Chapter 44
Wand in hand, Harry ran out of his room, stumbling a bit as his blanket caught around his foot. Taking the stairs two at a time, he burst into the living room, a sinking feeling in his gut. He heard a wail and was tackled to the ground in a tight hug. The lingering scent of cologne let him know who it was, which only made him more worried.
"Draco what's wrong?"
Harry had never seen Draco in such a state. He considered Draco to be impenetrable, like a fortress. His resolve had crumbled, and all Harry had in his arms was the remnants of the force he once believed Draco to be.
"Don't leave me", Draco choked out.
This had been one of the worst nightmares of his life. His senses and thoughts were clouded. The only thing playing through his mind was, "Harry, Harry, Harry." As soon as he was awake, he immediately apparated over, blanket still wrapped around himself.
"I will never leave you Draco. It's you and I until the end. There is nothing in the world that can separate me from you."
Draco just cried harder into Harry's chest. All of his past insecurities that he was working through came resurfacing with a brute force that rattled him to his core. He couldn't breathe, he couldn't think, and even Harry was slipping away from him, causing him to dig his nails into Harry's back. Draco needed something tangible to ground him.
Moving to get up, Harry felt Draco's nails dig into his back even deeper.
"I'm bringing you with me okay? I'm not leaving you alone", Harry whispered softly.
It was like Draco couldn't even see Harry anymore, he was so into his own head. The darkness that had slowly been receding came back full force, and Draco suddenly forgot how to cast Lumos.
Originally, Harry was going to bring Draco upstairs with him, but Draco looked like he needed some air. Holding him close, Harry lifted the both of them off the floor, and talked to Draco as he walked outside, wrapping the blanket Draco had brought tighter around him.
"We're just going out to the backyard okay? Just focus on my voice. I know it's hard Draco and it feels like the world is closing in, but I'm right here with you. You aren't alone, I've got you, and I'll always have you no matter what."
Harry was bringing him back out to the pond, hoping that the happy memories the two men had made here would chase away whatever had hurt Draco so badly. The lights had been left up because Harry loved how they looked, so Harry readjusted Draco so he could grab his wand and turn them on. It was a bit difficult for him to see anything because he hadn't grabbed his glasses.
"Can you look at the lights, Draco?"
After receiving no response, he added, "for me?". This was enough to get Draco to turn his head, just a little bit. Once he looked at the familiar surroundings, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to replace his bad thoughts with thoughts of his birthday.
"Remember how much fun we had? You looked more breathtaking than usual illuminated by the lanterns. I'd do anything to keep you smiling like that forever. Tell me what I can do when you're ready. For now, just focus on your breathing."
Listening to Harry's voice was slowly helping Draco calm down, and bring himself back to the present.
"Keep talking", he whispered hoarsely.
This was going to be a struggle for Harry himself. He still wasn't comfortable speaking for long periods at a time, but he pushed that aside for Draco.
"Well, I have a story that will either make you laugh, flattered, or angry. Probably all three. You remember year 2 with the chamber of secrets and everything and how everyone was trying to figure out who the heir of Slytherin was?
I thought it was you, because ya know, I was 12 and you were a pureblood Slytherin. So I'm talking with Mione and Ron, and we come up with the craziest idea. At 13 years old, Hermione brewed polyjuice potion in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Ron and I became Crabbe and Goyle respectively, and Mione tried to become Bulstrode, but accidentally grabbed cat hair instead.
Madame Pomfrey does not get paid enough to deal with all of us. Honestly, I would show up monthly at least, then Hermione comes in as a half human half cat, then everyone started getting petrified. Madame Pomfrey didn't even ask any questions.
Anyways, when you asked Goyle why he was wearing glasses, I had completely forgotten to take mine off, and all I could think of to explain why he would be wearing glasses was reading. I also didn't know he could read. It took a lot not to laugh, that was clever of you."
"How did you get rid of them?"
"Hermione put Sleeping Draught in some chocolate cakes. Honestly, they were levitating and they just grabbed them out of the air and took a bite. We dragged them off into a broom closet and stole their robes and ties."
