Chapter 48
{Hello, I finished that paper I mentioned a few chapters ago so I was able to finally get to writing an update. I'm sorry it's later than usual, but I'm happy to not have missed an upload day, and I came back with a long (for this story) chapter.
I posted an announcement to my page earlier this morning explaining what was going on, so if I don't update at normal time and you're wondering what's up just check there! I won't leave you guys in the dark. Enjoy! ~ J}
"What exactly is there to show around? It's just... nature."
"I take it you've never gone exploring much?", Harry asked with a laugh.
"Try ever. I was doing 'pureblood' activities that weren't very fun, other than learning the piano. Have you?"
"I wasn't allowed out much as a child, so I enjoyed it every chance I got. You had to learn to love nature when you're living in the woods horcrux hunting."
"I'm not a fan of bugs. Or dirt."
"There's extra clothes in the car in case. But we have magic if you do get dirty you know", Harry teased.
"Just dazzle me with this nature."
Harry grabbed everything from the car, refusing Draco's help. After Draco complained, Harry entrusted him with the camera.
"It's a 15 minute hike, is that alright?"
"Is this you politely telling me I need to exercise?", Draco retorted, raising an eyebrow as he followed Harry down a path.
"It's not, but feel free to join me anytime I work out."
"I don't think that would be a good idea."
"Why not?", Harry asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"I'm... easily distracted."
"What could you possibly be distracted by?"
"Things", Draco replied airily, pretending to take interest in a flower.
"That's a marigold. Symbolizes positive emotions and energy, but can also symbolize a person's internal light."
"Oh. When did you get into plants?", Draco asked, plucking one of the flowers and twirling it between his fingers.
"Luna is very into these kinds of symbolic things. She would tell me about all kinds of plants and what they meant. It's quite interesting, so she let me read some books of hers."
"You'll have to tell me more."
Harry did just that as they made their way to his spot. Draco collected all of the ones that had meanings he liked, and snapped a few pictures. By the time they got to Harry's clearing next to a little stream, all Draco needed was a grass blade to complete the bouquet. After tying it off and casting a stasis charm, he tucked it into his back pocket and helped an oblivious Harry set up the blanket.
"Perfect", Harry said with a smile, dropping onto the blanket.
"I always knew you needed help accessorizing", Draco teased, presenting Harry with the bouquet.
Pure happiness radiated off of Harry's face, and Draco was happy to have caught the smile on camera.
"This is for me?"
"Of course it's for you. Who else would it be for?"
"I dunno. Your mother?"
Draco laughed quietly as he sat next to Harry.
"I don't think anyone else would appreciate a gift of this nature other than you."
"Why do you say that?", Harry asked curiously as he unpacked the picnic basket.
"Because you're you. Give Pansy something shiny with diamonds and she's happy. Blaise has an expensive taste in clothing. You on the other hand would not know what to do if I gave you a diamond ring-"
"Say yes to your marriage proposal of course", Harry cut in.
Laughing, Draco placed his head onto Harry's shoulder.
"You know what I mean, Scarhead. You don't need people to throw money at you to make you happy. Small gestures like that mean more to you. You just require more creativity, and I'm up for the challenge."
"I appreciate that, but I don't need anything Prince."
"That is where you're wrong. You deserve to be treated like, well, a prince, but that's my nickname. Scarhead, you take care of everyone, and you're never selfish when you have every right to be. Let me take care of you and do nice things for you. It's your birthday next week and here you are taking me out."
Harry opened his mouth to cut Draco off, but Draco shoved a piece of fruit into his mouth.
"I am taking you out for your birthday. Cancel any plans you have for the latter half of next week. It's not a question, I'm telling you. I had arguably the best birthday of my life, and you deserve one as amazing as I had, if not better.
I was planning it before I knew what your surprise for me was, so don't think I'm doing this because I feel like I have to. I know the way your mind works. This is a no strings attached arrangement. I'm doing this because I want to do it, for you."'
"Only you could go from modest, to shoving fruit into my mouth, to being incredibly sweet. Thank you Prince. Really. No one has ever gone through this much effort for me."
"Because you obviously cannot tell the wrong sort for yourself you git."
Laughing, Harry pulled Draco into a hug.
"I'm never going to live that down am I? Let's eat, you prat."
