💙💖- Zoo Trip -💖💙
Hi! I miss going to the zoo so. . . Also the zoo is connected to an aquarium. Think I'm bout ready to dive back into the angst soo. . .
Warning: Zoo? Slight ZenistuxNezuko & Slight TanjiroxKanao & Slight AoixInosuke
(Multi-Shipper Doesn't mean these are my only ships with them lol)
Tokito Twins, Nezuko: 18
Tanjiro, Genya, Inosuke, Zenistu, Aoi, Kanao: 21
Enjoy Darlings 🤗
--(Genya POV)--
I sat down, slipping on my Crocs and checking the time on my phone. 2:32 cool, that left me 5 minutes to get to Muichiro's house.
I stepped out the door and took a deep breath of the cool summer air. I headed to my car and got into the driver's seat. I started up the old thing and started my journey to Muichiro's house.
After I picked him up I'd have to go pick up the rest of the squad. I got to his house first, since we lived the closet together.
"Genya! Hi love!" Muichiro said running up his house's pathway and into the passenger seat.
"Well hello beautiful," I said, he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and buckled in setting his bag on the ground near his feat. I sighed,
"Let's pick up the demon last." I said, he chuckled,
"Oh c'mon love Inosuke's not that bad if you ignore the fact that he's a barbarian." Muichiro said, he was fiddling with his hair trying to put it into a high ponytail.
I laughed, but I still didn't need him messing up my car. I continued driving taking a couple of turns before we reached Zenitsu's house.
Zenitsu must have heard us coming because he opened his front door as soon as we arrived in front of his house.
"Wahh I don't wanna go, there will be scary animals. . . ." He pouts,
"You'll be fine, besides you have Nezuko to protect you." Muichiro joked, he rolled his eyes but Zenitsu didn't notice.
"Yeah, my Nezuko. . . ." Zenitsu giggled, than did his dreamy Nezuko-chan voice. I continued driving until we reached Tanjiro's house. We all got out and went inside,
"Aight, we're here!" I yelled entering his home. The rest of the squad were there.
"Oh Aoi! I'm glad your coming, did your baking competition get canceled?" I asked, earlier she said she had this huge bake off she could not miss.
"Yep, one of the judges got sick and their hosting it again next week." She said sighing, I could tell she was really looking forward to it. Inosuke frowned, we had to tell him not to bring his boar mask in case the zoo didn't want him wearing it-
"BAKE FOR ME AND ONLY ME!!! THOSE JUDGES DON'T DESERVE TO TASTE YOUR FOOD!" Inosuke yelled, then started chasing Zenitsu around,
"WHY MEEEE WHY MEEEEEEEE!!!" He wailed. Tanjiro put his face in his palm. Everyone else sighed.
"Ok, I'll take the girls in my car, Genya can you take. . . those two?" Tanjiro says pointing behind me. I sigh,
"Fine, but if the crazy one breaks anything in or just my car in general your paying." I said. Tanjiro nodded slightly, Aoi, Kanao, and Nezuko all got up to go with him. They walked out the door and I assumed they got into the car and started towards the zoo.
"Zenitsu, Inosuke! Were leaving cmon!" I shout through the house, then Zentisu runs past me and out the door. Inosuke following shortly. Oh gosh. . . I follow them out with Muichiro behind me.
Muichiro frowned and sighed.
"Zenitsu you owe me for sitting up front." Muichiro said running around to the back of the car to sit behind me. Inosuke was already behind the passenger seat.
"I'll give you all my money! Just don't make me sit next to himm!" He wailed. Muichiuro just simply smiled.
"5 dollars tomorrow, or I will tell Inosuke the password to your lock." He smiled mischievously. Zenitsu's eyes went wide and he started shrieking, my ears. . . .
We continues driving, we went through a neighborhood and drove on the highway. I got a notification from my phone,
"Muichiro Darling, could you check my phone?" I said, still focusing on the road.
"Uhm. . . Tanjiro said they just got their and he's buying everyone's pass." Muichiro said reading the notification.
"He's too kind, I offered to pay. . . ." I mumbled. Zenitsu was looking out the window and Inosuke was trying to read the notification.
I continued to drive and we aventually got to the zoo parking lot. I parked the car and went to the trunk.
"Inosuke come here I have something for you!" I could hear Muichiro laugh while getting out of the car and Zenitsu got confused. He came over and peaked in the trunk.
"What??" He said curious, until he saw what it was.
"I'm not one of those toddlers who need a harness." He frowned then took of his shirt and grabbed his boar mask.
"If you wear the boar mask you have to wear the harness." I smiled. He hesitated and it looked like he was really considering it. Pfft, it's amazing dumb and gullible he is.
