Sonic and Rainbow Dash Meet

The week flew by fast for Garrett and Starlight. And soon came the weekend. The two of them made arrangements with the Hamato Family and Rainbow Dash on how to meet Sonic, and where. Soon Saturday came, and Starlight was at the park with Rainbow Dash. They were waiting for Garrett and this "mystery fellow" who wanted to meet Dash. "Shouldn't Garrett and his friend be here by now?" Dash asked as she looked at her watch. "They will soon," said Starlight. "Speaking of Garrett, have you two kissed yet?" Dash asked, smirking. Starlight blushed and said, "no... not yet... I haven't even told him I have a crush on him yet..."

"You should," said Dash. Five minutes later, Garrett came in with Sonic. Sonic was wearing a disguise that was way too conspicuous. He was wearing a trenchcoat, fedora, glasses and a fake nose with a bushy mustache. "Hey ladies," said Garrett, "I hope we didn't take too long." Sonic looked at Rainbow Dash, his heart all aflutter. He'd never seen a woman so beautiful. "Is this your friend, Garrett?" Dash asked, looking at Sonic, "no offense little guy, but that disguise isn't fooling anyone. This ain't a Saturday morning cartoon." Sonic chuckled and said, "yeah, it was Garrett's idea." Sonic took off his Groucho Marx glasses and fedora, revealing his face. "Hi, I'm Sonic," he said, smiling, "you must be Starlight and Sunset's friend, Rainbow Dash." RD chuckled and said, "I sure am. Nice to meet you Sonic. So are you an alien?" She then shook his hand. "Pretty much," replied Sonic. "Well for an alien, you sure are handsome," said Dash, causing the hedgehog to blush. "I like your hair," complimented Sonic, causing Dash to blush as well. Garrett and Starlight smiled, happy to know these two instantly liked each other. As Rainbow and Sonic got to know each other, Sonic said, "I hear you're quite the athlete, Dashie."

"Sure am," said Rainbow Dash, "I'm basically the captain of every sports team at my school. And I'm fast." Sonic smirked and said, "I'm pretty fast myself." He winked at her. "That so?" Dash playfully asked, "How about we go on a running race, you and me?" Garrett chuckled and said, "this oughtta be fun." Sonic nodded and said, "you're on." He and Rainbow Dash got into racing positions on the grass. "Oh your mark..." began Dash. "Get set..." replied Sonic. They both then shouted, "GO!" The two speedsters ran extremely fast, laughing with excitement. Dash was amazed by Sonic's speed as they ran. This went on for several minutes as Garrett and Starlight watched the two of them continue to race. Soon they grew tired, resting on the grass. "I think I may have found my match in speed," panted Dash. "Me too," said Sonic, "I like you Dash... You're a good racing partner." Dash smiled and said, "cool, handsome, fast, and a sweetheart...You got all the good qualities... I hope we can hang out some time." Sonic nodded and said, "me too." Garrett smiled and said, "Who's up for lunch?" Sonic perked up and said, "Ooh, me! Can we have chili dogs?" This caused everyone to laugh.

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