Chapter 51

{ Chapter 10 Recap of the Potion and what it does for you lovely readers:

"You and whoever you want to communicate with would both take the potion. The book doesn't say how long the potion lasts, so I would assume it's permanent unless you brew the antidote. You would have to have some sort of physical contact, and you would be able to communicate mentally.

It's not an open connection, and they can't see into your thoughts like with Occlumency. You just need to be in contact with the person. I'm not sure if it's skin to skin contact like holding hands or if it would still work if both people were wearing gloves or something." }

The two men spent some more time on the beach before heading back inside. Harry stretched and yawned before dropping onto the bed.

"Do you think it's bad to sleep with contacts in?"

"It doesn't sound like a great idea."

"Why couldn't you tell me that before I laid down?"

"Stop being a baby, Potter", Draco chided.

"I could be your baby", Harry mumbled grumpily.

Draco froze.

"I think you need to consider your words before you say them out loud", Draco said carefully.

"I said what I said sweetheart", Harry replied, getting up to go to the bathroom.

Draco's face was hot as he poured over the events of the day. Harry was getting a lot more bold with his actions towards Draco, and Draco didn't know what he was getting at. All he did know was that he would expedite his plan, starting tonight. Today was the 28th of July. They had three full days here, all alone, and Draco was going to make the most of it. Everything would change once they went back to Hogwarts, and he needed to know they would be okay. They had to be.

When Harry returned back to the bedroom, he grabbed Draco's hand, pulling him onto the bed with him.

"Potter, I have to unpack."

"It's my birthday week, so I say we cuddle and go back to sleep."

"You're insufferable."

"Only to those I care about. Now shut up and go to sleep."

"Fine. Goodnight baby", Draco teased.

"Two can play at this game", he thought.

"Goodnight love", Harry retorted.

Both men fell asleep with blushing faces, but sappy smiles. When Harry woke up again hours later, it was to Draco sliding back into bed next to him.

"Did you seriously leave me while I was sleeping?", Harry asked raspily, wrapping himself back around Draco.

"Someone has to keep us fed darling", Draco replied, running his hand through Harry's hair.

"Are you cooking or just picking up food?"

"Do you want to be poisoned?", Draco asked with a snort.

"I'm cooking dinner."


"Don't Potter me Malfoy. Do you have groceries here or do we need to go out?"

"I have some things, courtesy of Longbottom, if you would let me finish. He gave me a shopping list for some of your favorite foods. He specifically told me that if I only fed you take out you'd never go anywhere with me ever again."

"That's not true. I would just spend a lot more time working out."

"As if you need it", Draco replied, running a hand over Harry's arm.

"So I can cook dinner then?", Harry asked, hiding his face in Draco's chest.

"I suppose so. But I want to help."

"Perfect, because you didn't have a choice."

"Git", Draco replied teasingly, rolling his eyes. "Are you ready for lunch?"

"Are we eating inside or on the beach?"

"Wherever you want."

"DId you pack sunscreen?", Harry asked abruptly.

"I think so, why?"

"Because I'm worried about your skin burning. You're so pale."

"Thank you for your concern Potter, but I'll be fine."

"Nuh uh. No way. We'll have lunch inside. Every time a pale person says they don't need sunscreen they end up burnt and complaining the whole time. You're hot enough without your skin physically being on fire."

"Thank you, I think?"

"Let's eat. We can finally unpack after that, and then go on the beach. Does that work with whatever you have planned?"

"It does. I have something for you after lunch though. I was supposed to give it to you at yours, but it completely slipped my mind because I didn't want to miss the sunrise. I have a series of small presents to give to you."

"I take it protesting will get me nowhere?"

"Just in the ocean", Draco replied with a smirk.

"Off to lunch we go then Prince. After I put my contacts back in."

Draco was anxious all throughout lunch, and Harry had no clue why.

"Draco, calm down will you? You could give me a seashell and I would love it. Whatever it is that's bothering you isn't worth the stress, I promise. I'm a very amicable person."

"I know. It's just... things."

"Ah yes... things. Quite terrible really."

Draco smiled half-heartedly.

"Talk to me Draco. If it bothers you it's not silly. You're completely valid."

"I'm just worried about you seeing my scars I suppose. I know you won't think lesser of me for them, but I don't want you to be upset because of them. Because of how they happened."

"I want you to do whatever is comfortable for you, okay? If you don't want me to look at you, then I won't. It's up to you. You said they faded some right? Like mine have?"

"Yes. I just don't want things to be awkward or feel off because it's your birthday."

