
My next goal is to reach 4K comments by the end of this fic, hoping I can do that because that will be a good milestone for the comments of this fic! So please try and comment as much as you can to make that milestone come true!

I told myself that I'll have this finished in the next week. That was LAST Friday and I have this and a further two chapters to go until I finish this fic, I also have other fics to be updating but I am working on those as well as we speak! As well as that, I'm so tired! How can one be tired doing NOTHING??

Here's some soft fluff

Subspace is always a peculiar position for Louis to be in, he's not so much conscious but he isn't unconscious either. It's as if he's floating somewhere between the two, where his body physically knows of where he is and that he's awake while his kind is somewhere else completely and that he might as well not be awake. It's a weird feeling, a wonderful type of feeling of relaxation and comfort that Louis never seems to want to leave subspace.

It's fuzzy, a type of fuzzy that you're left with after an incredible good buzz on a night out with friends. It lets Louis' mind be free, free of care, free of thought and to just get lost in his own head, his own self wonder. It's like a reset button, for those very few hours where he's too compliant to know where he is, how to do things on his own and he guilty loves the extra attention.

Because that's what he gets, undying amount of attention from the only person that Louis wants it from. It's what he craves, especially when fallen so deep inside of his own self mind where the only thing that's chanted in a murmur is of Liam, of his name, in that buttery voice of his and it's like a itch that Louis can't scratch.

But it's cold, it gets so cold and lonely being lost in your own head for so long, when the heat and flush of sex starts to drain away, the touch of Liam starts to feel like a ghost of finger tips at his skin. It's then that the feeling of enjoyment and relaxation starts to twist into the fear of abandonment when he can no longer feel Liam, can no longer sense him and he fears that he's been left on his own.

Which isn't the case at all. It's just his head, making up fears when Liam is only a few feet away from him.

"Hey, lets get you into a nice warm bath, yeah?"Liam's voice is so soft as he talks to him, fingers running through sweaty hazel hair which Louis seems to melt under. It seems to take so much effort for Louis to nod his head, his head feeling so much unusually heavier."Okay, I'm going to carry you to the bathroom now."

Liam knows from experience of how disorientated that Louis can be when he's so deep into his subspace, so informing him of everything that Liam is about to do seems to reassure them both, for Louis to know what's going on and for Liam to know what he's doing is good enough. Louis' body is a lot heavier now that he's made himself into a deadweight, but Liam manages to carry him bridal style from their shares bedroom into the joining bathroom.

The bath is already filled, Liam haven taken what little time that he knew that Louis wouldn't notice his absence to fill up the bath and organise food to he brought up and left in their bedroom by one of the maids.

"Warm."Louis is letting out a hum of delight as he's lowered into the warm bath, the water lavender scented and muscle relaxing even more so if that's even possible. His eyes are clouded over in that familiar look of subspace and love, pupils dilated as he looks up at Liam with a pouted bottom lip."In."

"I am, love."Liam can't help but it chuckle at the demand, already stripping from what is left of the clothes that he's wearing and dumping them in a heap beside the bathtub before stepping into the warm water. It's at a perfect temperature, with lavender scent oils that are marketed to only relax a Submissives body and not a Dominants.

"I love you,"Louis is humming dreamily, leaning his body heavily against Liam's, head rested on his shoulder and eyelids half way to fluttering close.

"And I love you, Louis."Liam whispers, kissing the back of Louis' hair lovingly in a way that makes the submissive keen at the affection, letting out a content sigh."Now, don't be falling asleep on me yet, we need to get you washed and eat some food."


"I heard you the first time, love."Liam chuckles, picking up Louis' scented shampoo that sits at the side of the tub from the last time that he had a bath and squirting the liquid into his hands."Just relax, but no sleeping, deal?"

"Uh-huh."The submissives head nods heavily, letting out a little moan whenever after his hand has been wetted, he feels Liam start to massage the shampoo into his hair and scalp.

Getting Louis washed is easier said than done, because even if it's a task that Liam has done times and times before, it's always hard to reach every single crook and angle of Louis' deadweight of a body which is no help at all. But he manages, and soon, he's pulling the plug and helping Louis out of the tub with a fluffy towel wrapped around his shoulders.

As gentle and as careful as he is, Liam is dabbing the submissive dry with the soft fluffy towel, being careful of his bruising ass before shuffling him into the bedroom, the sheets haven been changed by the maids and a trey of food and drinks siting on the bedside table on Liam's order.

In the usual routine after a punishment, Liam is carefully massaging the soothing and bruising cream into the sensitive flesh of Louis' ass, knowing that when the submissive finally emerges from his subspace that his bum is going to be incredibly sore. Louis is completely compliant to the attention and affection, humming and moaning, especially when Liam kisses a trail from his ass up his spine and at the dip of his neck lovingly.

"Open up."Liam orders gently, holding a piece of dark chocolate to Louis' kiss bitten pink lips. Obeying the orders, Louis is allowing Liam to feed him small bites of chocolate and cheeses in between sips of icy cold water and sometimes this sugary type of drink that Louis' subspace foggy mind can't identify.

