Chapter 69
The week at Hogwarts passed by quickly, and it brought both Draco and Harry a much needed sense of comfort. They had developed a list of code words and found many places they could hide out in if need be. Their favorite had to be their dorm though.
McGonagall was so proud of how far the two men had come. On the first day she had taken a picture of them in their new room, and it was currently in a frame on her desk. A copy had also been sent to Narcissa, who duplicated it for Harry and Draco, unbeknownst to them.
It was now August 29th, and Harry and Draco were back at The Manor, preparing for their sleepover. This was their biggest yet, and the men were excited to be able to get together with all of their friends for one last hoorah. The 31st however, belonged solely to them.
They had gone out shopping in glamour to fetch snacks, and were setting everything up in the movie room, sharing lazy kisses while they still had the chance.
"You're insatiable", Draco whispered adoringly, in between a long string of kisses.
"It's because you make me so happy."
"What a sap you've become."
"Oh but you love it Draco."
If this was how Harry was going to be whenever they left Hogwarts, Draco was very welcome to it. He missed all of Harry's soft kisses and gentle caresses throughout the day, and he was glad to see Harry felt the same way.
"I do. Gods Harry, I really do."
"My beautiful boy", Harry whispered in adoration, brushing the pad of his thumb over Draco's cheek.
Their spell was broken by Narcissa announcing that Luna was here. With one last kiss, the two men parted to go and greet their friend.
"Hello Harry, Draco. I came early to set up. I hope I didn't interrupt your alone time", she said lightly.
"You're alright Luna, no worries", Harry assured her.
"I don't mind if you kiss or hold hands. Pretend I'm not here. I know it must be hard keeping your relationship a secret, but I understand. You don't have to hide it in front of me."
With a soft smile, Draco grabbed Harry's hand.
"Thank you Luna. Truly."
"Of course. You're perfect for each other", she said matter of factly.
All Harry and Draco could do was smile softly at each other.
"How's Rolf?", Harry asked as they began to set out some games.
"He's doing well. He's very excited to meet everyone."
"He's not going to dislike me because of my past is he?", Draco asked, worrying his lip between his teeth.
"Oh don't be silly Draco. He thinks you're very brave", Luna replied, her laugh echoing throughout the room.
"Not the word I would use, but okay."
"Hey, you're extremely brave", Harry interjected, pulling Draco in for a soft kiss. "Everything will be okay, remember?"
"I remember", Draco replied, exhaling and leaning into Harry for support.
"Good. Help me bring up the snacks?"
Pansy and Ginny were the next to arrive, with Blaise and Neville not too far behind.
"Draco, I missed you!", Pansy yelled, pulling him into a tight hug. "How is it? How are the dorms? Are you sworn to secrecy?"
Laughing, everyone gathered in a circle on the floor, reclining into the bean bag chairs Draco had been encouraged to buy. Neville quirked an eyebrow in Harry's direction, knowing exactly where they had come from.
"We really can't say much, but all of the 8th years are in their own tower. We have a really nice common room, it's very welcoming. There are two to a room, boys and girls are still separated, but there's no issue in entering each other's rooms."
"Five galleons I have to room with Granger", Pansy muttered.
"Potter and I helped with the room assignments, so we will refrain from betting. However, I will mention that if you're rooming with someone from another house, the room colors may clash. Potter and I redecorated as soon as we got there."
"Potter? Are we all back on a last name basis? I really don't know what's happening. What's our story?", Pansy asked.
"I don't know", Draco replied with a sigh, resting against Harry's shoulder. "We're all friends and have been for a while now. I just don't know what to let everyone know, because it's deeper than that. I suppose it's up to us as individuals how we want to handle it."
Harry had already been scribbling on some parchment, and presented it to Pansy.
"McGonagall is going to tell everyone Draco and I have been meeting with her throughout the summer, so that explains us. We'll be sitting together on the train, so that can be our start. For all anyone else knows, we made up on the train because we're roommates. We have to keep in mind that whatever happens can be leaked to the press at any time. If there's something you don't want the rest of the wizarding world knowing, keep it behind locked doors.
