This chapter totally didn't go where I wanted it to go, I'm sorry it's so shît
Get me to 900 comments, maybe? Please?
"Daddy, I'm bored."Louis has been pouting for the last 15 minutes, and by the look on Liams face, that every dominate and Submissive have noticed, he's 5 more minutes from popping a vein. It was supposed to be an evening of gentleness, of everyone meeting Louis and Liam being the proud and maybe overly cocky dominate that he was when it came to being a gang leader.
Liam wanted to show Louis off, the dress was one way of putting that across as well as the Boyd language that has been used Between the pair. How when Liam was talking he always made sure his hand was on Louis' bum through the dress, or how he would have someone removed from the bundling if he saw someone even glance at the marvellous creation that was Louis William Tomlinsons ass.
"Daddy, I want To go home."Louis continues his charade of boredom and attention seeking, pulling at that sleeve of Liams highly expensive and overly priced suit. A sober Louis would shy away from the touch of the expensive fabric, afraid to even breathe around it incase by breath alone it was going to reduce the price of the suit. A drunk Louis didn't really give a flying fuck in all honesty.
It was a reason why Drunk Louis was a favourite of many
Drunk Louis was so Carefree and Stress free
He wasn't exactly drunk, like one glass of champaign but whatever
"Louis, stop this right now. You are the main event and right now you're being beyond disrespectful."Liam growls in the younger boys ear, sending shivers up and down his spine in arousal. Louis whimpers whenever Liams hand tightens around his hand, guiding him through a mess of people that has clustered around a couple in the middle of telling some story about a trip away.
Everything around Louis bored him, he was a genius in need for entertainment which was why being in a surrounding like this was boring. He was getting sick of being introduced to people that he didn't know and really didn't care for, he was getting tired of being shown off like some sort item.
Louis pulls a face of disapproval of how he was being manhandled, being forced down into one of the chairs at a table. He crosses his arms over his chest as he watches Liam kiss him on the head, pat his knee and then leave to go and talk to a member that wanted to discuss something in private.
"Oh look at sour face,"Zayn chuckles and is plopping down in the seat beside Louis, an arm draping over Louis' shoulder and giving him a squeeze."What's got you all moody?"Zayn asks, the obvious linger of alcohol in his system whenever he speaks. Zayn has been here for an hour longer than Louis, mingling as he hangs off Harrys arm, not refusing a drink whenever one is given to him by Harry.
He had wondered off whenever Harry got into a deep conversation with Calum who was all bandaged up from the shooting incident. He had found Niall, Michael and Robin clustered together in one corner of the room, greeting the, as he continued to find Louis.
"Liam won't pay me any attention."The Twink huffs out in annoyance, cheeks puffed out into a pout as he glares into open space."Can you believe that? All I want in attention, and instead I get ignored or scowled at."He blows a strand of hair out of his eyes.
"Louis, do you understand how much of a spoilt little brat you sound like right now?"Zayn sighs, thanking Harry for the drinks that have been set down on the table. Harry presses a sweet kiss do Zayns lips, murmuring for him to behave before he's disappearing again, leaving a trace of expensive cologne to linger.
"Why are you being such an asshole? I confine in you with my problems and you turn around and call me a spoilt fucking brat!"Louis snaps, instantly regretting how loud he raises his voice whenever dominates and submissives are whipping their heads around to stare at Louis. Louis shrinks in his seat at the disapproving and judging stares, practically hearing all Dominates voices in their heads.
Whimpering, Louis can feel the rush of adrenaline that has built over the night slowly wash away from his system. He can feel his confidence slowly draining and he can't help but cower away from the eyes of Dominates glaring at him and tutting at his disrespectful Language.
"Z-Zaynie, make them stop looking at me."Louis breathes deeply, rapidly looking over His best friend who instead of going to comfort him like he always does, rolls his eyes and stands up from his chair.
"Why should I? Considering I'm such an asshole."Zayn quotes in annoyance, setting his glass back down onto the table and leaving Louis with the struggle of watching eyes peering at him as he struggles of breathe. Zayn disappears out of his sight, lost in the sea of gang members and their loved ones as Louis sits at the table alone.
