I'm honestly Loving the fact that I'm getting 200+ votes per chapter again (: I love you guys.
Where's all my commenters gonnnnnne?):
If I get over 30 comments on this chapter I will update again this week since I'm off
ALSO so close to beating the amount of comments on Boy Meets Boy who has DOUBLE the amount of chapters. You people are my favs.
Louis huffs, folding his arms over his chest as he waits patiently on the steps of his universities main building, blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes in boredom and frustration. Other students are passing him as they go up the steps, giving the submissive a nod of a hello and Louis replying with a head nod back in politeness, despite his pretty bitter attitude that was radiating off of him at this time.
For what has to be the 7th time in the Same minute, Louis is glancing down to his watch to check the time just to find that the hands have not moved from where one is pointed at a 4 and the other at 11; 4:55. Louis is glaring at his watch as if the time on it will move back in time so that it's not like he has been waiting for Liam for the last 55 minutes to come to this meeting with him Which Louis is now 15 minutes late to.
The submissive looks out over the university quad, his lips jotted out and his brow threaded as he continues to look out for Liam or at least one of Liam's many flashy cars. He doesn't know what makes him more angry, the fact that he hasn't gotten a phone call with an explanation on why Liam hasn't turned up, the fact that Liam isn't here or maybe because Declan would normally already be here to pick Louis up after his class.
All of the above were pissing him off
As much as this university was one of the best in the UK and had many greats attending in the past, it was a dominate ruled territory left right and centre. Louis was hands down one of the smartest, and many even the smartest due to his high IQ, but that didn't stop the flat that he was at the bottom of the universities hierarchy. Louis wanted out, he wanted to go to UMS where no one was discriminated for being a submissive and both Dominates and Subs were treated equally.
"Hello?"Louis is answering his phone, it pressed to his ear as he rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet. It was now 5 and he had still not heard a word from Liam or anyone at that Matter.
"Louis Tomlinson? This is Leon Daniels, the head of USM."
"Mr.Daniels! H-hello, why do you call?"Louis feels his nerves jittering all over the place as his hand shakes in anticipation. Louis was never good at phone conversations, hell he wasn't even good at normal face to face conversation which was why Louis preferred to email people because at least then he could seem professional and not be some stuttering mess.
"To inform you that the meeting has been cancelled due to your tardiness and that we will not be rescheduling."Leon is informing the young submissive whose blood turns cold at the mans words. Louis has been waiting for this meeting all week, to discus any faults in Louis' information file and for all details to be transferred over with the permission from his Dominate.
"Mr.Daniels, I can explain-"Louis is cut off by Daniels voice, not even getting time to explain that he has been waiting for his dominate for the last hour now.
"No, Mr.Tomlinson. I am a busy man and there are many younger and smarter both Dominates and Submissives then you. Most in which are at least dependable to be at important meetings such as this one. A disappointment, we were looking forward to working with one of Britain's smartest minds."
The phone is clicking to an end not even a few seconds after Leon bids Goodbye, leaving Louis standing on the steps in shock and anger at both Liam and Leon. In anger, Louis is glaring at his phone before he's letting out a frustrated growl and throwing the phone to the floor in anger and frustration.
"Shit, okay, it's fine."Louis breaths out through his nose as he closes his eyes. Counting to 10 in my head, Louis can feel every muscle in his body start to relax from its tense stature. He's opening them after a couple of moments before he's bending down to lift his screen smashed phone off the concrete steps on the university, letting out a whimper at the cracked screen that flickers to life whenever he presses the Home button.
He's missed his chance at his dream
Because of Liam
There's a black cat pulling up in the car park of the university, a car that Louis recognises as Declan's. Declan is getting out of the car, dressed in what Louis can only describe as a typical chauffeur outfit that fits the middle aged man snuggly around the chest and shoulders. He was a nice man, Louis had grown use to him and had friendly conversations with him without them sounding awkward.
"Sir would like me to inform you that he apologises for tardiness on picking you up, I the same apology towards you."Declan is apologising, a genuine frown of concern on his features whenever he spots Louis' distressed expression and the cracked phone in his hand."Is everything okay?"Declan was a Dominate and has his own submissive at home.
"No, everything is not fine."Louis is replying rather bluntly, face like thunder as he shoves his wrecked mobile phone into one of his pockets."I refuse to Step foot in a car until Sir picks me up himself with a full explanation on why he failed to attend an important meeting with me this afternoon."
"I've only been ordered to pick you up and to not return until you are safely in the car."Declan informs the young submissive who has proceeded to cross his arms over his chest once again like some sort of pissed off teenager.
"Well you're going to be waiting here a hell of a long time because I'm immensely pissed off right now and not in the mood to interact with my dominate."Louis' words come out like knives as he speaks, Looking away from Declan."Include that whenever you're telling Liam the previous things that I have said, please."He may be angry but he hasn't forgotten his manners.
"I'm a chauffeur not a carrier pigeon."
Louis ends phoning for a taxi home after half an hour of walking around the grounds of the university to try and calm down. The ride was quiet, with Louis just staring out of the taxi window like he was in some sort of sad movie, just running his thumb over the cracks of his mobile phone just so he has doing something to distract his anxiety filled mind.
Louis pays the taxi driver way too much money before he's stepping out of the taxi, his new messenger bag strap over his chest and the bag bouncing off of his bum with every move that he makes to the gates of the house. He's buzzed in by one of the kitchen staff and he slowly makes his way up the drive way and into the big house he now calls Home.
