Chapter 27

{Okay, we are at the end of the Silver Trio + Harry sleepover chapters. I'm sorry they've been so stretched out but I just kept on building up ideas. Enjoy!}

After dinner, everyone shuffled back into Draco's room.

"Alright Potter-"

"Let me stop you there, Pans. He has absolutely no kind of skincare routine. At all. I don't know how his skin is so nice either."

"Blasphemy! It's a good thing we adopted you when we did Potter", Blaise remarked.

By the end of the "skin care" session, Harry was positive he knew more about cleansers and moisturizers than potions. Currently, he was leaning against the headboard of Draco's bed with Draco's head in his lap as Draco flipped through a book, waiting to remove their face masks. They had taken loads of pictures, and now Pansy and Blaise were arguing over music.

"Fine, put on Harry Styles then! I'm telling you Walls is better than Fine Line but whatever."

"Obviously Blaise is right. It's not even a question", Draco drawled.

"Walls is better."

Draco gasped in shock and sat up.

"This is grounds for divorce."

"HS1 is better than Fine Line."

"I cannot believe what I'm hearing. You think you know someone and then they do something like this."

"Sorry Draco, Potter has better taste than you", Pansy replied with a laugh. "Anyways, what color nail polish?"

"My soon to be ex-husband gave me an early birthday present, so this one."

"You got him to watch Disney with you?", Pansy asked in shock.

"Yes, well, someone loves to relive their trauma through horror movies and I absolutely refused. Tangled is the only exception to my rule as of now."

"I can't stand horror movies either", Pansy agreed.

"I can do with or without them."

"I watch them with Nev."

"Did I say with or without? I love horror movies. Bring on the terror."

"Whipped", Draco replied with a snicker.

"Really, Draco? I'm whipped? I'm sure I could have a wonderful conversation with Potter here about everything I've seen and heard from you about him in the past 7 years."

"Cream. Whipped cream. You didn't let me finish. When are we having ice cream?"

"Nice save", Harry snickered.

"Just wait until I talk to Granger and Weasley. I can't wait to get all of the intel on how you stalked me."

"You stalked me back", Harry retorted.

"We get it, you're married", Pansy cut in with an eye roll. "Do you two want matching nails then?"

"Potter doesn't-"


"Really?", Draco asked, surprise seeping into his tone.

"Maybe I'll stop biting them."

"Potter, that's gross. If you don't break that nasty habit I'll never let you hold my hand again."

"Again?", Blaise asked.

"He walks too slow so I grab his hand and drag him places."

"Likely story Draco", Pansy snickered.

Draco cleared his throat.

"Pass me the bottle."

"The nail polish or the alcohol?", she asked.

"Both. Potter give me your hand."

"I thought you didn't want to hold it anymore?"

Blaise completely lost it.

"Merlin Potter is an absolute riot! I'll be the first to say fuck house stereotypes. You can hang out with us anytime Potter."

"Thanks Zabini. You lot are fun."

"You don't know the half of it. This is only the beginning."

At this point in time, Watermelon Sugar was ending and Draco was fighting to hold back a smile as Harry was humming along.

"Alright it's time to remove the masks", Pansy directed.

Blaise paused the music and they all headed into the bathroom.

"This might hurt a bit Scarhead. You just grab from the edges and pull inwards."

Harry watched a bit before moving to remove his own mask. He winced as he felt it continuing to stick to his face.

"Merlin Slytherins are weird", he thought to himself.

Or, maybe Harry just wasn't taking as good care of himself as he should have been. Probably a combination of both he decided.

Once the mask was fully off, he had to dry his eyes.

"It's like ripping off a bandage."

Harry didn't know what kind of plasters Pansy was using, but she should probably get some new ones.

"Console your husband while Blaise and I raid your games. You take forever to do your own nails, I can't imagine how long it will take you to do yours and Potter's."

Blaise snickered as he followed Pansy out, knowing it was an excuse to give the two some alone time.

"How soon until we walk in on them snogging?", she asked.

"Sooner than we think", Blaise confirmed.

"Okay Potter, give me your hand now that I know it's clean."

"Normally when people propose they get down on one knee. You're awful at this, it's a good thing we're already married. Can you put the music back on? I like Adore You."

"If you insist."

"I dedicate this song to you."

