
So, you guys didn't get me to 500 comments

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2700 words

Could be triggering to those that suffer any sort of attack

Louis moans, bucking his hips into the mattress below feeling the urge to grind down into the sheets just to release the agonising pain in his member. There's a large hand coming to land a slap to his left arse cheek for moving when told not to, a hand on Louis' hip to keep Liam in the same position between the boys cheeks. This action only makes the Twink moan more, feathery bed hair more of a mess with his face rosy pink from this mornings actions.

"Daddy, Daddy- Oh god!"Louis moans out into a pillow, trying and failing to keep any sounds that escape his mouth muffled. Louis is stuck between pushing back towards Liams face and from grinding his member into the white sheets of the bed, it's a struggle really because Liam has put a rule on Louis touching himself and in this position it's kinda hard to do so.

This was part of Louis' punishment, the Twink waking up with a serious case of morning wood which resulted to Louis jacking off under the sheets not too quietly. Liam caught on in no time, the man being a light sleeper and recognising those moans anywhere. He had pinned Louis into the mattress in a quick action before Louis could even register that Liam was awake, flipping him over and eating him out at 7 in the morning.

Liam nips his teeth at the rim of Louis' entrance, the feather haired boy bucking his hips backwards towards Liams face. Louis is panting when he feels Liams tongue poke through the rim of muscle, touching His tight hot walls wth his tongue.

"D-Daddy, please!"Louis whines at the back of his throat, feeling his hands jerking, needing to touch himself to release some sort of pressure. Liam is pulling away at the needy chants, sitting up right on his knees from where he is on the ground. It's not a stretch, it was just a teasing for punishment but it was far from over.

Louis whines at the lost of contact, tossing his head on either side of the pillow it was rested on it frustration. He can hear Liam mumbling to himself, shuffling and before Louis can turn his head to squint at Liam to see what he was doing but it's too late, And Louis is already face first into the pillow again, groaning and hissing at the stretch of what Louis can guess is a butt plug. It's at normal width, something that would fit without prep and give Louis a little stretch.

"Y'know princess,"Liam mutters into the hot skin at the bottom of Louis' spin, pressing an open mouth kiss there as he slowly starts to push the plug in."If you weren't so needy, and decided to just Jack off as you please, then maybe i wouldn't have to do this and I could have fixed your little problem by now."Liam smirks into the skin, Louis can feel the smirk press into his skin. Louis' body jerks when the older man taps the end of the plug with his index finger, the tip jabbing against his prostate.

"S'not fair."Louis pouts, back still arched at the pressure on his bundle of nerves. Liam is smirking at how breathy and wrecked Louis sounds, he has barely done a thing other than eat him out and filling him with the pink silicone butt plug, there's a hook at the base of the plug to clip on an attachment such as a tail.

"Life isn't all that fair."Liam replies rather bitterly, his voice cold for a second before he kisses the bottom of Louis' spine and getting up onto his feet."Now, go shower in cold water to get rid of your problem, get changed into something nice as you're coming with me to work."Liam instructs the sub who nods timidity, scared a little as what was going to happen.

Everytime he moved he felt the damn plug move inside of him, it made him pull a face at first and really stepping into the shower made the plug tug at his rim, moaning more and louder. By the time that Louis got out of the shower, dried and changed into the outfit that Liam left out for him, Louis felt as if he was in hell.

Liam had put a fûcking Chastity cage on him

Louis wanted to cry or scream or both

"Look so delicious in that little skirt of yours."Liam smirks, kissing behind Louis' earlobe and patting the boys bum teasingly. He picked out the outfit especially so that you wouldn't see the outline of the Chastity cage and plus it was easy access to Louis' bum and Dick if need be. It was a black skirt with black thin tights, a long sleeved blouse tucked into the skirt along with above the ankle lace up boots with a little wedge on them.