No offense to the rest of you but Draco and I will be using advanced locking charms on our door. McGonagall placed a permanent silencing charm on all dorms for privacy as people are always lurking about. She knows it's a great risk having Draco and I together and that people will take whatever we say and do and spin it a certain way.
Draco and I have a code system, and I suggest the rest of us come up with some words and phrases as well. There are a few places we've found that we could meet up in, and I'm sure if we asked McGonagall would give us a safe place to come together that isn't the Room of Requirement.
We also have the freedom to leave on weekends, so we can escape for a bit and do whatever we want. Draco and I have put a lot of thought into this. Ginny, Luna, we'll give you the tower password once we get it so you can come up and visit. We'll make it through, together."
"Wow Harry, you've really thought about this in detail", Blaise said, extremely impressed.
"He's been worried about all of our safety. He and McGonagall have been working on a very strict no tolerance policy which should help some. It's up to us to set the example though. Change started with us, and now it ends with us", Draco chimed in.
"Well aren't you two a power couple", Ginny cooed.
Harry rolled his eyes good naturedly.
"We're a force to be reckoned with of our own accords. I think that's why McGonagall chose us in the first place", Draco finished.
"I'm sure. It worked though. All of this started with you two. Once Harry became friends with Pansy and Blaise, I got pulled in, then all of the Weasleys and Luna. McGonagall knows what she's doing", Neville chimed in.
"I think it will be a very nice year", Luna said daintily.
"It will be, because we all have each other's backs", Pansy said fiercely.
"Wonderful. Now that we've gotten that taken care of, let's have some snacks and play some games", Ginny suggested.
Draco should have taken Harry up on the offer of working out, because he did not understand how he could go through five Just Dance songs and barely break a sweat while Draco was panting. Harry only tapped out to get Draco some water, which the other man greatly appreciated.
"Wizard's chess?", Draco offered, greedily sipping his water.
"I'm awful at it, but I suppose so", Harry agreed.
At first, Draco thought Harry was being modest, but his boyfriend had not lied.
"Look Scarhead, you need to strategize. I think that's where that pretty head of yours falls flat sometimes. You see an opening and you take it in true Gryffindor fashion. I plan all of my moves at least three rounds ahead, and you always fall into the most predictable pattern. Let's restart, and I'll walk you through my thought process and guess what your moves will be."
They spent an hour like that, and Neville couldn't help but smile at the couple. It was obvious, if you knew Harry at least, that he deeply cared for Draco. The other man always had Harry's full attention, but it seemed as if it that had always been the case.
"What are you smiling at?", Blaise asked, resting his chin on Neville's shoulder.
"Just them. They really are quite a good match."
"Do you think they're really that oblivious?", Blaise asked.
"I'm not sure. I know Harry will want to be sure of himself and his feelings before he even approaches that subject with Draco. He's always been big on his savior complex, and I think it's great he wants to make sure he's well taken care of before diving into a new relationship. I respect that."
Blaise just hummed in agreement, wondering if they knew how special what they had was.
It was another 20 minutes before Pansy spoke.
"Alright friends, Ginny helped me customize this game after her and I played the original version. We thought it would be a lot more fun to actually be involved in the game, so we based it off of Hogwarts."
To say the friends were intrigued was an understatement.
"Typically the game only has six players, but we figured we could do whatever we want, so we made an expansion pack of sorts", Ginny explained.
Harry was absolutely gobsmacked when he saw how well made the game was. He had played once with Dudley, who was extremely angry when Harry won, and flipped the board. This board was a lot more in depth, with pieces that spun to mimic the changing staircases.
"Do you know how well this would sell?", Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, I don't think so. No one would want to buy anything from a Slytherin."
"I'll endorse it", Harry responded with a shrug.
"Seriously?", she squealed, knocking Harry down to the ground.
"Of course."
Looking at his Harry and one of his best friends smiling at each other like that, Draco didn't think he had ever felt so fond before. It was a new feeling of softness, and he hoped it stayed. After righting himself, Harry discreetly gave Draco's hand a light squeeze.
When Narcissa found them an hour later to bring them dinner, they were all laughing, and the sight completely warmed her heart. When Draco looked up to see his mother standing in the doorway, he smiled widely at her, eyes sparkling. She felt tears forming at the corners of her eye; her boy hadn't looked at her like that since he was a child, and she vowed to keep the smile on his face.