Lunch was spent with Harry pointing nature related things out to Draco, and Draco throwing grapes at Harry.
"C'mon Potter, where are those Seeker reflexes? You can catch a snitch in your mouth but not a grape?"
"Malfoy you're not even aiming for my mouth! The last one bounced off the top of my head!"
"You're supposed to move and seek the grapes."
"You're an idiot", Harry deadpanned.
"Ah, but I'm your idiot", Draco sassed with a wink.
"If I remember correctly, Zabini mentioned something about a receipt? Do you think he found it yet?", Harry teased back.
"I'll have you know that I'm priceless, thank you very much. Spending time with me is a privilege."
"Maybe I abuse my privilege a little too much", Harry relented, as he finished packing away their leftovers into the basket. "But that's just because I love you."
He found what he needed, and turned back to the tree, kneeling on the blanket.
Draco's heart stopped. He was always the one to initiate saying "I love you", but now Harry finally said it first. He could cry with the feeling of the emotions coursing through him.
"I love you too", Draco replied with a soft smile.
He turned back around to see Harry holding a pocket knife, kneeling in front of the tree and facing him.
"Scarhead?", he asked, somewhat concerned.
"What? You've never carved anything into a tree before?", he asked, confused.
"I didn't know where this was going to be honest with you."
Draco knelt next to Harry, watching as he made quick work of the bark.
"Where'd you get that from? The craftsmanship is wonderful."
"When it was just Mione and I on the horcrux hunt, we went into Godric's Hollow. I saw the house where everything happened. I walked through, and found this in what looked to be my parents' room. My room was completely blown to bits because that's where the killing curse backfired, so there wasn't really anything in there.
I'd like to go back one day and actually see what I can salvage. I'm not ready for that yet. This knife was a gift from my grandfather to my father. I gathered that from the inscription, but I don't know anything else."
Draco didn't even know what to say to that. Harry wasn't expecting an answer. Sometimes it was just nice to talk and be listened to.
"When you decide to go back, I'll go with you."
"Thank you", Harry replied softly. "Enough depressing talk though. What should we write?"
"May I?", Draco asked.
Nodding, Harry handed Draco the knife, who appreciated the feel of it. Biting his lip in focus, Draco carefully started carving a word, letter by letter, "S-C-A-R-H-E-A-D", then handed the knife back to Harry as he admired his work.
With a grin, Harry added "+ P-R-I-N-C-E", then added the date off to the side underneath it. Draco could just make out where Harry had carved his own name into the tree at some earlier point in time.
"Could you hold onto this for me for now?", Harry asked.
"Of course."
As Harry finished checking that everything was packed, Draco very quietly opened the knife back up and carved a heart around their nicknames, snapping a picture of it with the camera.
"Ready to go?", Harry asked.
"Ready", Draco confirmed.
Draco made sure that his back covered the tree as they walked back to the car. Harry could notice the heart at a later point in time.
"This was really nice, thank you. I genuinely enjoyed it."
"Yeah? Would you come back here? With me obviously. I mean you could come without me, I don't own the park or anything", Harry trailed off.
"I'd love to", Draco replied back with a grin.
The ride back was spent in a similar fashion to the ride there. When they got back to Harry's there was a letter to him from McGonagall.
"Mr. Potter,
I understand the situation that you are in. I will have ample communication materials prepared for you. Does two days from now work for you? If so, I will see you at 1 in the afternoon. Send me a confirmation at your earliest convenience.
Don't stress out about a future career just yet Potter. You've accomplished more in your lifetime than most wizards could dream of. Take this time to relax and be a kid.
Minerva McGonagall"
"Hey Prince?", Harry asked.
"Yes Scarhead?"
"When are you meeting McGonagall?"
"Two days time at noon."
"She wants to meet me the same, just an hour later."
"Maybe it's a day full of meetings?", Draco suggested.
"If that's the case, I hope I'm the last of the day."
"Did you want to go together?", Draco asked timidly.
"Merlin yes. I can't imagine walking back there alone."
"It's settled then. Meet me at mine and we can apparate together?"
"It's a date. Er, outing", Harry corrected awkwardly.
"It's whatever you want it to be darling", Draco replied with a wink.
After a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, Draco apparated back home to have dinner with his mother.
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