

150 votes?

"Louis, wake up baby."Liam is shaking the sleeping boys shoulder softly, noting down how Louis has his hand fisting the white sheets of the bed as he sleeps with the duvet up to his chin, curled into a ball. It was 8am, and yes it was early for some people but Liam has been awake since 6:30 doing work on his laptop while watching the Twink sleep beside him. The little puffs of air that Louis exhaled while he slept, found relaxing and how he stopped himself from his work just to watch him sleep, now his thick eyelashes fanned over well crafted cheekbones.

The boy stirs in his sleep, mumbling a nearly inaudible '5 more minutes' before he goes to turn onto her other side. Liam can't help but chuckle at the boy a little and rub a large hand up and down the side of his body soothingly, bring it up to get his fingers tangled into Louis' messy bed hair. He scratches at the boys scald which makes him whine at the comfort, moving his head back whenever Liam takes his hand away.

"Your 5 minutes is up."

"That was not five minutes, that was 1 minute and 20 seconds."Louis replies rather snarky, huffing out whenever he feels a hard spank land on his bottom through the bedding sheets. "Owie."He pouts and rubs at his bum before he turns around so that he's looking at Liam again from his lying down position.

"That's for being a smart ass,"Liam grumbles and rubs at his eye with a hand in frustration before he types again, eyebrows threaded as he types.

"Well I am smart, and I do have a very nice arse."Louis snorts and grins innocently whenever he makes out that Liam has turned his attention onto him and there's a glare shown in his brown eyes. Louis can barely make out Liams face, it's just all blurry shapes and he has to squint his eyes just to make sure that Liam is actually looking at him.

Liam notices his Louis has his eyes squinted, moving the laptop so he can reach over to the bedside table on Louis' side for the black rimmed glasses. He unfolds them and helps them onto Louis' face, making sure the legs of the glasses are behind Louis' ears and that they sit on his button nose perfectly. "Thank you,"Louis whispers and Liam smiles before he goes back to his typing.

Louis sits up on the king sized bed, rubbing is eyes with fists from behind his glasses, a squeaky yawn escaping pretty pink lips. He wears a pink tank top along with pyjama bottoms with these cute little ducks on them that made Liam coo the night before whenever he came out from the bathroom to see what Louis was wearing. You can see Louis' tattoo due to the no sleeves OF his tank top. His Hazel hair is a messy from his tossing and turning all night since he couldn't sleep and he didn't want to get up and walk around a house that wasn't his own.

Well it was his own now

It just didn't feel like his home

"It's 8 o'clock!Why am I up at 8 in the morning?"Louis whines out and is ready to slide back down under the covers that is until Liam is making him stay up with an arm wrapped around him. Louis, still in his daze of lack of sleep rests his head on the mans naked shoulder.

"Getting you back into the routine of waking up at this time for when College starts back up."He rubs his hand up and down Louis' forearm, kissing his temple softly. There's one thing that Louis can say about Liams house, it sure is nice and toasty. Back in his apartment with Zayn it was always so cold since nether of them payed the heating bill on time, meaning they had to layer up on clothing at times.

"But that's not happening for like a week, Daddy."He complains and rubs at his eyes once more, another yawn escaping his lips.

"Looks like someone didn't sleep well last night,"Liam concludes and closes the laptop lid,setting the laptop onto the bedside table and stretching out his arms in front of him. Louis nods his head sleepily."Hope that doesn't effect your mood."He ruffles Louis' head and throws the covers off of his body, getting out of the bed and stretching his muscles.

Louis' mouth waters at the sight of Liams back muscles stretching, it was honestly a very attractive sight. Liam is a well built Dom, with the biceps and the shoulder and back muscles along with the toned chest and torso. He watches with wide eyes as Liam stretches whenever he walks, spotting his own birdcage and scatter of birds tattoo on the back of both of his calves.

Louis is up and ready in clothes that Liam has set out for him in the 10 minutes it takes for Liam to get a shower and out. There wasn't really much of a selection to start off which since he barely had any clothes (although it was going to change soon as Liam was taking him out shopping) so he really couldn't complain or ask for something different when he pulled on the White skinny jeans and red and White winter sweater.

He has no choice but to wear his black Pumas which makes him cringe at how bad the colours that he is wearing don't really match all that well.