Draco did not expect Harry to quietly serenade him with Harry Styles. He also didn't expect Harry's voice to sound so pleasant. Harry should not be making him have... feelings. How disgusting. He needed to focus on the task at hand. Literally.

As Cherry was coming to an end, Draco was applying the drying charm.


Harry grinned as he inspected his nails.

"I love Falling. It's so beautiful. It just makes me feel something. What if I'm someone I don't want around? A lyrical mood."

"I can play it on piano", Draco admitted.

"Really? You'll have to play for me sometime. I'd love to hear it."


"I look forward to it."

Draco just watched Harry be Harry, and his heart fluttered. He was fully prepared to punch himself in the chest to make it stop. His heart was not a golden snitch, it did not need another Seeker to claim it.

"You okay Prince?"

"Hmm? Yeah, just thinking."

"About me I hope", Harry teased.

"Not everything is about you darling. It's about me."

"Of course sweetheart, how could I forget my place?"

Draco opened his mouth to speak but Harry cut him off.

"I'm fine. I'm going to walk out of here looking like a whole new person. Who knew I could look this good?"

"Everyone but you. Wait until we get you some new clothes."

"I literally just got new clothes this morning."

"You went shopping without me?", Draco gasped.

"I'm not going to buy you gifts while you're with me. I'll take you out with me next time I go. It won't be for a while though. After today, I definitely need some alone time. It seems like I have no social battery anymore. Don't think I ever had one really."

"I'm a bigger fan of staying in now myself. I think my birthday plans consist of clubbing and alcohol. I don't particularly want to go out, but it will probably be some nice muggle place where no one knows who I am. It'll be good for a change", he trailed off, rubbing his arm.

"I like knowing who you are Draco", Harry responded quietly.

"Thank you Harry."

"Can I put on Walls now?"

"You're a nightmare."

"On the dance floor", Harry confirmed.

As Harry was looking for the vinyl, Pansy and Blaise came back in.

"Well, Potter? Let's see", she demanded.

Blaise let out a low whistle.

"With some nicer clothes we can bring you from an 8 to a 10", he remarked.


"What number were you thinking?"

"5? Maybe 6?"

"You were easily a 6 before we even did anything to you. You need some more confidence. Next time I'm out shopping I'll pick some things up for you. Let me take your measurements before I do my nails."

Harry allowed himself to be fussed over, and it truly was a strange experience.

"Color preference?", she asked.

"His favorite color is silver", Draco chimed in.

"Of course it is", she muttered. "Expect lots of green to bring out the color of your eyes. Some blues to switch it up, and I suppose some maroon for Gryffindor. I'll be in contact through Draco."

The two hours passed by in a fun blur. Pansy had made more drinks and they had played some games. Harry had learned more wizarding games, and he had even promised to bring over some muggle games the next time he saw them.

Whereas Harry was monitoring his drink intake carefully, Draco realized a little too late that he probably should have been paying attention to how much alcohol Pansy was pouring into his cup. He swiped Harry's bottle of water and took some careful sips. Draco wasn't tipsy, but he knew he would be soon if he didn't stop.

"Can we have ice cream now?", he asked.

"1am, a perfect time for ice cream", Pansy agreed.

They all carefully trudged downstairs, and Harry snagged an extra two bottles of water.

"Potter, do you just want to share a bowl?"

"Fine by me."

"I like chocolate, what do you like?"'

"Chocolate is good, Malfoy."

Harry started grabbing toppings from the cabinet, hopping onto the counter to get the chocolate chips on the top shelf.

"Potter, do you forget that you have magic and you could've just used Accio?", Blaise asked, tilting his head.

"How do you think I got muscular?"

"Fair point. Continue on."

Draco eagerly started adding toppings to the sundae. Potter could deal with whatever he chose. He grabbed Harry's wrist when he saw he had the maraschino cherries.

"You're going to ruin my sundae like that?"

Rolling his eyes, Harry grabbed the spoon and made a moat in one half of the ice cream to contain the cherries.

"I suppose that works. This is another questionable choice of yours."

"I have a life full of them."

"Amen", Blaise agreed.

With the ice cream sundaes made and everything magiced away, they all made their way back up to the theater room where they had been playing games.

"I'm going to change into my pajamas", Pansy announced.

Everyone agreed and went off into separate corners of the room to change, announcing when they were done. They all settled down in front of the big screen, with Blaise and Pansy sharing a pair of chairs, as were Harry and Draco.