"Your punishments are unfair."Louis mutters some time later after a bountiful of silence from his side of things, Liam haven been muttering words of 'open up' or 'just one more piece' of encourage him to eat more. The worse that Liam wants to happen is for Louis to subdrop or for his blood sugar to drop as he's so deep inside of his head.

"Oh really?"Liam raises his eyebrow at the submissive, even if Louis can't see his expression from his shut eyes. The dominant is nudging another piece of chocolate at his lips, deciding that that's enough.

"Yeah."He mutters should the piece of rich dark chocolate, seeming to fall into the soft pillows that are piled up behind his sleep heavy body. Liam has to bite his lip to stop himself from laughing at the way that Louis just feels to fall into the pillows,"Talking is the only thing I'm good at."

"I don't think that's true, baby."He's shaking his head, taking a drink from the glass of water himself before setting the trey onto the table again as he makes a move to go and grab himself a pair of boxers to throw on.

"It is."Louis is grumbling with a scrunched up face, stretching out his body on the comfortable, soft mattress and fresh clean bedding. It smells like the familiar comforter than the maids use to wash the bed sheets and although it isn't the scent that Louis would like it to have ( preferably, of Liam and his favourite aftershave that he always seems to wear ) it's still a good smell.

"It's not."Liam says firmly, getting onto the bed beside where Louis is sprawled out, thankful for the large bed and the smallness of the submissive. In the moment that Liam seems to lay down on the bed, Louis is throwing his body his direction, leg thrown over the older mans body."You're a beautiful, very intelligent boy and you are good at so many things and you're going to do so much good in the world."

"Really?"Louis seems to whisper so softly, his voice laced with insecurities and unsureness that it makes Liam's heart ache because here lays a man, a man that is so smart, so intelligent and beautiful and he still thinks that he's not good enough for the world.

"Really."Liam confirms, kissing Louis' forehead and letting his lips linger there, arms protectively around his waist and bringing Louis' body in closer."And I'm the most luckiest man in the world to have you, insecurities and all."

By the time that either Louis or Liam is waking up the next day, the morning is well past them both and is now creeping into noon, something that doesn't seem to faze either Liam or Louis of the news. Mostly for the fact that Louis' head is still beyond fuzzy and it's the best nights sleep that Liam has had in awful long time.

Liam is waking up first, the bed feeling incredibly warm with the heat that they both have seemed to radiate off in the night and Louis' body now sprawled out beside him on his back. The light that seems in through the curtains seems to land across Louis' body perfectly, across his beautiful chiselled face, from his jaw to his crafted cheekbones and his nose that's been dusted with freckles from the summer sun.

It's then that the line of beaming light seems to end just at the scar on Louis' shoulder and collarbone. It's still an ugly patch of skin, thick and prominent from one side to the other across a tattoo that's so beautiful and special. It doesn't bother Louis, but it bothers Liam, for the sole fact that he knows he's the blame.

"Stop staring at it."A sleep slurred voice is breaking through Liam's thoughts, making Liam avert his eyes from the scar up to Louis' face where his eyes remain closed but his nose scrunching up in that adorable familiar way it does whenever he's waking up.

"You're awake."

"Barely."Louis is yawning, simultaneously turning from his back onto his side with a grimace of pain, body facing Liam's. In that moment, Louis' eyes are fluttering open, revealing he beauty of his oceanic blue eyes that Liam had fallen in love with."How many times do I have to tell you that it wasn't your fault?"

"Until I start believing it."Liam admits, his hand finding one of Louis' smaller hands and bringing it up to his lips so he can kiss the back of his hand."How are you feeling?"

"Foggy."He admits, shuffling with a wince and grimace of pain that doesn't go unnoticed by Liam."And sore."

"Let me go to the bathroom first and then I'll put more cream on your bum and then how about some lunch?"The dominant is suggesting, already starting to kick what covers are still tangled around his body off of him so he can make an attempt to get out of bed.

"You're going to cook?"Louis immediately perks up because Liam's cooking is incredible and ever since he found out that his Dom can cook, Louis has been looking forward to the blessing ever since.

"For you, of course."Pecking pretty pink lips with a sweet good morning kiss, Liam is getting out of bed and letting Louis lavish in the bed for a couple of minutes more, stretching out onto the warmth of Liam's side of the bed. He's just about to get comfortable to go back to sleep when he hears Liam's voice.

"And the rest of your punishment has started now."

"The rest of my-?"Louis is sitting up in confusion, blue eyes wide and head tilted to the side. The sight is adorable, Louis' skin still flushed with sleep and from last night arousal, the hint of subspace still evident in some of his sluggish movements.

"Ah, ah, ah if I were you I'd be careful of your choice of words. 100 words a day, remember."And Liam smirks, that type of smirk that's so devious and so Liam that it makes Louis' stomach flutter at the nerves of having to keep track of his own words and being punished if you goes over them.

This is going to be torture.

It's a bit shorter but it's a chapter and that's all that matters, yeah?

Please tell me your opinions on the chapter?

On Liam taking care of Louis?

How cute is louis in subspace?

Would YOU be able to handle the punishment that Louis has been handed?



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