Chapter 68

It was move in day, and Harry was experiencing many regrets, accompanied by pangs of an unknown feeling. Draco was still asleep, laying across Harry's chest with one arm wrapped around him, and the other holding his hand. Harry wished he could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this. All he could do however was close his eyes and hold Draco a little tighter.

"You can hold me as tight as you want my darling, but I promise you I'm not disappearing", Draco whispered.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, was I thinking so loudly I woke you up?"

"No, I've been awake for a little bit, but you seemed like you needed some support."

"I do", Harry replied with a sigh.

"What can I do for you Scarhead?"

"I don't know."

"Talk to me Harry, I'm here for you love."

"I just know that everything is going to change, and I'm scared", Harry choked out, eyes clouding with tears.

"Oh Harry. Come here my darling, let me hold you", Draco said softly, getting up and switching their positions.

He held Harry tightly, allowing him to cry and get his feelings out.

"I promise you Harry that I won't let anyone or anything come in between us. I'm so serious about us that I will make an unbreakable vow to you. I'll let you in on a secret though, I'm bloody terrified to go back too. But I know it's going to be okay. Do you know why?"

Shaking his head, Harry clung to Draco tighter.

"It's because I have you, Harry. You are the strongest, bravest man that I have ever met. Throughout everything that you've been through you've remained so loving, and so kind, and you are what I aspire to be. Every single day you motivate me to work on myself and become a better person. You believe that I can be a better man, and I believe it too.

I know it's not going to be easy and that we won't be able to be as open around each other anymore, but we'll find a way. We share a dorm room, and you have your portkey. I also have one, so if it ever gets really bad, I'll know where to find you. 

Let's spend today looking around the castle and planning out places to meet okay? We'll get our schedules today too so we can make plans for the school year. Every weekend we can get away and go somewhere if you'd like. Even if it's just here, and we can do whatever we want. We can go see Mother some weekends too.

If we have to lock ourselves in our room then so be it. You have your cloak, so no one even has to know that we're in our room together at the same time. I promise I will keep you safe Harry."

"You've really thought this through, haven't you?", Harry asked, sniffling quietly.

"I have. I don't want to lose you, and I want you to be safe. That was the whole point of the potion really. I understand that you won't be speaking much anymore. The robe sleeves are long enough that we can hold pinkies or brush our hands together without anyone knowing any better. I do think we need at least one code word. Something for when you or I want to get away."

"Dragon", Harry offered.

"Really?", Draco asked with a snort.

"There's no need to talk about dragons, and I like thinking about you."

"Dragon it is. If you just want to get back to the dorm say 'dorm'. That doesn't need to be fancy, but Dragon can be the panic word."


"Are you feeling better now my darling?"

"I am, thank you. I love you."

"I love you too", Draco responded immediately.

The words were new to both men, and they weren't sure in what sense the other man meant them. They hadn't really said those three words since they got together, unless they were sarcastic. They were falling hard and fast it seemed, but there was such a comfort in knowing that their relationship was secure, that neither man minded.

"Are you ready to get dressed and head to The Manor?", Draco asked.

"Can we just lay about for a little bit please?"

"Anything for my Harry."

"Morning kisses?", he asked sweetly.

With a quiet laugh, Draco grabbed his wand and cast a cleaning charm on the both of them.

"Come here you."

Harry was amazed at how quickly Draco could make him feel better. He knew that everything Draco promised was true. They would be okay, Harry wouldn't let anything or anyone come in between him and his Draco.

"You're so insanely special Draco. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I do not know where I would be without you."

"You're very sweet, but I'm sure you would've been fine Harry."

"I don't think so. Even the 'savior of the wizarding world' needs some saving sometimes. You saved me when I really didn't have anyone else. I have lots of friends I suppose, but I've never had anyone this close to me in this way, and it's really nice to feel wanted in this way. Do you know what I mean?"

"That you like that I want to kiss you all the time?", Draco teased, brushing his lips against Harry's.

"That's exactly what I mean. You can joke with me like this but I know exactly what you mean. You understand me like no one else does, even without the mental connection."

"That's because you're special to me, and you deserve to know that."

With one last kiss, the two men got out of bed and got dressed in comfortable clothes. Draco helped Harry collect his things, including Scarhead Jr, and then they flooed to The Manor.

"Good morning boys, how are you feeling?"

"I've been better", Harry admitted, grabbing Draco's hand.

"We're both just a bit worried we won't get enough time to be together together, but we talked it out this morning. We have a panic word, and today we're going to look for places we can meet if we're not together."