"This is torture,"The boy looks over his shoulder at Liam who just rolls his eyes and grabs a piece of toast from the counter. There's a white packet being handed to Louis and the buy groans and takes the medication like usual. Yeah, he's use to it but it was fucking annoying having to take it every morning and every noon.

"Naughty boys don't exactly get any treats princess."Liam tuts and is already leading Louis out the door before he even has time to take his second pill of the morning. Louis is about to process but Liam already has him out and is talking on his ear piece to someone. The Doncaster lad didn't even know that he had one in, and he kind of felt isolated throughout the whole drive that Liam was too busy talking through the earpiece than to interact with him.

If Louis gets scowled at for texting on his phone constantly then Liam should get scowled at for being so antisocial

Louis huffs and puffs throughout the car ride, he honestly has no clue where he is going or heading or how long this journey is going to take. He is pretty sure he has only been in the car for a short 20 minutes but it feels like an hour with the constant shuffling that he had to do due to the plug inside of him and the awkward quietness of the car. The only sound is Liam talking into the earpiece to god knows who and the sound of him sipping at his coffee.

He has grown use to the variety of cars and surroundings that he has been in, Liam has been monitoring Louis' discomfort in some areas of the house and in some cars and he has made sure to use the same cars over again so not to freak Louis out or Make him uncomfortable. He hasn't been out all that often, yeah to the mall which he was wary about and some restaurants that he knew and had been In before which meant He hasn't felt anxious or panicked in awhile.

"No, I don't care if his wife is in labour,"Liam growls not the earpiece, turning a corner."If he can't get me the money by Tomorrow--So what if he has church to go to, he shouldn't have made a deal with me if he wasn't willing to pay the fucking price!"He snaps making Louis jump in his seat and to look forward as Liam drives and talks. It was a completely different voice that Louis has ever heard and it scares him a little.

Louis' hands twitch and before he realises, he is pressing the button to start up the radio at a low volume. He needs some kind of music to keep him calm as he watches cars and buildings go by. They are in the city, some part of the city that Louis has never been before and his anxiety is seeking through. Liams eyes dart to Look at Louis and then the radio, saying nothing as he continues to talk.

"Do not talk to anyone unless I say it's okay, got it? I'm only going to be here for a short 2 hours for an important shipment meeting. You'll most likely be sitting in the same room as another one of my members subs."Liam has stopped his talking in his earpiece and is now talking to Louis directly, placing a hand over the youngers clenched hand. He could see how tense he was.

"I-I'm not going to be in the same r-room as you?"The boy panicked and looked over at Liam with big wide eyes, feeling his chest tighten whenever Liam shakes his head.

"This is Important and I can't have you hanging off my arm during this meeting, I'm sorry princess."Liam frowns sympathetically, moving his hand so that he can park in a space. They are in front of a building, it looks bare, grey and abandoned from the outside and Louis would be confused if he wasn't freaking the fûck out.

"B-But,"Louis stutters miserably only earning a kiss to the cheek as Liam goes to exit the car. Breathing out shakily, Louis gets out of the car on shaky legs rushing round the car to hold onto Liams arm as the walk. He's trying to stay calm, it's not really working but you can't say he isn't trying as Louis tries to keep up with Liams long and fast steps.

Wearing wedges and speed walking while trying to stop yourself from having somesort of attack took some skill

"Louis, are you listening to me?"Liam jerks his hand and it's only know that Louis realises that they are inside the dull building. It isn't at all dull or boring looking inside, everything is so Modern but it still had that vintage edge to it to show that this building and gang has been operating for years. There are little to no people in the hall that they are standing in which calms Louis' nerves just a little.

"No,"He replies rather truthfully. Liam just groans and pulls him forward as they continue to keep walking. Louis stumbles and whimpers.

"If you were listening, you'd hear to tell you that I've been informed that there's another sub of a member of mine here. His name is Robin."Liam continues with his talking. Again, Louis isn't really listening and he really doesn't care about this guy and what his name is or who his Dom is. He wants to go home, or atleast be aloud to sit on Liams lap while he was in the meeting or Liam could've dropped him back at Zayns.

