Round 2 Results and Reviews (Teen Fiction)
The Teen Fiction Genre Judges have completed their reviews in a timely fashion. I believe, that they had a very hard time choosing. So great job all of you!
Below, you will find the books and authors that DID NOT make it to Round 3. The total scores (out of 100) are listed but scoring was based on the following criteria: Cover, Summary and Tags; Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation; Quality of Writing; Plot Development; Character Development; Genre Consistency; Creativity/Originality and Overall Enjoyment. Also, you will find the judges' review present as well.
Before we get into the results, I wanted to share an important thing with you. I was so pleased by the amount of work the judges did because the reviews are very detailed and helpful! All three of them were on time, dedicated and believe in encouraging the authors. NONE of the books scored less than 50! That means, you have a great story and product that requires some refinement and with the judges' reviews you can improve your work, if you so desire.
Now On To The Results!
For those who did not qualify for Round 3, will receive a unique sticker (Fourth Choice on the Teen Fiction Stickers Page), a shout out on your individual page and the judges' review which is included below. Now you are part of the Participatory Group! If you are interested in knowing your individual scores and your full Round 1 review with edits, please PM achudasama1 .
Don't be discouraged or disheartened, continue your writing and practice will make it perfect! This was a competitive contest with the addition of a wild card entry and some amazing books. So you all did well!
Rank 16: On The REBOUND by squishieshnoofus
Reviewed by: Twinning94 (Judge 3)
Chapters Read: First Five Chapters
Total Score: 53/100
On the Rebound is the story of Betts who has been pining after Tyler for years without him noticing.
The cover did nothing to convey the story at all. Also, the synopsis was lacking. It read more like a buzz line rather than giving an adequate description, as to what this story was about. I suggest listing all of your contest wins below the synopsis since that is what your readers see first and decide as to if they should read the story or not. The tags for this story were mainly contest related.
Grammar issues: Some comma misuse, not using hyphens properly (use an em dash instead), capitalization missing and word redundancies that could be fixed. Contractions in dialogue were missing and need to be used since that is how most people speak in RL (Real Life).
A suggestion would be to not start the story off with a dialogue line. It is discouraged because like in real life again, no one likes to be dropped into the middle of a conversation lacking the information needed to participate actively. And that is what every writer's desires is to immerse the readers into the story, not dictate it to them. The first chapter was problematic with the flow and kept me wondering when it was going to jump into the real story. I understand wanting to demonstrate the "contract" that she had made as an example, but it did nothing other than slow the story down from the start.
The quality of writing was good, the biggest issue I had was looking into the mirror to get a description of the protagonist Betts. That is a faux pas in writing and you need to avoid it. Instead insert relevant information here and there. The whole paragraph read as an information dump.
The story became confusing at the fourth chapter mark and until then, had read smoothly. At that point, the plot stalled and the movement was zilch to the story.
The originality of the story was fair, but in contemporary teen fiction it is truly difficult to cultivate anything new.
Overall, I found this story to be a pleasant read. Each character had a distinct voice which carried through the chapters I had read. Good job!
(There are some specific examples and story related concerns that the judge has outlined and I can share that with you privately.)
Rank 15: The Loving by bipolarrose
Reviewed by: Twinning94 (Judge 3)
Chapters Read: First Five Chapters
Total Score: 55/100
The Loving is the story about Olivia, the girl everyone wants or wants to be in a relationship with...
The cover was aesthetically pleasing and the synopsis was adequate as a description. There were appropriate tags, but I'd recommend filling all twenty of those bad boys up with every possible variation for maximum exposure.
Grammar: There were quite a few issues found in regards to the grammar. Missing or misplaced commas in dialogue and in sentences. The lack there of leads to run on sentences that should be avoided.If you have independent clause and no conjunction it is a must. The writer uses far too many exclamation marks. When writing dialogue, you need to listen how others speak. Generally, it is not with the infliction in their voice that would warrant the use of an exclamation point, so please reduce the redundancies of which. Plus also in the publishing world they really are frowned upon.
A big issue also noted was the flipping of verb tenses. Is=present. Was=past. Pick one and stay with it throughout the story. If not it becomes too confusing and can cause a reader to cease to continue.
The story I found, lacked real character development other than what was dictated to me as I read. Except what was told(not shown) I didn't glean any information about any of the characters or their personalities that gave me any insight into what their wants, needs, etc. Therefore it was difficult to form any attachment to any of them, including the protagonist, Olivia. The description of the characters also read as info dumps and should be avoided. Try to infuse that info into the text (ex: I'm 5'1" and she's 5'8"). Comparative observations are fine but to just drop that in the middle of a chapter is not.
The entire story was written in a shallow POV, which can prove troublesome. I suggest getting deeper with the character(s). There is not one instance that sticks out in my mind of where I read an emotional reaction to anything. Too much telling and not enough showing and I suggest to address those issues.
