Stories of a haunted bridge dated back to the 1930s, when a young girl was traveling down the road with her boyfriend on a foggy night. The road was dark, and it was hard for the boyfriend to see. Suddenly, as they drove around the corner, the car slipped over black ice before crashing against the bridge. The girl's boyfriend was the first to die. His death was painless, but the young girl survived long enough to get out of the wreckage. However, because she was wounded, she could barely move an inch. She leaned against the car and stood attempting to flag down any cars that would pass by, but because of the bridge being secluded, the girl could get no one to help her and collapsed by the car. Legend goes that she still haunts that bridge to this day, flagging any driver that might help her and bring her home.

Julia reread the legend over and over, trying to find anything that could pertain to the death of the woman. But all she could find was a girl named Lydia, who died on that same night. Julia wasn't one to believe that spirits were real. In fact, she didn't believe it at all. How could a spirit stay on their plane of existence? It was just not logical, determined to prove that the place was nothing more than an old, rundown place. She did a little more research on the bridge before heading there herself. Julia traveled to the library where she looked through the different references of that location and tried to find anything about the girl when she could find none. Julia decided that the best move was to go to the bridge and figure out the truth. She got into her car and traveled to the area. Upon arrival, Julia saw where the tunnel was. Because of the amount of greenery present around the tunnel, she could tell that no one had used it in years compared to when it was there beforehand.

"There's no way that she could be here," Julia said as her cellphone rang. Julia pulled out her phone and saw that her best friend wanted to video chat. She slid her phone to the right and answered it. Julia's best friend, Sarah, was present, as she had her arms crossed. "Hey, what made you decide to call me?"

"Well, you tell me, I just get out of the shower and discovered a text message from you," Sarah said. "You plan to go to this abandoned tunnel and try to find evidence of this Lydia girl? Are you crazy?"

"Maybe a little," Julia responded. "But Sarah, don't you get it? If I can catch her on camera, maybe I'd be able to figure out the truth."

"Or you could die, ever heard of the urban legend, The Lady in White?"

"That's one of the most famous urban legends in the world," Julia said. "They're all over the world, but it varies between different regions and areas."

"Yes, and the legend of Lydia goes is that she wore a white dress the night she died," Sarah warned. "Julia, you must be careful. What if the spirit isn't nice? She could do things you can't even dream of."

"Don't tell me you believe in this crap."

"What if I do?"

"Then I need to prove there's a logical explanation. Look, here's the tunnel." Julia turned her camera around and pointed it at the bridge.

"Oh yeah, that's not creepy at all." Julia turned the camera back around with a smirk on her face.

"Hey, you had your chance to come with me, but you chickened out at the last minute."

"Only because I don't want to deal with this entire spirit thing," Sarah said. "Julia, I would really recommend that you get away from that bridge. There might be more things in there than what you bargained for."

"Sorry S, but I want to find out for myself. I'll talk to you later and tell you what I find." Despite Sarah's protests, Julia hung up and shouldered her backpack. Once she did, she started making her way toward the overgrown tunnel. Sure, it wasn't foggy, nor was it even stormy, but Julia still had high hopes she could find and capture Lydia's spirit. There were a few things to consider as she went through her bag pulling out different ghost equipment that she saw on the internet, the skeptic that she was she highly doubted that they worked they could fix especially since those objects to find any sort of spirit. She looked up at the sky and saw that there were telephone poles and wires, which meant she couldn't use the EMF reader or electromagnetic frequency to detect the sprits. It would instead pick up on the wires. Once the sun set, Julia set up all the electronics she could get her hands on.

"Alright, Lydia," Julia said into nothing, however, her voice echoed throughout the tunnel, the strange thing she noticed was that there wasn't a single sound that came out from any of the bugs in the area it was like nothing wanted to be around the tunnel. "I know you're scared, but note that I'm not here to hurt you. I want to talk to you, to understand what was going on the night you passed away, so if you could, make any of these electronics go off so I know you are here." Julia waited for a few minutes, but nothing happened. It was like Lydia didn't even want to talk. still she didn't give up and asked the same questions again.

"How did you die?" Julia asked. "Did something go wrong the night before you died?" she continued. "It's okay. You don't have to react immediately, but I want to help you." Suddenly, the spirit box went off, causing Julia to do a double take.

Car crash was all Julia heard over the spirit box. She stumbled, unsure of how she could react to something talking to her.

"Wait? Did you say something?" Julia asked. "Are you Lydia?"

Alive! The voice hissed. Help me.