Louis curses himself for being so loud and snapping at Zayn, the other submissive now pissed off and not realising what type of state he has left Louis in. Taking in a breath that shudders, Louis rests his head in his arms on the table that he sits at, closing his tired eyes and trying to calm his breathing.
He didn't want to come here in the first place, and when He arrived yeah, he felt flattered and overwhelmed, Happy that Liam brought him here, but after awhile he got bored and now he wanted to go home all over again. He would rather be lying in bed with Liam, watching a movie, Maybe, and cuddling, Maybe.
"Baby boy,"Liam softly whispers into the subs ear, a hand on his lower back. He leans over the chair to whisper into the boys ear, his breath tickling Louis' ear and making him squirm."Are you okay, Love?"
Louis shakes his head, shivering at the feeling of large hands rubbing up his spine through the white dress that he has on."What's wrong baby? C'mon, talk it out."Liam goes to sit in the chair next to Louis', scooting the chair closer to Louis'. Liam runs his hand through Louis' hair, the boy whining how His Daddy was messing up his hair.
"E-everybody is l-looking at me."He mutters quickly, Liam catching every word whenever he strains his ears and asks for him to repeat his words once again. Liam sighs because he heard Louis' shouts and swears over the noise of others speaking and light music playing, ans whenever he noticed that everyone was staring Liam was quick to sending guards around to tell everyone to avert their eyes.
"They aren't, don't be ridiculous."Liam shakes his head,"C'mon, look up baby."He coaxes and soon Louis is looking and around, noticing that no one is looking at him anymore. He locks his blue eyes with Liams, a small smile on his lips."There it is, a beautiful smile on my beautiful boy."He laughs, leaning in and pressing his lips to Louis' pretty pink ones.
The kiss is chaste and sweet and while breaking away, Liam rubs his nose against Louis' small button one which makes the submissive giggle and blush."I apologise for snapping at you earlier, and also for leaving you alone while I went to talk to...someone."Liam hesitates with a weary smile that Louis doesn't notice.
"I'm sorry for being so whiny, and demanding and acting like a spoilt brat."Louis recites the words that Zayn used to describe him.
"No baby, You're bored, that's understandable, these things are boring enough that I myself even get bored."The older male chuckles, larger hands holding onto Louis' more feminine ones. Liam rubs his thumb over Louis' knuckles softly as they talk, forgetting their surroundings for a little while."Why do you say that? Who fed you those words?"
"No one, I-I just think That I am at times."Louis lies through the skin of his teeth.Liam gives him Skeptical glance before he hums, shaking his head a little as he disagrees with what Louis is saying.
"The way That I treat you is my business, every Dominate treats their submissive in a different manner."Liam leans in once again, pressing a quick peck to Louis' lips who're he mumbles against his lips."I give you permission to swear off the next person that tells you different, got it?"
Louis is nodding his head obediently, smiling in mischief as Liam praises him, already dragging the calmed downed Twink to his feet so that he can walk around with him for awhile. They are back to square one again, stopping at every other couple or member of Liams gang, Louis having to smile and nod whenever he's spoken to or about.
This time, Liam is making sure to have his arm around the boys waist, pressing kisses to his head every once In awhile, asking guards to fetch his Boy a snack and a drink of his choice. Louis nibbles and sips his way through the rest of the event, even when Liam has to give this speech about how much this event means to his family and also those that have died families.
It was emotional, and not to Louis' surprise that Liam had that same poker face on while he talked to the crowd.
"How about, You and I go for a little drive? The night is still young,"Liam suggests, fingers intertwined with Louis' as they walk around the building that they were currently in. Everyone was slowly leaving but there was still a large number still inside, and by the looks of it they didn't look like they were leaving any time soon. Liam could see how fidgety Louis was getting so with the first opportunity that he saw to get out of there, he grabbed it.
"To where?"The smaller quires, feet getting sore and shoulders chilly from the February weather. It was late, but not too late as Liam has already declared and both were extreme night owls at times even if Louis on the odd occasion crashed into sleep a lot.