Eventually he let me put the harness on him, it was like one of those kid harnesses for kids who wouldn't stop being crazy.
We walked through the entrance, telling them we were with another group already in there. They must have made a connection with us being with Tanjiro. Some people gave us weird looks, *cough* Inosuke *cough cough*. Inosuke was running around, with Zenitsu being dragged behind him, since he was in charge of the harness.
We got to the other group and Aoi & Nezuko chuckled at the sight and Kanao kept her calm composure.
"Really." Tanjiro said, giving a face of disapproval,
"Where'd he get his mask?? I thought we hid it-" He continued,
"SHHHH- We came to an agreement, mask equals harness. Also I don't know-" I said looking back at the two of them.
"Genyaa! I wanna go see the big murder cats." Muichiro whined, grabbing my hand and trying to pull me away.
"Alright- Alright! Let's sort this out first." I said looking back at Tanjiro, Muichiro frowned.
"Ok- Uh, We'll be in groups! Kanao and I, Inosuke and Aoi, You two, Zenitsu and Nezuko. . . ." He pointed to everyone, but Muichiro had pulled me away from the group and towards the animals section.
"Finally- I like them, their good people. I love you more though." Muichiro said, holding my hand and walking past all the game booths.
"On our way out, wanna play some games?" I asked, scanning the game booths next to us.
"Yes please!" He smiled, and we continued walking, getting to the main part of the zoo. I grabbed a map and opened it,
"Let's take route D, it has most of the wild cats, and the Reptile Rink and Deep Sea Dive." I said reading the names of the exhibits. He nodded and clung onto my arm.
We started our journey through the Zoo. We saw the prairie group that consisted of Elephant's, Giraffe's and Zebra's. We keep walking past some Meerkats, and Exotic birds.
It was so funny, the whole time Muichiro's eyes were just wide as I read the facts.
"TigerTigerTigerTigerTigerTigerTiger!" Muichiro whisper-yelled. I looked forward yep, He excitedly stepped up onto the observation section and peered past the glass.
"GENYYAA!" He whisper-shouted again. I stood next to him peering into the exhibit, nothing? He pointed to a corner right next to us. TIGER! Jeez, it was a big tiger. It was laid out stretched in a little nest.
'"Mama Tiger?" Muichiro was looking into one of the labels.
"Read it to me?" I asked him.
"Meet Kiwi, Kiwi was a first time mother who had lost all of her cubs in a fire. That's why she has a burn on her right ear." He read, his voice dropped while reading about the cubs.
"Poor Kiwi." He crouched down next to the glass, where her back was pressed against the glass. We said our goodbyes to the sleeping Kiwi and continued our way to the next exhibit.
"Oh, Snow Leopards." I said looking at the animal cardboard cutout. Muichiro's head perked up and we entered a room. It was a small room, but enough for I'd say 15 people at a time. There was a glass window and inside was a cozy little play area. Oh my gosh. Baby Snow Leopard!
Muichiro melted, he squealed as well. He pressed his face and hands against the glass and just melted. He leaned back on to me,
"Genya, it's too cute, I'm dead now." He said dramatically flopping into my arms. We heard the door open and didn't think much about it.
"Excuse me Sir! What are you doing to that young lady!!" A woman said. I turned around to shift Muichiro so he could see too. It was an older lady still in her 40s I'd say. She had a short shaggy haircut. It wasn't even below her ears, she had too much jewelry on.
I let Muichiro go and he stood on his feet, looking at the lady in confusion.
"Uh, mam, I'm not doing anything to HIM, HE is my BOYfriend." I said, emphasizing on the fact that he is a male.
"She's a girl! Boys cant grow long hair, it's not physically possible! How dare you try to kidnap her!" She screeched, Muichiro was ignoring her looking through the glass at the baby Snow Leopard. I ignored her. Sometimes on dates people comment about his hair, it's best if we ignore them. That's what he wants.
I turn around and continue looking at the baby Snow Leopard who is rolling around with a yarn ball. I, in all honesty, forgot about the Karen women behind me. Until we turned to leave, brushing past her ever so slightly. I mean, Muichiro was on her side, there was a good shoulder length apart from them.
She fell down and shrieked, she was gonna yell something but she landed on her hand and shrieked again. I- Karen? Muichiro chuckled a little bit, and I had to drag him away. What happened in that room stayed in that room.
We continued our way, we stopped at the cheetah, lynx and mountain lion exhibit, Muichiro squealing and asking if we could get one the whole time.
"Muichiro look, Reptile Rink." I said pointing to a cave entrance. His eyes lit up and we ran over, entering the room.
We entered the cool reptile cave, looking at all the cool snakes a lizards. We even looked at some frogs, I think the geckos we're Mui's favorite.
