
AU; Early 90s

Lindsey Buckingham opened the car door and helped his wife out. The mobile storage unit had arrived with the last of their belongings for the new house. They were renting for the first time in years with an option to buy but they knew not to get too attached as they were bound to transfer again due to his job.

"It's even prettier than I remember it being" his wife, Stevie Nicks-Buckingham said. She smiled, walking up to the front door and retrieving the key she had been given from her purse. She unlocked the door and stepped inside. A few of their larger pieces of furniture were already arranged. Once the curtains and pictures were up, it would feel like home, she thought to herself. She walked through the house to the sunroom and took in the soft sunlight filtering through the glass walls. She imagined potted plants lining the walls and white wicker furniture, serving guests tea and lemon cakes in the summertime. It was perfect.

"Steph!" Lindsey called and she turned to meet her husband in the foyer, her sandals clacking rhythmically on the hardwood floor. "It's pretty much all dishes and I don't want you carrying anything." He took the box he was carrying into the kitchen and Stevie followed.

"Why, because I'm your delicate little flower?" she joked.

"No, it's because we are in the two week wait window and if this is our cycle, I want to protect that baby."

"It hasn't been our cycle for two years, Lindsey. I doubt it will happen this month."

"What happened to positivity?"

"I'm tired of being positive. I'm jabbed with hormone shots every night and I've piled on weight. I've gotten so fat and I have nothing to show for it. I miss my figure so much." Stevie said sadly.

"I know, honey but when it does happen, all of this will be worth it. This child will be the most loved little thing in the world because of how much work we've put in to have them. And about your figure, I love you just as you are. These curves are sinful...trying is part of the fun." He pressed a kiss to her cheek and she smiled.

"You're right, this could be our cycle. I will try not to be such a little dark cloud about it."

"Good girl. Now I'm going to get more boxes, you wanna unpack and put them in the cabinets?"


"I love you" he said.

"I love you too."

"Be right back."

She nodded and opened the first box, unwrapping plates and carefully putting them in the cabinet. She looked out the window and saw their large yard. The image of a little girl with long blonde hair and a white dress leapt from her mind. She was beautiful and her giggle was infectious. Stevie smiled, watching this figment of her imagination play with a small, fluffy dog. She looked away, putting another plate in the cabinet but when she looked back, the little girl was gone. She reached up higher, putting a coffee cup on the top shelf when she felt pressure behind her.

"Hey" Lindsey whispered, pinning her to the counter, pressing his hips to hers from behind.

"I didn't hear you come in"

"Did I scare you?" He kissed her neck and she involuntarily leaned away to give him better access.

"Maybe a little" she said.

"Mmmm...well it serves you right. Beautiful girl in a big house all alone, no man around...anyone could come in here and just..." he trailed off, nipping her earlobe and nuzzling into her neck with his nose. His hands hiked up her long skirt and he pulled pulled her panties down her thighs. She parted her legs a little, his fingers teasing her sensitive center. She could feel his arousal pressed to her backside and she surrendered to him, sighing seductively as he massaged a breast while guiding himself toward her entrance.

"Do me on the floor...I can't risk any getting out!" She moaned. Lindsey turning her round and pulling her to the floor, pulling her skirt up and checking her with his fingers. Once he was happy she was ready enough he entered her harshly, dragging her hips up to his own, a carnal growl of pleasure breaking free from its restraints in Stevie's throat

"I feel like it's been forever each time!" Stevie ran her fingers down her neck and chest

"When actually I fucked you five minuets before handing the keys back to the old place..." he smirked and caused her to laugh

"Well yeah...then there's that!" He thrust harder and she stopped laughing, it being replaced by small screams

Taking her hips he lifted her backside until it was almost rested on his bent knees, making sure everything he had to give was going to reach its goal

"That's it baby! You know what I like..." she breathed out, leaning forwards he ripped her shirt open, savaging her chest with his mouth, leaving wet trails with his tongue across her breasts.