"Harry, Draco? Could you help me bring the food up?"
"Of course", they chorused, lightly elbowing each other as they spoke in tandem.
As soon as they were downstairs and out of sight, Draco pulled Harry in for a long, sweet kiss that left Harry seeing stars at the tenderness of it. When he recovered he had to catch up to Draco who had fallen into conversation with Narcissa. He was talking animatedly about the board game, and she watched on with a smile.
"I'm glad you two are having fun. It's nice to have the house bustling with people again."
"Thank you for hosting everyone, Mother. It's been really enjoyable."
"What are your plans for the rest of the night?", she asked, grabbing the salad.
"Movies I suppose? More games too I'm sure. Then ice cream."
Narcissa laughed lightly as the boys followed her back upstairs.
"Would you like to eat with us, Narcissa?"
"Oh, I don't want to impose. This is time for you kids to actually be kids."
"Nonsense Mother, we would love to have you with us."
"For a short time I suppose", she relented.
After setting down the food, Harry and Draco went back downstairs for more drinks, plates, and utensils.
"Thank you", Draco said softly, pulling Harry into a hug.
"For what?"
"For being you? For everything? I have a lot of things to thank you for my darling. Thank you for including my mother tonight. I know she gets lonely sometimes without Father, and this means more to her than anything."
"You're my family", Harry replied, softly but sternly, "and I would do anything for you."
"I love you", Draco whispered against his lips, and Harry had to grab onto the counter for stability.
"I love you too. Let's head back upstairs before they notice we've been gone so long."
With one last kiss, Draco pulled back with a dopey smile.
"My beautiful boy", Harry whispered, eyes shining at how lucky he was.
"All yours", Draco agreed, smiling lovingly over his shoulder at Harry.
Harry knew right then and there that he was hopelessly in love with Draco Malfoy. The question now was what to do about it? It plagued his mind for the rest of the night, and Draco noticed the slight change in his mood.
He couldn't find time to ask Harry however, as Harry was being sure to spend time with everyone, Draco's mother included. They had convinced her to stay for a few games, but she left before the movie started, staying long enough to make herself an ice cream sundae.
She hugged Harry tightly, placing a kiss upon his head, before doing the same to Draco, and bidding everyone a goodnight. Harry felt tears coming to his eyes, and shut them tightly, focusing on his breathing.
Tentatively, Ginny came up to Harry and pulled him into a hug. Draco felt his heart lurch that he couldn't comfort his boyfriend properly. He hadn't heard what Ginny whispered to his Harry, but whatever it was seemed to help.
"What movie are we watching?", he asked, pulling away from Ginny's embrace.
He stayed near though, and she had her arm wrapped around his waist lightly.
"Neville has been going on and on about this stupid clown movie", Blaise complained.
"Clowns are disgusting", Pansy commented, wrinkling her nose.
"I'll hold you if you get scared", Ginny teased, looking to Harry for a sign she must have received because she released him and walked to Pansy.
Draco immediately grabbed Harry's hand, tugging him to one of the chairs.
"I'm going to get our ice cream."
Draco made sure he got his first, and added extra cherries on Harry's side of the ice cream, even though he himself hated them. When he sat back down, Harry discreetly curled up into Draco, positioning the blanket around them to hide how intertwined they really were. Draco grabbed Harry's hand under the blanket, so he could finally ask what was wrong.
"You got me cherries", Harry murmured, before Draco could use their connection.
"I know you like them, and you're upset."
"What's wrong?", Draco asked.
"I just got a bit overwhelmed. I've never had a real family before, and now I have two. I'm always so worried everything is going to be ripped away from me, but for once in my life I feel safe and secure, and it's all because of you. Ginny could tell what was wrong, I was the same way the first time Molly did that to me."
The lights were off and the movie was starting, so Draco risked kissing Harry quickly.
"My special boy", he whispered, caressing Harry's face lightly.
Harry melted against him immediately, and Draco couldn't help but press a kiss onto the top of his head. This is where he wanted to be, holding his Harry, surrounded by all of his best friends.
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