Harry pulled Ron into a hug.
"That's amazing!"
"You're going to come with me to see him, right Mione?"
"Of course I will!"
She walked into the kitchen and packed the containers away into her bag.
"Are you coming, Harry?", she asked.
Before Harry could nod, Ron cut him off.
"Erm, I don't know how good of an idea that is. What with Saint Mungo's being so crowded and everything and you being well... you. We can schedule a time for you to come and see him yeah?"
Harry barely nodded when Ron rushed out the door, dragging Hermione with him. Feeling dejected, he dragged himself into the kitchen and packed a container of dessert for Malfoy too, seriously considering removing Ron from the wards.
"Back in first year, I was wrong. I guess I can't tell the wrong sort for myself. Baked these this morning. Enjoy. You probably won't hear from me for the rest of today. I'm going to sleep and wallow in self-pity.
Every single time Harry felt himself moving forward, something always came to push him back. Right now as he crawled into bed, he fancied throwing Ron into another game of lifesize wizard's chess.
Draco cursed himself when he saw he missed Harry's letter by an hour. He cursed yet again when he read the contents. He was going to remove one Weasley from this world. What kind of best friend was Ron anyways?
Sighing, Draco reserved himself to sending another letter. He hated how Potter signed the letter only as Potter. It was either Harry Potter or Scarhead. Never just Potter. Not like this.
At least let me know when you're awake so I can send you dinner. We don't have to talk. I just want to make sure you're okay and that you eat. Thank you for the dessert.
Draco Malfoy"
The two men hadn't firecalled since that one night, but they often tossed reponses at each other through the floo. It was comforting, knowing someone was there on the other end.
By the time Harry rolled out of bed, it was past visiting hours. Grabbing his invisibility cloak, he apparated to Saint Mungo's. He needed to see for himself that Fred was okay and apologize. It was just his luck that Mrs. Weasley was walking out as Harry slipped in.
Carefully, Harry approached Fred's bed and took a seat next to it.
"Mum? Did you forget something?"
Rolling over, Fred saw an empty chair. He swore he heard someone sit in the chair...
"Harry?", he asked.
With a sheepish smile, Harry removed the cloak.
"It's great to see you mate. Truly. I was wondering why you didn't stop in earlier with Hermione."
"I'm sorry."
"Harry listen to me. None of this was your fault okay? We all made our choices. We knew the risks and we took them. Besides, I haven't slept this well in ages", he joked.
After Harry laughed, Fred pulled him down for a hug.
"I heard about the whole not speaking thing, so don't make yourself uncomfortable on my account. I may have dropped out but I can still read."
Harry gingerly placed a get well soon card on Fred's dresser. Before he could respond to what Fred said, footsteps were approaching so he threw the cloak back on.
"Who were you talking to dear?", Mrs. Weasley asked, closing the door behind her.
"No one mum."
"And does no one leave you cards? That wasn't there when I left. Harry dear, is that you?"
Harry was terrified to remove his cloak, but did so anyways because Molly could be terrifying.
"Oh Harry it's so good to see you!"
She pulled him into a tight hug that he wasn't expecting.
"I'm sorry you haven't felt well enough to accept any of our dinner invitations."
At the look of confusion on Harry's face, Molly's face dropped.
"Are you telling me Ronald hasn't extended any of our invitations to you?"
Harry shook his head and he swore steam was coming out of her ears.
"He's lucky he's going to Australia with Hermione or else I would- you know what, it doesn't even matter. I'll owl you myself next time. You know we love you as our own and you're always welcome.
We don't blame you dear", she added gently.
Harry was frantically scribbling away on his parchment.
"Ron has been off towards me for awhile now. I don't know if he blames me or if he thinks my not speaking is me just looking for more attention. It's hard to find the energy and motivation to do even the most simple tasks nowadays.
This is the first time I've left the house in weeks. I had to see Fred for myself and apologize. There's a better written apology on some parchment in the card by the way.
I didn't even know Ron was going with Hermione. He dragged her out of my house before she could even say goodbye. If I don't speak to him verbally he ignores me most of the time. It's hard for all of us", Molly read aloud.
"Harry there is nothing to apologize for. You didn't ask to be the face of the war. You saved the whole world on multiple occasions. We're all incredibly grateful towards you.