Or atleast wait for him to take his medication that morning

"Be good, I'll be an hour."Louis can feel a pair of lips pressed to his temple and before he knows it, Liam has left the room and his head is snapping towards the sound of the door closing. It's not as if he's trapped in a room, it's more like the end of a hallway with a long leather sofa, a coffee table with magazines and a flat screen television mounted on the wall. It wasn't as if he was trapped, there was a window but still he was alone in an unfamiliar environment without his morning medication.

"Hiya!"Louis thinks he's going to die, his heart is in his mouth and beating a mile a minute as he turns on his (high) heel to see who was speaking. He wasn't even sure if they were talking to him. There's a boy slightly older than him sitting at one end of the sofa, bright blue eyes looking Louis up and down at the outfit he was wearing. He was older than Niall, so maybe 21(?) wearing black skinny jeans and a large grey jumped along with a grey beanie over feathery dyed red hair.

"H-hello,"Louis gulps and looks down at his own outfit, fixing the front of his skirt. Louis was never good at reading other people's emotions or what they were like, he normally just hoped for the best and that they were decent which got him into the mess of mixing with the wrong people when he was younger or when it came to Nick fûcking Grimshaw. "A-are you Robin?"He had to test the name out in his head a couple of times to make sure it was the correct name and he didn't mess up.

The boy smile widely, happy that someone knows his name.

"And you're L..."Robin pauses and looks down, biting his bottom lip and thinking for a second. He remembers the name, it's somewhere in his brain because Luke had told him just moments ago."Louis! That's it! You're Liams sub."He clicks his fingers excitedly and proud for remembering the name. He knew Liam, he knew everyone actually since he has been with Luke for two years now.

The Twink can only manage a small nod of his head and noticeably grimaces when Robin pats the space beside him to sit down. He knows he's being friendly but Louis can barely even more a sentence without choking up so there's no way in hell He's going to be able to sit beside this dude with the weird accent.

"I can't breathe in here."Louis informs Outloud when he feels the familiar tightness in his chest, the unfamiliarity sinking in and taking its toll. Robin looks at him confused, wanting to speak out loud 'there's air so how can you not breathe?' But he remembers Luke telling him it was naughty to be rude so he keeps his mouth shut and instead picks up a magazine to pass the time. He had his phone took off him two days prier.

Louis is going to scream, he would if he could but he can't so he shan't. Why won't this guy do anything? He can feel his body begin to shake in terror and he wants to cry for Liam or for Zayh because Zayn knows what to do and how to make it better. He never has to deal with attacked on his own (other than one mild one a few days back), he feels like he's choking, as if he's drowning and it's only when he makes those sounds is when Robin looks up in panic and curiosity.

"Are you okay?!" He sets the magazine down onto the coffee table and stands up in a quick Action that makes Louis' head spin.

Does it fucking Look like I'm okay?!

Louis doesn't know how he got himself onto the ground, hugging his knees tight. He's trying to think positive; 'No one has every died from an anxiety attack, remember?' Is what Zayn use to say. He isn't even sure when he has regained his breathing and form of words and is shouting his safe word for all to hear, loud enough for Liam to hear and to run out of the meeting without a word.

It's only when he feels familiar hands on him that he starts to calm down, fathered up and rushed into a bathroom for private manners. Anxiety attack or not, Liam isn't going to stop play in a public space if it was a red or Louis'. Liam is able to slide the boys skirt and rights down in a quick action, followed by the lace panties. He takes the plug out and throws it into the sink and then off with the cage.

"It's okay, shh baby I'm here."Liam whispers, holding Louis' face in his larger hands that seem to swallow the boys whole face. Louis lets out a choked sound mixed in with a hiccup. "I'm here, you're not alone, I'm a familiar face."Louis locks his panicked orbs with Liams calm brown ones, feeling a sense of safety run through his body.

'No one has died of an anxiety attack, remember?'

'I could be the first,'




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