Nine: Road Trip

Calum really wasn't sure what to think of the three boys he had met since the train. There was something about the three of them that was strange, almost unrealistic. And that was completely disregarding the fact that they all thought he looked like their dead best friend who shared the same name. Calum felt like some kind of intruder in their lives, like he had burst in uninvited and was now wilting under their intense stares, full of wistful longing for him to be someone he wasn't.

However, he felt intrigued by the three boys for some reason. He could easily ignore them and go on his way in town and at his apartment, but there was something about them that made him want to find out more about them, about their lives, about his doppelgänger that had been killed undeservingly just a few weeks before he was due to move into town.

For one, Calum was slightly frightened of Michael, the pale one with the dyed red hair. He had tattoos stretching across his arms, piercings in his eyebrow and his ears. His deep set eyes and ever-present scowl seemed to follow Calum, yet Calum could tell he was blindly loyal to the other boys. Michael was brash and loud and swore like a sailor, but Calum could find him at times looking at his friends as though he would throw himself in a train before letting anything happen to them.

Ashton was the opposite. In all honesty, Calum didn't know what to think about the guy. He had only spoken once or twice in front of Calum, all moody eyes and slumped shoulders and darkened expressions. He was always watching, never speaking, but didn't seem any kinder than Michael. Calum couldn't figure Ashton out, yet the other boys seemed to be unnecessarily protective over him. They don't seem to be surprised by his lack of speech, but it never seemed as though the boys even needed it. The three of them seemed to understand each other without even using words.

Luke, on the other hand, was an entirely different story. He wasn't all fiery and blazing like Michael. He wasn't sullen and dark like Ashton. Luke was complicated. He always had his face guarded, his voice controlled and shoulders straight. Calum had seen Luke alone and Luke was willing to show a bit more emotion, but even then it was like he was wearing a mask. Luke wasn't afraid to speak his mind. He seemed almost like the ringleader of the group, watching out for everyone else. And over everything else, he seemed the most bothered by his friend's death than anyone else.

Calum didn't know how long the boys have known each other. It must have been years and years, considering how they all move and act as one person, not three individuals. Calum felt like an outsider, and he couldn't help but wonder what the role was that the now deceased Calum brought to the group.

The day after the four of them had found the drugs stashed in the floor of their dead friend's house, Luke immediately wanted to go talk to Wesley Davis again, (who Luke explained to Calum about right when they got in Michael's car). Based on Luke's description, he imagined Wesley as some descendant of Voldemort. Michael assured him he wasn't all that bad.

They decided to leave early the next morning. Luke called Calum and asked for him to come along, but to wear a hoodie and sunglasses. Calum didn't mind. He felt honored to be included.

They met at Luke's house, as usual. Calum found it strange that his parents were never around, especially considering there were pictures of them framed on the walls. There were also framed pictures of two older-looking boys that were clearly siblings, but they were never around or even mentioned in conversation. Calum never said anything about it, but that didn't stop him from wondering.

Luke greeted him with a half-smile at the door. Michael and his bright red hair was standing behind him, and Ashton was staring at his black converse beside him. Luke was wearing a plain white t-shirt and black skinny jeans that hugged his legs so tightly Calum wondered if it hurt.

"Thanks for wearing the hoodie," Luke said. Calum messed with his sunglasses anxiously. "I appreciate it. Don't take it personally, it would just make Wesley uncomfortable if someone who looked like a dead guy showed up."

Calum tried not to be offended by being described as "someone who looked like a dead guy."

Calum said, "Yeah, no problem."

They all walked to Luke's car, which had apparently been fixed in the shop, and climbed in. Michael got in the passenger seat, leaving Calum and Ashton in the backseat. Ashton didn't look at Calum, simply staring out the window as though he didn't exist.

"Last time we went to go talk to Wesley," Luke said as he drove, "Michael and I took the train."

"And then we saw you, which completely freaked us out, so now we're reluctant to take the train again," Michael said. Almost as an afterthought, he added, "No offense, Calum."