Draco raised the armrest and immediately curled up into Harry. Harry just wrapped them both up in his favorite blanket, and Draco snuggled in even closer, sighing in contentment.

"I've never seen him like this before", Pansy whispered to Blaise.

"He looks genuinely happy", he agreed.

Sneakily, she snapped some photos of the two being adorable.

"Now, the real question is what movie do we watch?"

Suggestions were thrown back and forth, but Draco really couldn't be bothered. He had ice cream and Harry.

"Draco what do you think?"

Harry lighty nudged him when he didn't respond.

"Sorry I wasn't listening. What?"

"This is hopeless. You always complain when I pick the movie but then you don't even pay attention? We're watching The Princess Diaries. Not a debate."


"It's actually really good", Harry whispered in his ear.

"Alright fine, only because Potter said it's really good."

"Finally, a man of my caliber. If things between you and Draco don't work out I'm available", Pansy teased.

"As if I would ever let him go", Draco sassed back. "You will have to pry me off of him."

Harry hid a grin behind a bite of ice cream. Draco after a few drinks was interesting. Harry just pulled Draco a little bit closer to him, and Draco relished in the affection.

"See? He adores me. Now let's watch this movie before I change my mind."

"Imagine what he'll be like when they actually start dating", Blaise snickered quietly.

"My thoughts and prayers are with Potter", Pansy replied.

Harry was the only one who stayed awake for the whole movie. He genuinely enjoyed it when he had watched it with Ginny, Luna, and Hermione. Draco was practically sleeping on top of Harry, but Harry didn't mind. He found it comforting, and with that last thought he drifted off to sleep.

When he woke up the next morning, it was to quiet whispering. His arms automatically tightened around Draco.

"Aww Blaise did you see that?!"

"Pansy you probably woke him up", Blaise hissed.

In confirmation, Harry opened one eye. The second one opened once he saw Pansy shoving what appeared to be a camera behind her back.

"Oops. I'm going to go check on breakfast!"

Harry laughed quietly, and the shaking rise and fall of his chest woke up Draco.

"Scarhead stop moving my pillow."

"Draco, Potter is your pillow."

"What are- oh, erm, sorry."

Draco was blushing profusely and went to move, but Harry kept his arms around Draco.

"It's alright."

"Ah, young love", Blaise cooed.

He narrowly dodged the spoon Draco threw at him.

"Rude! We're going to replace you with Potter if you keep that up."

"I'm irreplaceable, but nice try Zabini."

"I'm going to get changed. I'll see you for breakfast."

"Was I a little clingy last night?", Draco asked once Blaise had left.

"A little, but I didn't mind."

"I didn't crush you did I? I was practically on top of you."

"Not at all."

"Good because I'm extremely comfortable. I missed the ending of the movie though."

"Everyone did but me", Harry responded with a laugh. "Next time you come round we'll watch it again."

"Thank you."

"Anything for you Prince."

Draco just smiled and continued to cuddle with Harry until his mother came in to get them for breakfast.

"Looks like you all had a fun night."

"Thanks for having me Narcissa."

"Any time dear. It's always a pleasure, and I'm sure Draco thinks the same."

Draco knew by the look his mother was giving him that there would be another conversation taking place once Harry was gone.

Sure enough when everyone left an hour after breakfast, with Harry being invited to Pansy's house for the next sleepover and graciously accepting.

"We'll be in touch. Ta ta darlings."

Pansy and Blaise left together, with Harry leaving after helping Draco clean up, even though Draco protested heavily. With a hug and a whispered "see you soon sweetheart", Harry was back home to workout, shower, eat lunch, and take a nap.

Meanwhile, Draco's mother sat him down for a talk.

"Anything you'd like to tell me Draco?", she asked, hiding a smile behind her teacup.

"Not that I'm aware of."

"So you and Harry aren't dating then?"

"No, we aren't."

"Not yet", Narcissa corrected.

Draco sighed.

"I don't know Mother. I'm... feeling things. I'm afraid I'm going to either be too clingy or completely push him away."

"He's made a great effort for you Draco with that sleepover. I know you're not the best at handling your emotions and feelings, and your father and I are to blame for that. Harry cares about you. You need to be gentle with him. After all you've been through together he trusts you Draco, and that does not come lightly. Don't start something you can't finish."

The conversation left Draco wondering just how far he was willing to go.

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