The story is genre consistent and I wouldn't suggest anything other than reading the dialogue out loud to ensure it rings "authentic". Some parts lacked some of the personality/tone that one would expect when listening in on teen conversations.
Originality in the story is lacking as well and if anything, in my opinion based solely on the synopsis is that this story has a lot going on for just one book. I'd recommend limiting the obstacles for the protagonist to one or two, three maybe if you're ambitious enough, but otherwise the plot will get lost and the pacing with struggle to rebound time and again.
Overall, it was a nice read. I could see the parallels like other stories and this writer infused quite a few of those plot lines into this one as well.
(There are some specific examples and story related concerns that the judge has outlined and I can share that with you privately.)
Rank 14: Shattering Me by StorytellerMike
Reviewed by: Twinning94 (Judge 3)
Chapters Read: First Five Chapters
Total Score: 56/100
The story starts off with very good imagery of a boy that is willing to throw everything away, even his own life. The characters presented are interesting and complex in their own right.
The cover is not particularly eye catching and made me more confused as to why it corresponds with the story. The synopsis is nicely done, but could use some more meat to make it pop. The tags are appropriate.
I found quite a few grammar issues that needed to be addressed:
Word redundancies that could be changed,inappropriate or missing comma usage, incorrect dialogue tags, wrong punctuation and capitalization throughout all five chapters. Preposition overuse (sometimes three in a row), try to limit these to make sentences flow seamlessly. Also, avoid using prepositions at the ends of sentences if you are able. Passive voice (ex: was slammed) is discouraged. Always write from the active voice.
The writer used way too much "Telling" vs."Showing" and writing from a weak POV. Avoid telling words (felt, see, heard, knew, looked, etc). I want to know about the moonlight by the glint of its rays, the mirroring light across the water as example. I would suggest using a deeper POV for this story to immerse the reader into the story. If not, far too much distance will form that disconnection between the story and its readers.
The plot for me is slow building, which in the case of teen fiction needs to move faster to pique the interest of the genre base. In my opinion, the characters are not fleshed out enough. Except for them being brooding, it is difficult to catch glimpses of their personality, which is essential for a story such as this. The dialogue came off as forced in spots and I'd suggest reading aloud to find the trouble spots. It didn't ring"authentic" teen to me. There are issues of not being able to distinguish who is speaking within some paragraphs with the dialogue.
Another suggestion would be to move this from the Teen Fiction category and place it in either General Fiction or possible Action? There are not enough aspects to the plot/story that makes it genre consistent.
Being that I only read the first five chapters, I found it difficult to say this story was overly original in any aspect. The story was, in my opinion, too bogged down with the non essentials and could be trimmed for movement. The way of changing scenes by using dashes and a title of sorts within the text can be changed as well to make it a smoother read. Maybe even cutting the chapters at those points since the POV, even third person, became muddled at points.
Overall, I think with a few tweaks that thisstory would be excellent! Keep up the good work. :)
Rank 13: Death by Katie666Lucifer
Reviewed by: MagicPoppy (Judge 2)
Chapters Read: First Three Chapters
Total Score: 69.3/100
The book title, 'Death', is compelling-but not easily identified on the cover itself, and neither is the author's name. Unfortunately, this leads me to the conclusion that the cover doesn't personally catch my attention, as it doesn't represent any aspect of the title or the plot itself. I feel that it should have the elements of the supernatural on it to represent the content of the book, and to give a reader-who just happens to glance at the book-a general idea of what the book is about.
I know that I do sound hypocritical, but since this book balances on the edge of fantasy, it'd be nice to see an element of fantasy or Death on the cover.
The first word-'Death'-of this book's summary already hooked me. It was an excellent way to start that summary by giving us a brief explanation to the immortal Death. I also praise the use of rhetorical questions as they pique interest and keep the reader guessing.
However, I wish that there was a little more information on the protagonist herself, and how/what could happen when she crosses paths with Death.
But, like I've said earlier, it was simple and intriguing with no visible errors, it just needs a tad more information on the book.
This book was one that I found intriguing by the sub-genre it fell under and how the author personified 'Death.' To be honest, I've seen one or two of these books around and haven't really read them, but I think that I should've. The idea is magnificent, and I could see where the author wanted to go with the overall plot. However, there are a few hiccups and bumps here and there that is a quick fix. Other than that, I think it's a compelling idea.
Rank 12: Rogue Royale by theredbelletrist
Reviewed by: 4thpowermama (Judge 1)
Chapters Read: Review and Read First Five Chapters, Scoring based on First Three Chapters
Total Score: 71.2/100
Using a photograph of a couple looking into the distance is a great cover device. However, this particular couple detracts from the teen fiction aspect of the story as the guy looks quite a bit older than a teenager. Romance, Chick-Lit and New Adult would be better suited for this particular photo. The font and overall design is quite nice.