Julia remained absolutely still; silence filled the tunnel save for the electronic noise of the spirit box. Julia stood and slowly inched toward the machine when she looked up and saw what she believed to be an apparition of a young woman with a white dress and long, flowing locks of blonde hair. Julia was dumbstruck that she could see the spirit or that it made an appearance was saying so much. The apparition flicked in and out before disappearing and reappearing for a short amount of time.

"Whoa..." Julia said.

"Who are you?" Lydia asked.

"My name is Julia; how could this even be possible?"

"What do you mean?"

"You... you're a full apparition, something I've never thought possible."

"Why are you here?"

"I want to help you," Julia responded. "Help you get to a better place."

"And why, out of everyone else, would you do that?"

"Because I'm a good person," Julia said. "I will help people as much as I can, even if they've passed on. Plus, I want to know more about the afterlife and how this could all be possible."

"There is one way you could help me," Lydia said. "You could find my boyfriend. The night of the crash, we were heading home from the dance when a storm hit," she explained. "All I can remember are the wheels swerving as Martin hit the bridge." Realizing that Lydia did indeed need some help, Julia tried to figure out what she could do. At first, she thought back to taking Lydia home, but that quickly changed since the legends talked about a girl vanishing as soon as she got closer to her own home. In fact, it was strange since she hadn't known about an actual house that Lydia's mother lived in. One thing led to the other, and she began thinking a little more about the girl and her mother. She wondered if the girl's mother was still alive. Maybe there could be a way to find out more about her. Surely, people missed something.

"If you tell me what else I need to know, like your last name or anything valuable, maybe I can help you find your way home."

"I do not think that you can. My mother is probably not alive anymore."

"I can't believe I'm actually talking to a ghost."

"You searched for me. I just thought I'd show up before you."

"Please tell me your last name."

"My name is Lydia Taylor." was all she said before she disappeared. Julia quickly wrote the name and left the tunnel. If Lydia truly was a real spirit and not a figment of someone's imagination, then maybe there would have been information about a Lydia Taylor. Julia got into her car and called her friend before starting it and driving back into town.

"Hello?" a voice came in on the other side of the phone.

"Sarah! You would not believe what I just witnessed!"

"Don't tell me you saw the ghost."

"I did indeed see the ghost. In fact, I'm going to do some research, but I can't exactly do it alone."

"You want me to help you find this ghost girl's true identity? You have any idea how long that will take?"

"You have nothing to do, correct?"

"Yeah? So?"

"Then meet me at the courthouse." Without letting Sarah say anything else, Julia hung up and drove into town until eventually she got to the library. While she knew it was going to take Sarah a little while before she got to the library, Julia thought it would be best if she could find out as much information as she could. Julia started her car and drove back into town, heading for the local library. After she arrived at the library, Julia parked her car in the parking garage and climbed out of the car. She walked into the library and the first place she went was upstairs to the microfilm section of the library. The librarian, an older woman with graying hair, brought the microfilm over and set it down next to Julia. The microfilm that was brought over dated all the way back to the 1800s. However, the thing that she was looking for was in the early 1900s, anything that could point her to the death of a girl named Lydia.

"Take all the time in the world, sweetie," the old woman said. "Make sure that you bring them back to the counter before you leave."

"I will, thank you!" Julia said as the old woman turned on her heel and slowly began walking back to the counter. Turning her attention away from the woman, Julia combed through the film for at least an hour and a half before Sarah arrived at the library.


Sarah and Julia dove into their research. They went through every single news article about the woman named Lydia. After a while of doing research, Sarah groaned and pushed some of the film in front of her while Julia was still going through as much information as she could with the information.

"What the hell!" Sarah complained. "This is literally taking forever! Why are we doing research on this woman?!"

"Because she needs help."

"But why would you even care about this ghost, if it is a ghost?" Sarah asked. "It's not like she's going to appear before you." Julia looked up from her film and stared at something just behind Sarah. At first, nothing seemed wrong, but the more she stared, the more the figure got closer. Her stomach dropped as she was trying not to react. The room felt heavy, like something was sucking all the air out of the room. The figure she saw was in the shape of a man. Julia thought little about it, but when the figure reached out to touch her, she gasped as he stepped into the light, only to see the horrible figure that was there. The man had scars and bruises that masked his once handsome face. Blood dripped from his ears. He struggled to speak, but rather than saying anything else, he pointed his hand directly at the microfilm machine. Julia became confused as the screen suddenly moved faster than the eye can see. Sarah became worried as she backed away from the machine. It continued going until it landed on a news article that dated all the way back to 1920. Once the spirit made its point, it dissipated, leaving both friends speechless.

