Chapter 26

{A/N: This story is number 1 in Drarry as of today, June 9th, 2021, and I don't even know what to say? For once I'm completely speechless. Thank you all so much for your support and all of your comments. I definitely needed this smile today. Sending all of my love, enjoy the chapter - J }

Once the music was on, Pansy was ready to go.

"Alright Potter, since you've never done this before I'm going to use some numbing salve around your eyebrows because this can hurt like a bitch if you pull the wrong hairs."


"Draco, give Potter a pillow or something to elevate his head for me. I can't work if he's in my lap, and I don't think he would be comfortable there either."

"Just put your head in my lap Scarhead and then we can decide on dinner. I'll take your glasses. Blaise you'll put the order through."

Draco read Harry the menu, Harry's glasses posed on the top of his head, and he distracted Harry as Pansy tore away at his eyebrows. He gave recommendations of what he thought Harry would like as Blaise took down notes.

"I cannot believe how strong your eyebrow hair is", Pansy muttered.

Harry snorted quietly because he was scared to laugh and lose his eyebrows completely. After they placed the dinner order, it was time for Draco to tell them how he and Harry had become friends.

"Enemies to friends to lovers, how sweet", Pansy cooed.

"So who else knows you're friends?", Blaise asked.

"Some of the Weasley clan, Longbottom, and you two. That's it", Draco answered.

"Longbottom?", Blaise asked, now fully invested in the conversation.

"He looks good. Not my type of course, but better than before. Not that you care or anything of the sort."

"Of course not", Blaise said, laughing dryly.

"He's single", Harry added.

"Is he not straight?"

"Not my place to say."

"Do you think I have a chance? Hypothetically of course", Blaise questioned.

"I'll talk to him next time I see him."

"Salazar, please be tactful about it Potter."

"Hey, Scarhead isn't as oblivious as we all thought he was", Draco defended.

"Got any secret hot friends for me too Potter? Answer wisely", Pansy warned.

"Just lots of Weasleys."

"Is the oldest one as hot as everyone says he is? The dragon one."


Draco thumped Harry on the head.

"We're married and you're going to talk about other men in front of me Scarhead? How dare you!"

Draco was joking... mostly. He felt very protective of Harry and didn't want to think of him with anyone else.

"My apologies sweetheart, please forgive me."

"After you grovel and beg I'll entertain the notion."

Pansy and Blaise were just staring at each other with raised eyebrows and smirks.

"He's so whipped", Blaise mouthed.

Pansy had known this for years and could only nod.

"Potter you and your stupid eyebrows keep snapping my thread", Pansy complained.

Draco leaned forward so his face was hovering over Harry's so he could inspect what Pansy had done so far. Smirking, Harry leaned back on his elbows and kissed Draco on the nose, who moved away as if had been lit on fire.

"Forgive me"?

Blaise was laughing so hard that he fell out of his chair.

"Your fa-face Draco! Merlin, I love Potter!"

Draco flipped Blaise off and tried to control his blushing face, not wanting to think about what this meant for him and his feelings.

"I hate you Potter."

"Love you too."

"Get a room please", Pansy gagged. "I may be interested in a Weasley. I'll keep them in mind."

"Mrs. Weasley will never let me into her home again", Draco lamented.

"Again? Draco you've been holding out on us", Blaise responded, raising an eyebrow.

"I will keep Scarhead's secrets to the grave."

"Oh how times have changed. Alright Potter, take a look", Pansy said, summoning a mirror.

Harry was shocked at how much the shape of your eyebrows could affect someone's face. He actually thought he looked somewhat attractive now.

"Thanks Parkinson."

"Consider it an apology gift. See me every month and I'll keep them looking good until you learn how."

Harry nodded, and turned around so he was facing everyone in the room. Blaise let out a low whistle and Draco just could not stop staring.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer", Harry teased.

"We do need to actually take a picture to document that I am, in fact, a miracle worker."

"Pansy wants to become a beautician and open up a shop in Diagon Alley", Blaise explained. "We are her loyal test subjects."