The summary is a great draw! The reader will be already interested and curious to find out more about the two opposites in the story.
Tags are also well chosen for the genre, drawing the readers from multiple searches.
Errors in spelling were unnoticed. Punctuation had just a few missing commas, or misplaced commas but nothing substantial. There were quite a few occurrences of errors with tense and agreement between subject/predicate. This was frequent enough that it did distract the flow of reading. This can be easily rectified with a beta reader to work on agreement of tense, as well as wording of a few awkward sentences.
The overall story, within the first several chapters, does have a good flow, but comprehension is somewhat hindered and additional context clues are needed to understand the main characters emotions and motives fully. There may be a sense of too much mystery for readers unfamiliar with the other two books in the series.
The general idea behind the story is a good one - the main character making a trip to her past and having emotions and unresolved relationships bubble up. Her backstory is complicated and you've made a good attempt to inform readers about that. The insertion of the flashbacks is somewhat awkward, with subtitles introducing and ending each one rather than having them woven into the plot.
The biggest deterrent seems to be that the story does not fit the Teen Fiction Genre. The themes fall in line with Romance, Chick lit and New adult much more clearly. As well, the ages of the protagonist and antagonist are much older than teens, even though the flash backs are as they are teenagers. Generally speaking, teen fiction holds that the main characters are in their teens for the majority of the plot. The flashbacks are presented as such, more dream like and not actually transporting the reader back to that time for most of the story.
I would encourage you to consider a genre change, which in turn may also garner more readers as this story has so much to offer with more adult themes.
(There are some specific examples that the judge has outlined and I can share that with you privately.)
Rank 11: We Lit Up The Night Sky by StorybookHorror
Reviewed by: 4thpowermama (Judge 1)
Chapters Read: Review and Read First Five Chapters, Scoring based on First Three Chapters
Total Score: 77.3/100
Use of a silhouetted couple is a nice compliment to the title, as well as the inclusion of the moon. Although within teen fiction, the use of photography on covers is typically preferred, the choice of graphics is a draw.
The summary is just enough to peak curiosity. Use of a small romantic excerpt is a great way to pull a reader into the story, which this one does well. The additional blurb adds to that feeling.
Tags are well chosen and fit both the genre and story.
A few spelling errors in homophones were noted. Grammar was consistent, tense and usage were well chosen. Missing commas in compound sentences as well as missing apostrophes for possession were frequent.
In the first few chapters, a fractured timeline is used to explain background information. It reads somewhat choppy and creates confusion, jumping to three different parts of the same day. The second and third chapters cover a great deal of time with not many events occurring (a few weeks, many break ups and parties). The events are all described by the main character rather than experienced by the reader.
The attraction between the two characters is well described, strong emotion is used and the reader feels what the main character is feeling. However, the point of view is inconsistent. It seems to be third person, limited to only the main character for the most part, but then we are given another characters inner feelings and thoughts (Matt).
Many aspects of the story fit the genre, with teen angst and worry, unrequited love,promiscuity, best guy friend has a crush on the main character etc... The troubled past of Tanya is hinted at, the reader gets a glimpse here and there,which is a good way to develop that backstory without one big info dump.However, it becomes difficult to invest in the characters who seem somewhat shallow and undeveloped. They seem to focus on drinking on the weekend and hooking up without much else they are interested in. Additionally, it seems unrealistic that one set of parents would purchase alcohol for teens.
(There are some specific examples that the judge has outlined and I can share that with you privately.)
Rank 10: High Tide by Serena_Hawkins
Reviewed by: MagicPoppy (Judge 2)
Chapters Read: First Three Chapters
Total Score: 84.8/100
This book cover immediately caught my attention with the use of geometric shapes, and with the relevance to the title of the book. Personally, I really like the book cover because it is-overall-simple and puts the title into pictures. Both the title and the author are easily identifiable, which just adds to its majestic simplicity. I love the cover!
Beginning with the name of the protagonist and a brief description of her personality was an excellent way to plunge us into just how those characteristics brought her trouble-and of course, brought her story to us. I believe that it gave away just enough information whilst also keeping the reader guessing of how her indecisiveness created a problem in her life that she isn't proud of.
There were no errors picked up, and it was well written. I, however, didn't understand the excerpt under the summary and found it confusing.
Other than that, I really like the summary. It was intriguing!
This book was refreshing. The author took the standard 'boy meets girls, they fall in love, but girl pushes boy away because of insecurities,' and manipulated into something more extraordinary. I love the fact that they gave us a breakdown of-what I would assume is-the love interest and the protagonist herself. There are one or two bumps here and there, but it really is an enjoyable book!
SO THERE YOU HAVE IT! The Participatory Group Authors will receive their sticker in their inbox and their shout outs will be completed within a few days.
I wanted to end this chapter with some encouraging words. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Continue on your wonderful writing journey since you are all so creative and talented!
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