"I'm proud of you boys for being so open with your communication. It's extremely important in making a relationship work."

"I'm not letting him go", Harry replied, looking adoringly at his Draco.

"Likewise", Draco promised, pecking Harry quickly on the lips.

"Let's eat so you can get a move on. It's going to be so quiet around here without either of you."

"I'm sure the peace will be a welcome change Mother. Besides, we'll come to visit on weekends."

"Wonderful. Write to me at least once a week. Both of you."

"Of course", Harry promised.

They finished breakfast, and Harry helped Draco collect his things.

"Take care Draco, I love you", Narcissa said, pulling Draco in for a hug.

"I love you too, Mother. I'll see you soon."

"Harry, be safe and stay well. If you need anything, please don't forget you can come to me."

"Thank you Narcissa, truly."

"Do you know what you're telling McGonagall when she asks why you two arrived together?"

"We decided to meet up on our own and have breakfast to see how things would go", Harry supplied.

"Wonderful. I wish you luck."

Bidding her a final goodbye, the two men flooed into McGonagall's office with their things. To say she was surprised was an understatement.

"Boys! I must say I'm very surprised to see you arriving together. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Potter and I had breakfast together this morning. We thought it would be nice to have a bit of time to ourselves before we move into our room together."

"I'm impressed, you're both in one piece. I knew this would be a good idea, having you two dorm together. Let me show you around."

McGonagall did all of the talking as she levitated their things behind her, blocking her view of Harry and Draco, who were subtly holding hands. She told them about all of the new additions to Hogwarts, and Draco responded for the most part, with Harry chiming in now and then.

"Is one hour enough to unpack? Then we can go to Diagon Alley and collect your things? Or would you prefer I gather them instead?"

"Would you?", Harry asked. "I'm not ready to be on The Prophet again yet."

"As if you ever left."

"I don't read it."

"Mr. Malfoy, would you like to accompany me?", McGonagall asked.

"I'll stay with Potter if he doesn't mind."

"Mr. Potter?"

"He can stay."

"Wonderful. I have a few assignments for you two anyways. I'm giving you an activity of sorts to get to know each other, and then I want help with the room assignments for the other 8th years. We can go over that after dinner. For now, unpack and explore.

Here are your schedules by the way. For the most part, all of the 8th years have the same courses. If either of you want to make any changes, let me know. Take care boys, this is your room."

After handing them both keys to the door labeled Malfoy-Potter, McGonagall was on her way to collect their materials with a small smile on her face. She knew this was a good idea.

The first thing Draco did was unpack his vinyl record player so they could listen to music. While Harry chose a vinyl, Draco assessed the room as a whole. It was nicely sized, bigger than what he assumed the other rooms would be.

McGonagall tried to balance the Gryffindor and Slytherin colors in the room, but Draco did not think it was working.

"Can I change the color scheme my darling? I'm really not feeling this."

"Oh thank Merlin, please. I was waiting for you to offer."

"What color were you thinking?"

"I'll leave it up to you. I just want something nice."

Draco decided on walls so dark blue they were almost black. He then concentrated to make twinkling stars and constellations appear on the walls.

"What do you think?", he asked, admired his work.

"Just one more thing."

With a grin, Harry took out his wand and charmed the ceiling to match the one in the Great Hall.

"You learned the spell for that?", Draco asked, highly impressed.

"Mione always talked about it from Hogwarts a History, and one day I got curious, so I looked it up."

"It's perfect", Draco replied, pulling Harry in for a kiss. "Now, we need to move the furniture. I am not sleeping all the way across the room from you."

The two men moved their beds next to each other in the middle of the room. There was a fair amount of room in between them, so no one would be suspicious. When it came time to actually sleep, they would just push them together.

The remaining furniture was moved to their liking, and Draco made sure there was a lot of parchment out. The time before McGonagall returned passed quickly. Finishing touches were still being added on the room when she knocked on the door.

Draco granted her entry, and whatever she was going to say died in her throat.

"You two were certainly busy", she commended.

"Is this okay?", Harry asked, worried they had overstepped.

"As long as both of you consent, I have no issue with it. This is truly astounding. Who did the walls and the ceiling?"

"I did the walls, and Potter did the ceiling. We didn't want our house colors everywhere, and we came to find we both liked stargazing, so we compromised with this."

"I'm very impressed with your charm work boys, 10 house points to each of you."

Harry and Draco just smiled at each other. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad afterall?

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