Chapter 6

Draco had begun to get worried about Potter. It had only been two days since they started speaking, but after getting a small insight into the real life of Harry Potter, Draco was worried. One line from Potter's last letter was still nagging him, all of these hours later.

"Hopefully it goes well." Aren't Weasel and Granger his best friends? Why wouldn't it go well? Draco then began analyzing all of the other letters Potter had sent him. Were they the ones who didn't take Potter's "condition" well?

It was embarrassing really, how many pieces of parchment Draco had thrown through the floo at this point. He had sent one long reply hours ago, but as it hit ten, Draco became increasingly worried. Once midnight hit, he took a shot of firewhisky for courage and decided to try firecalling Potter.

"Just to be sure my letters are reaching the right place", he reasoned.

It took a few minutes, and Draco was about to end the call and send his owl over instead when Potter's messy hair greeted him.

"Malfoy?", he whispered, rubbing his eyes.

"Erm, hello Potter."

Draco watched as Potter took in all of the parchment scattered around him.

"Sorry about that. And this. Well, I'm sorry for everything actually, but we went over that already huh?", Draco laughed dryly. "Anyways, I just wanted to make sure you were alright. And that my letters were delivering correctly of course", Draco added quickly.

He was thankful Potter couldn't see how his face had colored. As he opened his mouth to ramble again, he was hit square in the forehead with a piece of parchment. He didn't miss Harry's snicker.

"I admit to being worried about you and that's what you do huh?"

Draco unfolded the balled up parchment, and rolled his eyes at the incomplete sentences written.

"Sorry, was sleeping. Appreciate the concern. I'll properly respond to your letter later, let me write you what happened. Long story."

"Did I wake you up? I'm sorry. I was overthinking some of the things you said and drew some conclusions that I hope are incorrect."

Draco watched as Harry continued scribbling. He took that moment to down another shot of firewhiskey to try to calm himself down.

"Firewhiskey?", Harry asked quietly.

"I'm nervous if you couldn't tell. It helps me calm down some, so that I hopefully stop rambling like an idiot. This is all new for me, and I don't really know where we stand or if this was okay. You said we could firecall eventually and I know this is a lot sooner than you wanted to, I just had a weird gut feeling."

Another piece of parchment came through, landing next to Draco this time.

"It's quite embarrassing really. I ended up crying myself to sleep. I was so exhausted, and it was the longest sleep I've gotten in awhile. If you've concluded that Ron isn't very understanding about this, you're correct. Mione is an angel on earth, but it feels like Ron is ready to throttle me at any given moment.

She tore him a new one, that's for sure. As you know, she can be bloody terrifying. I was actually feeling pretty good after getting your letter. Finally got the energy to shave and shower, but everything crashed pretty much as soon as he got here. She'll be back to visit without him, but I think I prefer being here alone."

Harry watched all of the emotions flicker across Malfoy's face as he read Harry's note.

"Did you even eat dinner Potter?"

As Harry shook his head, Draco told him he would be right back. Watching Malfoy leave, Harry began another note. By the time it was finished, Draco had returned.


Harry was surprised to see a plate of food pushed into his room. It was covered of course to prevent ash from falling in, and there was even cutlery under the foil as well.

Draco thought Harry should never smile at him like that ever again unless he wanted to be snogged brutally.

"Thanks Malfoy."

"It's not a problem, Potter. The elves always leave us with leftovers anyways. If you ever need a meal, just send some parchment my way. Or you could firecall and throw something else at my head. That appears to work just fine."

Harry laughed, and Draco couldn't help but smile.

"Now, back to Weasel. Obviously I don't know what's going on with him, but he's supposed to be your best friend. I do know that Fred is in Saint Mungo's receiving treatment. I really hope he makes it through. The twins were always fun, though I never admitted it.

I'm glad you have Granger at least. Weasley needs to keep his anger and his jealousy in check though. That's pretty rich coming from me of all people, that's how you know it's bad. At least I'm up front and honest about it. I don't hide it."

Harry shook his head.

"Are you saying I do hide it?"

"You hide how kind you are", the parchment said.

"Yes well, I think we both know I wasn't always very kind. I'm trying though. I have years of lessons to unlearn. You're very easy for me to talk to. It's quite strange, I'm still trying to get used to it. The letters are one thing, but with me actually seeing you and talking... it becomes a hell of a lot more real."

"You're doing great", Harry responded quietly.

"Thanks Potter. That means a lot coming from you. Do you prefer that I speak to you or just write notes back and forth as well?"

"I like hearing your voice if you don't mind. It makes me feel less alone."

"Yes, well, I have been told I have a sexy voice", Draco drawled.

The laugh Harry emitted was the loudest noise Draco had heard from the man all night. It brought a small smile to his face. The two men continued to communicate in the same fashion for another hour, until Draco was practically falling asleep.

The parchment bouncing off his forehead was enough to bring him back.

"Potter don't you dare make me step through this fireplace because I will", Draco threatened.

Harry laughed as Draco opened the note.

"Get some sleep you prat, we can talk again tomorrow."

When Draco looked back up, the plate and cutlery had been placed through the floo. Letting out a yawn, Draco decided not to argue.

"You win this time Potter. I need my beauty sleep. Goodnight."

"Thanks for caring Malfoy. I appreciate it", Harry spoke timidly.

"Anytime Scarhead. I'll communicate with you tomorrow somehow."


Harry ended the call, a small smile on his face. He brushed his teeth and then tumbled back into bed, thinking about a smiling Malfoy and how thankful he was.

Draco had gotten ready for bed and had just remembered Potter's dishes before crawling under his covers. He brought them down to the kitchen, and after throwing out the cover, he was surprised to see a chocolate frog with a note attached to it resting on the plate.

Once he got situated under his covers, he opened the note.


I can't tell you how much tonight meant to me. Thank you for being patient with me and understanding of my situation. You turned one of my lowest mornings into one of my best nights. I know these are your favorite, so this is my way of saying thank you for being the friend that I needed.

~ Harry "

Tonight was one of the rare occasions that occurred maybe once a year if he was lucky. Draco Malfoy fell asleep with a smile on his face and had no nightmares at all.

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