Louis grumbles his way through his breakfast, half heartedly eating the cereal that he requests and taking sips of his Apple juice all while Liam is getting changed. He tries to make conversation with the chef that served him the cereal (even though Louis was capable of doing it himself he wasn't allowed to) although he is snubbed which makes his mood even more sour.

He was trying to be blood friendly and instead Liams chef snubs him for making conversation.

"You ready, babe?"Liam says once he is down the stairs, fixing his white button up shirt he is wearing which is tucked into his black trousers, the same type of dress shoes on his feet and the sleeves rolled up to his mid lower arm. He looks so sophisticated yet they are only going out clothes shopping (or what Louis has been told). His hair is styled flat and there's already stubble starting to show on Liams face.

"I-Uh,"Louis just gives up on trying to form sentences, nodding his head and receiving the kiss to his forehead whenever Liam passes him to grab the Thermal mug that sits on the counter which is filled with coffee.

"Take your meds?"Liam asks in which Louis nods his head and let's himself be guided out of the house, A large hand on the small of his back. Liam takes his hand off of Louis to open the front door, letting Louis go through it first before he joins, the thermal mug still in his hand.

There's a car already sitting and waiting at the bottom of the marble steps, Liams personal driver Declan waiting outside of the car patiently."Going to drive today Declan,"Liam informs in what Louis calls his business voice which was far more deeper and rougher than Liams voice which he uses with him.

"Very well,"Declan nods his head and opens the passenger side door for Louis to step in. Louis looks over at Liam how much motions for him to go through with it, walking down to the bottom step and slowly sliding into the seat. The car door is shut quickly after he slips into the seat, the drivers door opening and Liam sliding into the seat, setting his thermal mug in a cup holder.

"Best behaviour while we're out, got it?"Liam grumbles as he changes gears, Louis nodding timidly while he watches how Liam can drive so swiftly and drink coffee at the same time."Words,Louis."

"Y-yes Daddy, Sorry Daddy."Louis says obediently, swallowing thickly as he looks away from Liam and keeps his gaze out of the car window. The windows are tinted so that Louis can see out of them bit no one can see in, it's the perfect car for any Dom willing to fuck or punish their sub in their car.

"Stand near me at all times, got it?"Liam is already parking the car in an open car spot, taking the last sip of his coffee before he turns his attention to Louis who was in the process of undoing his seat belt.

"Yes Daddy,"Louis nods and watches as Liam takes his hand, press a kiss to the back of his knuckles before he exits his car. Soon enough Liam is opening Louis' care door for him, a hand out to help him out of the low car which Louis takes. The car locks automatically whenever the door closes."S'very empty,"He comments, his Dom humming while they walk.

"Well it is very early in the morning, most people are working mind you as it is a Tuesday."He speaks, his own larger hand swallowing Louis' small, feminine one as they walk.

"Why are you not working?"

"I'm working from home for the first couple of days, to keep an eye on you."Liam chuckles and gives the smaller boys hand a small squeeze."I'm a mob boss, I don't really have to go into office that much, I have people to care for that. And home visits? Well that's only on extreme cases."His voice gets colder as he speaks, his grip on Louis' hand tightening.

"Daddy, you're hurting my hand."He squeaks, making Liam snap out of his thoughts.

"Oh, shit, I'm sorry baby."He coos, letting go of his hand a little."Didn't mean it."They stop out side of a store, pressing a kiss to Louis' hand in apology. Louis just nods with a cute blush on his cheeks and let's himself be dragged into a store, not even having a chance to catch the name of what type of clothes it sells.

The store is packed with all different types of clothings, raging from Tracksuits to dresses, and what Louis can see is that even the Tracksuits aren't just brands like Nike or Addidas, brands that he has never seen or known before. While being pulled along, he catches sight of a price tag of a jumper and almost has a heart attack right on the spot.

They do most of their shopping in that store, as it did have everything. Louis didn't really pay any attention to the price tags after his first view, deciding that it was best just to pick out what he wanted without looking or asking for the price of the item of clothing. He gets a variety of everything, most or all things being either sweaters, or jeans, and then the odd shirts and formal clothing of the sorts that Liam says are for 'whenever I want to show off my boy'.

