Sonic vs. Robotnik

It was now evening time. Inside the Canterlot Aquarium, Starlight Glimmer was barefoot and tied up, above a pool of sharks. Starlight struggled to get herself untied, but to no avail. "You can struggle all you want," said Robotnik, "but you're not escaping my drones. And even if you could, you would soon become shark food. And we wouldn't want that. Well, not yet at least." Starlight glared at Robotnik and said, "you're not going to get away with this!"

"Ah confidence," said Robotnik, "a poorman's substitute for intelligence. Don't feel bad. You won't die alone. Now I believe your friends should be here with that hedgehog any minute..." Ten minutes later, Garrett, Sonic, and the Hamato Brothers ran in, facing Robotnik. "So, we meet again Garrett. For the last time! And I see you and the hedgehog brought some friends," said Robotnik, "I must say... I was not expecting that. But I was expecting not to expect something, so it doesn't count." Sonic pointed at Robotnik and said, "you wanted me Eggman, here I am!" Starlight was relieved to see Garrett and said, "Garrett! Thank goodness you made it!" Garrett glared at Robotnik and said, "let Starlight go, Robotnik!" The doctor laughed, "very poor choice of words, Garrett. I could let her go into this pool of sharks..." Starlight looked down, screaming in terror.

"Let me guess, you were planning on killing her anyway?" Raphael sarcastically asked. "I was never planning on keeping her alive," said Robotnik, "points to the meathead for guessing my plans correctly." Sonic glared at Robotnik and said, "Raphael is not a meathead! He's my brother! And if you're gonna harm Starlight, you're gonna have to go through me!" Leonardo raised his swords and said, "and if you're gonna hurt Sonic, you're going to have to go through us!" Robotnik muttered, "pathetic martyrs..." What he didn't know was that Donnie was hacking into Robotnik's tech. Sonic then ran fast and punched Robotnik in the face. With him distracted, Garrett then leapt up, shouting, "COWABUNGA!!!" He then grabbed on to Starlight, trying to get her down. "Dude, that's my line!" Mikey said. As Garrett held on while wrestling with the drone, he said, "in hindsight, maybe jumping above a pool of sharks was a bad idea... Donnie, you got control of those drones?" As Garrett held on, Donnie said, "two more minutes..."

"You want me, you're gonna have to catch me!" Sonic teased, running out of the aquarium. Robotnik activated the small spaceship, and it ran as fast as Sonic, releasing mini drones to attack the Hamato Brothers! Leo, Raph, and Mikey used their weapons to fight the rogue drones. Soon Donnie had control of the drones. He used his phone to make the drone that was holding Starlight fly elsewhere. Soon Starlight and Garrett landed on the ground. "Garrett, happy as I am to not have my toes be dangling under a pool of sharks thanks to you and Donnie, I would like to be untied," said Starlight. "Sure thing," chuckled Garrett. Raph tossed Garrett one of his sais, and Garrett caught it. He then used the sai to cut the cord that was tying Starlight up, freeing her. Starlight jovially hugged Garrett and said, "thank you so much for saving me... I think I owe you a real kiss." Garrett and Starlight kissed each other on the lips. When they stopped, Garrett said, "I love you Starlight Glimmer."

"I love you too Garrett Shimmer," said Starlight. Soon the drones were defeated, and Donnie said, "guys, I think Robotnik is using Sonic's powers to fuel his ship. We have to help Sonic." Speaking of Sonic, the hedgehog was surprised to see that Robotnik's ship was as equally fast as him! Sonic tried outrunning Robotnik everywhere! He used his rings to run from San Francisco, to Paris, to the Great Wall of China, to the deserts and pyramids of Egypt! Sonic even tried blinding Robotnik with sand. Soon they ran back to the streets of Canterlot, making Sonic scatter his rings. Garrett, Starlight, and the Hamato Brothers ran in. "Sonic! Are you okay?" Garrett asked. "He won't be," laughed Robotnik, "because he will die! Any last words?" Donnie then said, "Sonic! Robotnik's got one of your quills, which contains your power, and is probably what's fueling that spaceship!" Donnie then hacked into the ship Robotnik was on. "You got this Sonic!" Garrett encouraged. "I think you have something that belongs to me," said Sonic as the ship was disabled. He then brought out the power within himself once more and used it to take out the fueling power of Robotnik's ship, his essence lightning-like. "This is my power." Sonic said defiantly, "and I'm not using it to run away anymore. I'm using it to protect my friends and family!" Sonic then used his speed, dodging every blast as he struck the disabled ship several times, causing it to malfunction. "Guess what Eggman?" Sonic teased, "I'm not leaving this dimension! You are! Hey Garrett! Toss me a ring!" Garrett tossed a ring that opened up a portal to the Mushroom Dimension. Sonic then broke time to use his super speed to punch the ship so hard, Robotnik and his ship flew into the portal, closing! And that was the end of Dr. Ivo Robotnik. "You did it Sonic!" Garrett said, giving him a high five. "You weren't so bad yourself," said Sonic, "did you and Starlight kiss?" Starlight laughed and said, "we sure did."

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