Eleven: Behind Bars

Luke had his hands on the wheel, about to drive off, when he suddenly pressed his foot on the brakes.

Michael, who had climbed up to the front in Ashton's absence, jerked forward. "Jesus. Sent me through the windshield, why don't you."

"Something's wrong," said Luke. He reversed the car and backed up until he could see the front door clearly once again. It was solid wood, but at this angle Luke could see inside the windows. Nothing seemed out of place or wrong, yet something in his gut felt twisted.

Michael stared at him. "Today's been weird. I get that. But I'm sure Ashton is fine." He paused. "Well, as fine as someone with a shitty home life can be."

Luke still didn't move the car. "I just..." He trailed off. "I think something is wrong." Then he looked at Michael, eyebrows furrowed together. "Has Ashton been acting strange lately?"

"Define strange," Michael said, scrolling idly on his phone. "He doesn't talk and he's kind of an asshole. The usual."

Luke put the car into park, making Michael raise an eyebrow. "But isn't it odd that he doesn't talk? That he never talks in front of anyone but us?"

"Sure, I guess," Michael said. "What's going on with you? We've never questioned it before. Why are you now?"

Luke looked away and bowed his head, running his hands through his hair. "I don't know. Just-- ignore me. I'm probably just tired."

"Excellent," Michael said. "Let's go then."

Luke put his car in drive, about to pull out of the driveway when suddenly, two police cars, sirens loud and lights flashing, tore into the driveway. They stopped just behind Luke's car and threw open the doors, several policeman piling out and up to the front door.

Luke swore and thrust the car into park, climbing out of the car after Michael. He sprinted up to the front door, open and nearly hanging off the hinges, only to be blocked by a man in blue.

"Step aside, boys," said the officer. Luke didn't move.

"What's going on?" he demanded. "Is Ashton hurt?"

The man raised an eyebrow. "It's not Ashton Irwin you should be concerned about. We found the murder weapon hidden in his room. You should be glad. Your dead friend's case is closed."

The policeman stepped aside to reveal Ashton, his hazel eyes lowered to the ground, shoulders slumped, hands bound behind his back. Two policeman gripped each of his arms on either side, yanking him aggressively toward the door. One of the policeman were reading off Ashton's Miranda rights. Luke's mouth went dry.

"Stop it," Luke said. "Let him go. He didn't do anything!"

Ashton's head snapped up when he heard Luke's voice. His eyes were bloodshot and tear-streaked. He quickly shook his head at his two friends.

"Get out of here, please," he said. His voice cracked. Luke watched him with wide eyes as he was taken toward the police car. "I mean it. Stay out of this."

"Ashton..." Michael seemed at a loss for words. "Don't--"

One of the cops opened the backseat. Ashton resisted the policeman for a moment long enough to say, "I'm sorry. Just get out of here, alright? Promise me you'll stay out of this."

"Ashton," Luke said slowly. "You didn't do this."

Ashton was quiet for a moment, shaking from the pressure of the police around him pushing him toward the car. Luke was duly surprised at Ashton's physical strength to resist them. Finally Ashton just shook his head again, eyes swelling with tears, and he said, "I'm sorry."

The policeman pushed on his head, and Ashton finally allowed himself to be shoved into the backseat of the car. The cops piled back into their cars, sirens blaring and lights flashing on their faces, red and blue. Luke felt like throwing up.

They backed out of the driveway and tore down the streets, the windows too dark to see Ashton through them. Luke was frozen, head spinning. He had no idea what to do. No clue at all.

Michael put his hands on Luke's shoulders. "Come on. We've got to go." He fished in Luke's pocket, grabbed the keys, and helped Luke to the passenger side of the car. He was still frozen in shock as Michael started the engine and slammed on the gas pedal, gravel and dust creating a cloud behind them.

They drove down the road in search of the police, but they were long gone. Sirens were a distant sound in the horizon, untraceable. Michael slammed his fist on the wheel, the horn blaring.

"Damn it!" Michael swore. "God. I don't know what to do."

Luke felt like his entire world had been shoved in a bottle and shook to hell and back. He tried to imagine Ashton trekking through the woods, footsteps silent and carefully across the nature's ground, soft dirt and twigs the only noises being made. He tried to imagine Ashton, a gun in hand, peering behind thick trunked trees, watching Calum and his noisy self clamber through the woods, only to shoot a bullet through his leg. Swift and sudden, the inevitable BANG, the crash of leaves and underbrush as Calum's body hit the ground. The agony behind his eyelids, the flash of red, vibrant against his dark skin. He tried to imagine Ashton sprinting away, hoodie around his face, heart thumping loud in his chest, leaving Calum to have poison spread through his veins and strike his heart.

Luke couldn't imagine it. But then again, Ashton was a mystery to anyone and everyone, even his friends. His heavy-lidded eyes and silent tongue was always concerning. He had secrets, plenty of them. He was sure that perhaps some of them could be dark.