"Just a little drive about, I know a couple of places that open late, does amazing freshly cooked food. You'll love it, gives off this homely, family vibe."Buttering up the definition and description of the food joint, Louis was hooked and desperate to try to food that sounded so delicious that it made the younger hungry all over again.
"Just us two?"Louis asks just to make sure, just as Liam is shrugging off his blazer and draping it over Louis' shoulders. The blazer is still warm for Liams own body heat and smells amazing that it has Louis closing his eyes and a ear to ear grin to appear on his face.
"Just us two,"The elder echoes with a loving smile as he lets Louis take his arm and they walk back towards the car.
Liam drives with Louis in the passenger seat with his shoes flung into the back seats of the car and the heating up full blast as they drive. The younger still has Liams blazer over his shoulders as the two talk during their little drive, Talking about little small things that really mean nothing but at the same time mean the whole world.
"Won't everyone be mad that you left? This is important to you and your family, Daddy."Louis whispers, catching his breath after just singing the whole song of Bohemian Rhapsody in one go without missing a beat. The country roads that the two are driving down are quiet and car free, it's peaceful and nice just to drive and talk.
"If so, I don't care. I was getting bored, I made my speech, gave my condolences and saw everyone that I wanted to see. Everyone was annoying me, everywhere I went someone wanted to talk to me about something I didn't at all care for."Liam rants, moving his left hand as he talks, his right still on the steering wheel as he drives.
"Sounds clingy and stressful."
"It is, it's hardwork being a gang leader. You Might think that it's all sit back and have other people do your work for you but it's not. I'm no genius like you Louis, working out the stats and how much is owned and who ones it and how long they have to pay for it- It fucks up your head."
Louis frowns, nodding his head as he listens intensely about Liams work. Louis was a good listener and learner while Liam was a very confident talker.
Soon, Liam is parking the highly expensive car in the small car park of a small restaurant building. It's a small, cute building, very homely looking with a little sign with the restaurants name on it along wth what type of food that they serve. There is ivy growing up the sides of the
Building and showing off the years of work.
Inside, Louis and Liam was not the only couple sitting inside. There were two more, and with the atmosphere around them both, it made Louis feel a lot more relaxed than what he originally was at the event. They are seated and given a menu each by the young Italian waiter, a jug of cold water and ice set down on the table along with some Baguette and butter.
"Il cibo qui è delizioso, si sta andando ad amarla."Liam speaks in fluent Italian, surprising the latter at the table who giggles with his head cocked to the side in curiosity."I said, The food here is delicious,you're going to love it."He translates.
"I didn't know you spoke Italian. I guess you learn something new every day."Louis flips through his menu, already having his mind made up on what he was going to order off the menu. He sets it down, picking up his glass to take a sip of water.
"I speak multiple languages,"The man mutters bluntly, eyes rock hard as he reads."It was compulsory for Payne Men to know the additional languages for trading purposes."Liam didn't have a very good relationship with his Father, it was noticeable with the lack of talk about the man, or if he was spoke about Liam spoke so bluntly about him.
There's a silence that follows, dragging out as they take a Sip of their water or eat from bread. Liam is ordering for them both, Louis ducking his head in shyness whenever the waiter is returning to take Their order.
Liam smiles over at the boy, Louis' pairing tattoo noticeable behind the heavy blazer that still hands around his shoulders to keep him warm. It drowns the Doncaster, and that fact just makes Liam feel all warm inside at how small his boy is.
Louis is everything that Liam wanted in a submissive, the quirks were just little extras that Louis came with, and it didn't mean that Liam didn't find any less fondness in him. He Loved how shy he was, and whenever he opened up how outgoing and ambitious that he was. He loved how Louis was a little spitfire and had one of the best personalities that Liam has ever seen. Liam loved Louis' smile, his laugh.
And funny enough, Maybe Liam can even say that he's falling in love with Louis
Può essere
I'm so so so so sorry for this fûcking massive ass delay and it's such a shit all over the place chapter but I kinda have something planned for the next chapter?
This chapter totally didn't go as I planned so don't get your hopes up of anything
I'm so sorry for the delay, again
Please tell me what you thought
Of Zayn and Louis arguing?
Small snippet of Zarry?
Cute little LILO Date?
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