This was able to get a laugh out of Draco, who was more relaxed now.
"They were there for brute force. Their parents were death eaters. I didn't choose any of my friends."
"You chose me."
"I don't want to talk about that", Draco cut him off, wrapping the blanket tighter around himself.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"I had a nightmare. Can we walk around the pond?"
"Of course. Accio glasses."
Once his glasses were on his face and he could see, he really took a good look at Draco. The moonlight and panic attack made Draco's skin look almost translucent. Reaching out a hand, Harry wiped the remainder of the tears from Draco's face.
"Thank you", Draco whispered.
Harry then wrapped an arm around Draco's waist, and led him around the pond. It was a few minutes before Draco spoke. He had been working to collect his thoughts, and process everything that he had dreamt. It all felt so real.
"I watched you die. It felt so real. The nightmare was brought on by the letter, I know it was. I took a calming draught before I fell asleep. They usually bring on nightmares when I'm like this, but I couldn't breathe and I needed to do something. McGonagall wants to meet with me for some reason, and I don't know why.
The nightmare was strange. We were back there... but we had the relationship that we do now. We weren't enemies anymore and he... Voldemort... tried to Imperio me to kill you, but I wouldn't do it. I threw off the curse and refused. I told you I would never hurt you again.
Instead, he made me watch as he killed you, and once you were dead he started telling me how little I meant to you. That if you really cared about me you would have lived for me. This was all a joke to get back at me for everything I've done to you, and that he planned it that way. He said you would rather die than have to pretend you liked me anymore, and that I was pathetic for thinking that anyone could ever love me for what I am", Draco finished disgustedly.
"You came to make sure I was okay."
"It all felt so real, I just had to make sure. I'm sorry, I probably ruined your night. I woke you up didn't I?"
"Thank you."
Harry thanking him threw Draco completely off guard, and he stopped in his tracks.
"You woke up from a terrifying nightmare and the first thing you did was come check on me instead of taking care of yourself. I'm glad you came though. You shouldn't be alone, especially not after that. Stay with me as long as you want okay? We'll just have Scarhead Jr leave a letter for your mother so she doesn't worry."
"I'm sorry."
"Draco, stop apologizing", Harry chastised softly, pulling him into a hug. "I'm here for you, through the good and the bad. I didn't even touch my letter for hours. McGonagall wants to meet with me too to talk about my future. I'm sure it's the same for you, and if you want me to we can schedule ours at the same time. I actually sent you a letter through the floo asking you to come to lunch tomorrow. We can sit down together tomorrow and write our responses together okay?"
"I love you", Draco whispered into his shoulder.
The words whispered so delicately and sincerely made Harry's heart flutter.
"I love you too. It will all be okay Prince."
"How do you know that Scarhead?"
"Because it has to be. I'll make sure of it. You just have to trust me."
"I do trust you. I'm sorry for making you talk so much earlier to distract me. That was insensitive of me."
"Apologize one more time and you're going in the pond. I'll admit it was a bit of a struggle, but you're easy to talk to, and you needed me. You're important. Besides, I can't abandon my husband can I?", Harry teased, pressing a kiss to Draco's cheek, earning a light laugh from the other man.
Draco stifled a yawn and stretched.
"Is that my shirt?"
"It was."
"It looks better on you anyways. Let's head to bed now yeah?"
Stifling another yawn, Draco weakly nodded, and stumbled lightly. Wordlessly, Harry picked him back up.
"You don't-"
"Be quiet."
Harry put out the lights, and they made their way back to the house. Draco was asleep before Harry even reached the door to go back inside. Very carefully, Harry placed Draco into his bed. He penned a note to Narcissa, and sent Scarhead Jr out with it. Harry really was quite fond of the little owl. He was wonderful company when Harry spent a lot of his time alone. Leaving the window open slightly so Scarhead could let himself back in, Harry crawled into bed.
Immediately, Draco curled up into Harry, who wrapped his arms around Draco. One hand found its way into Draco's hair, and Harry lightly carded his fingers through it.
"Sleep well Draco", he whispered, a small smile gracing his face.
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