Calum, at this point, had grown accustomed to unintentionally snide remarks from Michael. "No offense taken."

Ashton glanced over at him, and he and Calum briefly shared a look that basically translated to Michael is a little shithead. Except Calum had noticed Ashton flinching at curse words, so it was probably more like Michael is a meanie.

Same difference, in Calum's head.

They drove for about fifteen minutes before Luke and Michael started craning their heads out the window and muttering directions to each other. Calum watched as they pulled into the parking lot of what looked like an abandoned car dealership. There was no telling what car brand it was, because each car in the lot was old and broken down and of every brand known to man. The building was in shreds, the windows smashed in, the signs unreadable. Calum pulled his hoodie a little further over his head, a bad feeling in his chest.

Luke, Calum had learned, was a terrible parker. He braked the car across three different parking spots and turned it off, gathering his things as though he hadn't just performed the worst parking job in history.

He locked the car and together they all walked towards the back of the building. Calum pushed his shades higher on his nose, concealing his eyes. He fiddled with the sleeves of his sweatshirt, feeling like he was walking through a ghost town. Ashton was silent but watchful beside him, surveying his surroundings with an attentive eye.

Michael stopped by a Porsche and knocked his hands against the metal, startling Calum by the proximity of the sound. A few moments later, a slight figure appeared from around the side of the building. He was tall and fair skinned, with blonde curly hair that reached the nape of his neck. And he had the most charming smile Calum had ever seen in his life.

"Michael, my man!" Wesley said delightedly, and slapped Michael cheerfully on the arm. Michael didn't reciprocate the enthusiasm. "Here for some more? Already?"

Michael shrugged. "You have the best. You know that."

Calum felt pride in being able to detect the lie from Michael's tongue, especially considering Wesley fell for it immediately.

"I'm glad you're coming back to me, man," Wesley said. "I gotta tell ya, I was nervous when you got arrested. Thought it freaked you out so much you quit for good."

Arrested? Calum thought with shock. Michael swallowed visibly.

"I'm in too deep for that."

Wesley laughed. "Well, I never thanked you for keeping my name out of it. Which I deeply appreciate." He gave a playful bow, then straightened and started rummaging through the driver's side of a car to his left. He spoke as he dug through the compartment area. "Anyway. I see you brought the mute freak with you."

Calum wasn't sure who he was talking to at first, but then saw him looking pointedly at Ashton, who turned a deep red. His eyes darkened considerably.

Luke looked like he might punch Wesley. "He's a good friend. Everyone here is a good friend. We're only here for Michael."

Wesley nodded after a moment and held up his hands. "All I'm saying is that the kid doesn't talk. Now that I think about it, maybe that's perfect, huh?" He stepped forward and gripped Ashton's arm. Ashton flinched so hard Calum took a sharp breath. Wesley spoke teasingly into Ashton's ear. "He won't rat me out. That makes him my best friend."

Wesley threw his arm around Ashton's shoulders and practically dragged him back in front of the other boys. He kept one arm lazily draped over Ashton, the other digging through a black bag. Ashton was completely frozen. Luke looked murderous.

Wesley handed Michael a small plastic bag. Michael took it without much expression and stuffed it into his pocket. "On the house," said Wesley smoothly.

Calum watched Ashton's chest rise and fall so slowly he thought maybe Ashton wasn't breathing at all. Michael's jaw tightened but his voice remained surprisingly steady.

"I appreciate it," he said. He crossed his arms and leaned against the car beside Wes, lazily bringing his eyes up to meet his. "Have you gotten much business lately?"

"The usuals," Wes said. His grip on Ashton loosened and the curly haired boy moved slightly away from him. "Plus a few odd ones here and there. Nearly pissed myself when a cop showed up on my doorstep a couple days ago, though."

Ashton's head snapped up. Michael's eyes sparked with interest. "A cop? You serious?"