He was close and that frustrated him. He wanted to be inside of her forever. It was his own slice of heaven. He could feel her muscles clenching, pushing him over the edge. He moaned loudly, giving her absolutely everything. He extended her orgasm, circling her bud with his thumb. She gasped, tears of ecstasy falling down her flushed cheeks. Her chest heaved and he continued to slam into her even though he was already spent.

"Linds!" she said, wrapping her legs around him so he wouldn't withdraw. "Stay, baby"

"I'm not going anywhere, princess." He leaned down and kissed her, stilling his movements above her.

"I love you"

"I love you too." She released her legs from around him and he grabbed a cushion off the couch. He slipped it under her hips and he marveled at her. "I think I get some sort of weird enjoyment looking at you like this"

"Stop it, creep" she said with a giggle, pulling her skirt back down so she was a little less exposed.

"You know you like it."

"Sure, Linds." She playfully rolled her eyes and he pulled his clothes back up and closed. "We are never going to get unpacked this way."

"Oh well, this is a lot more fun"

"No doubt about that but I want to get settled."

"Well, in about ten more minutes, we will get right to it." he said, checking his watch.

"Do you really think this is our cycle?" She stared up at him, hands over her stomach. He kneeled down to her.

"I think it most definitely is" he told her, stroking her beautiful face.

"I hope you're right." she said.

"Aren't I always?" She gave him a look. "Okay, scratch that but still, I'm right this time."

"Okay." Once the ten minutes were up she carefully got up and pulled her panties back on. She felt a little more hopeful, praying to god that this would be it. She was done with all the heartache and the suffering. She wanted to be happy and share the one thing they both wanted with her husband. She went back to unpacking, looking for the little girl she swore she had seen before. If she told anyone of this, she knew they would call her crazy. "Maybe it's all those hormones bouncing around." she mused aloud.

"What is?" Lindsey asked, entering the room again.

"Oh nothing. Hey babe, will you put that second box on the counter?"

"Of course." He flexed a little, knowing she was watching as he put the heavy box down.

"My big, strong, sexy man" she said and he chuckled.

"Maybe I will show you a little more later" he gave her a wink.

She heard him walk away but strangely felt his body pressed against her again. She smiled, moving her hair to one side, not looking at him. She wanted him to kiss her. She felt his breath on her neck and she sighed. "Cut it out, Linds." she said with a giggle. His heavy breathing did not cease. "Lindsey!" She turned around wanting to face him but he was nowhere in sight. She felt a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She could have sworn she felt him behind her. She must be tired, she thought. She was finishing up with the dishes when Lindsey came back into the house.

"Hey, Steph, let's save the rest for later. I wanna take a little drive around the neighborhood and see if we can spot anything fun to do. We had all these great little spots we went to in our last placement and I hope there's something like Johnny's or Benito's around here."

"You mean something with a man's name?" she joked.

"Very funny. Wanna go?"

"Yeah, sure. Be done in a minute."

"Faster if I help" he said and Stevie nodded, instructing him where to put the very last cups and saucers.

"Thank you, sweetheart."

"Anything for you, my darling" He kissed her lips sensually, pressing her into the counter just like before.

"I'll grab my purse" she said dreamily, as he pulled away.

They eventually found a place to eat, funnily enough it was called 'Joey's' Lindsey proud of himself that he'd managed to find somewhere with a name

"This is delicious!" Stevie said tucking into a cheese burger, some sauce falling out into her chin, before she could wipe it up, Lindsey had leaned forward and licked up the blob

"Linds! We're in public!" She said sternly

"If we weren't it wouldn't just be your chin I was licking..." he smirked and she blushed profusely

"You're naughty!"

"You bring it out in me."

"Oh please, how can I turn you on when I'm a fat mess."

"You are not fat and you are not a mess, I prefer these curves to when you were thin, these curves do things to me you couldn't imagine, I struggle every second of the day to keep my hands off you! You're stunning!" He told her the truth and Stevie smiled shyly


"Really! And I'll always tell you!"

"I love you!"

"I love you too Steph!"

