Meet The Hamato Family

Twenty minutes later, Raphael's car drove in, parking outside Starlight's house. Sunset and Raphael got out of the car, and Sunset asked, "so what's up?"

"See for yourself," said Garrett as he and Starlight showed Sunset and her boyfriend Sonic. "Hi, I'm Sonic," the hedgehog said, "you must be Garrett's sister. I can definitely see a family resemblance." Sunset and Raphael gave looks of shock. "Did he just talk???" Sunset asked, blinking a few times to see if her eyes and ears did not deceive her. Raphael tilted his head and asked, "wait... Are you for real?" He poked one of Sonic's quills just to see if this was a figment of his imagination. His forefinger felt a bit of static. "Yep, I'm for real," replied Sonic, "and yes, I can talk. Sounds crazy, eh?"

"He's not from around here," said Starlight, "he's from another planet and dimension entirely." Sunset nodded and said, "huh... I guess that's not entirely weird..." Raphael rubbed his head and said, "holy crap... Donnie was right about the Multiverse. Next time he asks if we're alone in this universe, you can vouch for us, Sonic." Garrett looked at his sister and explained, "he's an extraterrestrial refugee trying to escape from being captured." Sunset placed her hand on her hip casually and asked, "is that why you called us? For help?" Sonic nodded and said, "basically, yeah. Mind if I crash at your place?" Sunset looked at her brother and said, "I get you and Starlight want to help this guy, Garrett. I'm willing to trust Sonic because I trust you. And I'm not against the idea. You're just going to have to run this with Mom and Pop..." Raphael raised his hand and asked, "perhaps I could be of assistance? If we talk it over with my parents, I'm sure they'll let you crash at my place Sonic." The hedgehog perked up and said, "do ya mean it?" Raph smirked and said, "hop in the car. Come on guys." Everyone including Sonic got into Raphael's car. Once everyone was buckled in, Raphael started the car and drove the house he and his family lived in. It was a decent house with a big dojo. Raphael's father, Hamato Yoshi, ran a martial arts school. Raph, Sunset, Garrett, Starlight, and Sonic went inside. Sonic looked around and said, "nice digs, Raph."

"Thanks," said Raphael, "I'll see if my folks are home." They were in the kitchen, and a woman in her mid-40's was making tea. She looked to be of Japanese descent. This was Tang Shen Hamato, Raphael's mother. "Hey Mom," said Raph as he smiled at his mother. Tang Shen looked at Raph and his friends and said, "hello Raphael. You're home earlier than I expected. And I see you brought your girlfriend and her friends." Sunset looked at Tang Shen and said, "Hi Mrs. Hamato. How's college treating Miwa?" Garrett, Starlight, and Sonic gave friendly waves. "Hey Mom, is Dad here?" Raphael asked. "Yes, your father is meditating in the living room," confirmed Tang, "Miwa is doing very well in college. Thank you for asking Sunset. Your father should be finished by now." The five teenagers walked into the living room and saw a Japanese man in his mid-40's meditating on the couch. This was Raphael's father, Hamato Yoshi, Master Splinter to his friends. Splinter opened his eyes and said, "hello Raphael. I'm surprised to see you home so early. I see you brought your girlfriend and some of her friends." He stood up from the couch, tilting his head at Sonic. "We gotta talk Dad," said Raphael, "it's about our new friend here, Sonic. Sonic, this is my father Hamato Yoshi, though he doesn't mind it if you call him Splinter." Sonic quickly ran up to shake Splinter's hand and said, "hi, nice to meet ya!"

"You are a fast one," commented Splinter, "we shall go to the dojo to speak. Let's see if your brothers are here as well." Everyone went into the dojo, and so did Raphael's brothers Leo, Donnie, and Mikey. Sonic introduced himself to Splinter, his wife, and Raph's brothers, and then explained where he came from, and how he came to this Earth, not leaving a single detail out. Donatello was of course amazed by the existence of the Multiverse. The rest of the family felt bad for Sonic. "But yeah, that's why I came to this dimension," concluded Sonic, "since I literally have no place to go, is it okay if I stay here, please?" Splinter and Shen looked at each other, and then they both nodded. Splinter looked at Sonic and said, "I understand what it is like to be in your position. My wife and I grew up in Japan, where I was part of a ninja clan known as The Hamato Clan. This clan fought with honor and bravery, unlike our rivals, The Foot Clan, a ninja clan that fought with brutality and treachery. When the Foot was wiped out, my father adopted their orphaned child, Oroku Saki, raising him like a son. Saki and I were like brothers. But our bond severed when I married Shen. The final wedge was driven when Saki learned of his true heritage. He revived The Foot Clan and became The Shredder. By now, Shen had given birth to our firstborn Miwa. I was truly happy. But then The Shredder attacked, and tried to kill me for he wanted Shen and Miwa for his own. Shen and Miwa barely survived our battle. I knew then that my wife and daughter and I were not safe in Japan. So we fled Japan and immigrated to America. We took refuge in New York where we have resided ever since. I opened this martial arts dojo and have thrived ever since. I pray that Shredder never finds us." Splinter and Shen had told the story of how they came to America to the brothers many times. It made Garrett think of Leo and Twilight. "Whatever happened to your daughter?" Sonic asked. "Miwa is a freshman in New York University," replied Shen, "she is prospering well in college." Sonic smiled and said, "that's good." Splinter placed his hand on Sonic's shoulder and said, "I relate to your need to take refuge, Sonic. New York gave us a chance to take refuge and prosper. Who are we to refuse such refuge? You may stay with us, Sonic. I will also teach you the ways of ninjutsu so that you can learn to defend yourself." Sonic got excited and hugged Splinter, saying, "thank you so much Mr. Hamato! And thank you, Garrett, Starlight, Sunset, and Raph!"

"No problem Sonic. Welcome to the family," said Raph as he smiled. "Mr. and Mrs. Hamato, is it okay if Starlight and I visit Sonic every now and then just to check up on him?" Garrett asked. "Why of course," said Splinter, "I consider your sister, alongside Twilight, Pinky, and Rarity to be family since they are dating our sons. You and Starlight are more than welcome to visit us." Mikey joked, "just try not to drop in at 3 a.m. in the morning."  This caused everyone to laugh. Garrett optimistically said, "well Sonic, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship."

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