Chapter 66

When Harry and Ginny got back into the house, Ron and Hermione were waiting for them, Ron with an odd look on his face.

"Are you two back together?", he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What?", Harry sputtered.

Ginny just started laughing hysterically.

"Absolutely not!", she wheezed.

"Just friends", Harry clarified.

"Hmm, okay. You would tell me if you were though, right?"

"Of course, but it's never going to happen. No offense Harry."

"None taken."

"Now that that's established, excuse me for a minute",  Ginny said, leaving the room to write her note for Pansy.

"Harry, when do you plan on getting your books?", Hermione asked, sitting down next to him.

"With McGonagall when I move in. She said she'll take me to keep people away, or that she'll just grab everything for me if I'm not comfortable going out."

"Good, I'm glad you won't be alone. Do you think any other 8th years are also being given the option to move in early?"

"Actually, I don't know. If anything, probably some of the Slytherins I suppose. Maybe Nev. I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Do you know if we have roommates?", Ron asked.

"We have at least one. I guess it depends on how many of us are coming back. I don't know who is, she hasn't said. I just know the three of us and Nev. Probably Dean and Seamus as well."

"Makes sense. Do you think she'd let us room together Mione? No offense Harry."

"I highly doubt that, Ron. I'm sure she'll still be separating boys and girls. We may have a separate year 8 tower, but I don't think she's that relaxed. Besides, I need to focus on my studies."

"Some things never change", Harry said good naturedly.

"Don't think you're off the hook either. I'm sure we'll at least be able to go into each other's rooms to study. I'll start devising a study schedule. Ron and I are going to collect our books before we go back. Would you like to come with us, or would you prefer to wait for McGonagall?"

"I think I'd prefer to wait. If the three of us go out alone together in public for the first time since the war, I think we'd completely shut down Diagon Alley. I'd like to prolong that as much as possible if I'm honest."

Ron opened his mouth to respond but Hermione cut him off.

"That's completely valid Harry, we respect your decision."

"Thanks Mione."

"Kids, dinner!", Molly called.

The twins sat on either side of Harry before Ron or Hermione could, so Hermione sat across the table from him. Thankfully, Molly was very interested in what was going on in Australia as opposed to anything that was going on here. He said maybe 3 words during dinner.

"Mrs. Weasley, what time are we having cake for Harry? I'm trying to figure out when the best time to get books is."

"I'd say in about 40 minutes?"

"We should go now then", Hermione decided, standing up.

"Actually, I needed to pick up something first, for your birthday", Ron admitted sheepishly. "Could you meet me in about 10 minutes?"

"I suppose that will do, but not a minute longer."

"I'll meet you in front of Flourish and Blotts in 10."

Pressing a kiss to her cheek, Ron was off.

"Mione, can I speak with you in private please?"

"Of course Harry", she said worriedly.

They walked out to the garden together, and sat down on a bench.

"Is everything alright?", she asked gently, placing a hand on Harry's knee.

"Yes and no."

As she spoke, Harry began to write down what he wanted to say.

"You can talk to me about anything Harry, you know that don't you? I'm sorry that I haven't been around very much. I'm either with my parents, or Ron is dragging me out and about. That's really no excuse though. I've tried talking to him about it, but he's a bit dense sometimes.

I assume because you waited to talk to me alone that you don't want me to tell him whatever we talk about?"

"Please. I'm not ready to tell him yet."

"You know I hate keeping secrets from him, but I understand. You're just as important to me, Harry. All I want is for you to be happy. You looked happier, before you noticed we were here. I didn't want to say anything but..."

Harry paused and flipped the parchment over, using his wand to add the thought to the paper.

"It's not really you, it's Ron. He stresses me out because he doesn't understand my condition. I've been making really good progress, which is what I wanted to talk to you about, and I'm scared being back around him will reverse everything I've done."

"I'm so sorry that you feel that way, but I understand. That also explains why the twins have you under lock and key. They're trying to protect you."

Harry nodded, and handed her the parchment to read.

"There's no way to get around this, so I'm just going to say it. Malfoy and I are friends now. Really good friends actually, like how Ron and I used to be. I'm also friends with Zabini and Parkinson.

They threw me the birthday party, not Ginny. Well, she helped them actually, but it was their idea. It was really nice, and they've all gone out of their way to make sure that I'm comfortable. They work with me when I can't talk. Draco actually taught me all of the spells to communicate, and then he taught everyone else for me.

He's really changed Mione, and he's so nice to be around. I think you'd really like him if you actually got to know. Draco means a lot to me, and he's been a really good friend.

He's my roommate this year, and McGonagall wants us to help her with some things. She doesn't know we're friends. We didn't want many people to know yet, and we agreed it would be better if we appeared to be friends back at school. Not like it's anyone's business anyways."

"Okay... that's a lot to process Harry. How long has this been going on? Who else knows?"

"Since after his trial when he wrote me a letter. We started writing back and forth after that, and he just understands certain things about me in a way that no one else does. I'm not asking you to forgive him because he was awful to you, I just want you to give him a chance to prove himself."

"I'll have to meet him in person before I decide on anything. This is very sudden, and I need time. It's something I'll have to work on. I don't trust him, but I trust you Harry. It's been a few months now, and I guess I'm a little hurt that you hadn't told me earlier. I understand why not Ron, but what about me?"

