It is my first day of school. I'm going to Finn Hill Junior High with Blake. I haven't gone to school since I was 10 and still living with my parents. When I was taken he had me homeschooled and had a special tutor come in and teach me. I've already finished all my schooling but the Rivers said I had to.
Right now I'm standing next to Blake in the schools parking lot. People were looking at us as we made our way to the front doors. Blake had casually placed his arm around my waist when guys were looking at me weirdly. I didn't know anyone here except Bake. Now, Blake he tolled me he knows a few people going here and that I would most likely get along with them.
As we got closer to the entrance I heard a guys voice.
"BLAKE!!! Guys he's here!" I turned with Blake to only have Blake ripped away from me making me fall to the ground. When I looked up I saw a group of guys and girls hugging Blake and laughing with him.
I got up and headed for the office again, but I couldn't help but feel lost or alone and vulnerable with out Blake next to me. When I arrived at the office there was a lady behind the desk looking at her computer.
"Excuse me"
"Oh hello dear. How may I help you?" The lady asked as she looked up
"Um well, I'm kind of new here and I would like to have my schedule please"
"Sure sweets, what's your name?" She asked as she went over to where there was a stack of papers.
"Rain Pain or Rain Rivers, I don't know which one I was put under"
"There is a Rain Pain Rivers. Dose that seem right? " the lady asked as she went through the papers again to make sure.
"Yep thank you..."
"I'm Miss.Bennett, have a wonderful day sweetheart!" Miss.Bennett said as I excited the office only to run into someone.
"Im so sorry" i said to the person with out looking up I tried to move around him. He stepped out in front of me and grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hallway and into an empty classroom. I tried getting away from him but he would only tighten his grip on my arm.
"I herd your name was Rain Pain. If your who i think you are then i bet you know who I am?" he said as I looked up at him and analyzed him. He had dark blue eyes with dark brown hair. I rememberer those eyes from when I was younger, they belonged to my best friend, Jonathan. No way.
"Jonathan?" i asked as tears brimmed my eyes. he only nodded before he wrapped me in his arms as tear came flooding down my face.
"I've missed you so much Jonny" i sobbed out on his shoulder. I was shaking as sobs racked through my body.
"I know RaRa. Ive missed you too. I cant believe its been 7 years since I last saw you. how have you been? Hows Ma, Pa and little Lilly?" He asked. He doesn't know that I've been missing for the last six years because he moved away a year before everything happened.
"I don't know. I haven't seen them for six years Jonny." I said as i sat down in one of the chairs in the classroom. Jonathan looked confused and sat in front of me. "It all started when..."
Flashback- Rain-10yearsold-Lilly-8yearsold-
I was sitting in the yard with Lilly playing barbies when Lilly had to go use the bathroom. I tolled her i would wait for her with the dolls. She ran inside as i continued to play with the Dolly's. I heard something near where mom's car is so I got up and walked over to the car and looked around. I didn't see anything so i headed back to the barbies only to be grabbed by the arm. I screamed but there was a cloth put in front of my mouth and everything started to go black. I barely saw Lilly run out of the house and scream for daddy when everything became black.
When I woke up I was laying on a mattress in a place i didn't recognize. I didn't remember what happened at first but then everything came flooding back. I started crying not knowing what else to do. I was alone in a room scarred of hats going to happen. When the door in front of me started to open and the huge man appeared in front of me. He was so intimidating and scary looking, i just cried more and more as he came closer to me.
"I want my mommy and daddy" I screamed at the man. He came up y\too me and hit me with so much force i flew across the bed and onto the floor. He came over to me and threw me across the room and shouted at me.
" TO FUCKIN BAD YOU BRAT! THEY ARENT HERE TO SAVE OR RESCUE YOU! THEY DONT WANT YOU! THEY HATE YOU SO SHUT THE HELL UP AND DO WHAT I SAY!" he then stomped out of the room and slammed the door in the process."
Flashback over-
While I was telling him that i didn't realize the lack of oxygen going through my lungs. I couldn't breath and i was shaking so bad I felt so weak I tried to get up but fell into Jonathan's arms. I became dizzy and I couldn't hear anything I tried to breath but nothing was coming in. I started to see black spots as my eyes became heaver and my lungs burned. "That was only the begging of hell" I whispered but I became to weak that i let the darkness consume me.
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