"Yeah, interrogated me in my own house," Wesley said and shook his head. "Asked me about a rumor of me dealing drugs, but I denied it. He didn't seem convinced, but I'm not too worried. Even if they search my house, they won't find anything."

Michael looked like he had a bad taste in his mouth. "Lucky you."

Wesley's gaze softened. "Sorry again, man. Glad you got out of that, though." He straightened and asked, "Any new leads on that Calum guy?"

"Why?" asked Luke.

Wesley looked sideways. "Just curious. It's all people talk about at school, in town, everywhere."

Michael shrugged. "We found a shitload of drugs in his floorboard the other day."

Wesley froze. "What?"

"More than I've had in my possession in my entire life," Michael said. He tilted his head, nothing but genuine curiosity written on his face. "Was it you who stocked him up?"

Wesley blinked. "Surely not. He only a came a few times, not enough for him to fill a floorboard with the stuff."

Luke's eyebrows furrowed. Calum noticed a tiny crease appear between them. "I thought you said he only came once."

For a moment, Wesley's expression was blank. Then it melted into an easy grin. "Once, twice, what's the difference? Look, he must have found someone else to go to. I wonder if he never payed them, either."

Michael opened his mouth, but Wesley threw his black bag into the car and slammed the door shut. "Anyway, I'd better go. It was good seeing you, Mike."

Luke looked slightly startled. "So soon?"

"Places to go, people to see," Wesley said with a small smirk on his lips. He shrugged and turned on his heel, waving a farewell behind his back. "See you later."

"Yeah," Michael mumbled, even though Wesley had left from earshot. He took the baggie out of his pocket and tossed it underneath one of the cars.

Together, the four of them walked silently out of the parking lot. Calum still kept his head lowered, but he removed his glasses, tucking them inside the front pocket of the sweatshirt. He looked at Ashton out of the corner of his eye, who looked pale and anxious underneath his dark hoodie. He glanced over at Calum but immediately looked away when their eyes met.

They crowded back into Luke's car. Luke started the engine, shaking his head. "He lied. Again."

"Do you think that means he could have killed Calum?" Michael asked. Luke twisted his lips. Calum felt like he was intruding somehow, as Luke's face was unguarded and completely natural, eyes filled with worry, hands clenched with anger. His face was almost always a mask. Calum couldn't help but wonder if Luke was really so confident and strong underneath his disguise.

"What do you think, Ash?" Luke asked. Ashton paled even more underneath the stares of everyone in the car.

"I-- I don't know."

"You don't think it was him?" Michael said.

Ashton screwed his eyes shut. "No, I just-- I don't think he should be the only person we should be interrogating. There were lots of people on that suspect list."

Luke looked into Ashton's eyes through the rearview mirror. "Ashton, you were on that list, too, you know."

Ashton's skin was ghostly white. Calum saw with shock as a thin layer of sweat beaded at his curly hairline. The boy turned away from the others and looked out the window with newfound interest.

None of the others seemed too surprised. Luke pulled onto the road and started down the highway back home. Calum pulled down the hood of his sweatshirt and ran his hands through his hair.

Through the mirror he watched Luke, his fair skin clenched on the steering wheel, blue eyes bright and vibrant. Calum noticed, vaguely, that he was handsome. Not necessarily in the way of attractiveness, although Calum was sure there was that too, but in the way of how Calum noticed the angular shape of his face, the sharp edge to his jaw. He liked the shape of his straight nose, his blonde eyelashes, his pink lips.

Calum looked away quickly.

The drive was silent, all of them reflecting on the day's events. Calum thought about Wesley, how his charm and his smile was so utterly deceiving compared to his nasty personality. The way he gripped Ashton's arm and threw his arm around his shoulders despite knowing Ashton was uncomfortable. He hated how he looked so passively at Michael, despite how Calum had gathered there was lots of history between them. He hated how he looked at Luke, like he was a challenge, another road bump in his drive to work. Calum hated it. He got serious bad vibes from him.

