Chapter Seven:Love's a Drug that Spews Insults

This chapter was written by both me and MrRibbones.

This chapter begins in Peach's Castle,where Ghosti and Beta are hanging out,with Beta invading MrRibbones discord server.

Ghosti:Also,Hey Beta!What kinda drugs you lookin' for.

Beta:Eh..I'm kinda looking for the type that looks like blue rock candy..

Ghosti:Alright,I'll see if Luigi has any.... (Shout)Hey!Weeg!You got any drugs that look like blue rock candies?!

Fake PNG Luigi:Yep,these it?

Beta:Yup! Those are the baddies, thanks! And don't tell Skully I have these, he's keeping them from me.

Fake PNG Luigi:Ya got a-coins?

Ghosti:Do you accept Payment in Gold Rings?

Fake PNG Luigi:That'll do!

Beta:I'm gonna enjoy these.

Beta watches as Ghosti hands the strange Luigi his rings,and take the drugs.

Fake PNG Luigi:Pleasure doin' a-business with you.

Beta takes a whiff of the bag

Beta:Mmm..this stuffs really grea- (Faints)

Ghosti:Beta!Beta,wake up!You alright?

Beta:(slowly wakes up)Whoooa! That shit hit different! Ahem..yeah, I'm mind feels like jelly.

Ghosti:So I take it as it was worth the rings?

Beta:You kiddin? Heh, fuck yeah.

Ghosti:I'm surprised Luigi sold em to me,since I'm only 17.

Beta:Me too, but if I had to guess, my theory is that since I'm 21..I guess he thought he was with a legal adult.


Bethany:What's that smell?..


Bethany:Uh..okay..just don't let Skully catch you with that.



Bethany:Hmm? Oh hey there Ghosti! Didn't see ya there.

Ghosti:Hey Beth!You down to finish that painting back at my place?

Bethany:You just read my mind, I was about to come look for you if we could do that.

Ghosti:Alright!Beta,You wanna tag along?No one except my roommate has seen it.

Beta:Eh, I'm booked with doing nothing, so why not?

(Bit of a Fourth Wall Break.)

InkyGhostie(Author):Just a note,I may make this into the next Inkin' Adventures Chapter...because why the hell not?

MrRibbones(Co-Author for this chapter):Awesome,hehe

InkyGhostie(Author):I'm pullin' up Wattpad right now.Should Fake PNG Luigi be his own character?

Fake PNG Luigi:Wahoo!

(Phases back into canon)

Skully: Yeah,Definitely!And Beta,I know you have Illegal drugs,hand em over.

Beta: No I don't.

Ghosti: Skully,I bought them for him..let him have them.

Skully: Alright..alright..just be careful with it.

Ghosti: Will do!Also,Skully,Beta,Beth and I are heading over to my apartment,to work on a painting,you wanna come?

Skully: You know what, sure! I'd love to see what you've been working on.

Ghosti: Alright!

The group heads over to Inkopolis,passing some of Ghosti's and Beth's favorite pieces of street art.

InkyGhostie(Author): (Should the WIP Title for the chapter be "Drugged Up Artists?")

MrRibbones: That's a good title!

Bob: LmAo WhO aSkEd yOu?

Beta: Oh god damn it..

Ghosti: Damnit,Bob..Well what do you think?

Bob: It SoUnDs ChEeSy AnD uNcAnNy!

Ghosti: So,like the bars you spit in your raps?

Bethany Covered her mouth while quietly laughing

Ghosti: Like,seriously,you're ass at rapping,your flow is off sync,and your voice sounds like how someone would scream if you stuck their balls in a cheese grater.

Bob: HeY!

Skully: I mean. He's spitting straight facts there Bob. Your rap albums are kinda sucky, you make Cardi B look like a god.

Ghosti: True,also,I'd rather listen to SMG3 try to be funny than listen to you rap again.

Bob: TaKe ThAt BaCk YoU bItCh!

Ghosti: Nope,besides,my songs have more listeners,sword arms.

Bob: ThAtS bEcAuSe ThEyRe MiSsInG oUt On AcTuAl GoOd RaP!

Beta: Bro, just stop. Even a gerbil can rap better than you Bobby boy..

Ghosti: Damn!