Not to mention that Calum and Ashton were at odds many times during their friendship. They were polar opposites. Calum: loud, vibrant, funny, an open book ready to be read. Ashton: dark, cold, silent, and sullen. Ashton offended Calum, and Calum aggravated Ashton. They cared for each other, yes, but they clashed occasionally. Luke could imagine, if he put his mind in the right mindset, a flash of fury that led to disaster.

"Dear God," Luke said under his breath. He gripped the handlebar on the car door, knuckles white and bloodless. "Did Ashton kill Calum?"

Michael slammed on the brake at a red light, and the car jerked violently. He shut his eyes. "I don't know. Maybe-- maybe he did. They found the murder weapon in his room."

A car behind them honked. The light had turned green. Michael rolled forward once again, tired squealing.

"What if it was Ashton's dad?" Luke said, head lifting to look at Michael. "What if it was him, and he just put it in Ashton's room to hide it?"

Michael looked dubious. "Why the hell would he want to kill Calum? I don't think they've ever spoken a word during Calum's whole lifespan."

They turned into Luke's neighborhood road. A group of kids were playing soccer in someone's front yard. Michael slowed down. "I don't know," Luke said. "But Ashton's dad is an asshole. What if Calum did something that pissed him off?"

Michael considered this. "I suppose it's possible. But we have no proof whatsoever."

Luke didn't respond, because as Michael turned into his driveway, he saw the glistening black Range Rover that could only belong to Jack Hemmings parked beside his mailbox on the edge of the road. Luke's hand tightened on the handlebar, and Michael slowly turned off the car.

"The fuck are your brothers doing here?" Michael asked. Luke's stomach twisted with hatred.

"No clue," he said. He threw open the door and began stalking toward the house, Michael close on his heels. He tried to think why his brothers might be paying a visit. It could be a multitude of things: Luke not attending his classes, Jack being in the mood for a punching bag to hit, or something happened to their parents. Everything else was strictly a need-to-know basis through text messages. No personal home visits needed.

But here was their car. Luke opened the door, swinging it open, and Michael dumped the car keys on the foyer table. On the worn down couch sat Jack and Ben, who had helped themselves to the pantry and were currently enjoying the luxuries of Luke's television. When the door opened they turned to look at him. Jack smiled.

"And the kid finally shows up," Jack said, standing up from the couch. He wore a suit, the tie loosened around his neck. Ben chewed on an apple and watched them from the couch. "It's about time. I've been here for two hours."

"There's this incredible new technological device called a smartphone. You can call and text on it and everything," said Luke dryly. "You should try it sometime."

Jack's eyes narrowed. "I've never appreciated your sense of humor."

Luke feigned surprise. "So that's why you hate me so much. You're jealous of my comedic ability."

"'Jealous' isn't the word I would have used," Jack said flatly. He stepped toward Luke and fished a folded piece of paper from his pocket. He handed it to him.

Luke unfolded it and took a glance. It was from the principal, stating Luke's absence from school today and how he had failed several classes and the school had no choice but to demand--

"Suspension," Jack said. "You got fucking suspended, Luke. That will go on your transcript, you know."

"Man," Luke said. "I thought you were going to say I was expelled. I'm quite relieved."

"Oh, for God's sake." Jack snatched the paper back and shoved it in his pocket. Luke crossed his arms. "They called our parents, and they're furious with you. I'm trying to help you here, Luke. But you won't listen to me."

Luke was nearly the same height as Jack. He took a step forward, their eyes boring into each other's with fiery distaste. "Ashton got arrested today, asshole. The least you could do is pretend to be concerned."

"The mute one of your little possé," Jack said, a hint of a smirk at his lips. Luke wanted to slap it off his face. "Yeah, I heard about it."

"Then be his attorney," Luke demanded. "You're a lawyer, aren't you? Put your skills to good use for once."

Jack's face lost all traces of humor. "That's not going to happen."

"You won't defend one of my best friends in court?" Luke repeated. He felt hot fury grow in his chest. "He's innocent. I'm sure of it." Luke wasn't quite sure, in all honesty, but he didn't feel the need to say that to Jack.

Jack just shook his head. "Little brother, you don't understand, do you? Ashton did it. Let him go to jail for what he did. They have the murder weapon that was confiscated from his bedroom. That's all the proof you need."

"No, it's not," Luke argued.

"Let your beaten up, mute friend go to jail for his punishment, and let your stupid little gay friend stay dead," Jack said coldly.

"You fucking--" Luke shoved Jack's chest. Jack stumbled back, catching himself on the wall as the foyer lamp wobbled in protest.

"What, you think I didn't know about your thing with him?" Jack said, his eyes mockingly sharp. "Of course I did. The little bitch told me himself. You're not gay, Luke. Our parents didn't raise a homosexual kid. That was Calum's doing. Maybe it's better off that he's dead after all."

