Chapter 24

Once again, Draco found himself not wanting to wake Harry up. He looked so peaceful and innocent, his face finally free of all of the worry he normally carried around. With a sigh, he did what he had to do to be sure Harry was safe.

"Scarhead. Wake up darling."

"You shouldn't be this comfortable", Harry whispered sleepily.

"It's a gift. Go shower and then we can do something."


Draco waited until Harry got off of him to show him where everything he needed in the bathroom would be.

"If you want to leave your joggers I'll have those washed too so you have something clean to change into. I'm not letting you wear my underwear."

With a laugh, Harry playfully ruffled Draco's hair.

"I'll knock on the wall when I'm in."

After doing so and getting his clothes taken care of, Draco went to see his mother and inform her Harry was staying for dinner.

"Aren't Pansy and Blaise coming for dinner?", Narcissa asked confused.

"Not that I'm aware of. Normally we skip the weekly dinners when it's someone's birthday and we just do one big thing."

"That was before the war. You should ask to make sure. I don't think Harry would enjoy a surprise of that degree, especially with your friends."

"I'll firecall Pansy now."

Shaking his head, Draco headed up to his room.

"Hello Draco darling! Everything alright?"

"Oh yeah, everything is fine, Pans. I was just calling to see if you and Blaise were coming tonight?"

"Why, did you make other plans? You have sex hair."

"First of all, I wish, but no I took a nap. We usually don't have dinner the week before someone's birthday so I assumed we were off. I kind of have plans with a friend?"

"Since when do you have other friends?", she asked with a snort.

"Pansy! I have very likeable qualities."

"If you can get past the narcissism I suppose so."

"I didn't call you to be insulted."

"Blaise and I were about to finish shopping for the supplies. We were out all this afternoon, we just stopped by mine again to drop everything off. It's your month so we'll be there soon. Your friend can join us, we'll have enough of everything for four people. Ta ta darling!"

"See ya Draco!", Blaise yelled.

Draco was still sitting there, pinching the bridge of his nose when a very awkward Potter emerged from the bathroom, clad in only a towel.

"Hey Malfoy? Were- hey are you okay?"

"Fine just- Potter why aren't you wearing any clothes? Are you trying to seduce me?"

"I think I already have", Harry replied with a smirk, leaning against the doorway. "But no, you just didn't bring me my clothes."

"Oh, right! Sorry about that."

Draco had to tear his eyes away from trailing over Harry's body. This man was too attractive for Draco's own good.

"Here you go."

"I could stay in the towel if you prefer?"

"Or you could drop the towel", Draco flirted.

"Fine by me."

Draco squealed and slapped his hand over his eyes as Harry moved to drop the towel. He heard the thud and had to dig his nails into his palm to prevent himself from opening his eyes.

"You're all bark and no bite", Harry teased, once his joggers were back on.

"Oh believe me I can bite. It would be a shame to mark that pretty neck of yours after I applied the salve already."

"Who said I wouldn't want you to leave the marks?"

Draco's retort was cut off by his mother knocking on his door.

"Did you get your answer?"

"Yes, you were correct."

"Harry dear, you're still welcome to stay."

"Thank you?", Harry replied, confusion evident on his face.

"I haven't told him yet. He just finished washing off the salve", Draco responded to his mother's look of confusion.

"Very well. Update me with your plans please."

"Of course Mother."

"What's up?", Harry asked, once Narcissa left.

"Can I do your hair?"

"Yeah, sure."

Harry had no clue what was happening, but he liked having his hair played with.

"So, I understand if you say no, but I thought I was free tonight. You know how I was telling you about the Slytherin traditions? Pansy, Blaise, and I do dinners and sleepovers. I thought today was canceled because of my birthday, but Pansy won't take no for an answer. She told me you should stay, but she doesn't know it's you."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to stay."

"Then I'll stay."

Draco immediately went into panic mode.

"Potter, that's very sweet, but I want you to be comfortable. Don't feel forced into it on my account please."

"I trust you. If there's an issue, then I'll just head home."

Harry was a little bit nervous, but what's the worst that could happen? Zabini didn't really do anything to him, he was just kinda there. Parkinson had tried to kill him that one time, but it wasn't directly. Harry was feeling very self-conscious.

"Are they gonna be upset that you're friends with me?"

"What? No not at all! I'm sure it's quite the opposite and that I'm going to be teased relentlessly for it. And even if for some odd reason they don't like you, but they will, then we can always snog in front of them and traumatize them for life."

"If you want to snog me you could just ask", Harry teased.

"This is all hypothetical because I know they'll like you. But remember that you're my best friend, and not theirs."

"Aww is Draco jealous?", Harry cooed.

"It's so weird hearing you call me by my given name. It's nice, but weird. Harry."

Draco made a face.

"No thank you. It's too soon. I'd rather call you Potter, darling, or Scarhead."

Harry just laughed as Draco continued to brush out his hair.

"You're sure you want to stay?"

"If you want me to go then I can go."

"Of course I don't want you to go! I enjoy spending time with you, thank you very much", Draco said defensively.

"You better."

"I just want to make sure that you're going to be okay. I... worry... about you."

"You're a secret softie", Harry replied, smiling shyly up at Draco.

"Tell anyone and I'll have to finish what no nose couldn't."

"Oh please. You'd never get rid of me because you care about me", Harry sing songed. "But I'll let you in on a secret. I care about you too, and I'm really happy you're in my life. Not just because you give amazing back rubs by the way."

