And so here we are, after 2 long years of writing this fantastic fanfiction, it's time to draw it to a close. I've watched my own writing progress throughout this book, from how I lay things out, my spelling, punctuation and my story arc and I couldn't be prouder with the amount of attention that this was able to draw in.
So I thank you all for reading this, voting, commenting and sharing this with your own followers or friends. It's been great writing this fic and it's been great that a lot of people that are now reading this, hadn't thought of reading Lilo until this book, which is always great to see.
And don't worry, I have more Lilo books planned for the future, so keep this in your library and follow me so you'll be updated!
But for now, enjoy!
The man in question is only grunting in reply, fingers dancing across the keyboard of his treasured laptop that glanced on a pillow that's on his crossed legs. The bedroom is a mess, clothes sprawled out on the floor as well as various items that's been pulled from drawers or wrappers from Louis' earlier lunch of carbs and sugar that he knows that Liam is going to scowled him for.
Shuffling self-consciously on the spot, Louis is wincing at the pain that pulses in his bum, as well as the discomfort of the glass buttplug that Liam had nestled between his cheeks that morning before the Dominant left for a very important meeting. Deep down, Louis knows that he deserved the punishment because after all he had been pleasuring himself without Liam's consent and hoping without his knowledge, but the stubborn part of Louis refuses to admit he deserved the punishment.
"Louis, what did I say about cleaning up this-"Liam is pushing open the bedroom door, his tie hanging half way down his chest as he starts to unbutton his shirt. Stopping in mid tracks, Liam has to surprise the heavy sigh, closing his eyes for a handful of seconds before opening then again."How the fuck do you make so much mess?"
"I couldn't find what I was looking for."Louis shrugs his shoulders, his fingers heavy on the thin keyboard as he types at a fast speed. He's nearly done, or well, he was finished nearly 500 words ago but he's still continuing anyway.
"Which was?"
"This hoodie."He plucks it with his finger and thumb as if in obvious statement. It's stretched out large in shape and deep red in colour, obviously Liam's by the way that it hangs off Louis' slim shoulder."But I found it, crisis sorted."
"Oh good."Liam says dryly, looking at the mess of clothes and food wrappers that have been left on the floor but not having enough energy to punish Louis three times in one day, no matter if his submissive has a bratty mouth."Put down your laptop and tidy up your mess."
"Or what? There's no negotiations."Liam is skilfully plying the laptop out from Louis' very determined hands, making the submissive on the bed whine and make sort of grabby hands at the piece of technology. It's something that Liam finds himself doing a lot these days."Get up, tidy your mess and get in the shower."
"I already showered today!"And even at that, Louis isn't sure if he's lying to Liam or to himself because he honestly cannot remember if he did or did not shower that morning.
"Doesn't smell like you did."Liam is pressing a kiss to the underside of Louis' jaw before recoiling back with a dramatically scrunched up nose. Seeing for himself, Louis lifts up his arm pit and tries to hold back a grimace at his stench.
"I smell fine."He croaks, unsuccessfully masking his grimace.
"C'mon, up."Liam orders, wrapping Louis from the arms and yanking him up onto his feet, making the younger male squeak at the unexpected strength because goddamnit, Liam shouldn't have that type of strength. It's so unfair.
"Only if I can remove this butt plug."
"I don't know, can you?"Liam is raising his eyebrow at the submissive who purposely bends down directly in front of Liam to pick up a pair of jeans he had left on the floor, underwear tight fitting around his ass in a perfect way.
"May I remove the butt plug, Daddy?"Louis decides to play this overly sweetly, with the coy smile and batting of thick dark eyelashes. Months ago, Liam would've fallen under such an act that Louis would pull, of the innocence and vulnerability that Louis had once been able to pull over his eyes, but now he knows his Louis far too well.
"Yes,"Immediately looking away from the submissive, Liam moves to head for the open door of their shared walk in wardrobe, unbuttoning his shirt buttons as he does so, leaving Louis pouting in the bedroom because what the shit? An act like that usually leads to a lot of fun sexy time.
"Daddy,"Louis whines, lifting his arms and dropping them again as if that signalises what he wants. When Liam makes no return to come back, Louis pouts."Don't you want to play with me?"
"No."Comes the blunt reply and moments later, Liam's head is peeking around the corner of the door frame."Take that pout off your face and do was I told you."
"But why?"Because it's late and Louis can't be bothered to clean up and get a shower when being played about by Liam sounds really inviting because it means he doesn't have to do anything but lay there and follow his orders. And then after, Liam is always so soft and looks after him and kisses him softly as they watch a film.
That sounds way better.
"Don't you want to go on our date?"
"You're talking me on a date?"Louis' entire body immediately changes positive, straightening up his shoulders and letting out a delighted sort of squeal whenever Liam nods, a soft of defeat type of look washed over his face because he had really been hoping to keep it a secret."Why didn't you just say!"
"I wanted it to be a surprise."Liam sort of frowns, now shirtless and standing in his unbuttoned trousers, showing the boxers he has underneath them. Maybe he could use a shower as well, he alway feels so good about himself after a shower.