Bob: At LeAsT i DoNt SmElL lIke DrUgS!

Ghosti: At least I didn't have to get redesigned!Bro is literally built like a clay model.

Bob: WhAt ArE yOu TaLkInG aBoUt?! I aM aLmIgHtY!

Beta: Yeah. Almighty stupid.

Ghosti: Besides,Like SMG3 said.L+Ratio+You look like a Minion.Also,you fell off.Fell farther than that well.

Beta: He fell in a hole.

Ghosti: Oh Well,wells are just water holes.Only way he can feel any wet sensations around his shrimp dick.

Beta: Oh my god!! (Cracks up)

Ghosti: What,cat got ya tongue?

Bob: Im OfFeNdEd!

Ghosti: You're offended?!Your mom is offended by the fact that she had such a hideous child!

Skully: Maybe next time don't be such a sour puss!

Beta: God damn!


MrRibbones: Bob broke lol

InkyGhostie: Lmao.


Bob: ThErE wE gO!

Ghosti: (Kicks Bob in the ovaries)Shut.The.Fuck.Up.

Bob :Ow My OvArIeS!

Ghosti: Deserved.

Bethany: Definitely deserved that.

Ghosti: Also,Bob,I can pull bitches,unlike you,watch.

Ghosti walks over to Beth,and kisses her on the cheek.Bethany turns red as a tomato

Beta: Oooooh~

Ghosti: Right,I probably should've asked first....Beth...Will you go out with me?

((We interrupt your fic to bring you InkyGhostie Brushing off a gunshot.))

((Back to the fic))

Bethany,visibly shocked: I-I...I..Y-yes!! Yes I will!!

Skully: Awww, cute!

Ghosti hugs Beth,before kissing her again.

Ghosti: Well.. Let's get going!

Beta: (waves) Have fun you two! But of course..not too much fun, wink wink-

Skully: Beta, hush. Have a good time!

Ghosti and Beth Leave to head to Ghosti's apartment,leaving Beta and Skully alone.

Beta: have you been?

Skully: I've been fine..thanks for asking.

Beta: Great. So, don't mind me..I'm just gonna find out when my next appointment is.

Skully: You made an appointment?

Beta: Yeah, with Dr. Pepper, of course!

Skully: Facepalm Beta..that's a soda..

Beta: Oh. Really?

Skully: Yes. You called a soda company and made an appointment there..

Fake PNG Luigi: It is me,Dr. Luigi Pepper,and I'm here to check your prostate.

Skully: ................

Beta: Oh. There you are!

Skully: I give up..

Skully Leaves,and Beta has his appointment.

(Thank you so much MrRibbones for making this with me,it's stupid and I love it.)

Little bonus!:

Beta: Let's get high!!!!- AYO (chokes on meth) T-THE NEXT CHAPTERS OUT- (dies)

Bob: LmAo! He DiEd!

Ghosti: You're next..

Bob: CaNt ToUcH mE bItCh!

Ghosti: Yeah,but I can hurt you in a worse way.We live in a world that if you don't have drip,you die,and you're out here with fake-ass Jordans,creased as fuck.

Bob: TaKe ThAt BaCk ScRuB!!

Ghosti: They are,look at them,there's also cum stains on the laces.You are weird as fuck.

Bob: ThAtS iT!(he threw a water balloon at Beth)I ThReW a ViNeGaR bALlOoN aT bEtH!

Bethany: BOB IM ALLERGIC TO VINEGAR!! (Beth began to break into a rash)

Ghosti: Oh hell no!

Ghosti punches Bob in the face,knocking him out,and makes sure Beth is okay.

Bethany panics: No no no!

Ghosti: Babe,let's get you some medical help before this gets bad...

Bethany: O-okay!

Ghosti picks Beth up,Bridal Style,and carries her to the nearest hospital.

Ghosti: He does something like that again and I'm killing the fucker.

Bethany: (Blushes)I also may have snuck a little sparkly present under Bob's pillow..

Ghosti: Nice--

Ghosti: I love you so much.

Bethany: I love you too. (giggles)

Ghosti blushes at Beth's giggles.

Bob: AyO, wHy Is My PiLlOw BeEpInG?- (blows up)

Ghosti and Beth laugh,and Ghosti tends to the reaction Beth had to Bob's actions.

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