Chapter 28
{For the sake of this story I'm making Draco's birthday in late June to give them time to have gotten closer, I know his birthday was June 5th and I wanted this chapter up by his actual birthday but better late than never! The picture gets mentioned later.
Fanart credit: @/goldentruth813}
It was the day before his birthday, and Draco was excited and anxious to see what Harry had planned for him. He had absolutely no clue what to expect. Especially because Pansy gave him an early gift that he was instructed to only open when Potter was with him. Merlin knows what that would be. Hopefully it wasn't embarrassing.
Harry specifically told Draco to wait for him, but Draco was impatient.
"Draco dear, you're going to wear through the soles of your shoes."
"Sorry Mother. I just have no clue what he's planning. I've packed and unpacked my bag three times."
"Did you pack your camera?"
"No, I didn't. Why, do I need it? Do you know what it is?"
Narcissa just sipped her tea.
"Should I be this nervous? It's not even a date. Where is my camera?"
"Draco dear, relax. You're going to have a wonderful night. I'll get the camera for you, and I already packed some extra film away in a box. It's got a bow on it."
"Thank you Mother."
"It will be fine dear. If it's not, you always know you can come back home. Invite Harry to your birthday dinner with all of us tomorrow if you'd like. Pansy and Blaise already said it was okay for the dinner. They want you for whatever you're doing afterwards. I'll be spending my day brewing hangover potions."
"Yes, those will probably be necessary."
Draco went upstairs to where his mother said his camera was, and tucked it away in his bag. He was checking everything for the fifth time when he heard Harry's laugh. Grabbing his bag, Draco threw it over his shoulder and jogged down the hall, ending in a casual walk down the stairs. Potter didn't need to know how anxious Draco was.
"Potter. You're early."
"Surprise", he replied with an easy going laugh.
Harry slung Draco's bag carefully over his shoulder and held out a hand for Draco to take.
"Always nice to see you Narcissa."
"You as well, dear. Have fun you two. I want to see lots of pictures."
If Draco had been paying attention, he would have noticed the hidden smirk on Narcissa's face. Harry missed it because he only had eyes for Draco. With an audible pop, they were back at Harry's.
"I turned off the wards so no one will be bothering us."
"So we're staying here?"
That was what Draco was all worked up for?
"Kind of", Harry replied mischievously.
Oh how Draco missed that gleam in his eyes.
"I'm ready to be dazzled. But first, Pansy gave me this gift that I had to open in front of you. If it's inappropriate, I apologize. But if I don't do it, she'll know."
"Is something going to jump out at us?"
"If I ruin any furniture she'll pay for it."
Biting his lip, Draco pulled the ribbon off the box and waited for a minute to see if anything would happen. When nothing did, he flicked up the lid. Unwrapping the tissue paper, he laughed when he saw what the paper had been hiding.
"This was not what I was expecting."
Draco tossed one of the bundles to Harry as he showed Harry what his was. A gray shirt that said "I'm the birthday boy". Harry's shirt was red and said "I'm the birthday boy's present." Draco loved them, though he would never admit it.
"This is exactly what I would imagine a gift from Parkinson would be like."
Draco watched as Harry removed his shirt and replaced it with the new one.
"You're actually going to wear it?"
"Why not? I can take a joke."
Draco didn't think he was joking anymore.
"I just need to check on dinner in the kitchen and then I'll give you your gifts."
While Harry was gone, Draco switched shirts. He made himself comfortable on the couch waiting for Harry to come back.
"Okay, this is part 1 of 3."
Draco sputtered at the number.
"Part three?"
"Gifts are part one, dinner part two, and then a surprise for part three."
"I would have been happy just spending time with you. You know that right?"
"I do. I wanted to spoil you anyways."
"I'll get back at you for your birthday", Draco warned.
"That's another reason I decided to be extra. Just do me a favor?"
"Open the card when you're home. It makes me feel weird when people read stuff I've written like that as I watch them."
"Professing your undying love for me Potter?"
"Every single day sweetheart."
"As you should."
Draco opened the face masks first.
"Did you get this before you slept over?"
"I did. I met a really nice worker and she helped me with a few things."
"Did you tell her you were shopping for your girlfriend?"
"Erm... no. my boyfriend?"
Draco laughed at the blush on Harry's face.
"I'll be your boyfriend any time you want darling. All you have to do is ask", he replied boldly.
"We're married aren't we? I couldn't tell her that without a ring. Besides, I don't want people hitting on me in public. I can barely go out in a glamour and speak to people."
"What does your glamour look like?"
"I hide the scar, my hair gets longer and curlier, I change my nose, and I don't wear glasses. It takes a lot to change eye color and they never turn properly anyways so I just leave them this color. Sometimes I add a lip ring if I feel up to it."
"Lip rings are a major turn on for me, so unless you want me to snog you I suggest you keep it away from me."
"I'll keep that in my mind."
Out of everything Harry had bought him, Draco really loved all of the band shirts, specifically the two matching ones.
"I can't believe you bought us matching shirts. You do know I'm going to be annoying about this now?"
"You weren't annoying before?", Harry teased.
Draco swatted at Harry, who grabbed his arm and pulled him in for a hug, resting his chin on Draco's shoulder.
"Do you like everything?"
"I love it. Thank you Scarhead, really. You didn't have to do anything for me."
"I wanted to show you how much I care about you. If you're anything like me, which I know you are, you need constant reassurance that everyone around you doesn't actually secretly hate you. So this is your reminder that I'm quite fond of you."
"I appreciate all of this so much. My favorite gift however is you in this shirt."
Harry laughed, and Draco relished in the sound.
"I'll have to beat out Pansy next year then. Dinner should be done in a few minutes though. You can drop your bag off in my room if you'd like?"
Draco did as told, and took the chance to freshen up in the bathroom before having dinner. He couldn't wipe the permanent smile off of his face. It looked so much better on him than a scowl or a sneer. Finally, Draco was coming to terms with the man in the mirror. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all?
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