"Once this is all out in the open, can I use you in my portfolio? The transformation is astounding. Poor Draco darling seems to be quite thirsty."

"Go for it."

Pansy squealed and clapped her hands together.

"Okay, so let's plan out the rest of our night. The food should be here soon. I say we eat, move onto skin care, nails, games, snacks, and then movies until we pass out. In the meantime we can set up the theater room."

"Yes ma'am", Blaise agreed.

"Can we trust you two to set up the theater room while we lay out everything in here?", Pansy asked, eyebrow raised.

"I promise minimal fooling around."

"Yeah okay Draco. Potter, keep this one in check."

With a grin, Harry saluted Pansy and grabbed hers and Blaise's bags. Draco grabbed his and Harry's. As soon as they left the room, Pansy and Blaise rushed to the bathroom to gossip.

"Blaise can you believe it?", she squealed. "Draco has pined after Potter for years and now they're friends! Did you see how comfortable he was with Harry in his lap? I'm telling you when Draco called me he had just been napping with Potter!"

"It's unbelievable. Do you think he'll set me up with Longbottom?"

"Blaise we are talking about Draco here, can we focus on him for once!", she lectured with a smack to his arm.

"Sorry, sorry."

"Yes, I'm sure if you make a good impression on Potter he will sing your praises to Longbottom. But relax with the flirting, you don't want to upset Draco. You know how he gets, and he's very protective of Potter. It's quite sweet. They're both extremely damaged, and the last thing you need is to accidentally set either of them off.

We were talking about how Draco seemed happier lately, I bet this is why. Potter is good for him so we need to welcome him. Honestly, I don't mind his company. We just need to be sensitive to the fact that he doesn't talk much anymore."

"I'll miss all of Potter's sarcastic comments. I guess I can admit now that he's quite witty. Draco said he had some spells to show us. That's all we can do to try to make him more comfortable.

Not to go all Slytherin, but if we do end up going back to Hogwarts, Potter is someone we need on our side. You know how it's going to be. We're judged because of where we were sorted and it's going to be so much worse now", Blaise admitted, the worry evident in his tone.

"I know. I can already hear that we'll be corrupting their savior because of the color of our ties. Just don't mention any of that to Draco. I don't mind Potter coming to more of our hangouts if it means Draco is this happy."

"Should we invite him to Draco's birthday?"

"I don't think Potter would like our plans very much, and the last thing that he wants to do is be surrounded by people. He's not very comfortable with us, I can only imagine how much worse it would be with strangers."

"That's true", Blaise agreed.

As Pansy and Blaise were discussing the two men, Draco was interrogating Harry as they were finishing up the room preparations.

"You're okay? Do you want to leave?"

"Will you relax Draco? I'm not an infant. I defeated one of the darkest wizards of all time, I can handle a sleepover with your Slytherin friends."

"If Blaise steps out of line I'll punch him for you", Draco offered.

"Look, he's attractive and all, but not my type. No need to be threatened sweetheart."

Draco snorted in response.

"As if I would be threatened by him when I am clearly superior. Besides, you're my best friend. He has Pansy so he can kindly shove off."

"I can't believe what she did to my eyebrows. She even has me starting to believe that I'm attractive."

"Starting to believe? Take this however you want darling but you are one of the most attractive men I have ever laid my eyes on. Not more attractive than myself of course, but you're getting there. Maybe one day you'll be second best."

"One of my favorite things about you is how whenever you compliment me you always end up turning it into an insult at the end. It's quite heartwarming that some things never change Malfoy", Harry snickered.

"I refuse to go soft and turn into a bloody Hufflepuff, no matter how much I like you."

"You admitted that you like me, that is all that matters. You can't take it back now."



"Even though your comebacks are childish, I'm happy you stayed."

"Food is here!", Pansy yelled.

"I'm happy too. Thank you for accepting me. It means a lot."

"It would be a crime against humanity to not accept my doting husband. Let's go eat."

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