Along wth the usual clothing, of course you have the odd shirt, or tutu, or dress, or pair of stockings, or leggings, or heels and of course the lace. Louis didn't deny any of them, he would wear them, yeah because sometimes he felt girly and liked to express himself by dressing girly so he was happy that Liam wasn't grossed out whenever Louis asked for him to buy them.

"Oh my lord! It's the new Segway!"Louis gasps and stops abruptly outside the shop window, his face nearly sticking to the glass as he looks at the Segway in amazement. He and Zayn has been watching all of the videos of youtubers with them, wanting one for themselves and now here was Louis' opportunity.

"C'mon Louis, Need to get going."Liam pulls at the smallers hand, watching as workers carry the massive amount of bags in front of them.

"Please can you buy me it?"The sub pouts and points to the Segway in the window, willing it get on his knees and beg for the transportation device."I'll be really, super good!"

"Louis, no."Liam says firmly, getting impatient with how the boy would let the subject go. He himself is bored with shopping, he has got most of what he wants to buy Louis, buying more shoes for the boy than Liam has own in a lifetime. Louis really did like Vans. "We are here for clothes shopping."

"Oh come on! Please daddy?"Louis stresses and tries the puppy dog pout an'all.

"See if I have to tell you no, one more time Louis, I will take every piece of clothing back the store and you'll wear nothing out in public."Liam threatens, his voice cold and powerful, his grip tightening on the lads hand once again. Louis chooses not to listen, Liam will buy him everything else in the store but won't buy him a Segway? What was the deal with that?

"For fuck sake, you buy me everything else!"Okay and now Louis is sounding like a spoilt brat to his own ears. "Don't be so fûcking stingy!" Louis whimpers whenever he is tugged off of his feet and is being thrown over one of Liams shoulders quiet easily like a rag doll. He knows what's going to happen, he just fûcking prays that Liam takes him back to the car and doesn't do it publicly.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me!"Louis gasps whenever he is pushed into the back seat of the car, Liam climbing in seconds later after dismissing the workers and telling them to come back in 20 minutes. He looks pissed off, any Dom would be after a sub swears at them publicly and then proceeds to act out in public like a spoilt brat.

His face is red in anger and embarrassment, and before Louis knows it he's being pulled over Liams lap. He doesn't know how but Liam has managed to manoeuvre his jeans so that they are at his thighs, giving Liam the access to his white Cotton panties that he is wearing.

"You embarrassed me in public, then proceeded on swearing at me."Liam scowls and Louos can feel himself shrinking into a hole."You're getting 15 with my hand, and I want you to thank me for each hit." Louis is nodding shyly, jumping whenever the first smack lands on his sit spot.

"T-thank you."

"To who?" Another smack is landed to the left cheek.

"T-thank you Daddy." Louis yelps in pain this time, clutching onto the expensive leather. It carries on like this, Louis breaking by the 9th hit and just letting the tears fall freely, hiccuping Thank yous as the hits carry on. He knows that Liam is trying to go easy on him, he can tell but it still hurts like a bitch and makes Louis cry out in the expensive trousers that His daddy is wearing.

"There, all over Princess."Liam coos and rubs soothing circles over the fabric of Louis' panties. He hisses at the pain, but relaxes whenever he feels Liams cold hand (the one he didn't use to punish him) under his cotton panties and cool off his burning hot bum."Did very well for your first punishment,"He praises.

"I'm sorry daddy! I didn't mean it!"Louis continues to cry, being moved to sit up so he was hovering over Liams lap, but not completely sitting down. Liam coos and wipes the tears away with his thumb.

"Hey hey, did so well, and all is forgiven."He presses a kiss to Louis' nose."Now, what are you sorry for?"He wraps both of his arms around Louis' waist as the boy sniffles into his shoulder.

"F-for being a-a brat and Cussing a-and Embarrassing you."

"And will you do it again, princess?" Liams voice raised in question.

"No daddy." Louis shakes his head.

Pfft, yeah right


Guess what is back *drum rolls* THE BROMANCE AWARDS so I mean if you want to nominate Gentleman, feel free *smirking emoji*


so give me your opinions, and promote BC I love prompts as it gives me something to work on


Peace ✌🏼️


[QOTC: What sort of punishments do you want Louis to face?]

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