"You can't be that ignorant," Luke laughed breathily. "Are you seriously trying to say that Calum made me gay?"

Jack shrugged and spread his hands. "I don't see you dating any boys now, are you?" He tilted his head at Luke and sighed. "It's not natural, Luke. You know that. Calum's gone. I know it's hard to lose a friend, and I'm sorry about that, but maybe not you won't be a disappointment to Mum and Dad." He paused. "Well, a bigger disappointment than you already are, at least."

Luke could hardly contain his anger. Before he could say anything, Michael spoke up.

"You're a dumbass. But you're a lawyer, so I think you should tell the police to look into Ashton's dad as a possible suspect. He could have hidden the gun in his son's room so he would get the blame."

Jack looked slightly impressed. "Maybe it was his dad. Maybe it was Ashton. Maybe it wasn't anyone and he offed himself in the woods for no reason. But I don't care. It's not my job. Leave it to the detectives."

Jack picked up his car keys and motioned toward Ben. The boy stood from the couch and looked at Luke. "After this suspension, you have to attend your classes, Luke. Quit making us come here and try to put you in your place."

"Stay out of this damn house," Luke growled, and slammed the door shut behind them.


The handcuffs hurt like hell. Ashton couldn't help but dwell over this one detail. He should have been thinking about a thousand other things: the gun, the cops, his imminent arrest, the Miranda rights read off to him. But all he could think about was how they tightened the handcuffs until they cut off his hands' circulation. His veins were screaming in protest. He thought he smelled blood.

As a kid, Ashton had always wanted to ride in a police car. Something about the speed and the flashing lights and the sirens thrilled him, made his heart go wild. He thought about how if he had a genie in a bottle and he got one wish, he would use it to ride in the police car. Imagining it, it seemed fun. Exciting. Fast.

Ashton hated it. His stomach churned, the handcuffs jerked and the seatbelt yanked on him as the car's acceleration increased. His heart felt low and as fast as the car's speed in his chest. In the front seat, the cops were talking on their phones, including his name and his sentence in every one. The paper bag with the gun was fastened safely in one of their hands.

Ashton felt sick.

When they arrived at the local police station, Ashton remembered breaking in with Luke and Michael. He remembered shoving Calum's files back in the shelves, reciting the time, climbing through the window and dropping onto concrete. He remembered the thrill as Luke's old car sped down the road back to his house, Michael's phone full of stolen files. He felt free. He felt dangerous. It made him nostalgic as the policeman opened the door and pulled Ashton out, walking him into the front office. He remembered Luke standing guard, Michael's red hair vibrant in the dark room.

Apparently, there is only so much you can get away with.

They took Ashton into a room in the back. In it stood familiar Officer Kyle, the same man who interrogated him at his house. The man smiled. "Look what we have here."

Ashton stepped forward. Kyle spun him around and unlocked the handcuffs from his wrist while the other officers shut the door behind them, twisting the lock. Ashton saw cameras in the corners of the room. Buttons for immediate calls for security. Ashton felt absolutely trapped, like a fish in a child's bowl.

Ashton felt numb as Kyle took fingerprints, took photos, and swabbed his cheek for a DNA sample. He grabbed orange jail clothing, looking a lot like painfully bright scrubs, and thrust them into Ashton's arms. "Get dressed," Kyle demanded. "You're clothes and belongings will be confiscated."

Ashton changed as discreetly as he could. He felt heartbroken to be giving up his black hoodie, stained and worn from years of overuse. The only belongings he had on him was his phone and wallet, which Kyle took and placed on the table. His hoodie and other clothes were dumped carelessly in the corner.

"You know, had you just told me the truth at our interrogation," Kyle said, "we could have avoided a lot of this. Maybe even a shorter sentence for you."

Ashton's didn't respond.

Kyle unlocked the door and swung it open, taking Ashton's arm. Together, they walked down the hall, Ashton completely unresisting. He kept his eyes trained on his feet as they walked.

"This is where you will be staying until your arraignment. Understand?" Kyle said. He used a different key to unlock the gate of a particularly uninteresting cell. He pushed it open and gestured inside. "In you go."

Ashton stepped inside. It was cold. He felt the chill underneath his new clothes. There was a cot, consisting only of the metal frame and a thin mattress. There was a sink and toilet, and that was all. In all honesty, it wasn't much different than his room back at home-- white and plain and sterile.

Kyle closed the bars and locked it. He gave a small smile to Ashton through the bars. "Remember that I'm on your side, Ashton. I didn't want this to happen to you."

Then he turned and left.

Ashton was alone.

A/N: Another insight into Luke and Jack's relationship!

I thought this chapter would be longer but it's actually just average which is disappointing

Hope everyone is doing well!! Everyone tell me what you wanna be when you grow up

I think I wanna be a sound technician or a recording engineer or something I'm not sure

Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment your thoughts!

Love you to the moooooon bye

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