Connected to the cave theme was a lagoon branch off that led to the aquarium. There was a sign that read, 'Deep Sea Dive'.
"OO! This way Genya!" Muichiro grabbed my arm and dragged me through the fancy coral archway. We were met with aquariums and cute fishy on display. We wandered through the area and even found a cute booth were they sold merch. Muichiro convinced me to buy him a puffer fish plushy.
We continues walking, we found a cool glass tunnel. You know like, when fish could swim above you.
"Genya. . . ." Muichiro pointed above us. Holy- a shark. Oh it was so pretty, I always liked sharks. Always seen as menacing and deadly. I've always wanted to swim with different types of sharks.
"Wow. . . . I can't tell what type it is though. . . ." I could only see it's underbelly. Muichiro clung onto my hand and we continued forward. We probably looped around the whole aquarium.
I loved the sea, so vast and mysterious. Muichiro hated how deep and big it was and hated boats. Still working on that fear, but we came opon an open aquarium.
It was like a touch pool, it was full of rays and coral. There were a bunch of little kids leaning in and trying to pet them, and their fathers held the back of their shirt making sure they didnt face plant into the water.
I miss my dad. . . Not really but,
"Look at the one." Muichiro pointed giggling. He was pointing at one of the tunnels the kids could crawl under to see better. HOLY FUCK-
I sighed, and Muichiro just broke down in laughter. There was a boar mask, that looked stretched out due to it being underwater at our angle. It was pressed against the glass and we could see fog coming out of its nose.
"Inosuke your not a kid! Your hogging up the tunnel!" I yelled, I noticed kids were too scared to crawl in because he was there.
"What- Oh my Gosh Inosuke that's were you went!" Aoi called out from behind us, she was holding two corn dogs.
Inosuke charged out of the tunnel scaring a poor toddler before throwing his mask off and inhaling the corn dogs. Spitting the sticks into the ground.
"Manners!" Aoi yelled at him, she didn't even care about the questioning looks she got from other guests. She grabbed his pants and dragged him out. I looked over at Muichiro who was on the ground wheezing for air.
"I- I can't- *WHEEEZE* I'm laughing too hard-" He began coughing, clutching his stomach. Ah jeez, what chaos just happened.
My phone buzzed and I looked and saw a notification from Tanjiro.
Head of steal: Kanao and I are starting to get bored, we just met up with Zenitsu and Nezuko. Can you guys meet us at the front gate?
GenGen: Yep, just saw Inosuke and Aoi, you may have to tell them to come to the gate. I'll collect Muichiro and we'll start our way over.
"Muichiro time to go home." I say collecting him off of the floor and carrying him bridal style out of the aquarium.
"Buh, buh- gamessss!!" He whines.
"You got the pufferfish remember?" I say, he thinks for a minute before nuzzling into my arms. Eventually I decided it would be easier to carry him piggyback style to the car, so that's what I did.
Everyone else was at the front gate, except for Inosuke and Aoi.
"Hey guys! Inosuke and Aoi already started their way to the cars. . . More like she dragged him there-" He mumbled that last part. Zenitsu and Nezuko were holding hands and started back to the cars. So did Tanjiro and Kanao.
Muichiro I think fell asleep. I didn't mind, and followed the rest of the young couples up to the cars.
We got to the cars and the girls got into Tanjiro's car, while I struggled to put Inosuke and Zenitsu in the back. I had already put Muichiro in the front, and I got into the driver's seat myself.
The car ride home was racing, there was barely any traffic. I took a couple of turns and shortcuts. I dropped of Zenitsu first and then dropped off Inosuke.
Then came time to say goodbye to my Muichiro. He had already woken up but stayed silent as we listened to the radio. I parked the car in front of his house.
He opened his car door and shut it walking over to my side. He opened the door and whispered,
"Love ya! If I don't text you it's because Yuichiro grounded me alright?" He said and kissed my cheek. He closed the car door and walked up to his house and opened the front door.
He was met by a very angry older twin. I laughed, east his brother cares about what he does, even if he's really. . . really overprotective.
I started to drive back to my house, oh what a day. First Inosuke in a harness, a sad tiger backstory, a baby snow leopard, a Karen, geckos, sharks, and a one of a kind wild Inosuke manta ray.
I chuckled to myself as I parked my car and went inside. I took off my crocs and went upstairs, immediately flopping down on my bed. Oh how I missed you. Muichiro's better of course, but it's still nice to sleep.
I seriously need to start taking Muichiro on more dates. . . Without a wild Inosuke manta ray.
Yay- started this before the haircut chapter but then had no ideas. Then got hyper in the middle of the night and finished it. Now it's time to focus on part two of the accident and another angst chapter which I won't give any hints too. My hands hurt-
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