"Now, you and I both know how much I hate surprises."Louis is dumping the last of the wrappers into the wastepaper pin in the corner of their room. As slowly and as teasingly as possible, Louis is stripping himself from his hoodie and tight fitting boxers, all under the darken eyes of Liam until he's naked."Now, I'm going for a shower."
He makes sure that every step that he takes towards the ensuite bathroom is accompanied by a sway of his hips, the glass butt plug still nestled between his sweet cheeks and slightly visible with his slight waddle. Liam gulps, restraining himself until the moment that Louis disappears through the bathroom door, head returning a second later and his voice smooth like butter.
"And you're welcomed to join me."
That's all the invitation that Liam seems to need
Dressing up isn't exactly Louis' thing, Liam had come to terms with that shortly after living together that Louis was not one to dress up in designer clothing or wear jewellery that should be dragging him down with every step that he takes. No, as much as Louis is feminine, it's only to a certain extent and high heels are not his thing ( unless in boot form because it makes him feel tall ) and tailored suits are out the question.
But he sure does know how to look good, no matter what it is that he ends up wearing. Louis has his wardrobe filled from all sorts of clothing and Liam has seen him dressed up in fashionable shirts and dress trousers to yoga pants and large hoodies and there's no doubt that he looks good in whatever it is that he wears.
Tonight, Louis has opted for a silk dark red shirt that almost glistens in the light that shines in from the street lamp through the car window, snug fitting black dress trousers and a pair of comfortable dress shoes. It's simple, it's elegant and Louis wears it perfectly with his air dried hazel hair and clean shaven.
"Where is it that we're going?"Louis asks, his elbow leaning out the window, enjoying the late winter coolness in the air as they drive. They've been driving in comfortable silence for a little over an hour now and sometimes, comfortable silence is all that you need on a late night drive but Louis' curiosity and anxiety gets the best of him this late at night.
"It wouldn't be so much of a surprise if I told you, would it?"
"And I think we've been over the fact that I don't like surprises."Louis rolls his eyes at the fact he has had to repeat himself for a further third time, a little agitated at the fact. A year together has shown Louis just how much that you can get to know someone in a time period, it's as shocking as it is intriguing, especially thinking of how reluctant he had been in the first place.
To Louis, it doesn't feel anywhere remotely close to only a year. They've both been through too much in only a year for it all to have happened, but it has, and in a way, getting over those ramps and barricades in the first year has been a stepping stone towards them being as close as they already are. So in a way, he's glad.
"Well you're just going to have to get over it for the sake of tonight."
"And if I don't?"
"You can hitchhike back home."
"As if you'd allow me to hitchhike. You don't even allow me to uber!"
"You don't know why those men are! They could've kidnapped me!"
"You're so melodramatic, sheesh."Louis huffs, running a hand through his hazel hair as he gives Liam a sort of side eyed glance."And anyway, you and I both know how mouthy I get during kidnappings. If they don't gag me, they'll hand me back in no time."
"Lets not talk about this."Liam's mood suddenly darkens but Louis knows that it isn't directed at him. Liam might have a lot of pent-up anger and possessiveness about that long long week ( and the other small, more minor kidnappings that happened after that which Louis is slowly coming to terms with ) but it's never at Louis, even if the submissive is beyond mouthy about it.
"We never talk about this."Louis is equally as cold, turning his head to look at Liam as the Dominant continues to drive down the country lanes."And I think it should be open to discussion seeing as it is a regular occurrence of my life."
"And I wish that it wasn't."Liam's voice teeters on the verge of harsh anger but Louis is resting his hand over Liam's much larger one over the gearstick, making the dominant flash his eyes over to Louis who is giving him those soft, teasing type of eyes."I know, I know. It's a touchy subject for me."
"What, and it isn't for me?"Louis doesn't remove his hand but he does raise his eyebrow dangerously at his lover."Need I remind you, you do the rescuing, I act like the damsel I'm destress. It's a good gig that we have playing up."
"Kidding, kidding."Louis flaps his free hand and then moving to fix the glasses on his nose that are slowly falling off the bridge of his nose."It's serious matter, I get that, but they're getting more and more predicable and you're getting more and more paranoid which needs to stop. I love you, you know I love you, but sometimes you need to chill."
"Oh yes, tell me to chill. Thanks Louis, now my paranoia is gone."
"Yeah, that was stupid of me."Louis mutters with tinted pink cheeks because he knows how much he hates it whenever someone tries to tells him to chill or to stop being anxious whenever he's teetering too close to an anxiety attack. It's annoying, it's stupid and it does fuck all to calm his nerves."Maybe bringing this up was a bad idea, it's supposed to be date night. At 1am."
"They open late."
"I suspect so."Louis hums in fondness, eyes flickering up whenever Liam is pulling into an opening on the right and Louis is suddenly getting a strong feeling of familiarity as he bites back a smirk."Just lucky that we're both night owls, isn't it?"
"You knew exactly where we were going, didn't you?"