The moment that the door is opening, Louis can feel the tension that's going on in the house, from the anger to the worry to the panic and to the downright dominance pride that is radiating from every corner of the house. Louis is shutting the front door with the heel of his foot and in an instant he seems to be able to hear all of the commotion going on in separate rooms just stop, and then feet are coming his direction.
"Run, Louis just open the door and sprint. Steal a car, you know how to Hotwire"
"Louis William Tomlinson, care to explain to me why one of my best men returned to the house without my submissive in the backseat of the car?"Liam growls as soon as he rounds the corner and is in Louis' eye of vision. The submissive just stands there, his hands behind his back and fiddling with his broken phone.
"Would you care to tell me why you didn't pick me up from the university yourself?"Louis replies rather sharply as if he had planned that something like this would be said. Liam is towering Louis, dressed in his usual suit and tie, but without the tie or the blazer and his white shirt sleeves pushed up to the elbows.
"I never do, why would today be any different?"Liam seems confused for a second, that look in his eyes that meant he truly didn't understand. There was nothing special planned today for Liam to pick up Louis, it was just another usual day that kind of just dragged out an hour or so more than it should've.
"I don't know, maybe because you were supposed to attend one of the most important meetings of my life which would determine if shall attend the university of my dreams or not!"Louis is shouting, standing on the tips of his toes to make himself look taller, to show his anger."You had promised to be there,"
"That is no excuse not to get in the car when a dominate commands that you do so."Liam growls, stepping dangerously closer to Louis who feels like he's trapped between the door and Liam even if there was a good 6 feet still in between the pair."When you are told to do something by your superior, or nevertheless another dominate, you do it. You do not wonder aimlessly without telling someone where you are doing or what."
"Says you. You promised to be at my meeting but apparently dealing cocaine is way more important on your submissives education!"So maybe they anger that Louis thought he had blown off on his phone hadn't gone and was just bubbling in the pit of his stomach until now, and maybe he knew he was going to end up with a busted arse as well as a busted phone but he honestly did not care at the moment.
"Well maybe it's because I don't want you to have an education, hmm? I'd rather have you in the home where I know that you're safe from harm and no other dominate is ogling you like his next treat."Liam snaps, finally saying what he has wanted to over the last couple do weeks. The rivals between gangs was getting stronger and more intense and it would only take one angry feud between Liam and an opposing gang me never for them to take their revenge on Louis.
"What?"Louis pauses to let the words process in his head before it clicks."You want me, one of Britain's smartest minds to be some arm candy bitch that waits for your return every evening just for you to use as your sex toy? No way am I doing that! You cannot deny me access to my education!"
"I can and I will! I'm your Dominate and it's a concern of your safety!"Liam defends, voice deeper whenever he shouts and pupils blown so much that you could no longer see the brown in his eyes. Liam's body was tense in anger as he glares at the equally angry looking Louis.
"If it's such a concern to my safety then why don't you give up on the gang shit, hmm? Then you wouldn't have to worry about my apparent safety."Huffing out a breath, Louis is letting his chest fall in a shuddery action Which makes his whole body tremor."You have enough money to survive until you die."
"I'm one of the most feared Gang Leaders in all of Britain, I will not give up my Gang."It was the only thing that held Liam together, that control, they power over everything wrong that was going on inside of his own head. When his dad was shot dead, everything was handed to Liam, it was like a fresh start and he had patched up the shitty little gang and made it into something huge, something that was feared.
"Then I'm not giving up my dream. I am passionate for Science, to help people, to cure fucking cancer or be the next Albert Einstein and I'm not going to be some bend over bitch for you to fuck when you're bored and let you roll in the cash day in and day out."
"That's a typical Dominate World for you, Louis! The submissives sit back and look after the children and house and the Doms do all of the work and bring in the money."Okay and so maybe that wasn't the best choice of words to use at that current time because comparing a Nineteen thirties sub to a Two Thousand and sixteen sub is not a good idea. Nope. Defiantly not.
"You stereotypical Male Dominate, always wanting to have the upper hand in things, not allow your sub to have a life outside of the 'Traditional' pairing home."Louis scrunches up his face."You're not taking away my only passionate in my life Liam, you are not going to be like my mother."
"You will do as I say,"
"And you can speak to my lawyers."And with that Louis is storming back out of the house with the slam of the front door.
Louis wasn't going to let Liam do that to him, anything but that. He'd allow himself be to thrown in the isolation room for a month if it meant that Louis could still attend university. It was the only thing that Louis had in his life, the only thing that he was good at and was actually impressing to be. No one appreciated Louis' gifts and maybe that's what hurt because he thought Liam did, and then all of this shit happened.
"You look lost sweetheart,"Louis jumps at the new voice, head snapping round to look at the slowly moving car beside him. A dominate is leaning out of the drivers window, a genuine smile on his middle aged face, smile marks around his mouth and eyes but still young looking. He was handsome, with jet black hair and deep brown eyes."Do you need a ride?"
"Ha, no thanks."Louis shakes his head and starts to walk a little bit faster down the crooked pavement, his back hitting off of his bum every time that he walked.
"Oh sweetheart, you say that like you have a choice."
Louis winces at the sting in the back of his neck, his eyes catching the sight of the end of a needle and before he knows it, his vision is blacking out.
Remember guys, if you kill me that means no one gets any updates, think about that.
I've had this idea in my head since the start of the book so it's actually part of the plot, and I mean you all signed up for this the mo net you voted on the prologue oops
Please tell me your opinions
What is your whole opinion on how Liam wants Louis to be a typical Submissive?
Do you think Louis was correct to stand his group and defend his rights?
On Liam missing the whole meeting?
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