"Because I wanted to have this conversation in person", he said, more bitterly than he intended.

She inhaled sharply and looked away.

"Draco has been there for me when no one else has. He's my best friend now too", Harry said, getting up and walking away, back inside.

Hermione followed, and flooed to Diagon Alley without a word. Harry cast an Incendio on the parchment and threw it into the fireplace. Sighing, Harry made his way up to Ginny's room.

"Did you tell her?"

"I did."

"I can't tell whether it went well or horribly."

"A combination of the two."

She handed him new parchment and he worked to collect his thoughts.

"I wouldn't say she's mad, moreso she doesn't understand. She's hurt that I didn't tell her earlier. I understand that, but it's not like she's been around. What am I supposed to do, send her a letter saying that Draco and I are best friends with absolutely no context?"

"She'll get over it Harry. I know she will. All she has to do is see how you are around him, and she'll understand. Ron will be harder to accept I think, but I'll beat him up if I need to."

"Thanks Gin", Harry replied with a laugh.

"Come on, let's go play the Xbox before they get back."

That's exactly what they did, and when Ron and Hermione came back, they had cake. Harry ate it halfheartedly. Really, he just wanted to go back home.

Hermione gave him a teary eyed hug, and Ron gave him a pat on the book.

"See you soon mate."

"See you."

Ron and Hermione took a portkey back, and she mouthed "I'm sorry", to Harry before she was gone.

"I'm feeling tired, gonna head back now. Thank you so much."

"Of course Harry dear. Take care."

Grabbing his gifts, he headed home. Leaving them in his room, he needed something to occupy his running mind. Molly had sent him home with the rest of his cake, but that wasn't what we wanted. Instead, he decided to bake something. Turning his music up to almost maximum volume, he let his emotions out, completely forgetting what he was supposed to be doing after he returned from the dinner.

Draco on the other hand was extremely worried about Harry. The note he received from Pansy had only freaked him out more. He was beginning to panic, and Harry hadn't responded to his note. He decided to firecall Pansy to try to alleviate some stress.

When he called and Ginny answered, the small smile melted off his face.

"Where the hell is Potter?!"

"He went home about an hour ago. Why, is everything alright?", Ginny asked worriedly.

"I got his letter not to come over because Granger and Weasel were there. He was supposed to come see me when he got home, and I haven't heard from him. What happened?"

"He only talked to Hermione. She took it okay I guess? I don't know, Harry kind of shut down. And I almost hit Ron because he was being a git! He said he couldn't stand the thought of having to spend time with all of you, and I broke one of mum's dishes because I was so angry. Harry didn't say much about what he and Hermione talked about."

"Wonderful. If you'll excuse me, I have to go check on Potter and make sure he didn't take a page from Finnigan's book and blow himself up."

With a heavy sigh, Draco told his mother he would most likely be back later. After making a quick stop, Draco apparated to go and see his stupid boyfriend.

When Harry had calmed down, he turned down the music, but it was still loud enough to drown out the pop of apparition. Draco stared at him, one hand propped on his hip, eyebrow raised, and frown on his face.

Harry was singing along to I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance, and if Draco wasn't concerned before, he definitely was now. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Draco grabbed a vase from the dining room and transferred the flowers that he had bought Harry into it.

As the song ended, Draco paused the music. Startled, Harry looked up to see a very angry Draco, and his eyes widened even more.

"Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you're angry?"

"Nice try Potter. I'm sexy all the time, thank you. I've been worrying about you all night! What have you been doing?"

Sheepishly, Harry waved Draco over.

"You baked me an apple cake, and you piped little icing hearts on it?", Draco asked quietly.

"I was just finishing it up. I'm sorry, I know I was supposed to come and see you but it's just been a frustrating day and I pushed it out of my mind- It's not important. I'm sorry sweetheart."

"Tell me about it my darling. I spoke to Ginny, that's how I knew you were home and upset."

"You checked up on me?"

"Of course I did you idiot, you're my Harry! Keyword being my, and I'm yours, therefore we need to communicate. Now, take your flowers and tell me about your day."

Smiling, Harry grabbed the bouquet. He placed it on the table, put the cake in the fridge, then brought Draco into his safe room, but not before kissing him softly. Before Harry could sit down, Draco sat down first, then pulled Harry into him.

"I think you need to be held more than me Scarhead. Now tell me what happened."

Draco let Harry rant as he held him closely, not speaking until Harry was done.

"Thank you for defending me. I know I wasn't a great person before, but I'm really trying now."

"You're absolutely wonderful Draco. You are my favorite person, and I truly mean that. I should've come to you as soon as I left."

"I can forgive you this time, but only because you were thinking of me and made my favorite dessert. If there's a next time I expect you to beg on your knees and grovel for forgiveness."

"If you wanted me on my knees for you, you could've just asked", Harry teased.

"You're so- Ugh!"

Harry laughed, and turned around so he could kiss Draco.

"Thank you for making me feel better Draco."

"I'm always here for whatever you need Harry."

Smiling at each other, their lips met in the middle for another kiss, and both men felt themselves fall a little more in love with the other.

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