"Since the moment you turned left from the drive way."Louis is looking at Liam with these bright oceanic blue eyes, a small smile twitching at the corner of his lips as the submissive leaves across the console until their lips are meeting in a soft and delicate kiss. Their lips fit perfectly, soft as butter.
With a hand held out, Liam is helping Louis out of the car and closing the door, it locking automatically. The weather is crisp and cold but not enough for it to cause them any discomfort but Liam is still offering up his jacket which he gently drapes over Louis' slimmer shoulders. Their shoes crunch under the pebbly footpath from the small car park to the entrance and Louis is hit with a large sense of déjà vu.
It's the restaurant that they had both escaped to after the annual ball, where they had driven down the country roads blasting Queen at the top of the volume and ate pasta until the early hours of the morning because they were paying customers and tipped well. It had been romantic, sweet and so simple that they came back almost as many times as they could. They're regulars now and really, Louis likes the sound of that.
With no surprise whatsoever, the Italian restaurant is empty, chairs neatly tucked away in indication that the place is on the verge of closing for the night, the only evidence that it's still open is the sign in the front window. Their table - because shamelessly, they have their own table which Louis loves - is set out, corner picked and lit with candles and authentic table cloths.
"You're not going to show off and speak Italian again, are you?"Louis looks over at Liam from across the table, peering over his menu. They get the same thing every time but still they take a menu as if they will change their option.
"I thought you found Italian a sexy language?"
"Oh, it's beautiful, but half the time you end up getting all jumbled up and make a full of yourself."
"I do not!"
"You do, Daddy."Louis giggles, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he sets down his menu neatly on the table. He looks beautiful, elegant and graceful and Liam can't help but left his annoyed frown change into that well common smile that he gains whenever he's around his Louis. So small, so subtle but it's there.
A bottle of house wine is being set on their table somewhere between their orders being given and their food being set down, Louis has no problem with letting himself work his way through the bottle as Liam nurses a respectable glass himself. They talk in quiet chatter about their day, about their week and the following week to come.
Their meal is perfect, just like always and Louis is having to push the plate away as he dramatically exclaims of how full that he is. Liam watches him, how Louis stretches out his arms in the air in a stretch, how soft and tired and full that he looks from across the table. He looks beautiful in the dim candle lights and Liam's heart is beating a mile a minute in his chest as he looks at the beautiful man in front of him.
"Louis,"He starts, trying to gain Louis' attention and quickly gets it. Half lidded oceanic blue eyes are set on him, followed by an encouraging looking smile that doesn't settle Liam's own nerves."I don't know where to start actually, but I guess I'll start from here. The minute I met you, I knew that I loved you, it was destined of course, in our tattoos, our biology but deep down I knew just how much of that was real."
"And I love you too, Liam."
"Yeah?"Liam's smile is suddenly a little bit more happier, as of hearing those words has some sort of power to keep him going."I know you do, I see that from how you kiss me every morning or keep my side of the bed warm until I come crawling into bed every night to you. It's moments where you're so open, so full of trust and compassion during our intimate moments that I know just how much you love me. It's the simple things that show me that."
"And I want to show you that too, just how much that I love you."Liam fumbles with something from the pocket of his trousers, pulling out a silver band. It's not so much an engagement ring but it's still beautiful with the way it's designed."This isn't a wedding proposal because we are so far away from that stage of our life, but it's a promise proposal, which I guess is second best."
Liam's breath is shaky because he's been building up to his moment all week, all month as to he it would play off in his head, how it would happen, how it would end. He's never been this nervous before in his life and this isn't even the most important proposal.
"I want to give you this, give you this ring, as a promise that you can trust me with any small matter that's happening in your life. To show you that you can come to me when you're sick, when you're sad, when you're angry at the world. To show you that I'll listen to you when you're kicking up a fuss or shouting at the television. To show you that I love you, that I love you from the soft, precious moments when you wake up in the morning and the way you fall asleep at night."
"What are you, twelve?"Louis' eyes have watered up, body trembling as he dares to look at the slim silver band that's being held in Liam's fingers and then to the man across the table from him. This incredibly, stupid, strong, handsome man that looks so shaken up and fearful of the next bountiful of words that come out of Louis' mouth."You're making me cry."
"Is that a good thing?"
"Yes."Louis nods, pushing out his seat and falling into Liam's lap, arms circling his lovers neck and pressing his lips against Liam's in a heated kiss, full of hungry lips, teeth and tongue that leaves their lips a bruising swollen red. The kiss holds so much, so much love and so much lust and so much passion that their lips are meeting again, and again, and again.
"I want you to show me just how much you love me, Daddy."Louis' voice is hoarse with arousal as he plants a kiss after kiss against Liam's swollen red lips, his breath coming in desperate little pants and thick eyelashes fanning over high cheekbones.
"It'd be my pleasure, princess."
And Liam does, as gentle, as soft, as sweet as he can.
Just like a Gentleman.
The end
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For one last time, thank you everyone who read and I hope that I'll see you all in my other fics!!
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