I just hope that you're properly taking care of yourself. I'll send some food over once Fred is released. That's why Ron is going with Hermione now."
"He didn't want to leave me, but I told him to go. I think it'll do him some good to get away. You too Harry."
"He didn't even want me here. Said I would attract too much attention because I'm "me" and that he would set up a day to bring me. I took matters into my own hands. Please don't tell him I was here."
"Of course not. Please do come round for dinner once Fred is home. We'd love to have you."
"Thank you."
"You should head back home and get something to eat now Harry. Would you like me to get you something."
Harry shook his head.
"I'll be okay. I have Kreacher and another friend who can send me something if need be. Thank you for not blaming me and for being accepting."
Molly pulled Harry into another hug.
"Let me get the door for you dear."
Fred saluted Harry from his bed and grinned.
"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."
With a grin just as wide, Harry replied "mischief managed" and disappeared under his cloak.
When he arrived back in his bedroom, he finally checked the note from Malfoy.
Dinner would be nice if you don't mind. I've had quite the day. Fred is awake, and I snuck in to see him. Imagine having to sneak in to see your friend because your best mate pulls your other best mate out of your house by her arm. I'll send more details in the following letter
Harry Potter"
When Draco saw his fireplace flare up he dove in front of it and quickly ran downstairs to grab the plate of food he had prepared for Harry after scribbling a note asking if a firecall was alright, just to make it easier to pass the food through.
"That's fine. Oddly enough, your presence is comforting now."
Smiling, Draco was rather pleased with himself. At least he knew these feelings weren't one sided. He did as much for Potter as Potter did for him.
Harry was taken aback by the genuine smile on Malfoy's face when he picked up the call. It was a little hard to tell facial expressions through the fire, but Harry knew exactly what this face was. Malfoy had only smiled like this when he cut the snitch.
"Here you go Potter."
"Thanks Malfoy."
Harry noticed Malfoy had his own plate of food, and felt his face flush.
"You didn't wait for me did you?", Harry wrote.
"Partially. I was out in the backyard with Mother tending to the plants so dinner wasn't done until late anyways. Then I came up here and found your message so I thought I would wait. Is that okay?"
"It's very thoughtful of you, thank you. I just don't want to inconvenience you."
Draco laughed, unable to help himself.
"Really Potter? All we've done is purposely try to inconvenience each other. You're not an inconvenience to me anymore. Quite the opposite actually. Whatever this is, it's been helpful."
"For me too", Harry replied quietly.
"I'm glad. Now eat up. I want to find new reasons to dislike the Weasel. It's my favorite hobby. Granger I've always had a grudging respect for. But Weasley? I'm having trouble finding some redeeming qualities. I suppose he's always willing to throw himself right into danger for you."
Harry just shrugged, not in the mood to defend Ron. He was eating with one hand and scribbling what had happened with the other. When Draco read all that Ron had, and had not done, he was extremely irritated.
"Salazar, that idiot. Does he know how many people would love to be your friend? Not even that, that isn't how you treat someone. Granted, I wasn't the nicest to Crabbe and Goyle but I didn't choose them as friends. They were okay company, but that's besides the point, this isn't about me. We're talking about you.
I can't believe he wouldn't let you go visit. Has he ever heard of a glamour? Perhaps polyjuice if you were that desperate? How did you sneak in anyways?"
"Invisibility cloak."
"Is that how you stalked me? Actually, I already know the answer to that question. It's okay Potter, I would stalk me too if I was someone else. We may need to work on your flirting techniques though."
Harry just laughed and shook his head. He really liked this new Malfoy.
"I'm done with relationships for a long while I think. At least with GInny anyway. That's probably another reason why Ron is bitter. Who knows? I want to talk about something else."
"What would you like to talk about then?"
"Did you try the dessert?"
"I did! You made that yourself?"
The two men spent the rest of the night talking about cooking and baking, Draco joking that he would be a fire hazard in the kitchen. With Harry reassuring him that it was like Potions, Draco skeptically accepted the invitation for Potter to teach him how to bake.
"No offense Potter, but you're great at baking and... okay at Potions."
"Long story short, but I had to learn."
Goodnights were exchanged as Draco spent the time until he fell asleep pondering what exactly Harry meant.
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