They continued eating, Stevie begging Lindsey to order her an ice cream

"Been as hopefully you're carrying or will be carrying my child, I think we can manage an ice cream!" Lindsey said smiling proudly as he went and ordered her desert. Brining it back to the table she tucked in, before taking some sips of her soda

"So been as you've had this, can I put cream and chocolate on you later and claim you as desert?" Lindsey said teasing her, Stevie spitting her drink back out and looking around

"Someone's going to hear Lindsey!" She quickly finished her ice cream so they could get out of there before she looked like a beetroot

"Home. Now!" Stevie said grabbing his hand and yanking him from the seat, rushing them to the car and getting in.

"Are you really that pissed off? I'm sorry, honey, I'm just--"

"Shh...I want you so bad" Stevie said, kissing him passionately. She was practically in the driver's seat with him, her large breasts pressed against his chest causing her to have drool-worthy cleavage. He groped her backside and her hips.

"Was that an act?"

"I'm still mad at you, but only because you're turning me on like that in public and I can't act on my urges" She went back to kissing him, his hands roaming her body as hers went right into his curls. She ached for him, she was already wet and by the way she was acting, Lindsey knew it too. "Take me home" she whispered and Lindsey reluctantly pulled away, speeding off toward their new house. He ran to the front door and pushed her inside, attacking her mouth with his tongue.

"Jesus you're gorgeous" he said, pulling her skirt and top off.

"No, you are"

He massaged her breast in his hand, moving toward the kitchen and putting her on the counter. "You look so good up there" She blushed and he kissed her again, tugging at the waist band of her underwear. He slipped them down her thighs and off her feet, tossing them into a now empty moving box. She giggled, pulling his tee shirt off and unbuckling his belt.

"These clothes are fucking torture" she hissed.

"Let me help." He pulled his jeans down, and his boxers went with them. He tossed them aside and pulled her toward him.

"What if someone sees us?" she asked, looking around while Lindsey kissed her neck, sucking on the skin a little in hopes of marking his woman.

"Doesn't matter." he said and she placed a hand on his chest. "Don't make me stop, baby, they won't see us, no one will." She let him continue, hooking her ankles around the back of his thighs. "Ready?" she nodded vigorously and he pushed inside of her. She gasped, scraping her nails down his back. He groaned, feeling her soft pink walls hug him. "You feel so good"

"You too, Linds" She placed sloppy, wet kisses along his jawline and neck, forcing him deeper inside of her as she squeezed her thighs around his sides.

"Jesus..." he moaned, lifting her a little to hit all of her spots. She screamed, moaned and threw her head back like she was being exorcized. She felt close when suddenly reality hit her.

"We've done with twice and I haven't had my shot" Stevie said.

"Don't worry about it. We'll get pregnant."

"But what if?"

"Shh" he kissed her again, stimulating her with fingers slipped between them. It instantly shut her up and eased her worries, the pleasure becoming too much. "Come, angel" he urged and she bit his deltoid, riding out the incredible waves of her orgasm. It was powerful and as close to a religious experience as they could get. Lindsey continued to kiss and grope her, pulling her off the counter and into his arms as he came deeply.

"I love you so much" she said and Lindsey nodded, gasping for air.

"I love you too" He kissed her once more, pushing them back into the counter. "I don't want to pull out."

"Don't" she said. Her arms draped around his neck, lazily, both of them basking in the afterglow of their love making.

"Do you think it's any use now?"

"What?" she asked.

"Your shot." he said. She shook her head.

"I want to believe we've been successful this time" she said.

"Good girl. If you weren't before...I think you are now" he said and she giggled.

"You're so silly." She kissed his chin, finally allowing him to pull out. "Should I go up to bed and make sure this works."

"No more stress. I'm so tired of us being on a schedule. This house already has a positive effect on us. We're spontaneous again after these last two years."

"We are" she smiled a little, unable to keep her hands off him.

"But if you want, we can go to bed but only so we can make love again."

"You got it" she said and he helped her down from the counter. She walked ahead of him, and he groaned, already aroused and ready for her again. "You know, I don't think we will have a problem making this baby. You look delicious...good enough to eat."

"Then do it" She giggled and Lindsey growled at her, chasing her up the stairs.

A/N: Laceandpaperflowers and I have joined forces to bring you this story. We cannot wait to reveal it in its entirety!

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