"I just want you to be comfortable in your own skin sweetheart. We can swim at night instead if you want. I'll let you think on it while I do the dishes, then take inventory of what's in the fridge", Harry said as he got up.

"There's a list for you on the counter."

"Thank you Prince", Harry replied, kissing Draco on the cheek before heading out of the room.

Draco was torn. Merlin how he wanted Harry to look at him. He wanted Harry to want him like he wanted Harry.

"Fuck it", Draco thought.

He went upstairs and grabbed the bathing suit he had packed for himself and changed into it. He threw on one of Harry's sleeveless shirts, and grabbed the sunscreen with a roll of his eyes. The small package he had wrapped neatly for Harry was also grabbed. Placing his sunglasses on top of his head, he met Harry on the staircase.

"You look much better in that shirt than I do", Harry said appreciatively, eyes trailing over Draco's form.

If Draco hadn't already made his decision, this just further pushed him in the direction that he had chosen.

"Can you unpack yourself? I'm going to go set up umbrellas, towels, and the chairs."

"That's fine. I'll meet you back in our room in 20 minutes?"

"See you then."

Draco had work to do, and was extra thankful to be able to use magic. He was not looking forward to carrying a whole table by himself. Table, chairs, towels, his camera, and then he had some buckets because Harry seemed like the kind of person who would enjoy making sand castles, no matter his age. After learning how to properly work a waterproof speaker he had just bought, he found Harry finishing up with his things.

Leaning against the doorway, he watched Harry fluff his hair up in the mirror, before sliding on a headband.

"One person should not look this attractive", Draco thought.

"Ready for me now?", Harry asked, making eye contact in the mirror as he smiled at Draco.

"I am. So I have two things for you. First is this."

Harry unwrapped the box to find a pair of very expensive looking sunglasses that matched Draco's.

"I'm honored to match with you, thank you", Harry replied with a genuine smile.

"Now this one technically isn't a present, but I wanted to give it to you now because it's done, so here."

Harry curiously accepted the smaller box. Inside were two of the potion vials.

"It's done?", he asked with a grin.

"It is. You take one, and then whoever you want to communicate with takes the other one. I hope it works. You'll have to let me know."

"Why would I let you know?", Harry asked confused, pulling out one of the vials.

Draco was a bit taken back by his question.

"Well, I would ideally like to know how effective my brewing was, but I suppose it's your personal business Potter."

"What on earth are you going on about Malfoy?", Harry asked, grabbing Draco's hand in one of his as he used the other to open the vial.

Smelling the potion before taking it, Harry made a face of disgust, then knocked it back like a shot before Draco could stop him.

"You were supposed to take it with the other person you git! You needed to have physical contact with them."

"You're supposed to be the smart one you idiot", Harry retorted, lifting their conjoined hands and handing Draco the other vial.

"Wait, it's for me?"

"Can we talk after you take it please, before I grow an extra head or something?"

Harry was pleasantly pleased that Draco actually listened to him, and laughed as Draco's face contorted in disgust at the taste of the potion. Biting his lip, he looked at Harry, their fingers still intertwined.

{For clarity, thoughts will be in bold and anything written will remain in italics}

"Did the book say how we'd know it was effective?", Draco wondered.

"I can hear you!", Harry exclaimed aloud.

"Really? You think something now. I can't believe I'm letting you into my mind like this."

"You already lived in my mind rent free, there's no difference", Harry teased.

"We did it!", Draco cheered, tackling Harry into a hug.

"You really thought I wasn't going to use the potion with you?"

"You never said, and I didn't want to assume", Draco trailed off.

"He probably thinks I'm stupid", Draco chastised himself.

"Stupidly adorable, emphasis on the adorable part."

"Ignoring that, we need to figure out how to think for ourselves."

"We have three days to figure it out. We probably have to like... think to ourselves. Does that make sense? Or maybe we have to direct our thoughts to each other?"

"I'm letting go of your hand before you give me a headache. Let's go outside now", Draco replied, standing up.



Harry pulled Draco into a hug, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

"You're absolutely wonderful Draco. You truly are my Prince."

Draco was thankful Harry pulled away quickly because all that was going through his head was a scream. Harry saw the panicked look on Draco's face and smirked as he walked away. All was going according to plan.

{The idea of a discord chat was brought up so instead of how Twitter how do we feel about maybe using that? Also I finished this chapter before 11pm everyone cheer. I'm sorry these authors notes are getting annoying I'll stop with them soon I promise 💀 You're here for the story not my rambling ~ J}

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