"What the hell?" Sarah said. "Was that what I thought it was?"

"A spirit that wanted to get a point across? Yes." Julia answered.

"But what did it show you?" Julia looked away from Sarah and looked at the screen in front of her.

Fatal auto accident on Jamestown highway.

35-year-old Annie Lydia Jackson met her demise on June twentieth, 1920. She and her boyfriend, Peter Adams, were driving home late last night from a party when another car struck theirs at exactly 10:00pm. Peter Adams survived long enough to be taken to the hospital to treat his wounds, scratches all over his face from where the glass had struck him. Lydia was the only one who did not survive the crash. The car in question that hit them took off from the scene. Police are still investigating it and they have not ruled out foul play.

Julia and Sarah were stunned. If this was the same Lydia, then that meant someone caused Lydia's death. Julia had no words. In fact, it was like she couldn't breathe at all. Something that she did not expect to happen.

"What does this mean?"

"It means that we need to figure out who hit the car and try to solve her murder."

"But wouldn't that mean.."

"Yes, we have to travel back to the bridge together and see if I missed anything."

"I hate your plans."

"Well, do you have a better one?"

"Not really..."

"Okay then, let's put these films back and head to the bridge." On the way back to the bridge, Sarah was constantly complaining about every little thing that they had to do. Especially for going back to the bridge. Even though she didn't go to the bridge the first time, she still hated it. They arrived at the bridge and got out of the car. The girls made their way over and started searching for anything that could lead to foul play. It took them a whole hour to figure out what they were looking for until their eyes landed on something hidden just behind the growth of plants. Sarah and Julia ran over to the object and pushed the plants out of the way. The minute they did, they saw it. An old car that was weathered so much to a point where it was hard to tell what type of car it was. Julia was in shock. It was an old hatchback from the early 1900s. Someone had easily ditched the car and took off running.

"Okay, so we found the car," Sarah said. "Just one question, though. How does this help us solve her murder?"

"Maybe there's something about the car that we need to know?" Julia said. Julia and Sarah looked at one another and started searching for anything else that could point to the idea that someone must have run it. However, Julia suddenly had a thought. She thought back to the guy that they saw in the library. The way his wounds appeared, they didn't come from a general car crash. It looked more like he was getting into a fight with the person who struck his car. "Sarah, I just had a theory.. What if Lydia's boyfriend didn't die in the crash but survived the car crash and got out with his girlfriend being mortally wounded?" she continued. "What if he got out and confronted the other person?"

"But how could that be possible? There were no other cars, aside from this one."

"Someone must have purposefully done it to get some money and when they really saw what they did, they tried to hide their car." Things fell into place when a bright light appeared in front of the two girls. Sarah and Julia looked up and stared, surprised to find the couple standing together.

"Was that what you wanted to tell us?" Julia asked. The spirits nodded. Even though they couldn't do much, Julia needed to help them crossover even if it means that they had to find the guy who killed them. "Don't worry, we'll find them and once we do, they'll be sent to jail." A smile appeared on their faces as Sarah started writing the old car plate, unsure if it was actually going to work or not. A few days later, after Sarah and Julia brought the plate to the police, they ran through it and discovered that the car belonged to an Alexander Brontes, a man who was charged years ago for hit and runs. The man, thankfully, was no longer alive, and would not be driving a car. Happy with what they had done, the two friends traveled back to the bridge to see if things had changed at all. Upon arriving at the bridge, they saw the young couple standing underneath it and looking at each other. They had the biggest smiles on their faces and were kissing and talking. For a few minutes, Julia and Sarah weren't sure what they could do, as if acknowledging them. The couple turned and were no longer scary. In fact, they were back to how they looked before they died.

"Thank you, both of you for all your help." Lydia said.

"If you hadn't discovered that car, then we wouldn't be back together." the man said.

"So who are you?" Sarah asked. "We know about Lydia but what about you?"

"You already know my name, Peter Adams, Lydia's boyfriend." Peter said. Julia remained silent, she wasn't sure what she would say considering the circumstances, the only thing that she came here for was to find out if Lydia truly existed, and after the adventure she had, Lydia was a person at one time. There were a few more rounds of thank you's before the young couple turned and walked away, fading out as they got further and further away.

"Julia." Sarah said.

"Yes?" Julia responded.

"Next time you want to go on an investigation, don't let me get roped into this."

"No promises," Julia laughed. "Come on, let's go celebrate!"

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