Calum felt weird, in all honesty, wearing the face of a kid who was murdered. It all felt very odd to him. Calum was sure there were differences between him and the dead boy, but he had a hard time dealing with the mournful looks of the boys around him. Calum wondered how they must feel-- having to look at a boy who looked unnervingly similar to their best friend who was dead.

When they got back to Luke's house, the four of them collapsed on the couch, exhausted. Calum ditched the sweatshirt and left it on the kitchen table. Michael rummaged in the kitchen for soda. Luke turned on the television, and Ashton kept to himself at the end of the couch. He had a pillow hugged to his chest.

Once Michael returned, with a Root Beer held in his hand, they all watched a random movie that showed on the screen. Calum was shoved between Michael and Luke, Luke elbow digging into his side and Michael's knee pressed against his thigh. Calum was quite aware that the couch was not built for four tall and large teenage boys.

A little ways into the movie, Ashton unzipped his hoodie and threw it over the arm of the couch, getting the pillow and once again hugging it to his chest. Almost immediately, he felt Luke turn, his elbow jutting sharply into his ribs. Calum gasped, but Luke didn't notice.

"Ashton," Luke said lowly. Michael's head snapped towards them and so did Calum's, elbow long forgotton. Ashton's eyes were wide and glassy looking at them, and Luke had his bare arm in his hand. Calum lowered his eyes. On Ashton's forearm and wrists was the indention of a hand, pink and sore and bright on his skin. A slight bruising was appearing at the edges. Calum looked at Ashton in surprise, to find that underneath his left eye was a deep and dark bruise. Fresh.

Ashton ripped his arm away from Luke's grip. "Shut up," he said, even though Luke had only said his name. "Shut up."

"Dammit, Ashton--" Michael swore.

"When did he do this?" Luke asked. He? Calum thought.

Ashton looked reluctant to answer. He was staring at the television. "After I crashed at your place the other night."

Michael looked furious. "Ashton, why the hell did you go back home?"

Ashton whipped his head towards Michael. "I knew he would be mad that I stayed out without telling him."

"Exactly!" Michael said angrily. Luke shot the red haired boy a look. Then he turned back to Ashton.

"Was it because of the cop?" Luke asked gently. "Because he didn't want cops around to find out that he hits you?"

Ashton's eyes were narrowed, breathing hard and fast. He didn't look at Luke, but he nodded.

Calum had gotten to his feet before his brain caught up. "Wait. Are you talking about your father? Your dad beats you?"

Calum wanted them all to deny it. But slowly, Ashton's eyes raised to meet his.

"Fuck," Calum cursed. He turned and ran his hands through his hair, staring at the room around him in disbelief. "I can't believe it."


He turned on Luke and Michael like a vulture. "You two. You let this happen, and you don't do anything about it? You let his dad beat Ashton to a pulp every day and you don't interfere? I thought you guys were friends. Hell, brothers even, with the way you guys act around each other."

Luke looked like he wanted to disappear. "Calum. You don't understand. Of course we want to do something, but--"

"No," Calum said sharply. "There isn't an excuse to sitting around and being a witness to this. I can't believe you two."

He couldn't bare to look at Ashton's face, but he heard his voice. "Please, Calum. I ask them not to do anything. My father, he-- he's just domineering. He's a man, it's the way men are."

Calum was disgusted. "No, that's not the way men are. At least, it's not how it should be. You don't deserve this, Ashton. A kid shouldn't be hit by his own father."

Ashton opened his mouth, but Calum was already spinning on his heel. He grabbed his sweatshirt by the door and threw open the front door.

"Calum!" Luke called, but he was already out the door.

A/N: I have had Christmas carols stuck in my head all day?? It's August why is this happening

Anyway Calum is a Boy In Charge and he is angry and ready to make things right (but will he fix things?? or will he make things worse???) read to find out lol

So when does school start back for you guys?? I start in like two weeks and I have done 0 summer reading

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please vote and comment!! Pls pls pls

I love you to the moon.


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