"It's because of my incredibly good looks, I know."

"That's part of it. I've always liked to admire art."

Draco was stunned speechless. He didn't even know how to respond to something like that other than a quiet "thank you" and a blush.

"You're something else Prince. Now, tell me what to expect tonight."

"First question, how do you feel about Chinese food?"

"I've only had it once, it was really good from what I remember."

"Oh my darling you are in for a treat tonight. You get to experience how we live it up Slytherin style. Let me show you a few more rooms."

Draco grabbed Harry's hand and led him down the hallway. Harry already missed the feeling of Draco's hands in his hair.

"This is our theater room."

"It's massive."

Harry looked around in awe at the size of that room that seemed to be the size of an actual cinema theater.

"I prefer your room though if I'm being honest. It's cozy and a lot more personal. I never thought bean bag chairs could be so comfortable. And all of the lights are really pretty too. We'll probably be watching some horrible romance movie so I apologize for that.

Most of the night is spent in here, we usually all just sleep in here since the chairs recline and they're comfortable. They're in pairs, but the armrests come up to make it wider. You don't have to stay the night if you don't want to. Use Scarhead as an excuse if you must.

We all share our meals buffet style, but I can get you something of your own if you'd like. I can get you a menu. That reminds me that I have to finish setting up in here too. And the bathroom. My poor bathroom."

"Do you have a tv in your bathroom that I missed?"

"Huh? Oh no, we do skin care and stuff like that. Pansy and Blaise are no doubt buying more facemasks as we speak. Probably more nail polish too. Don't be pressured into letting anyone paint your nails though.

Pansy is... well, she's Pansy. She is sorry about what happened by the way, I'm sure she'll tell you that multiple times. Do you want to wait in the other room when they get here so I can prepare them? Should I tell them that it's you or do you just wanna pop in?"

"You can warm them up and I'll just pop in? Let me pop home first and grab some things to stay the night. I also have to feed Scarhead Jr."

"You kept his name?", Draco asked, a smile lighting up his whole face.

"It seemed fitting. I'll be back in like 5 minutes."

"Want me to come with you?"

"It's fine, I'll only be a bit. You can start getting stuff ready and I'll find you. I'll let your mother know I'm staying."

After informing Narcissa, Harry apparated home and grabbed a bag to pack a few of his things. Pajamas, a change of clothes for the morning, and an extra set of clothes to be safe. He grabbed his favorite blanket, fed Scarhead Jr, and on a whim he grabbed the nail polish that was originally for Draco's birthday. Harry figured it couldn't hurt.

When he got back to The Manor, Draco was in his bedroom fiddling with a camera. As Harry dropped his bag, Draco jumped.

"Sorry about that", Harry said sheepishly.

"My camera is safe, that's all that matters."

"I have something for you."

"You got me a present? You know my birthday is next week right?"

"Yes, I'm aware. I decided to give this to you early though. Unless you don't want it-"

"I'm a Malfoy of course I want it."

Draco handed the camera to Harry as he undid the bow and delicately unwrapped the paper as Harry snickered. The pure delight on Draco's face was captured by Harry as he snapped a photo.

"Tangled nail polish? It has glittery lanterns in it! Thank you Scarhead! I love the color too. Do you have a purple kink or something?"

"You just look even more beautiful than usual while you're wearing purple."

"Flattery and gifts are definitely getting you somewhere. Thank you, you didn't have to get me anything though. How did you know I liked nail polish though?"

Harry lightly cleared his throat and looked away.

"Lucky guess?"


"I just think guys wearing nail polish are hot."

"I'm adding that to my list of seduction tactics. We'll be married in no time."

"If I recall a previous conversation, I already said yes", Harry teased.

"Then we should mark the occasion. Come take a picture with me."

Laughing, Harry pulled Draco onto his lap as he clicked the photo button. In the next photo, Harry kissed Draco on the cheek. In the third, they were both smiling like idiots as they turned to look at each other.

Draco chuckled to himself at the photo where Harry kissed him on the cheek.

"This one photo could break the whole wizarding world. I'll make you a copy of it before you head home tomorrow. For now, we hide it from Pansy and Blaise. When they ask if we're dating, ignore them."

Harry sighed and leaned into Draco.

"I haven't told Hermione and Ron yet."

"Do you want to?"

"I don't know. I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to be friends with you, so please don't think that. I just don't know if they'll understand. I don't want them to make me choose between you and them."

"If it comes down to it, I understand Scarhead", Draco said softly.

His heart was breaking, but Draco would understand.

"What makes you think I wouldn't choose you?"

"Why would you throw away such a long friendship for me?"

"I'm not throwing away any friendships if I can help it. If they don't accept that I'm friends with you, then they were never really my friends. It might take Mione awhile to get comfortable around you. Ron is a wild card. He can't even deal with me right now.

They've written me twice now, Hermione always writes more than Ron, but it seems like it's less now. I don't know, I'm just tired of feeling like a burden. I just want to disappear sometimes."

Draco's arm tightened around Harry.

"You're not a burden to me Harry, not at all. You know that don't you? Anytime you feel like you want to disappear, come and find me okay? We'll go somewhere together and get away."

"Okay. Thank you Draco."

"That's what friends are for. Now, let's see if you still want to be my friend after dealing with Blaise and Pansy."

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